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RGD-5 hand grenade

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The RGD-5 hand grenade and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors:

RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade. Note the different colors/markings from the first one.
URG-N RGD-5 training grenade
Dummy RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade


Title Actor Character Notes Date
Major "Whirlwind" (Mayor "Vikhr") Anastasiya Voznesenskaya Anya 1967
Oleg Golubitsky SS Sturmbannführer Gunther Fischer
About Friends-Comrades (O druzyakh-tovarishchakh) An Anarchist URG-N training grenade 1970
Peasant Son (Krestyanskiy syn) Aleksandr Yanvaryov Pasha 1975
Red Dawn C. Thomas Howell Robert Morris 1984
The Detached Mission Mikhail Nozhkin Maj. Shatokhin URG-N training grenade 1985
Secrets of Madame Wong (Tayny madam Vong) Oleg Li Wang Liu 1986
The Beast of War Don Harvey Kaminski 1988
George Dzundza Cmdr. Daskal
Deserter (Dezertir) Anatoliy Kotenyov Skif 1997
Checkpoint (Blokpost) Denis Kirillov Skag 1998
Straight Shooter Heino Ferch Volker Bretz 1999
I Am a Dummy (Ya - kukla) Yuriy Dumchev Kaban 2001
Aleksandr Domogarov Viktor Vorobyov
Lion's Share (Lvinaya dolya) Simonov's henchman 2001
Python II Greg's man 2002
The Star (Zvezda) Russian scouts 2002
Antikiller 2: Antiterror Aleksey Serebryakov Uzhakh Aduev 2003
Vadim Tsallati Nazim Aduev
9th Company Konstantin Kryukov Giaconda Petrovsky 2005
Lord of War Jared Leto Vitaly Orlov 2005
In Her Line of Fire Mariel Hemingway SGM. Lynn Delaney 2006
Home of the Brave Iraqi Insurgent 2006
Nightingale the Robber (Solovey-Razboynik) Ivan Okhlobystin Solovey-Razboynik 2012
22 Minutes (22 minuty) Eebra Tooré Amin URG-N training grenade 2014
Makar Zaporozhskiy Sanya Ezhov
Republic Z (Respublika Z) Zombie soldier 2018
Caution, Hazardous Wife: The Movie Russian mercenaries 2021
Black Widow seen in arsenal 2021
The Last Ronin Erden Telemissov Seller 2024


Title Actor Character Note Date
It Was in Kokand (Eto bylo v Kokande) Aleksandr Denisov Aleksandr Likholetov 1977
Vyacheslav Shalevich Denis Avvakumov
Tour of Duty Enemy forces 1987-1990
Special Operations Squad (Otryad spetsyalnogo naznacheniya) Aleksandr Mikhaylov Nikolay Grachyov URG-N 1987
Dark Angel Nicki Aycox Syl "...and Jesus Brought a Casserole (S1E15) 2001
Dark Angel William Gregory Lee Zack misidentified as a "Russian-made RGN-3", "...and Jesus Brought a Casserole" (S1E15) 2001
Monk Arms Dealer misidentified as a "Russian-made RGN-3", "Mr. Monk and the Election" (S3E15) 2004
Monk Tony Shalhoub Adrian Monk "Mr. Monk and the Election" (S3E15) 2004
The Storm Gate Russian Army soldiers URG-N training grenade 2006

Video Games

Game Title Referred as Notation Release Date
America's Army Third-person model only, unusable 2002
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 2004
Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat 2007
ArmA: Armed Assault 2007
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl 2007
7.62 High Calibre 2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky 2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat 2009
9th Company: Roots of Terror 2009
ArmA II "RGO Frag Grenade" 2009
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2010
Bodycount HUD icon only 2011
Survarium 2013
Deadfall Adventures 2013
Squad 2015
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Autumn Aurora 2015
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades RG5 2016
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Unusable 2016
Escape from Tarkov RGD-5 hand grenade 2016
Call to Arms 2018
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Misery 2018
Caliber "RGD-5" 2019
Into the Radius VR RGD-5 2020
Arma Reforger 2022
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. GAMMA 2022


Title Character Note Date
Najica Blitz Tactics "Mission: 001 - A Magnificent Secret Agent with a Rose in Her Hands" 2001
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage Hotel Moscow soldiers 2006
Magical Girl Raising Project Calamity Mary, Ripple 2016

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