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Call of Duty: World at War

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Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty World at War pc box.jpg
Official Boxart
Release Date: November 11, 2008
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Series: Call of Duty
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360
Genre: First-Person Shooter

Call of Duty: World at War is the sixth main Call of Duty game and the second by Treyarch, starting their Black Ops story arc. Released in 2008, it is the last Call of Duty game set primarily in the Second World War until Call of Duty: WWII nine years later. The game features two campaigns, one in the Pacific theatre and the other in the Soviet Union; a British campaign was also planned, but cut due to lack of time (this also caused the much-hated level "Blowtorch and Corkscrew" to be farmed out to Pi Studios, who were responsible for the multiplayer maps of Wolfenstein).

The following weapons appear in the video game Call of Duty: World at War:


World at War shares many of the weapon/loadout mechanics of Modern Warfare, including the "Create-a-Class" system. Per the WWII setting, the "sniper rifles" and "assault rifles" categories are renamed to "bolt action rifles" and simply "rifles" respectively, the latter category referring to rifles that aren't manually operated. WWII-era attachment options for weapons also are available in this game, with select weapons having a few new options such as extended magazines, flash suppressors, bayonets, and bipods. The "camouflage" customization option from CoD4 is not found in World at War's multiplayer, only referenced as a cut feature in game files. Interestingly, most weapons found in the "Blowtorch and Corkscrew" mission have a wet, rained-on finish, a trait unique to this specific mission.

World at War is the first game to introduce Nazi Zombies (later known simply as Zombies in later games), a horde survival gamemode where players are pit into surviving waves of endless undead. Additional weapons (as well as ammunition for the same weapon) can be purchased off the walls as a white chalk silhouette and a random weapon can be purchased through the "Mystery Box", which contains weapons that are otherwise not available off the walls and it contains a few fictional and unique powerful "wonder weapons". Rather than attachments, players can upgrade their weapons through the "Pack-A-Punch" machine only available in "Der Riese", giving them massive stat buffs as well as special abilities for some weapons. Weapons that are upgraded through Pack-A-Punch will have intricate engravings on the metal, one of the few instances where a "camouflage" of sorts is used in the game (along with the muddied finish, mentioned above).

Melee attacks are performed with knives as opposed to bludgeoning with the current weapon as with CoD4, though using the bayonet attachment for most weapons allows the player to perform quick lunges and stabs. Finding the Bowie Knife in Nazi Zombies allows increased melee damage, this replaces the standard knife entirely.


Colt M1911 Hybrid

A confusing and anachronistic M1911 variant is the sidearm of the US Marines in the game and is given to playable character Pvt. Miller in the missions "Little Resistance" and "Hard Landing". It holds eight rounds when a real M1911 from the period would only hold seven (plus one in the chamber); while standard-size eight-round magazines are available, they were not produced until the 1980s. The ammunition capacity in the game is likely a game balancing decision to make the pistol equal to the other sidearms in the game, which all hold 8 rounds. The M1911 also has a straight mainspring housing and a short trigger, indicating an anachronistic Series 80 frame. As such, the pistol has an A1 slide and trigger, a Series 80 frame and an eight-round magazine from the 1980s - a combination unlikely to be found in the hand of a WWII GI. The M1911 variant is the starting weapon in Nazi Zombies in all maps.

A secret M1911 variant called the "Holy Pistol" can be used in the Nazi Zombies map "Nacht Der Untoten" on the PC, by using the "Give All" PC command. It is a visually-identical M1911 that fires high-explosive grenades, and as such is similar to the upgraded M1911s obtained by putting the standard pistol into the "Pack-a-Punch" machines found in the Zombies maps of later games (although these also had an altered appearance).

Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Blued Colt MK IV Series 80 - .45 ACP
The M1911 in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
After a swamp ambush, Miller reloads his M1911 pistol.
About to release the slide.

Nambu Type 14

The Nambu Type 14 Transition model is the sidearm used by Imperial Japanese forces in the game. It is the very first firearm obtained in the game, given to the player by Sgt. Sullivan at the beginning of the mission "Semper Fi". The pistol also makes an appearance at the end of the mission after Miller is wounded by a Japanese soldier with a katana, regardless of whether or not the player replaced it during the course of the level. Like most sidearms, the weapon is fairly uncommon and the best way to obtain one is by taking it from a wounded enemy who has entered "Last Stand" mode.

Nambu Type 14 - 8x22mm Nambu. Transition model. With a new trigger guard and original slotted cocking knob.
Having just been saved from execution, Sergeant Sullivan congratulates Miller by handing him a notoriously underpowered pistol in the beginning of the game.
Having successfully "torn the place apart," Miller reloads his Nambu.
A Type 14 in multiplayer, idle.
Iron sights.
Releasing the bolt. This is also the initial draw animation for the Nambu in the campaign. It is also incorrect; while the Nambu does lock open when empty, the bolt drops back into battery as soon as the empty magazine is removed.
A non-usable Nambu lies on a table on the "Banzai" multiplayer map (which resembles the bridge from the 1957 movie The Bridge on the River Kwai).

Smith & Wesson Model 27

The most powerful handgun in the game is the Smith & Wesson Model 27 with the front sight and grip of the older Smith & Wesson .357 Registered Magnum, the predecessor of the Model 27. It is only available in multiplayer and can be given by the random weapons box in Nazi Zombies. It should be noted that the Model 27/Registered Magnum never actually saw active service; only US Army General George S. Patton was known to carry a S&W .357 Magnum during WW2. A more realistic choice of service revolver would have been a Smith & Wesson Model 10 or an M1917.

S&W Model 27-2 with 6" barrel - .357 Magnum
The Smith & Wesson Model 27 in first person.
Aiming the revolver at the sky.
Shaking out the contents of the cylinder, without using the ejector rod as one is supposed to.
Loading fresh rounds with a speedloader.

Tokarev TT-33

The Tokarev TT-33 is the sidearm of the Red Army and is given to playable character Pvt. Petrenko in the missions "Their Land, Their Blood", "Ring of Steel", "Eviction" and "Downfall". The weapon is fairly effective in the close quarter fighting of the Soviet campaign but due to a lack of ammunition, its use is limited. NPCs may also be seen using the weapon on rare occasions.

Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version.
Looking at an advertisement of PPSh-41-flavored vodka, TT in hand.
Dmitri aims his Tokerav at a burning Wehrmacht soldier. Presumably, those bottles of PPSh vodka were more popular in being used to set people on fire rather than anything else.
Ejecting a magazine.
About to release the slide.

Walther P38

The Walther P38 is the standard sidearm of German forces in the game. One can be picked up in the mission "Vendetta" and can be used to unlock the achievement/trophy "Gun Slinger". The weapon is also used against the player at the end of the mission "Downfall" as he is attempting to plant the Soviet flag on the roof of the Reichstag. Like the Nambu Type 14, the weapon is fairly uncommon and the best way to obtain is from enemies who have entered "Last Stand" mode.

Walther P38 with WW2 dated black grips - 9x19mm
In the campaign, Dmitri will cock the hammer of a P38 when first acquiring one. This does not happen in multiplayer.
Walther P38 in MP.
Iron sights.
Reloading mid-magazine.
Empty reload.

Submachine Guns

MP 40

The MP 40 is the primary submachine gun used by the Germans and is seen in every mission of the Soviet campaign. The "dual magazines" attachment is available in multiplayer, effectively giving it the MP 40/I Dual Magazine System, though it incorrectly fires both magazines continuously and is treated like an extended magazine. A sound suppressor and "Aperture Sight" can also be added in MP.

In multiplayer, the MP 40 quickly become infamous as one of the strongest weapons in the game, with preferred class set ups adding the dual magazine attachment and pairing it with the Stopping Power or Juggernaut perks, which increase bullet damage and increase player health, respectively. Stopping Power allows the MP 40 to kill in two shots at much longer ranges than other SMGs, while using Juggernaut allowed for players to have a better chance to win close range gunfights as the MP 40 on consoles deals over 50 damage per shot at close range, allowing for two shot kills when most other weapons need three shots to kill.

MP 40 - 9x19mm
The MP 40 in first person. While the reloading animation is reused from Call of Duty 2, the idle animation has been changed to correctly grasping the magwell as opposed to the magazine.
Dmitri ventilates a German soldier in Stalingrad with a pilfered MP 40.
Removing a spent mag.
Pulling the bolt back.
MP 40/I Dual Magazine System - 9x19mm
The MP 40/I.
Reloading, note the dual magazines appear to be jungle-taped together and the original magwell is retained under the trough-like extension.


The PPSh-41 is the primary weapon of Sgt. Reznov and first seen in the mission "Vendetta", after he gives Petrenko a scoped Mosin-Nagant. It is also the standard Soviet submachine gun and can be found in abundance towards the end of the Soviet campaign. The version used in single-player and Nazi Zombies is loaded with the weapon's trademark 71-round drum magazine while the one available in multiplayer instead uses the smaller 35-round stick magazine by default; the drum magazine has to be unlocked as an attachment. As the "Round Drum" attachment simply doubles the size of the base magazine, the drum holds 70 rounds instead of 71, which is the capacity of the singleplayer and zombies drum.

PPSh-41 with 35-round box magazine - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The PPSh-41 with the stick magazine.
Throwing away a spent magazine.
Inserting a new one.
Rechambering the gun.
PPSh-41 with 71-round drum magazine - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
A PPSh with the drum mag.
Setting in another 71-round drum.
Pulling the bolt back, although the weapon model only shows it in the closed position.

Thompson M1A1

The Thompson M1A1 fitted with a Cutts compensator is the primary submachine gun used by American forces and is Sgt. Roebuck's main weapon. In-game, the weapon is visibly modeled with a 30-round magazine, but it only holds 20 rounds, while the "Round Drum" attachment doubles this to 40. Thompson drums did not hold 40 (unless you underloaded it), the 40 round capacity is due to the game simply doubling the base capacity when the extended magazine attachment is used. Additionally the M1A1 physically cannot be loaded with a drum magazine - this is a feature of the older M1928 Thompson. The Create-a-Class icon shows the Thompson without the Cutts compensator. It is slightly anachronistic to the mission "Semper Fi" taking place in August 1942; during that time, the earlier Thompson M1 was in use, while the M1A1 was adopted two months later. It is also anachronistic for the pre-October 1942 multiplayer maps.

M1A1 Thompson with 20-round magazine and Cutts compensator - .45 ACP
The Thompson M1A1 in first person.
Iron sights.
Reloading the M1A1.
Pulling the charging handle. This isn't really necessary; the M1A1 has a bolt hold-open device that ensures that the bolt will stay back if the trigger is pulled with an empty magazine inserted.
An M1A1 Thompson with a 50-round drum magazine, unlockable in multiplayer. This is physically impossible; while the earlier models could accept drum magazines, the M1 and M1A1 could not.
Reloading. The Thompson and PPSh have slightly different animations for the drum magazine models (with the drum being tapped in place on full reloads).
Cocking the SMG.

Type 100

The Type 100 is the primary Japanese submachine gun. It seems to be the 1944 model, making its appearance in "Semper Fi", set in 1942, anachronistic. They are also far too common, being depicted as a standard infantry weapon, in the hands of around a third of all Japanese soldiers. It is also anachronistic for the pre-1944 multiplayer maps. Notably, it is held improperly by the magazine by the player character, but properly in third person. Confusingly, enemies with the Type 100 sometimes banzai charge the player, despite the fact that the weapon is never fitted with a bayonet. In multiplayer, a suppressor, "Aperture Sight," and extended "Box Magazine" can be unlocked for the Type 100, with the latter doubling capacity from 30 to 60.

Type 100 with magazine removed - 8x22mm Nambu
The Type 100 in-game.
Aiming; note how the weapon is tilted counterclockwise due to the way it is held from the magazine.
Charging the Type 100.


Double-barreled shotgun

A full-size Double-barreled shotgun appears in the subway, lying around in the offices. Like the Winchester Model 1897, it is devastating at close range, capable of blowing off heads and limbs. When firing, the weapon incorrectly ejects a spent cartridge (and to top it off, it is a rifle round as opposed to a shotgun shell), which is impossible with real double-barreled shotguns as they have no ejection port and need to have their shells removed manually (although some are capable of automatically ejecting shells once the barrels have been broken open). When the weapon is reloaded, it acts as if none of the shells have been ejected and any empty cartridges (this time being proper shotgun shells) will still be inside the gun and are removed manually. The Create-a-Class description in multiplayer states that the weapon is American, although it is found in Eastern Front missions in the campaign.

L.C. Smith shotgun - 12 gauge. Somewhat similar to the shotgun in-game.
The full length double-barreled shotgun in-game.
Aiming the shotgun.
Loading in one shell into the left barrel.
The "grip" attachment on the Double-barreled shotgun, which adds a thicker forend.
For some reason, this causes the weapon to be pointed high when aiming. The erroneous spent rifle cartridge being ejected can be seen to the right.
Reloading both shells.
Closing the barrels.

Sawn-off double-barreled shotgun

The "Sawed-Off" optional attachment for the double-barreled shotgun is self-explanatory. In the campaign, this version appears in the asylum in "Ring of Steel," found in the kitchen.

Screen-used Victor Sarasqueta shotgun from Mad Max: Fury Road. Image from MIL.SPEC. Somewhat similar to the sawed-off shotgun in-game.
Holding the sawed-off shotgun.
Aiming the weapon.
Partial reload, with the playable character only ejecting one shell.
Empty reload.

Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun

Referred to in-game as the "M1897 Trench Gun", the Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" is Sgt. Sullivan's primary weapon and can be found in numerous American levels. Interestingly, it has different magazine sizes in both single-player (six rounds) and multiplayer (four rounds), neither of which is actually correct (the real weapon holds five rounds in the tube magazine, plus one in the chamber; considering how the weapon in-game is always pumped at the end of a reload, the 6-round capacity could not possibly be 5+1, as pumping the weapon would eject the chambered shell). A vertical foregrip (which appears to be a simple wooden handle haphazardly drilled into the original forend) and a M1917 bayonet can be unlocked for use with the Trench Gun in multiplayer.

Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun - 12 gauge
The Winchester M1897 in-game.
Aiming the shotgun. Note that the weapon isn't pointed properly here; while the sights aren't misaligned (due to the weapon only having a front bead sight), the weapon would still be shooting high were it aimed like this.
Pumping the M1897. Note both the lack of a shell entering the chamber, and the lack of a rim and blown-out crimp on the ejected one.
Reloading the M1897 is the series' usual shell-by-shell reload, followed by a pointless racking of the pump at the end (pointless, that is, if the weapon isn't empty). Note the bayonet in this image.
When equipped with the vertical grip, the ending pumping animation shows off the bolt rather nicely.

Rifles & Carbines

As mentioned earlier, rifles in this game are divided into "bolt action rifles" and "rifles". However, the "bolt action rifle" category incorrectly includes the PTRS-41, which is a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle (though one can make the argument since the PTRS in-game has a lower rate of fire compared to the other semi-automatic rifles, likely for balancing purposes).

Arisaka Type 99

The Arisaka Type 99 is the main rifle for the Japanese. Banzai attackers attach Model 30 bayonets to their Arisakas, which are then called "Arisaka Bayonet." A scoped version can also be found in the missions "Semper Fi", "Burn 'em Out" and "Blowtorch and Corkscrew". The weapon is modelled on the earlier Type 99 rifles as it has the monopod, flip up anti-aircraft rear sight, protected front sight, and a plum shaped bolt handle.

Arisaka Type 99 short rifle with monopod - 7.7x58mm
The Arisaka Type 99 in the hands of an Imperial Japanese Soldier.
Iron sights.
Reloading the Arisaka with a stripper clip. All bolt-action rifles in-game reload with loose rounds if a scope is equipped, and with stripper clips (that always load a full five rounds, regardless of the number remaining in the magazine) otherwise.
Knocking out the stripper clip before sending the bolt home.
Arisaka Type 99 Sniper Rifle with a 2.5x10 scope - 7.7x58mm Arisaka
The scoped Arisaka in game.
View down the scope in single-player; for some reason, all of the sniper rifles in multiplayer reuse the reticule from the PTRS-41 instead of their own unique scope reticules.
Reloading with loose rounds, although the offset scope would still allow for usage of a stripper clip. Note the front part of the scope which identifies it as the 4-Power NTC Kogaku Scope.
Affixing the Arisaka's bayonet.

FG 42/I

The FG 42/I appears under the machine guns category, and is the only weapon in this class that can be equipped with a telescopic sight. It incorrectly has a 32-round magazine in single-player; this is corrected to 20 rounds in multiplayer. It is also anachronistic for the pre-1943 multiplayer maps.

FG 42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The FG 42 being held.
Iron sights. In the campaign, these sights have a rather high amount of zoom, allowing for precise shots at range.
Reloading the FG 42.
Rechambering the weapon.
A deployed, very-low detail FG 42.
Collapsing the bipod.
FG 42 1st pattern with Zeiss ZF4 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Reloading an FG 42 with the ZF4.

Gewehr 43

The Gewehr 43 is the secondary rifle for the Germans and is seen in the missions "Their Land, Their Blood", "Ring of Steel", "Heart of the Reich" and "Downfall". As expected, there are still bullets in the magazine that the player removes when reloading, even if the last shot was fired. It is also anachronistic for the pre-1943 multiplayer maps.

Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Gewehr 43 in-game.
Aiming the G43.
At least they went through the effort of modeling rounds in the magazine, even when they shouldn't be there.
Releasing the bolt.
Gewehr 43 with ZF 4 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
An empty scoped G43. Note that the scope is set over rear sights, not where it usually should be.

Karabiner 98k

The Karabiner 98k is the main rifle for the German Army. The weapon appears to be modelled after one of the earlier models and not the "Kriegsmodell" as it has a bolt disassembly disc, spring retained barrel bands, cleaning rod, and a protected front sight. It also has a manufacture date of 1944 as well as "DOT" written on the top of the reciever, indicating it is a Waffenwerke Brunn rifle produced in Czechoslovakia.

Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Karabiner 98 Kurz in-game.
Aiming the Kar 98K.
Inserting a stripper clip.
Reloading. About to close the bolt and push out the stripper clip.
Sticking a bayonet on to the K98K.
Karabiner 98k Sniper with Zeiss ZF42 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
A scoped Kar98k in the "Nazi Zombies" mode.
Aiming with the scope.

M1 Carbine

The M1 Carbine is the secondary rifle of American forces and is rarely seen until the mission "Breaking Point", where it can be picked up from most of the American corpses. It is erroneously called an "M1A1 Carbine" in-game, despite not having a folding stock. In MP, unlockable attachments for the carbine include an M3 Carbine-style flash hider, an "Aperture Sight," bayonet, and a 30 round extended box magazine.

WW2 era M1 Carbine with spare magazine pouch - .30 Carbine
The M1 Carbine in the hands of a Marine.
Releasing the bolt, although it shouldn't remain locked back after the last shot is fired like an M1 Garand, since it lacks a bolt hold open.
The extended magazine on the M1.
Attaching a bayonet, which would be hard to do without the bayonet lug of the very-latewar model.

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand is the standard rifle of the American forces, and is seen in the hands of nearly all of the American Marines. It is depicted as being able to reload partway through an en-bloc clip; while there is facility for unloading the gun without firing every shot, it was not considered practical to do so in combat (since real soldiers don't have a magic invisible ammo hopper that consolidate their spare ammunition neatly into full clips) and American soldiers were generally advised to fire off remaining shots if reloading was necessary. In-game, this is represented by having a mid-clip reload take longer than an empty reload. In addition to a flash hider, bayonet, and rifle grenades, a sniper scope can be unlocked for the Garand in multiplayer, giving it the appearance of the M1C sniper variant.

M1 Garand - .30-06 Springfield
First-person view of the M1 Garand.
Aiming the Garand.
Manually ejecting a clip during a partial reload, although it appears to be empty anyway.
Pinging out another empty en-bloc clip.
Miller reloads his Garand during the assault on Peleliu Island.
M1 Garand with M1 bayonet - .30-06 Springfield
Affixing the bayonet moments earlier; for some reason, this initial animation doesn't occur in multiplayer; the brass check seen below is done instead.
M1C Sniper Variant with M82 scope - .30-06 Springfield
An M1 Garand with an M73 scope in MP.
The pickup animation of the Garand; the character performs a quick brass check.

Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine

The Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine is first given to Petrenko fitted with a scope by Reznov in the mission "Vendetta". In later missions the rifle is found in the hands of Russian soldiers. They are rather abundant in early missions but get scarcer as the game goes on. Due to a graphical error, the bolt never actually opens to expose the breech until the player prepares to load a clip; otherwise it remains solid metal and casings do not actually eject from the rifle itself. All M38's are fitted with downturned bolt handles meant to work with sniper scopes, even the ones that don't have scopes. While not anachronistic, this model of the Mosin Nagant being used is inaccurate due to the M91/30 variant being the standard issue rifle for Soviet forces during the 1930s and throughout World War II. The M38 carbine variant served as a weapon for rear echelon troops.

Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mmR
The Mosin Nagant in the hands of a Russian soldier.
Aiming down the sights.
Ejecting a round through the solid chamber. The atypical downturned bolt design is very similar to the St. Petersburg Cavalry School Mosin Carbine.
Inserting a stripper clip of 7.62x54R rounds.
Affixing a spike bayonet to the M38.
"Then maybe our friend will help them to bleed faster."
After cheating death once more, Sgt. Reznov gives Dimitri Petrenko an M38 Carbine in the start of "Their Land, Their Blood". Nothe the star markings which indicate that the carbine was manufactured at the Tulski Oruscheiny Sawod factory in 1944.
A Soviet soldier holding the M38 Carbine. Note the straight bolt handle of the third-person model.
Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine with PU 3.5x sniper scope - 7.62x54mmR
"I need your help. Do what I say, and we can avenge this massacre."
The scoped M38 next to a trigger-fingerless Sergeant Viktor Reznov (Gary Oldman).
The scoped Mosin Nagant being held.
Pulling the bolt back.
Inserting individual rounds.


The PTRS-41 is always seen with a scope, and as with multiple optic-equipped weapons in the Call of Duty series, the front sight is missing. However, the real rifle was never issued with a scope, apart from field-expedient modifications, which were for spotting purposes only; these scopes were typically PU scopes, not meant for the PTRS, and as such couldn't be properly zeroed (note that in the iOS counterpart Call of Duty: Zombies, the weapon lacks the scope and appropriately uses iron sights, though it has a front sight mounted on the gas block rather than the end of the barrel). The PTRS is first seen in single player during "Vendetta" and much later in "Heart of the Reich" and "Downfall". It is ridiculous to depict a single man firing this weapon from the shoulder; the PTRS-41 is six feet long and weighs forty-five pounds, and unless he was an absolute giant of a man, the immense recoil produced when firing would knock him on his back. A single soldier would only ever be expected to be able to carry the fully assembled rifle for short distances.

PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle - 14.5x144mm
Holding a PTRS-41.
Scope view.
Reloading the en-bloc clip.
Rechambering the PTRS.

Springfield M1903A1

The Springfield M1903A1 is never seen in single player without a scope, and comes with a scope that can be unlocked in multiplayer. The rifle is not an M1903A4 as it is based off of an A1 and mounts a higher-powered scope than the M73 and M84 scopes commonly used on the A4 variant. The scope mounts are also moved forward towards the barrel and forward receiver to accommodate for its length. The A1 sniper variant was more common in the Pacific (as it was the standard sniper rifle of the USMC), which is why it is also seen in other games set in that theatre rather than the A4.

Springfield M1903A1 - .30-06 Springfield
The M1903A1 in-game.
Cycling the M1903A1.
Reloading via stripper clip.
The bayonet draw animation for the M1903A1.
M1903A1 Springfield sniper variant with Unertl scope - .30-06 Springfield
The M1903A1 sniper rifle. Note that it completely lacks the iron sights.
Sighting in a Japanese sniper in single-player.
Reloading with individual rounds.

Sturmgewehr 44

The Sturmgewehr 44 is the main support weapon used by the Germans and the only assault rifle in the game. It is rare in earlier levels but becomes more widespread towards the end of the Russian campaign. It is also anachronistic for the pre-1943 multiplayer maps.

Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
The Sturmgewehr 44 in multiplayer. Unlike other games in the series, it is held by the magazine: it would be more normal to grasp the magwell, or the handguard if the user was wearing winter gloves.
Aiming the rather thin rifle.
Pressing the magazine release.
Tugging the charging handle, which incorrectly locks back when the weapon is empty.
Sturmgewehr 44 with ZF4 scope - 7.92x33mm Kurz.
Equipping a scoped StG. Note that the safety is on, which doesn't impede the rifle's ability to fire in-game. At least the fire selector is correctly set to full-auto.
Mashing in a fresh magazine.

Tokarev SVT-40

The secondary Russian rifle is the Tokarev SVT-40. It is seen only in the final two missions "Heart of the Reich" and "Downfall". In multiplayer mode, The SVT-40 is available for the "Rifleman" class; one of the three starting classes.

Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR
The SVT-40 in first person.
Iron sights.
About to release the bolt.
An SVT-40 in third-person. Note the mispositioned magazine.
Tokarev SVT-40 with PU sniper scope - 7.62x54mmR
Equipping an SVT-40 with a PU scope. The front sight was probably executed for desertion by the NKVD.
Aiming with the scope; all of the intermediate scopes used on some rifles and the FG 42 in multiplayer reuse the ACOG scope reticle from Call of Duty 4, without the illuminated chevron. Realistically speaking, the reticle should have resembled the one from the ZF42 scope used by the Kar98k.

Machine Guns

Interestingly, World at War is the only main entry of the series post-COD4 (not including Advanced Warfare) that machine guns are accurately classified as "machine guns" and not "light machine guns" as with later games of the series (including Treyarch's own entries). The "machine guns" category in-game includes the aforementioned FG 42/I, an automatic rifle of sorts. All machine guns (both fixed and portable) are capable of blowing limbs and heads off of enemy soldiers as well as Zombies in the Nazi Zombies game mode.

Browning Automatic Rifle M1918A2

The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle is classed as a machine gun in the game. In single-player it is never seen without a bipod, but this must be unlocked in multiplayer. It is the starting weapon in "Hard Landing", and can also be found in the trenches in "Burn 'em Out" and being carried by some allied Marines in "Breaking Point" and "Relentless".

M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06 Springfield
The BAR M1918A2 in first person.
Aiming the BAR.
Pulling the charging handle. In reality, the BAR's handle does not lock in the rear position, as portrayed in the game.
Deploying the BAR's bipod.
Using a set-up M1918A2.
Miller scopes out Roebuck's (Kiefer Sutherland) bipod-less BAR in "Hard Landing."

Browning M1919A4

The Browning M1919A4 is used in both infantry and mounted forms. It is used with a bipod equipped (which was only available for the M1919A6 version) in the mission "Relentless"; it is seen without a bipod later on in single-player. Either way, it would be impractical for it to be used as a man-portable weapon; the M1919A6 variant would have been more suitable for that role. In first-person view, it has a strip of cloth wrapped around the barrel close to the frame acting as a makeshift handguard, but this is absent on the world model. It is the last machine gun unlocked in multiplayer.

The PBY Catalina in "Black Cats" has M1919s dual-mounted in the bow turret and single gun mounted in the tail turret.

Browning M1919A4 on M2 tripod . 30-06
Manhandling a Browning M1919A4.
Aiming down the sights.
Pulling the bolt back.
Removing a used belt in mid-reload. For some reason, this only occurs in the campaign and Nazi Zombies; in multiplayer, the belt always vanishes whenever reloading.
Smacking the tray cover closed.
Equipping a M1919 with a bipod.
Extending the bipod.
The deployed M1919A4.
The deployed M1919A4.
The tail turret M1919A4.
The twin bow turret version.

Degtyaryev DP-28

The Degtyaryev DP-28 is only featured in multiplayer. It has decent power, but poor aim speed, running speed, and reloading speed.

Degtyaryev DP-28 - 7.62x54mmR
The DP-28 held in first person.
Iron sights of the machine gun.
Knocking out a spent pan magazine.
Replacing it with a new one.
Charging the Degtyaryov.
Deploying the bipod.
The low-detail deployed DP-28.

MG 34

When starting up the game, archival footage of Wehrmacht soldiers firing a MG 34 is shown during the title reels. It is replaced by the man-portable MG 42 in the game.

MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Screenshot of the MG 34.

MG 42

The MG 42 is the main machine gun used by the German Army, found both as a mounted weapon and a man-portable version. The version that can be picked up by the player incorrectly uses a 125-round belt drum in single-player and Nazi Zombies, although this is corrected to 50 rounds in multiplayer. It can be found in the mission "Vendetta" which is set in the Battle of Stalingrad, however, while the MG 42 actually saw limited use at Stalingrad, the game's depiction commits the common error of showing the weapon with the post-1943 vertical charging handle instead of the period-appropriate and rare slab-sided horizontal handle. It is also anachronistic for the pre-1943 multiplayer maps.

MG 42 with 50-round drum magazine - 7.92x57mm Mauser
First-person view of the MG 42.
Iron sights.
Removing the drum magazine. Note that this isn't how the MG 42's belt drum actually works; using the belt drum in reality requires the top cover to be opened and the belt in the drum to be correctly positioned. It seems that the developers instead thought that this was an actual drum magazine, rather than a container for a belt.
Charging the MG 42.
Deploying the MG 42's bipod.
The deployed MG 42.

Type 99

The Type 99 is the main Japanese light machine gun. It incorrectly holds 32 rounds in single-player, but correctly 30 in multiplayer. The bipod and a bayonet can be unlocked as attachments for the Type 99 in multiplayer.

Nambu Type 99 - 7.7x58mm Arisaka
The Type 99 in-game.
Aiming the machine gun.
Removing the magazine.
Inserting a new one into the void that is the magazine well..
Charging the Type 99.
Extending the Type 99's bipod.
The Type 99, deployed. Note the shadow of the weapon, which is apparently being manned by a ninja.
Affixing a bayonet on the Type 99 in multiplayer.
Swiping with the Type 99 machine gun.


M9A1 Bazooka

Miller picks up an M9A1 Bazooka to destroy the Japanese tanks during the assault on Peleliu airfield in "Hard Landing". It is also used by two Soviet Soldiers in the level "Downfall". It is one of the immediately unlocked Perks when "Create a Class" is unlocked. The sight is incorrectly depicted with a German sniper scope-style reticle.

M9A1 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
Miller runs with a M9A1 Bazooka.
About to vaporize a Japanese soldier. Note the incorrect German sniper scope style reticle instead of the proper viewfinder crosshair reticle.
Reloading; note the incorrect shape of the round: the M6A3 rocket used by the M9 had a blunted nose, since earlier rockets with pointed noses had issues with deflecting off sloped tank armor.
A Soviet soldier fires his Lend-Leased Bazooka at Hitler's podium.


Although not a gameplay weapon, the Panzerfaust appears in the cutscene of the campaign level "Blood and Iron".

Panzerfaust - 44mm with 149mm warhead

Panzerschreck RPzB 54

The Panzerschreck RPzB 54 is the main rocket launcher for the German Army and is seen in every mission of the Soviet campaign except "Vendetta". It is not available in multiplayer as an available perk nor weapon, though it does appear in Nazi Zombies.

Panzerschreck RPzB 54 - 88mm
The Panzerschreck in first person.
Aiming the Panzerschreck. This process completely ignores the presence of the rear sight (in fact, such a view would require the rear sight to either be removed, or be shoved into the operator's face); this error would be repeated in Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: WWII.
Reloading the launcher. The rocket (which currently seems to be misaligned with the tube) is simply shoved in, without pressing down the contact pin on top of the contact box (not visible in this shot, as it is on the left side of the launcher, off of the edge of the screen); furthermore, considering how the Panzerschreck's rocket's tail had to be lined up carefully by manipulating a locking lever, loading the launcher like this would quite possibly lead to the rocket simply falling out of the tube. And given that a Panzerschreck is 65 inches (1.65 meters) long while the average WW2 soldier was ~68 inches (1.73 meters) tall, reloading like this would probably require a box to stand on or the muzzle to be shoved into the ground.
Dmitri cautiously approaches a rare "highlighter-finished" Panzerschreck.


M2 Flamethrower

The player first acquires an M2 Flamethrower from the hands of a fallen Marine who is killed trying to clear a machine gun nest in "Hard Landing". In the levels "Burn Em' Out" and "Blowtorch and Corkscrew", Miller (rather appropriately) starts with the weapon. In The Eastern Front missions "Vendetta", "Heart of the Reich" and "Downfall", German soldiers use the M2, standing for the more accurate Flammenwerfer 35. It has infinite fuel, but to prevent endless streams of fire the weapon is managed by an overheat gauge; firing for too long will fill the gauge, at which point the weapon will refuse to fire until it has cooled down.

M2 Flamethrower
Equipping the M2 Flamethrower.
The flamethrower in idle.
Setting fire to some foliage.

Grenades & Explosives

Dyakonov Grenade Launcher

The Dyakonov Rifle Grenade Launcher can be attached to the Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine.

Dyakonov Rifle Grenade Launcher, two grenades and bipod.
M91/30 rifle with Dyakonov grenade launcher.
Affixing a Dyakonov grenade to the Mosin Nagant; it seems to be missing the actual launching cup, however.
The Dyakonov in idle.

Gewehrgranatengerät Grenade Launcher

The Gewehrgranatengerät Rifle Grenade Launcher can be attached to the Karabiner 98k, the Gewehr 43, and the Arisaka Type 99 rather than the latter's appropriate Type 2 launcher.

Gewehrgranatengerät, mounted on Karabiner 98k rifle.
Affixing the Gewehrgranatengerät on a G43.
On the K98K and Type 99, a small lever is flipped when equipping the rifle grenade.
Gewehrgranatengerät in idle.
Loading another grenade. The type of grenade used appears to be the Große Gewehrpanzergranate.
The Gewehrgranatengerät on the Arisaka.

M7 Grenade Launcher

The M7 rifle grenade launcher is a muzzle device that attaches to the M1 Garand and is used a few times in the Pacific campaign; the first time is during the mission "Hard Landing" when the American force is attacking Japanese Type 96 25mm triple installations at the airfield on Peleliu Island. It is used to launch Mk 2 hand grenades fitted with M1A1 rifle grenade adapters (this is anachronistic as the M1 adapter, which featured 4 claws and no stabilizing cup, was the only variant used during the war). In multiplayer, it can be attached to the M1 Garand and to the Springfield M1903A1 (which should use an M1 grenade launcher). There is a slight error in how they are presented: mounting one would normally require the rifle to first be emptied, then individual blank cartridges loaded for each shot fired; in-game, they're simply attached and fired.

It also incorrectly allows semi-automatic fire from the Garand while mounted: the wartime M7 could not do this.

M7 grenade launcher
Mk 2 training grenade fitted with M1A2 rifle grenade adapter (the M1A1 adapter is identical but with a solid tail fin)
The initial loading animation of the M7 launcher.
Reloading the M7, note the explosion from the previously-fired grenade.
The M7 on a Springfield M1903A1.

AN/M8 HC smoke grenade

The AN/M8 HC smoke grenade is used as the standard smoke grenade in the American campaign.

AN/M8 smoke grenade
Preparing to throw an AN/M8 smoke grenade.

M18 smoke grenade

The M18 smoke grenade is used as the "Tabun Gas" grenade in multiplayer. Tabun was the first nerve gas ever produced and the first of the "G-series" of non-persistent nerve agents, GA (Tabun), GB (Sarin), GD (Soman) and GF (Cyclosarin), being discovered accidentally by German scientists working on organophosphate insecticides in 1936. While over 12,500 tons of the chemical were produced during the war, it was only ever put into air-dropped bombs and artillery shells, not grenades, and was never used in combat.

M18 smoke grenade.
Pulling the pin on a gas grenade.

M34A1 Mortar Shell

In "Breaking Point," Private Miller can pick up shells from Japanese mortar pits to use as improvised hand grenades. Though rendered as proper Type 100 mortar shells on the ground, they turn into 81mm M34A1 mortar shells in the player's hand.

Miller picks up a "Mortar Round".
Priming the shell.
Holding the Mortar Shell.
A Japanese soldier "inserts" the American M34A1 Mortar shell into the Type 97 Infantry Mortar.

Mk 2 hand grenade

The Mk 2 hand grenade is the standard American grenade in single-player and is the only frag grenade in multiplayer. It should also be noted that in the first mission, "Semper Fi", the Mk 2 is shown with the olive drab color. This is anachronistic as the mission is set in 1942 and Mk 2 hand grenades were completely yellow prior to 1943.

The Mk 2 grenade icon is also used for the grenade indicator icon, even when the grenade is not a Mk 2.

Mk 2 hand grenade
The Mk 2 hand grenade in first person.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

The Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" is the principal hand grenade used by the Germans, and is also the only hand grenade available in the Nazi Zombies mode.

Stielhandgranate Modell 24
Throwing the "Potato Masher".
Two stick grenades attached to the belt of a German soldier. Note the Infanteriemesser 42 combat knife to the right.

No. 74 Mk. I S.T. Grenade

Though there are no British troops in the game, the British No. 74 S.T. Grenade is available. This is the only in-game remainder of a planned British campaign that was cut for time reasons during development.

No. 74 Mark I S.T. "Sticky Bomb"
Holding a No. 74 sticky grenade.

RGD-33 hand grenade

The RGD-33 is the standard Soviet hand grenade.

Dimitri Pentrenko readying an RGD-33 grenade at the Beginning of "Ring of Steel".


The S-Mine is available in-game, referred to by its famous nickname, the "Bouncing Betty". When placed, it will remain inert until an enemy moves near it, at which point it will leap upwards, before detonating at chest height.

S-Mine 35
The Schrapnellmine in-game. Precisely how it is buried, or why it is only buried halfway, is a mystery. As is why the entire fuze assembly of the placed mine is bright yellow.
Pulling the fuse and deploying a S-mine.


TNT appears in the game as the main component of mission-specific demolition charges used to destroy specific targets in the campaign and is available in the first perk tier in multiplayer.

US Army issue 1/2 pound TNT charge with 8" prima cord and M1 pull fuze igniter. The in-game version appears to be based on the longer 1-pound block.
Equipping the detonator, a Number 10 Blasting Machine handheld dynamo. This was a twist detonator for electrical blasting caps, and rather predictably is shown as a remote control in the game rather than requiring a prima cord.
Two deployed TNT charges.

Type 97 hand grenade

The Type 97 hand grenade is the main Japanese hand grenade.

Type 97 hand grenade
Miller about to throw a Type 97 grenade.
Four Type 97 grenades lie on a crate.

Emplaced Weapons

.50 AN/M2

A .50 AN/M2 fitted with a reflector gunsight is mounted in each of the Catalina's waist blisters in "Black Cats".

.50 AN/M2 - .50 BMG (Flexible)
Manning the M2 machine gun. This appears to be a slightly reworked M18 Reflector Gunsight, a device usually used with the M45 Quadmount.
Zooming in on the reflector sight.

ATO-42 Flamethrower

Dimitri's OT-34/85 tank in "Blood & Iron" is armed with an ATO-42 Flamethrower which replaces the Degtyaryov DT machine gun.

The ATO-42 being fired.

Berezin UBT

Soviet Ilyushin Il-2 ground-attack aircraft are armed with Berezin UBT machine guns.

Berezin UBT, a turret version of UB with spade grips - 12.7x108mm
An Il-2 at the end of the level "Their Land, Their Blood".

Browning M1919A4

M4A1 Sherman tanks have hull-mounted Browning M1919A4s. It is also erroneously shown as the turret gun for the Soviet T-34 tank in both single-player campaign and multiplayer. A more accurate turret gun would be a mounted DP-28 (which is already in the game) or possibly the SG-43.

Browning M1919A4 - .30-06 Springfield
The hull-mounted Browning of an M4A1 Sherman.
A Browning mounted ontop a T-34/85 in the mission "Ring of Steel".
Manning the "T34 MG".
Zooming in the sights.

Degtyaryov DT-29

Soviet T-34/85 tanks are armed with Degtyaryov DT machine guns.

Degtyaryov DT-29 - 7.62x54mmR
The in-game mounted DT.

M116 75 mm Pack Howitzer

American LVT(A)-4 amphibious vehicles are equipped with M116 75 mm Pack Howitzers in Mount M7s.

M116 "Pack" howitzer - 75x272mmR
An unmaned Pack Howitzer in-game and yet it can still shoot.

MG 34 Panzerlauf

German tanks have mounted MG 34 Panzerlauf.

MG 34 Panzerlauf - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 34 Panzerlauf mounted in a Panzer IV Ausf. J.
The MG 34 Panzerlauf mounted in a Panzerkampfwagen Ausf. B Tiger II.

MG 42

The MG 42 is mounted on German Sd.Kfz. 251 armored personnel carriers, Panzer IV Ausf. J, and King Tiger tanks.

MG 42 with 50-round drum magazine - 7.92x57mm Mauser
A German soldier fires an MG 42 from an Sd.Kfz. 251. The shield is static; the MG just moves through it. The in-game Sd.Kfz. 251 has the insignia of the 16th Panzer Division which took part on the Eastern Front including Stalingrad but not in the Battle of the Seelow Heights.
An MG 42 mounted ontop of a King Tiger.

Nudelman-Suranov NS-37

Two 37 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-37 aircraft autocannons are mounted under the Sturmovik's wings.

Nudelman-Suranov NS-37 - 37x198mm
The Il-2 with the mounted autocannons.

Oerlikon 20mm Cannon

In "Black Cats", the player's Catalina is armed with twin Oerlikon 20mm Cannons under the bow turret. This is not part of any standard Catalina fit, but was reported as a field modification to "Black Cat" Catalinas in the Pacific; however, it required the removal of the twin M1919s in the bow turret, which are still present on the game's Catalina.

Oerlikon cannon - 20mm
The Oerlikon Cannons during the cutscene of "Black Cats".

Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun

The Type 92 heavy machine gun is the main Japanese heavy machine gun and is found in every mission of the American campaign. In "Black Cats" Type 92 HMGs are mounted on Type T-25 MTBs.

Nambu Type 92 Heavy machine gun - 7.7x58mm Arisaka
An imperial Japanese soldier firing a Type 92 HMG from a pillbox.
An abandoned HMG in "Breaking Point".
Right view.
After enough observation, Miller uses the Type 92. Note that the curtains start to blow when it is manned.

Type 97 Aircraft Machine Gun

Japanese Mitsubishi A6M "Zero"s are armed with Type 97 aircraft machine guns.

Type 97 aircraft machine gun - 7.7x56mmR
Two Type 97 aircraft machine guns mounted on top of the engine cowling.

Type 97 light machine gun

The Type 97 light machine gun is mounted on Japanese Type 97 ShinHōtō Chi-Ha medium tanks.

Type 97 light machine gun - 7.7x58mm Arisaka
A Type 97 ShinHōtō Chi-Ha with a hull mounted Type 97.
A rear-mounted Type 97.

Type 99 20mm Cannon

Type 99 cannons are mounted on the A6M Zeros. Several M6A Seiran floatplanes on the Sub Pens map also feature a pair of Type 99s in the wings. Designed to be operated from the massive I-400-class aircraft carrier submarines (I-400 serves as the centerpiece of the map, with one of her sister subs also present), the real M6A did not actually feature offensive guns, but the in-game model is simply the game's Zero model with the nose/engine swapped for that of the Seiran, thus sharing its wing-mounted cannons.

Type 99 cannon aircraft variants, top an earlier Type 99 Mark 1 Model 3 - 20x72mm RB, bottom a later Type 99 Mark 2 Model 3 - 20x101mm RB
The Type 99s mounted on the Zero's wing.


8.8 cm FlaK 37

8.8 cm FlaK 37 AA-Guns, which are the same models as in Call of Duty 3, are seen in the Russian campaign missions. Notably, during the "Heart of the Reich" mission where German soldiers defend the Reichstag-Building with various FlaKs. Unlike the following PaK 43, the FlaK's 88x571mmR shells are not modeled; instead, the Germans insert sandbags into the breech.

8.8 cm FlaK 37 (note the pointer dials, the rectangular boxes on the side of the gun cradle with two circles) - 88x571mm R
As usual, the 88 is missing the loading tray: this is actually fairly correct, as while the 88mm FlaKs were designed to be semi-automatic with shells placed in the tray and loaded by the automatic rammer as the gun recoiled, it was found that the crew could manually load them more quickly and the loading tray was seldom fitted in the field.
Note the pointer dials, this is part of the AA gun laying system which distinguishes the 37 from the 36 or 18. The German second from left to the gun is holding a sandbag which he inserts into the gun standing in for an 8.8 cm shell.

8.8 cm Pak 43/41

At the beginning of the fourteenth mission "Heart of the Reich" Soviet soldiers are seen deploying two 8.8 cm Pak 43/41 anti-tank guns to fire at the Reichstag building. Like the FlaK 37, the model was reused from CoD 3. Unfortunately, the gun breech on the model is static and there is no model for the round they are inserting, leading to the disagreeable impression that the player has encountered a group of elite Soviet combat mimes.

Pak 43/41 on split-trail mount - 88x822mmR
Soviet soldiers operate one of the Paks.
The other Pak 43/41 fires at the Reichstag.

203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4)

Archive footage in the game shows several of these 18-ton 203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4) during the intro sequence of the game and introduction to the Soviet campaign's Berlin levels; they are seen being used in the direct fire role, shooting down streets with their barrels level. They do not appear during gameplay.

Soviet B-4 M1931 howitzer - 203mm
The M1931 (B-4) during the intro.
The firing howitzer during the "Heart of the Reich" cutscene.

Bofors 40mm

Some Bofors 40mm AA guns are seen on the map "Battery".

Bofors 40mm L/60 quad mounting - 40x311mmR
The Bofors in-game.

Thompson M1928A1

A M1928A1 Thompson fitted with a straight foregrip and a 30-round stick magazine appears in the hands of the American soldier prominently featured on the box art for the game, although it does not appear in the game itself.

M1928A1 Thompson with 30-round magazine - .45 ACP
The soldier in the foreground holds the Thompson M1928A1.

Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Gun

Japanese soldiers use several Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Guns in the single-player campaign missions "Hard Landing" and "Relentless". Two Type 1s are also seen on the multiplayer map "Banzai". It is also the main gun of the Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha medium tanks.

As a note of trivia, these guns were used in the 1936-1939 The Spanish Civil War mod for Call of Duty 2 as usable AT guns.

Type 1 anti-tank gun at the US Army Museum in Honolulu - 47x285mmR
A Type 1 AT gun in the mission "Hard Landing".
Another view of the emplacement.
Japanese soldiers operating the AT gun in the level "Relentless".
A camouflaged Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha medium tank with the mounted Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Gun.

Type 3 200mm 'short' naval gun

A Type 3 200mm naval gun must be destroyed in the single-player mission "Relentless". The naval gun is also seen on the multiplayer map "Cliffside".

Type 3 'short' naval gun - 203 mm (8 in)
A Type 3 200mm naval gun in the mission "Relentless".
The naval gun on the map "Cliffside".
Right view of the same gun.

Type 96 AT / AA Gun

Japanese Type 96 25 mm AT/AA Guns in triple mountings, referred to as Triple 25 by the game, can be seen in several of the Pacific levels and commandeered by the player sometimes; per series traditions for large crew-served weapons, the gun has infinite ammunition (rather than 15-round magazines for each gun) and the player character is able to substitute for a nine-man crew by themselves.

Japanese Type 96 AT / AA Gun on triple mount - 25x163mm
The AA-Gun in the level "Relentless".
Another gun in the same level being fired by soldiers.

Type 97 81-mm Infantry Mortar

The Type 97 Mortar is used by Japanese soldiers in the missions "Hard Landing", "Burn 'em out" and "Breaking Point". As mentioned earlier, when Miller picks up a Japanese mortar shell it turns into an American M34A1 shell.

Type 97 Infantry Mortar - 81 mm (3.2 in)
A mortar in "Little Resistance".
Viewing the right side.
Miller looks at some Type 100 shells in "Breaking Point".

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