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Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops II for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (also known as CoD: Blops 2) is the ninth installment in the Call of Duty series, and the third main entry in the Black Ops sub-franchise (the first being World at War). Developed by Treyarch, with assistance from Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software, it was published by Activision in 2012 for the PC, PS3, Wii U and Xbox 360.
The game features a singleplayer campaign, a multiplayer mode, and a co-op zombie mode. The singleplayer story continues from Call of Duty: Black Ops and is set over two time periods, the final years of the Cold War from 1986 to 1989, and the technologically advanced future of 2025, during a Second Cold War between the United States and China. The past era has CIA operative Alex Mason continue his top-secret work for the United States, and in doing so inadvertently, create the powerful terrorist leader Raul Menendez. In the future era, Alex's son and Navy SEAL operative David "Section" Mason has to face Menendez and his global populist movement Cordis Die, which seeks to topple the world order so Menendez can extract his revenge on the United States. The multiplayer is entirely set in the future era, while Zombies is set in its own continuity that continues the storyline started in World at War and continued in Black Ops.
The first DLC pack, "Revolution", was released on January 29th, 2013 for Xbox 360 and on February 28th for other platforms, and included new maps and the "Peacekeeper" exclusive weapon. A second DLC, "Uprising", was released on Xbox 360 on April 16th, 2013, with other platforms a month later. This release includes several new multiplayer maps and a new mobster-themed Zombies map "Mob of the Dead," with player characters voiced by Ray Liotta, Michael Madsen, Chazz Palminteri, and Joe Pantoliano. The third DLC, "Vengeance", featuring more multiplayer maps and an additional Zombies level, was released on Xbox on July 2nd, 2013, with other platforms following on August 1st. The final DLC pack, "Apocalypse", was released on Xbox Live on August 27th, 2013, featuring a final set of multiplayer maps and the Zombies map "Origins", that details the first ever zombie outbreak of 1918 Northern France.
A number of additional minor content packs were also released, consisting of new multiplayer weapon skins, reticle models, and "Calling Card" icons.
For the purposes of this article, Alex Mason is referred to as "Mason" and David Mason as "Section".
The following weapons appear in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops II:
Note: spoilers are present in some descriptions.
Black Ops II, like previous CoD games, allows the player to carry two weapons at a time; what weapons can be started with depends on the game mode.
In singleplayer, unlike previous games, the player can choose the specific weapons they will start a mission with in a multiplayer-like loadout screen, which also allows them to customize the weapons. New weapons and attachments are unlocked as the story progresses. Weapons are divided into "past" weapons for the Cold War setting, and "future" weapons for the 2025 setting; on the first run through the game, the past weapons can be used in the future levels, but the future weapons cannot be used in the past - beating the game unlocks the ability to use the future weapons in the past, and there is an achievement for doing so. Special weapon crates are placed through the maps which contain copies of the player's initial weapons, to ensure they do not run out of ammunition using a weapon that would not normally spawn in that mission.
In multiplayer, players by default can choose a primary and a secondary weapon to spawn with; using the same system as Black Ops. The "Overkill" perk (now relegated as a "Wildcard" perk) allows the player to replace the secondary with a second primary weapon. The multiplayer portion of the game is set entirely in 2025, and so the "past" weapons that appear in the campaign are not available.
In Zombies mode, like previous games, players start with an M1911 (or an M712 Schnellfeuer on the Origins DLC map) as their only weapon, and can purchase additional weapons using points gained by defeating enemies and repairing barricades. Zombies freely uses both "past" and "future" weapons (regardless of setting, so the player can use a SCAR-H on the battlefields of 1918 France), and even has several unique weapons (both real and fictional) of its own.
Weapons can be customized with various attachments. In singleplayer, weapons can have up to three attachments. In Multiplayer, by default a primary weapon can have two attachments and a secondary weapon one, however the "Primary Gunfighter" and "Secondary Gunfighter" wildcards allow this to be upped to three and two, respectively. In Zombies, weapons cannot be customized beyond upgrading them with the "Pack-A-Punch" machine, which in addition to granting heavy stat buffs and giving the weapon unique camouflage, may also grant the weapon specific attachments (usually sights) - some weapons allow the player to Pack-A-Punch the same weapon multiple times to cycle through attachments. Some weapons found in the Mystery Box also feature attachments; these are built-in and cannot be changed or removed.
There are a couple of particularly notable attachments; the first is select-fire, allowing a weapon to toggle between automatic and either burst or semi-auto mode (but never both). Using the alternate fire mode generally changes the weapon's cyclic rate of fire. Erroneously, the actual selector on the model of all firearms doesn't move when changing fire modes. The second is "Fast Mags", a combination of the "Sleight of Hand" perk from previous CoD games and the "Dual Mags" attachment from BO1. For most weapons, using Fast Mags grants double side-by-side magazines like the dual mags from BO1; unlike that game, however, reloads where the magazines are replaced entirely are also sped up, as they now use modified high-speed reload animations. Some weapons don't, and just feature the modified reload animations. The MP7, for example, has its charging handle racked during a normal empty reload, but reloading from empty while using Fast Mags will instead involve a tap of the bolt release.
Weapons in singleplayer and multiplayer can also be customized with camouflage patterns; as well as the usual selection of patterns, these include licensed digital camo patterns from groups such as Kryptek.
Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power is first available in the first mission of the game, "Pyrrhic Victory", where it is used by the MPLA. Mason uses one in the same mission to threaten Menendez, and later Woods uses one to shoot a Cuban soldier who ambushes Mason and Hudson. It appears to have the same stats as the FNP-45, which includes an incorrect 10-round magazine that increases to the correct 13 with the "Extended Clip". There is a real Hi-Power variant with a 10-round magazine, that being the .40 S&W variant, but that variant would be anachronistic for the time period; .40 S&W was not designed until 1990, and Hi-Powers chambered for it were first marketed in 1994.

Colt M1911 Variant
Just like in the previous game, the M1911 has a WW2 A1 slide and trigger and Colt Series 80 frame and hammer. It is available from the start of the game for campaign missions and is once again the starting weapon for all Zombies maps except "Origins". Nickel plated pistols are one of the common low-detail "holstered" pistols seen on NPC character models - unlike Black Ops, the M1911 used in Zombies is parkerized.

FN Five-seveN
The fixed sights USG FN Five-seveN is available in the future levels. While it is still held with one hand as in Modern Warfare 3, it has its correct 20-round capacity for the most part. The model in game has green tritium-illuminated iron sights. In multiplayer it is able to kill an enemy with two hits, but only at point-blank to very close range. Oddly, though the Five-seveN has a capacity of 20 rounds in all modes, if dual Five-seveNs are picked up from the Mystery Box in Zombies mode they will have Modern Warfare 3's incorrect 15-round capacity.

FN FNP-45 Tactical
Called the "Tac-45," the FN FNP-45 Tactical has a black slide and flat dark earth frame when no camo is applied, and is available in the future levels and in multiplayer from the beginning. It has an erroneous 10-round capacity by default, which becomes a still-too-low 13 rounds when the incorrectly-named "Extended Clip" is chosen; the real weapon's magazines hold 15 rounds. In multiplayer it features a longer two-hit kill range than the Five-SeveN, but much faster damage falloff after that range. In the game files, it is called the "FNP-45".

Makarov PM
The Makarov PM returns from Black Ops and is available starting with the mission "Old Wounds." The weapon has a new reload animation, where the user grabs a new magazine and apparently slaps the heel-mounted magazine release to drop out the old magazine. As it is the same model from Black Ops, it is still modeled with an incorrect adjustable rear sight which is only available on the civilian version.
Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer
A Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer with various retro-futuristic embellishments appears as the starting pistol in the Zombies map "Origins" from the "Apocalypse" DLC. It is incorrectly called "Mauser C96" in-game, which is the variant that uses stripper clips, unlike the M712, which uses box magazines. While it does not have a standard M712 fire selector, it does have a switch at the same location which presumably has the same function - there is no way to confirm it, as the in-game weapon is semi-auto only. It has an incorrect magazine capacity of 8 rounds instead of 10 or 20 (the weapon model shows a 20-round magazine), as it is statistically identical to the M1911 used in the other Zombies maps.
Its upgraded form is called the "Boomhilda" and sports a suppressor and scope and fires lasers, likely a reference to Han Solo's C96-based gun from Star Wars. A piece of official artwork suggests one of the in-game characters developed this variant of the Mauser and called it the "CXS".
TDI Kard
The TDI Kard appears as the "KAP-40" (a name presumably standing either for "Kriss Automatic Pistol" or "Kard Automatic Pistol"); it incorrectly fires fully-automatic, despite the real weapon being semi-automatic. It is very common and appears to be a standard handgun for the United States military in 2025, and is also used by LAPD officers; their models are semi-auto and can be picked up and used by the player, and their reloading animation shows them pulling on a slide the weapon does not actually have. Despite the weapon's name implying it being chambered for .40 S&W, the weapon's markings display its chambering as .45 ACP. A dual wielded pair of "KAP-40"s make up the second weapon tier in Gun Game. The gun appears to be using Glock magazines, which would make the 10 round capacity incorrect, but the extended magazine would bring it to a realistic 15.
An odd glitch in the Strike Force missions (pseudo-RTS missions where the player can switch between ordering squads from an RTS view then going back into first person to directly control any soldier) means that if the player swaps out the KAP-40 of a soldier they were controlling then leaves and takes control of him later, they will gain a second KAP-40 in a third slot.
WE Hi-Capa 5.1 Dragon B
A "futurized" version of the WE Hi-Capa 5.1 Dragon B appears as a three-round burst-firing handgun called the "B23R", and is available in the future levels. It appears to be intended as a "futurized" version of the Beretta 93R seen in previous Call of Duty games (and is referred to as such in the game files), but the WE airsoft gun's influences remain visible throughout the gun, most notably its "dragon"-styled half-exposed barrel configuration.
Strangely, though it has a modeled folding front grip, it cannot use a grip accessory and is never shown with the grip unfolded. A B23R with a tactical knife "attachment" (technically a misnomer, as the knife isn't actually attached to the pistol in any way) is the starting weapon in Gun Game.
Under rare circumstances, a specific unique B23R can obtained randomly if a certain unique Colossus security guard who opens an armory dies, this version is single-shot only and has a different firing sound and presumably was intended to be like the LAPD version of the KAP-40 for Colossus security.
In the Strike Team IOS spin-off, it is revealed that the B stands for "Beretta", cementing its status as a successor to the 93R.
Colt Python
The Colt Python returns from Black Ops in Zombies mode, and is seen in Jonas Savimbi's holster in "Pyrrhic Victory," though it is never available either in the singleplayer campaign or from the loadout screen. Like in the first Black Ops, when reloading, the player character holds it muzzle up and dumps rounds instead of using the ejector rod, and ejects the entire contents of the cylinder, but only inserts as many rounds (one-at-a-time) as would be needed to replace those actually fired. The snub-nose Python model from Black Ops is used in the introduction for the "Mob of the Dead" DLC Zombies map, but does not actually appear in the map itself.
Remington 1858 New Army
The Remington 1858 New Army appears in the Zombies map "Buried" from the "Vengeance" DLC as the "Remington New Model Army". It incorrectly operates in double-action mode instead of single-action. It is statically identical to the Colt Python from previous maps, but with the ability to reload all its rounds at once (by swapping out cylinders). It also appears in the intro video of "Origins", but is not in the map itself.
Taurus Raging Judge
A Taurus Raging Judge is Menendez's signature weapon during the game's campaign, and is called the "Executioner," though the game files use the weapon's real name. Judging by the cylinder it appears to be the cancelled 28-gauge XXVIII model. It exclusively fires shotgun shells, and can be unlocked for the campaign by completing 5 challenges in "Celerium."
Like the Python, the default reload animation is extremely bizarre; the player character ejects the entire contents of the cylinder, but only inserts as many rounds as would be needed to replace those actually fired. The reloading animation is a loop showing the cartridges being placed into the same chamber of an empty cylinder, which magically becomes completely full when it is snapped closed, though this can only be seen by changing the FOV on PC. Using the Fast Mags attachment uses a speedloader instead (the model being based on a 5 Star .410 bore Taurus Judge speedloader upscaled to 28 gauge), reloading the entire cylinder at once. A Raging Judge with a laser pointer serves as the 3rd weapon tier in Gun Game.
The Raging Judge is one of only two weapons to change visually when the "long barrel" attachment is used (the other being the Beretta Model 682), and the first revolver in any Call of Duty game able to accept a suppressor. The latter would be pointless in practice, since the Judge, like most revolvers, does not have a gas-tight seal between the chamber and the barrel.
Submachine Guns
CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1
The CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 appears as the "Skorpion EVO". It is available in the 2025 missions, and is used by PMC troops, primarily in the first 2025 level "Celerium". It has the highest rate of fire of any submachine gun in the game. A Scorpion Evo 3 A1 with an attached laser pointer is the 7th weapon tier in Gun Game.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 is available in the single-player campaign and in Zombies mode. It is used by PDF troops during "Time and Fate", available in the player's loadout from the beginning and is the recommended primary weapon for "Suffer With Me".
Heckler & Koch MP5SD3
If fitted with a suppressor, the MP5A3, rather than mounting a standard MP5 suppressor, actually becomes an MP5SD3.

Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 is used by soldiers in "Achilles' Veil." Unlike in Modern Warfare 3, its foregrip is folded by default; the Foregrip attachment unfolds it.

The Uzi is used by cartel and PDF troops in Nicaragua in "Time and Fate". If fitted with a grip attachment, the weapon will visibly gain a stock, which is unfolded during the weapon's draw animation. Without that attachment, the charging handle is pulled instead, with a right-side view of the weapon showing that it incorrectly fires from a closed bolt instead of an open one.
Jianshe CS/LS2
A modified Jianshe CS/LS2 is called the "Chicom CQB". By default, it is equipped with a carry handle iron sight with a built-in, unusable tactical light similar to the one on the Magpul FMG-9 in Modern Warfare 3. The carrying handle is removed when alternate sights are used. It was originally named the "QCW-05" (or more accurately, the QCQ-05 as it lacks a suppressor) in the pre-alpha stages of the game, but it is modeled with the same FMG-9 carry handle iron sight.
It erroneously fires in three-round bursts by default in multiplayer and Zombies (at a very high fire rate of 1250 RPM, equal to that of the Skorpion Evo 3's full-auto rate), though the correct fully-automatic mode is selectable with the "Select Fire" attachment. A CS/LS2 with a reflex sight is the eighth weapon tier in Gun Game.
The MP40 returns previous CoD games in the Zombies map "Origins" from the "Apocalypse" DLC with slightly more ammo and rate of fire with an inflated price of 1300, though a special version with the "Adjustable Stock" can be found in the Mystery Box. The model appears to be re-used from Call of Duty 3 over the model seen in World at War and Black Ops I.
The Modern Sub Machine Carbine is used by Cordis Die mercenaries, and is particularly common in the mission "Fallen Angel." In multiplayer it does the most damage at close range of any weapon in its class; it and the PDW-57 are the only SMGs capable of a 3-hit kill at close range. This power comes at the cost of a low rate of fire and small magazine. An MSMC fitted with a foregrip is used as the sixth weapon tier in Gun Game.

This fictional submachine gun bears a strong resemblance to the FN P90 TR, and is probably intended to represent a "futurised" version of it. It uses a very similar polycarbonate box magazine, but rather than being inserted from the top of the weapon it pivots at the front and swings out the the left-hand side. It has a Spike's Tactical Barking Spider 2 muzzle brake. Unlike the P90, the PDW-57 has a rather restrained rate of fire. Like the MSMC, in multiplayer it features high power offset by a low rate of fire.
During development, the PDW-57 took the form of an AR-57.

The "Peacekeeper" SMG is a fictional weapon exclusive to the "Revolution" DLC, and can only be used in multiplayer. It appears to take some design cues from the AAC Honey Badger, and is equipped with an angled front grip and a tiny, rather useless-looking side-folding stock. The markings on the weapon state that it fires the FN Herstal 5.7x28mm round, meaning it is either an SMG patterned after a carbine rifle, or is the SMG variant of an assault rifle like the Colt 9mm SMG; in any case, it is presented as a submachine gun with accuracy and range closer to the larger assault rifles.

TDI Vector
The "Vector K10" in the game is actually a standard TDI Vector; while the name implies it is a KRISS K10, it does not have the detachable magazine well or diagonal reversible charging handle of the K10 model, though it does have the correct extended barrel for that version. The 36 and 48 round capacities available for the Vector are incorrect. The correct number of rounds for the magazine depicted in game would be 30.
Thompson M1921AC
A Thompson M1921AC is introduced in the "Mob of the Dead" Zombies map for the Uprising DLC, and can be found on the wall in the dock area of that map, later found in the Mystery Box in Origins. The game calls it the "M1927," presumably intending it to be an M1927 rebuilt with an M1921 full-auto trigger group, but since the in-game weapon's receiver markings identify it as a Colt-produced M1921 there is no visual reason to say it is not one. Being in a gangster-based level, it is unsurprisingly equipped with a 50-round drum magazine.
Beretta Model 682 Shotgun
The Beretta 682 returns from the first Black Ops in campaign and Zombies mode, once again named after the Rottweil Olympia Over / Under 72 shotgun. It is never found during the campaign, but can be selected from the loadout screen. It is the second weapon which changes visually when a "Long Barrel" Attachment is used; by default it has a shorter barrel than in Black Ops with only five vents in the barrel rib, while the Long Barrel has the same seven-vent rib as the Black Ops model. Strangely, all Beretta 682s in Zombies mode use the longer barrel, despite having the weapon's unmodified stats.
An extremely powerful and ridiculously baroque shotgun called the "Blundergat" is a secret weapon in the "Mob of the Dead" DLC, accessible from the Mystery Box or via a convoluted method involving a series of hidden triggers which make it appear on the Warden's desk. It appears to be based very loosely on the model for the Beretta 682, but features four barrels with double hammers on each side. It is still a break-open weapon, the normally offset barrels tilting into line and a four-round speedloader being used to reload all four barrels together. The gun can also be modified beyond the standard Pack-a-Punch by building a machine to transform it into the "Acid Gat". The Acid Gat has glowing green barrels that split near the end and fires a 3-round salvo of acidic capsules.
Franchi SPAS-12
The SPAS-12 is used by the Panama Defense Force during the raid in "Time And Fate." Manuel Noriega and Raul Menendez both use it in the 1980s missions. The weapon's stock is unfolded in its menu image, absent in the viewmodel, and folded on the worldmodel. The weapon functions in semi-automatic mode with the forend in its proper forward position, but the player character will always incorrectly rack it at the end of a reload; this shouldn't be possible, because the forend is locked into this position when the weapon is set to semi-automatic. When used by Raul Menedez at the end of "Suffer With Me", the stock is unfolded and he uses it in pump-action with the forend in the rearward position.
Of note is that during the brief section of "Time and Fate" where Menendez is the playable character, his SPAS-12 has a double capacity of 16 shells instead of the usual 8. Furthermore, if he fires 4 or more shells, he will reload the SPAS by flipping it off-screen and back on, the entire process taking roughly one second.

Kel-Tec KSG
The Kel-Tec KSG is seen in the hands of LAPD officers in "Cordis Die" and is found in the armoury of the USS Barack Obama. Like in Modern Warfare 3, the default reload animation still shows playable character loading all 14 shells into only one magazine tube, and there is still no animation for switching the tube selector.
If the "Fast Mag" attachment is used, shells are inserted into both magazine tubes simultaneously, increasing ammo count 2 shells per animation loop instead of 1. While this does address the issue of putting 14 shells in one tube, this is mechanically impossible in a different way, since only one magazine tube can be reloaded at one time; putting the tube selector in the middle position blocks both magazine tubes from loading and feeding.
The KSG fires buckshot in the campaign, and slugs in multiplayer and Zombies. Weirdly enough, green shells are inserted during a reload, but the weapon ejects red ones when firing. A KSG with the "Quickdraw" attachment appears as the 4th tier weapon in Gun Game.
Remington 870
A custom tactical configuration of the Remington Model 870 is referred to as the "R870 MCS" in singleplayer and "Remington 870 MCS" in multiplayer, and is shown with a RIS mount on the receiver which includes aftermarket sights and a spare shell holder on the left and a two-round one on the right. it also sports a Surefire weaponlight forend, an M4-type stock with a Magpul-style pistol grip, and a stand-off muzzle device for breaching purposes. It is not actually an MCS model as it does not have any of features of the 870 MCS, mainly its distinctive forend.
With the "Fast Mags" attachment, the user shoves in two shells per motion when reloading, doubling the reload speed.
Saiga 12K
The Saiga 12K is available from the beginning for 2025 missions. It is modeled with a left-handed ejection port and charging handle, a Magpul MOE stock, a large stand-off muzzle device, and rails that for some reason mounts HK-style iron sights by default. When reloading from empty by default, the player character locks back the charging handle and releases it after changing the magazine; this can be done with some later-model Saigas, which feature manual bolt hold-open devices to ease reloading.
SRM Arms M1216
The SRM Arms Model 1216 is available in the future levels; it has apparently been adopted by the US military in Black Ops' universe, since sailors on the USS Barack Obama are seen using it to defend against the assault by Menendez's PMC troops. It is correctly shown as having a magazine with four 4-round tubes which must be manually rotated, but incorrectly fires each 4-round stack in full-auto mode. This is actually a feature of the SRM Arms MLE-12, prototypes of which were seen as early as 2012; it is not clear if the developers were aware of the MLE-12 or it is simply coincidence. In any case, the in-game model lacks the MLE-12's additional semi / auto selector switch on the side of the stock, rear of the pistol grip.
An interesting fact to note is that when the incorrectly named "Extended Clip" is used, the magazine size is increased from 16 to 20 rounds, but the player will actually be able to fire an additional 4-round stack, despite the weapon being fitted with only four tubes. It would have been more logical to add an extra shell to each of the four tubes (even though this goes beyond the real M1216's capacity). This isn't a problem for the "Mesmerizer" Pack-a-Punch variant in Zombies mode, that fires 6 shells from a single tube. An M1216 with the aforementioned "Extended Clip" attachment appears as the 5th weapon tier in Gun Game.
Assault Rifles & Battle Rifles
AK Hybrid
The "AK47" from the first Black Ops is available from the start of the campaign, being the same conglomerate model that features an AKS-74's receiver and magazine, an AKM's front sight and gas block, an AK-47's smooth handguard, a Type II AK-47's wooden stock with mounting bracket, and a Type III AK-47's receiver-mounted rear sling loop. Soviet troops in Afghanistan use the "AK47" in "Old Wounds", despite the fact that the AK-47 had been phased out of frontline service by that time, being replaced by the AK-74.
The AKS-74U can be found in the past campaign levels and appears in zombies mode. It uses the same model as in Black Ops (including the slightly elongated barrel and gas tube), and is still referred to as the "AK74u" and erroneously classified as a submachine gun. It is incorrectly shown used by frontline Soviet troops in "Old Wounds," whereas in reality it was only issued to tank crews, special forces, and support units.
The AN-94 assault rifle is used by PMC troops and Menendez's forces, Russia seemingly having decided to export the high-tech assault rifle by 2025; in reality, production of the AN-94 was discontinued in 2006, and it was never made available for export. It is attached with a rubber recoil buttpad on the stock, a Mission First Tactical Tekko Polymer AK-47 Integrated Rail System, and a RS Regulate AKML Gen 1 micro red dot mount, which, instead of mounting its designated Aimpoint Micro sight, mounts a rail with an aftermarket AK-style rear sight, and has a new a taller front sight to match. The weapon still retains the original, now-useless rear sight though.
The weapon features a correct recoiling barrel and a 2-round burst mode, even firing the first two rounds faster in full-auto mode. The recoiling barrel incorrectly moves back when the charging handle is pulled on an empty reload, which does not happen in reality.

Colt USAF M16 (Colt Model 604)
The USAF M16 returns from Black Ops; though it is called the "Colt M16A1", it lacks a birdcage flash hider and a forward assist, the absence most clearly visible during the pick-up animation. It still uses 20-round straight magazines with 30 rounds in them, and incorrectly has a three-round burst mode if it has the select-fire accessory. It is first available in the final 1980s level, "Suffer With Me." The weapon's appearance by that point is noticeably incorrect, as by the late 1980s, the majority of the US military had switched to the M16A2 and 30 round magazines.

DSA SA58 Para Elite Compact
The DSA SA58 Para Elite Compact is available as the "FAL OSW" for the 2025 missions. In singleplayer it is fully automatic by default, whereas in multiplayer it defaults to semi-auto. It has an ACE M4 SOCOM stock.

FN FAL G Series
The FN FAL is the same G Series model from the original Black Ops. It is available from the first mission onwards. As with the DSA SA58, its multiplayer incarnation (used in Zombies mode) is semi-automatic by default, while the singleplayer version defaults to fully-automatic, which is incorrect since the G Series model is a civilian semi-auto only rifle.
An FN SCAR-H is available for the 2025 missions and appears to be one of the standard rifles on the United States military. It holds 30 rounds in its 20-round magazine, or 40 if the invisible and incorrectly named "Extended Clip" is chosen.
An FN SCAR-H with a drum magazine, a bipod and a bulkier stock is one of the weapons the game classifies as light machine guns. It is incorrectly listed as the "HAMR", which is a light machine gun version of the SCAR-L entered for the USMC's IAR trials; the in-game weapon does not have the deeper handguard of that version of the rifle and is just a standard SCAR-H with a large drum magazine (which has the 75-round capacity of a 5.56mm drum: given the size, it should only hold 50 rounds if the weapon is assumed to be chambered in 7.62mm, and it is visually based on the 50-round drum used on some G8 (Heckler & Koch HK11) rifles used by the German police and military or the X-Products X-91, an American clone made primarily for the Heckler & Koch G3 and Heckler & Koch HK91; the "Extended Clip" attachment raises the capacity to 100).
Strangely, in Multiplayer and Zombies the weapon has a variable fire rate not unlike that of the AN-94; the first 7 shots in full-auto are fired at 937 RPM, and the rest are fired at 625 RPM, apparently to imitate the real HAMR's transition to open bolt firing when the weapon is heated, though this does beg the question of how the weapon manages to not only heat up to unsafe levels within a mere (and consistent) 7 rounds, but also dissipate this heat instantaneously upon the cessation of fire, nevermind the fact that switching the same weapon from open-bolt to closed-bolt operation wouldn't likely cause such a drastic change in fire rate. The version in the campaign forgoes this nonsense altogether, and fires at a constant 937 RPM.

Heckler & Koch HK416
The HK416 is incorrectly listed as the "M27," which is the designation for the squad automatic weapon version used by the USMC. The in-game weapon has a standard 14.5-inch barrel rather than the 16.5-inch barrel used by the M27. The HK416 is equipped with a MagPul BAD Lever, a Raptor charging handle, and a 10.5-inch Super Modular Rail HK. The Foregrip attachment adds a SureFire M900A vertical foregrip with an unusable flashlight, an accessory that by 2025 would be extremely outdated both as a vertical grip and as a flashlight. An HK416 with an "MMS" sight is the 9th weapon tier in Gun Game.

Heckler & Koch XM8
The "M8A1" appears to be a "futurised" Heckler & Koch XM8 with a short handguard and a thick carrying handle. It has a railed carrying handle and a railed handguard with rail covers, rather than the PCAP accessory system used by the US XM8. In real life this configuration is used on Malaysian XM8s, though given the series' common use of Airsoft weapons as references it is far more likely this was based on a rail-equipped Airsoft gun. It also has an incorrect G36-style magazine well. It has a 32 round capacity, incorrect for any currently produced XM8/G36 magazine. The "M8A1" designation suggests it has been adopted by the US military and Yemeni Army as a standard weapon, and is used by both American soldiers and PMC troops. In multiplayer and Zombies modes, it fires 4-round bursts by default, something not present on the real XM8. An "M8A1" with an EOtech sight is used as the tenth weapon tier in Gun Game.

A slightly modified version of the IMI Galil ARM model from the original Call of Duty: Black Ops is available in the past levels; it no longer has a carry handle, though it still has the attachment point for one. The reload animation is changed; the basic reload motions are now more similar to the AK-type rifles, and the cocking animation is now done with the left hand instead of the right.
IWI X95 Flattop
The IWI X95 Flattop, an improved variant of the MTAR-21, appears in the game as the "MTAR". In Zombies mode Marlton identifies the weapon as an X95L variant, but the in-game model has a straight rail which is raised above the handguard, not a two-step rail like the L model. It is equipped with an MFI Sig MAD front sight.
M14 Rifle
The M14 Rifle from Black Ops reappears in Zombies mode, this time with a synthetic black finish instead of wooden furniture. Once again, the in-game model has a pistol grip and folding vertical grip like the M14E2 light machine gun. It is typically one of the first weapons available in a Zombies map, and is effective for a surprisingly long time due to its high accuracy and damage, despite only holding 8 rounds in its 20-round magazine.
A fictional bullpup battle rifle called the "SMR" is a common weapon among enemy soldiers in the future levels. The weapon is based on the Saritch design concept, and is presumably supposed to represent a military version of it. This is supported by the fact that the game files and pre-Alpha builds of Black Ops II refer to it as the "Saritch", and it is even directly modeled after the Saritch in the pre-alpha builds.
In singleplayer it is a slow full-auto rifle by default, while in multiplayer it is semi-automatic unless the select-fire "attachment" is added; the real Saritch was only ever mocked up as a semi-auto, though the designer did consider a select-fire military variant. An SMR fitted with an ACOG sight is the 11th weapon tier in Gun Game.
A SIG-Sauer SIG556 HOLO with Magpul MOE stock is available late in the singleplayer campaign, and as a relatively early unlock in multiplayer. It is equipped with an MFI Sig MAD front sight and the standard rear SIG drum sight is depicted with an aiming aperture instead of the proper drum. While early footage showed it called "SIG556" (with this name still being seen in the game files), in the final game it is instead called the "SWAT-556"; however, the campaign version is referred to as "SIG556" when using the higher zoom level of the Leupold HAMR optic. It can fire in three-round bursts, or full-auto mode if the Select Fire "attachment" is equipped (reversed in singleplayer); some military/LE variants of the SIG556 do have these fire modes, but the in-game model has the semi-auto only fire selector of the civilian version.
Sturmgewehr 44
The Sturmgewehr 44 returns from the previous games, but this time having an impressive fire rate of 750 RPM instead of 500-600 and a slightly increased price. It appears in the "Origins" Zombies map from the "Apocalypse" DLC. While the gun may seem anachronistic (seeing as the map takes place in 1918, while the gun was designed around 1944-45), it is explained in game that the "Mystery Box" has the power to grab weapons from multiple time periods, hence the box featuring an experimental light machine gun in a 1930's Alcatraz that's not even on the same plane of existence. It can be assumed that the StG 44 (and by extension, the MP40) also appeared via this handwave.
"Type 25"
The "Type 25" is a "futurised" QBZ-95-1 (evidenced by the fire selector above the pistol grip), but with a trigger guard similar to that of the original QBZ-95. It is seen in the hands of Chinese troops at the end of "Fallen Angel" and during "Judgment Day". Pre-alpha builds refer to this as the "Type-95", further alluding its original model.
Sniper Rifles
Barrett M107
The Barrett M107 model used in Modern Warfare 3, incorrectly referred to as the "Barrett M82A1," is available in the past and future missions, starting with the level "Time and Fate"; a key part at the end of "Suffer With Me" also involves the use of the Barrett. The normal version is identical to the one from MW3, while the one with the "Variable Zoom" attachment is slightly altered with no lens covers and a raised carrying handle. As in MW3, the model has ejection ports on both sides of the receiver.
It is highly anachronistic for the past levels, since the M107 was not adopted until 2002. This mistake appears to have been made because Barrett have started to market the M107 under the "M82A1" name; an original M82A1 would not actually be particularly anachronistic since the A1 version was developed by 1986, though the first major order of rifles was not made until 1989.
The DSR-50 is used by enemies during the first future level, though it is not actually unlocked in the loadout menu until the last one. It is similar in power to the other heavy sniper rifles, but slower due to being bolt-action, and it has an incorrect magazine capacity of 5 rounds instead of 3. It is also available in Zombies mode, though like all sniper rifles in that mode it is mostly useless due to zombies not exactly being known for long-range combat. A DSR-50 with a variable zoom scope appears as the 15th weapon tier in Gun Game.

FN Ballista
The FN Ballista is a bolt-action sniper rifle available in the future levels. Among its equip options, it can be fitted with illuminated iron sights instead of the default scope; it is the only sniper rifle with such an option outside of Zombies (as the DSR-50 has a similar attachment when Pack-a-Punched). A Ballista with the aforementioned iron sights appears as the 16th weapon tier in Gun Game.
"Storm PSR"
The "Storm PSR" is a fictional three-barreled (rotatory, no less) sniper rifle based on Metal Storm technology, with the ability to queue and fire multiple rounds at a time to penetrate surfaces. This is actually a suggested capability of the Metal Storm system since it is able to make multiple rounds hit the same point, but no weapon design like the PSR currently exists and the weapon is a work of fiction.

SVD Dragunov Hybrid
The SVD Dragunov appears in two past missions, "Pyrrhic Victory" and "Time and Fate". It is a modified version of the Black Ops SVD hybrid model, with a lower-profile front sight and the wooden furniture textures replaced with a grayish green texture, apparently trying to make it look more like a modernized variant with synthetic furniture. As before it uses an incorrect modern POSP scope reticle rather than a period PSO-1, and it also completely lacks a flash hider.
The SVU can be used in the 2025 missions, referred to as the "SVU-AS", and is effectively a high-tech counterpart to the SVD. It features a dark red, carbon fibre-effect forehand and also has a modified Leupold Mark 4 CQ/T scope incorrectly depicted with a pseudo PSO-1 reticle. It is fitted with a folded-forward Harris-style bipod instead of the correct one for an SVU/SVU-AS, and in the create-a-class menu icon it is mounted backwards and seemingly floating in the air; the icon also includes a flash suppressor. It also lacks select fire, being semi-auto only, making it an SVU. An SVU with a "Dual Band" scope appears as the 14th weapon tier in Gun Game.
A semi-automatic sniper rifle chambered in .50 BMG. It bears a resemblance to the Barrett Model 98 Bravo, though the latter is bolt-action rather than semi-automatic and is chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. In the game files it is referred to as the AS50, which is semi-auto and chambered in .50 BMG, even though it looks noticeably different from it.
Machine Guns
Handheld GE M134 Minigun
The same handheld M134 Minigun model from Black Ops returns as an unlockable for the campaign, now simply called "minigun", as the "Death Machine" name has moved to the future version. It has a 999 round magazine with no reserve and no reloading animation, and has no iron sights; instead, the iron sight key pre-spins the weapon's barrels. The M134 is effective even against vehicles which are normally immune to gunfire. As before it has an oddly slanted overhead front grip; in "Old Wounds" while riding it can be seen that part of the grip which would normally be covered by the player character's hand is not present at all. In addition, on the PC with the FOV set to 80 the minigun model is slightly too small for the screen and blank space can frequently be seen at the bottom and right of the model as it moves. A slightly altered version of the handheld minigun model is used as a door mount on a gunship in "Achilles' Veil."
Handheld General Dynamics GAU-19/A
A man-portable futuristic gatling gun based on the General Dynamics GAU-19/A is the new "Death Machine" killstreak, and can be used in the campaign by completing challenges. Like the minigun, it has no iron sights with the aim button instead pre-spinning the barrels, a 999 round magazine with no reserve and no reloading animation. It appears to use the same sound effect normally used for the A-10's GAU-8 in the modern Call of Duty games. A slightly altered version of this model is also found mounted on drone gun rigs, mostly used by Menendez's PMC troops.
It is also present in the DLC "Mob of the Dead" Zombies map, where it has a 150 round magazine and a reload animation where it is simply lowered off the screen.
LSAT Light Machine Gun
The LSAT Light Machine Gun is occasionally seen in the hands of US soldiers, most commonly during the new "Strike Force" missions. It appears with a digital ammunition counter beside the belt opening of the drum magazine, which is of great use while playing Hardcore multiplayer matches where the HUD is removed. The markings on the weapon refer to it as "M250," presumably indicating it has been adopted as a replacement for the M249 SAW.
M60E3 Machine Gun
The Black Ops M60E3 model is reused in the singleplayer campaign as a past weapon; as before it is very powerful, but has heavy recoil.
Maxim MG08/15
The Maxim MG08/15 appears in the Zombies map "Origins" from the "Apocalypse" DLC; as with the M712 it is rather substantially stylized, in particular featuring a rather squashed receiver, along with several purely decorative additions including a water hose that leads from the rear of the cooling jacket to the bottom of the receiver for no discernible reason. It has an excessive fire rate of 750 RPM compared to the real 450-500, and features an anti-aircraft front sight which is never properly aligned with the standard (i.e. non-anti-aircraft) rear sight. Notably, when reloading, the player character doesn't pull the belt into the action; he simply replaces the belt drum and works the charging handle, as though it were a drum magazine and not simply a round, drum-shaped belt box (a bit like the MG42 from Call of Duty: World at War). There is a lip depicted on the feed tray, but there's no way it could pull the belt on its own (nevermind that the belt drum is always shown empty); the weapon also ejects disintegrating belt links, rather than using a non-disintegrating belt like the real weapon was issued with.

Mk 48 Mod 1
The Mk 48 Mod 1 is available in the 2025 levels as a light machine gun, despite technically being a medium machine gun, as it fires a full-sized rifle round rather than an intermediate one. A Mk. 48 with a Leupold HAMR optic appears as the 13th weapon tier in Gun Game.

The QJB-95-1 is available as the "QBB LSW". It has been "futurized" in the same manner as the QBZ-95-1 (i.e. bulkier furniture), and has the trigger guard of the QBZ-95. It also has a left-handed projection on its charging handle; the player character operates this by taking their hand off the grip. A QJB-95-1 with a fictional "Target Finder" sight appears as the 12th weapon tier in Gun Game.
The name "QBB" is the historical name of the QJB-95, used in multiple historical Chinese sources in the 2000s.
RPD light machine gun
The RPD is available from the beginning of the game, and can be picked up from the Mystery Box in Zombies mode. In singleplayer it is used by Soviet troops in Afghanistan, at a time when it would have been replaced by the PKM and the RPK-74. It is also seen during the US invasion of Panama in "Suffer With Me."

Airtronic RPG-7
The Airtronic RPG-7 appears in the future levels as the "futurised" version of the normal RPG-7 used in the past ones. It is simply called "RPG", and it is fitted with a futuristic warhead seemingly based on the one from The Avengers. An Airtronic RPG-7 appears as the 18th weapon tier in Gun Game.
FIM-92 Stinger
The FIM-92 Stinger can be unlocked on the loadout screen and is available during the mission in Afghanistan. It is very inaccurately portrayed as a dual-mode anti-tank / anti-aircraft missile launcher, with an RPG-7 iron sight placed on the folding sight. In anti-tank mode the round can be manually detonated by pressing fire again, while in anti-air mode the weapon will not fire without a lock on. The maximum capacity is twenty launchers, and Stingers are meant to be used as a main weapon throughout "Old Wounds."
"FHJ-18 AA"
A fictional anti-air launcher, appearing to be a "futurised" FIM-92 Stinger, is available for the 2025 missions and in multiplayer. In multiplayer it can lock on to aircraft and vehicles, while in singleplayer it is only able to lock on to targets which are valid for the Stinger's anti-air mode. It is never found in the campaign, but can be unlocked; however, given its limited range of targets, it is never particularly useful. It is seen being used by Menendez's forces and Menendez himself during "Achilles' Veil". Interestingly enough, it is named similarly to the Chinese FHJ-84 double-barreled rocket launcher, despite functioning far differently from it.

GP-30 Grenade Launcher
GP-30 grenade launchers are mounted on Russian weapons equipped with launchers in both the past and future levels; the GP30 is also used by the Galil. The player model no longer has a quadrant sight at all, but is the same model as used in previous games. The in-world model, however, still has its right-mounted quadrant sight. As in previous games, the reload animation includes an incorrect flick of the launcher to eject a spent casing, despite that VOG grenades are built like mortar rounds and are ejected from the launcher in their entirety.

Hawk MM1 grenade launcher
The Hawk MM1 grenade launcher is held by Jonas Savimbi during the first mission as he rides on a Buffel armored truck, and can be unlocked on the loadout screen by completing challenges. It features a capacity of 24 grenades, double of the real 12, and has no iron sights; the screen simply zooms in when the aim button is pressed. Its grenades are also not affected by gravity, acting more like rockets. The contents of the cylinder are ejected on-screen, but afterwards the weapon is reloaded off-screen.
Heckler & Koch M320
Most of the future assault rifles will mount Heckler & Koch M320 grenade launchers if a grenade launcher accessory is selected. Unlike the M203, reloading the M320 shows that the ejected casing does have its own model, instead of having a full 40mm grenade standing in for the casing.
M203 Grenade Launcher
The M203 grenade launcher used in this game, unlike most previous entries in the series, has neither a rail attachment point or a removed trigger guard, meaning it is not based on an Airsoft imitation. It is the same model from the first Black Ops. Like all prior M203 grenade launchers in the COD series, there is no model for a spent casing, and so on reloading an unfired grenade round is dumped out of the launcher.
This fictional wrist-mounted grenade launcher is available in all future levels, though it cannot be used in the past levels even when the game has been completed as grenades remain era-specific. The grenades themselves are referred to in menus as "XM31," but the launcher itself has "M360" printed on it, and also includes a line launcher. Holding the grenade button provides an aiming line; the grenades are typical videogame smart grenades, exploding on contact with enemies or on a timer otherwise.
In the Strike Force missions, Semtex grenades are also fired out of the "M360" but are thrown by hand in the other campaign missions.
The MGL Mk 1L is referred to as "War Machine". It is a killstreak reward in multiplayer; it cannot be found in the singleplayer campaign and can only be accessed via the loadout screen by completing challenges. In Zombies it can only be obtained from the Mystery Box; unlike in the campaign and multiplayer, in Zombies it fires regular grenades that do not explode on impact. It suffers from exactly the same reloading issues as the Taurus Raging Judge. Ironically, it is also one of the few MGL reload animations to (sorta) depict the real weapon's reload procedure, where the cylinder is wound up before any new rounds are loaded, though the player character doesn't make a full rotation to fully wind up the cylinder, and mid-cylinder reloads neglect the fact that the cylinder cannot be manually rotated when it's partially wound up.
Mk 153 SMAW
The Mk 153 SMAW uses the same model as in Modern Warfare 3; as before there is no reloading animation, with the entire launcher simply disappearing off-screen, and the weapon can only use the default iron sights despite having a scope rail. The SMAW is only available in the future levels, and apparently has some fictional guided round which can lock on to vehicles and aircraft; cutscenes frequently show SMAW-equipped troops firing the weapons as if they are SAMs. A SMAW appears as the 17th weapon tier in Gun Game.
The RPG-7 is an available weapon in the past levels. An RPG-7 is inaccurately used to disable Noriega's private jet in "Suffer With Me". In reality, the SEALs used an AT-4 to deal with the plane.
SA-14 Gremlin
The same fictional "Valkyrie" MCLOS (Manual Command Line Of Sight) SA-14 Gremlin seen in Black Ops turns up during the second half of "Pyrrhic Victory," and is used to shoot down an attacking Mi-24 Hind gunship. Furthermore, the HUD icon of the SA-14 is used for the campaign version of the "FHJ-18 AA" and the FIM-92A Stinger.
40lb Cratering Charge
A 40lb Cratering Demolition Charge is used by Mason to block a road leading to the Mujahideen camp during "Old Wounds".
Fictional Grenade
The future hand grenade is a cross between a M67 hand grenade and a Mk 2 hand grenade. Strangely, enemies in the past levels use the future grenade instead of the M67 seemingly due to an oversight, which renders the grenades they drop upon death unusable (except briefly when playing as Menendez in "Time and Fate" as he is equipped with future grenades.) as the player's frag grenade in the past is the M67 grenade though the player can still throw back future grenades thrown at them. (Despite the M67 reusing the same icons and essentially functioning as the same grenade with a model swap.)
Future Smoke Grenade
A Futuristic Smoke Grenade is used in all levels, even past levels. (as opposed to being replaced by a proper model like the future grenades even though it's even the default grenade for a few past levels.) It explodes like the Willy Pete Grenade from the original Black Ops upon impact, releasing smoke and and a (very weak) incendiary effect.
The original C4 Charges from Black Ops are used when selecting C4 charges in the past missions, they gain a new model in the future missions/multiplayer.
The "Semtex" grenade (made from C4 according to it's textures in past games) also returns with an altered texture.
M18 smoke grenade
M18 smoke grenades are often seen on NPCs in the past levels.
M112 C4 Demolition Charge
While the C4 charges which can be picked from the equip screen are fictional, the 40lb Cratering Charge used in "Old Wounds" is primed with four M112 demolition charges.
M18A1 Claymore
The M18A1 Claymore used in the game is a "futurised" version, regardless of which era it is used in.
M26 hand grenade
M26 hand grenades can be seen on the chest rigs of various NPCs during the campaign.
M29 Mortar Shell
In the missions "Pyrrhic Victory", "Old Wounds" and "Time and Fate", using the access kit on a damaged Buffel, a locked room inside the Mujahideen hideout and a garage respectively will have Mason gain access to M29 Mortar Shells.
Woods also gives Mason a M29 Mortar Shell to destroy Kravchenko's fictional double barreled tank in a cutscene, this Mortar Shell conveniently takes several seconds to explode after being thrown in the tank instead of exploding instantly like it does during gameplay after Mason tosses it inside the tank.
These are thrown like the M34A1 Mortar Shell from Call of Duty: World at War and can be combined with the Animal Traps from the third access kit spot in ""Pyrrhic Victory" to create an improvised landmine.
M34 White Phosphorous grenade
American NPCs in the past levels frequently have M34 White Phosphorous grenades on their chest rigs. As in Black Ops, they are incorrectly shown painted green, which was not done in real life before the adoption of NATO STANAG 2321 in 1987: period M34 grenades should be white.
M34A1 Mortar Shell
The M341A1 Mortar Shell from Call of Duty: World at War appears inside the locked room in the Mujahideen hideout where Mason acquires the M29 Mortar Shells.
M67 hand grenade
In cutscenes set in the past the most commonly used grenade is the M67 hand grenade; a young Menendez uses an M67 partway through "Pyrrhic Victory" and a decision by Woods to throw one during "Time and Fate" has major repercussions.
The M67 is also used by player characters in the past when equipping Frag Grenades but they reuse the icon for the future grenade.
M83 smoke grenade
Soldiers in the future levels have M83 smoke grenades rather than the M18s seen in the past levels.
M84 stun grenade
The future "flashbang" is a dressed-up M84 stun grenade, which becomes a completely normal M84 body after detonating.
Additionally the normal M84 is used when throwing stun grenades in the flashback missions.
Mecar M72 hand grenade
Mecar M72 hand grenades can be seen on the chest rigs of various NPCs during the campaign.
MK3 offensive hand grenade
MK3 offensive hand grenades can be seen on the chest rigs of various NPCs during the campaign.
The "Nightingale" is a grenade only available in the singleplayer mission "Suffer With Me," and uses the same model as the Decoy Grenade from Black Ops. It appears to be an improvised device made using rifle bullets and some kind of clockwork striker array to set them off, making it bounce around and produce gunfire sounds.
RGD-5 hand grenade
RGD-5 hand grenades can be seen on the chest rigs of various NPCs during the campaign.
VIS-1.6 anti-tank mine
In "Old Wounds" the access kit perk allows recovery of a cache of VIS-1.6 anti-tank mines. These can be planted in the path of attacking Soviet tanks and BTR-60 APCs; Mason simply tosses them on the ground without burying them.
"Shock Charge"
A fictional device known as "Shock Charge" is featured in multiplayer. It resembles a futurized stake mine similar to the POMZ mines but it has miniaturized taser cartridges instead of fragmentation knobs and the stake resembles the blade of United Cutlery M48 Cyclone knife.
Mounted Weapons
8 cm kurzer Granatwerfer 42
The 8 cm kurzer Granatwerfer 42 model, which dates way back to Call of Duty 2, returns once again, this time used by mortar crews in the first level of the campaign.
Browning M2HB
Browning M2HBs can be seen mounted on technicals at various points during the campaign; strangely, those seen in the past levels are the model from Modern Warfare 2 which has no belt or ammo box, and not the more detailed version seen in Modern Warfare 3. The M2s mounted on SOC-T buggies seen in "Fallen Angel" also lack any ammunition supply. However, the technicals seen in "Cordis Die" have a different M2 model with an ammo box.
DShK heavy machine guns can be seen mounted on vehicles during the past levels, including Savimbi's Buffel armoured trucks and a series of militia patrol boats.
General Dynamics GAU-19/A
A variant of the General Dynamics GAU-19/A used as "Death Machine" is also seen in sentry gun mountings, used by enemies in the singleplayer future levels and controllable by the player in some Strike Force missions. It is also available as a Scorestreak reward in multiplayer.
General Dynamics M197 Vulcan
The M197 Vulcan cannon can be seen on a drone in "Celerium" where it is stated to be 40mm despite clearly not being big enough. It is also the chin armament of the "Stealth Chopper" which can be called in by a Scorestreak in multiplayer, a fictional helicopter based on the RAH-66 Comanche.
General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger
The "Warthog" Scorestreak in multiplayer allows the player to call in a fictional futuristic version of the A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft; like the real thing, this is armed with a General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger gatling gun.
General Electric M134 Minigun
Non-handheld GE M134 Miniguns are seen mounted on CLAW vehicles and MH-6 "Little Bird" helicopters.
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23
Throughout "Old Wounds," Soviet MiG-23 "Flogger" attack aircraft can be seen making bombing runs, armed with a Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 cannon.
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2
The same conglomerate of Mi-35M and Mi-24P seen in Modern Warfare 3 appears again, this time menacing Mason, Woods, and Hudson in Angola and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. As before, all Hinds in Black Ops II are armed with both a GSh-30-2 twin gun mounted on the fuselage and a chin mounted Yak-B gatling gun.
Kalashnikov PKT
Soviet T-55 tanks seen during the campaign have coaxial openings for their PKT machine guns, as do T-72s found in the multiplayer map "Standoff".
KPV Heavy Machine Gun
Four KPV heavy machine guns in a ZPU-4 quad AA mounting can be seen on a roof in "Suffer With Me"; the five-man weapon is operated by a single gunner, who can be killed to complete one of the level's challenges.
Like previous games in the series, it reuses the same model from Call of Duty 4.
KPVT heavy machine gun
Soviet BTR-60 APCs seen in "Old Wounds" mount KPVT heavy machine guns in their turrets.
M61 Vulcan
M61 Vulcan cannons in Block 1B Phalanx installations can be seen mounted on the USS Barack Obama during the mission "Odysseus".
Denel MG4
A variant of the Browning M1919, the Denel MG4, can be seen in coaxial mounts alongside the Denel GT-2 90mm guns of Savimbi's Eland armoured cars in the first mission.
Metal Storm Redback RWS
The fictional "Assault Sentry Drone" ("Autonomous Ground Robot" in multiplayer) tracked UCVs mount a Metal Storm Redback RWS four-barrel repeating grenade launcher in a module on their right-hand side. This is incorrectly depicted as an ordinary machine gun.
NSV-T Heavy Machine Gun
Low-detail NSV-T heavy machine guns can be seen mounted on abandoned T-72 tanks in the multiplayer map "Standoff".
RPD Light Machine Gun (mounted)
Mounted RPDs are a frequent sight in the 1980s levels.
Type 1130 CIWS
The multiplayer map "Carrier" is set on the deck of Chinese supercarrier, which appears to be based on the Liaoning (CV-16 of the People's Liberation Army Navy (this is not a typo) Surface Force), formerly the Admiral Kuznetsov-class carrier Varyag. Multiple Type 1130 30mm 11-barrel CIWS installations can be seen on the deck as opposed to the three installations around the perimeter that the real ship has; these are equipped with their radar, but for some reason do not have the sensor pod which should be mounted on the right of the installation. Most likely it is because in all photographs of Liaoning available at the time, the pod was covered with a tarp, and the designers did not realise it was concealing part of the installation.
Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B
Soviet Hind helicopters are armed with a chin-mounted Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B four-barrel gatling. As in Modern Warfare 3, it is necessary to get very close to a Hind to see the four openings in the rectangular gun, but they are present.
Tactical High Energy Laser
A futuristic version of the Tactical High Energy Laser appears as the "Laser Turret". It is mounted on a conventional looking SAM trailer.
Two crossbow weapons can be acquired in singleplayer by completing 5 challenges in the mission "Karma," one of them also appearing in multiplayer. Both fire explosive bolts: one is the manually loaded weapon from the first Black Ops, while the second is a reverse-draw crossbow which resembles a Barnett BC Raptor. This version is somehow fed from a small magazine, which doubles as the handguard, and in multiplayer has the even more unfathomable ability to fire three bolts at once with the correct attachment. This crossbow (unmodified) is the 19th weapon tier in Gun Game.
Raytheon Silent Guardian ADS
A futuristic man-portable version of Raytheon's now-cancelled Silent Guardian Active Denial System, called the "Guardian ADS," can be chosen as a Scorestreak reward in multiplayer. It projects a microwave field which incapacitates and eventually kills any enemies who enter.
SDU-5/E Marker Distress Light
While not actually a weapon at all, this portable IR strobe is used as a grenade in "Suffer With Me," allowing fire to be called down from an orbiting AC-130 gunship. The version in the game is a retextured version of Black Ops' "Tactical Insertion" device, swapping the incorrect olive drab colour scheme (which was the colour of the SDU-5/E's FG1C flash guard case, not the device itself) for a still-incorrect black.
"Titus 6"
A fictional weapon which resists conventional classification, the Titus-6 is a combination weapon combining a three-round burst explosive flechette launcher and a two-round burst shotgun. Visually the upper barrel and stock appear to be loosely based on a Steyr AUG A3, with an underbarrel shotgun very slightly resembling an M26 MASS with the magazine slanted backwards.
Unusable Weapons
This section excludes mounted and emplaced weapons as well as grenades and explosives - you can find them under their respective categories.
AK Variants
Many AK variants such as the AKMS and the AK-74 are seen during the introduction to "Old Wounds". Some AKs with milled receiver are also seen (one with a fixed stock and the others with underfolding ones), though it is unclear if they are AK-47/AKS-47 or early versions of the Type 56/Type 56-1.
Beretta 92SB
Soldiers can sometimes be seen with holstered Beretta 92SB handguns in the future levels, particularly Salazar who has two. This is odd, since the weapon is not available in gameplay and nobody ever uses one; when Salazar draws his pistol, it is an FN Five-seveN. Most likely a placeholder that was never replaced, seeing as the Five-seveN and the "KAP-40" have replaced the M9 as the standard service pistol of the American military.
Bruni Olympic 6
During the introduction to "Old Wounds" as Salazar is explaining Menendez's rise to power, a live-action sequence shows an actor playing a young Menendez drawing a Bruni Olympic 6 blank-fire revolver from his waistband and "shooting" a rival in both legs with it.
Colt Sporter Competition
During the cutscene halfway through "Pyrrhic Victory" as Woods recalls his escape from the "Hanoi Hilton", the guard he ambushes is shown armed with the "M16A4" model (actually a Colt Sporter Competition) from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, decades before the M16A4 would actually have existed.
Enfield L85A2
During the introduction to "Old Wounds", a series of stock footage screens show guns supposedly smuggled to Afghanistan by the Menendez cartel, most bizarrely two rows of L85A2 rifles with L3A1 bayonets fitted.
Generic Revolver
Low-detail revolvers somewhat resembling the Smith & Wesson Model 10 are seen on character models for cartel thugs in "Time and Fate" and baseball bat wielding Dignity Battalion members in "Suffer With Me." The models appear to be taken from a much older game, and lack any real identifying features, or even triggers. Like almost all sidearms and grenades on character models, these enemies will never attempt to use their revolvers.
G&G GR4 G26 (Airsoft gun)
An M4A1-style G&G GR4 G26 Airsoft gun can be seen in promotional images, but no similar weapon appears in the game itself.
Heckler & Koch USP45
Similarly to the Beretta 92SB, the Heckler & Koch USP45 is not a usable weapon, only seen holstered on the character models of mercenary enemies in the future levels.
M8 Flare Pistol
A PDF soldier at the start of "Suffer With Me" fires an M8 flare pistol as Woods and Mason attempt to pass his checkpoint. The pistol is only seen at long range, as it vanishes when the soldier is killed.
M79 grenade launcher
An M79 grenade launcher is briefly seen during the introduction to "Old Wounds".
Paintball Guns
A store display of paintball guns can be seen in the map "Rush" from the Vengeance DLC. The models shown are the Tippmann 98 Custom, the Tippmann X7 X36 and probably a variant of the Dye Matrix. The map also has multiple images of a figure with what appears to be a fictional paintball TAR-21.