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The Division
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Tom Clancy's The Division is a MMOTPS for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The game was developed by Ubisoft Massive, the creators of the acclaimed strategy game World in Conflict.
The Division's plot focuses around the "Green Poison", a weapons-grade super virus derived from various deadly pathogens like H1N1, Ebola, and dengue fever, among other things, and it's effects on America's center of business: New York City. It was created by a rogue scientist named Gordon Amherst and used paper currency as the vector of his pathogen, easily infecting all of America as this was during Black Friday, when money changed hands at an rapid rate. In but a few days, thousands of people were being admitted to hospitals and many more were dying due to a mysterious "flu" outbreak. The virus' rapid mutation abilities and sheer lethality made it nearly impossible to create a vaccine or keep the victims alive long enough for a vaccine to be develop.
In response to containing the virus; the Catastrophic Emergency Response Agency (the game's version of the American CDC) and the Joint Task Force, a coalition of emergency services, police forces, and National Guard units, were assembled and attempted to prevent further spread of the virus by creating the "Dark Zone" in central Manhattan, which is a walled-off area for infected people to be isolated from the general populace, until a cure can be distributed. Assisting the JTF and CERA are operatives from the "Strategic Homeland Division" (or simply, "The Division"), who are highly-trained government sleeper agents "activated" by the president to ensure the continuity of government, in the event of a catastrophic domestic crisis. The first ones sent here are known as the "First Wave". Things however, did not go as planned, and the growing resource shortages and civilian unrest took a heavy toll on JTF and SHD forces, largely wiping out the majority of the first wave Division agents, and most of the JTF's influence and control over New York.
The player is part of the "Second Wave" of activated agents, and must work with fellow agents and the JTF to discover the fate of the First Wave agents, wrestle back control of the city to the JTF, and essentially save what remains of NYC until order can be restored.
Opposing them are rioters: survivors of the flu fighting and looting for survival, the Cleaners: a group of insane NY sanitation workers hellbent on purifying the virus from the Earth with copious amounts of fire, the Rikers: escaped convicts from Rikers island taking advantage of the total anarchy, the Last Man Battalion: a high-tech PMC unit originally contracted to safeguard wallstreet business firms but has since then decided to take control of Manhattan with an iron grip after being stranded due to the quarantine, the Hunters: a group of mysterious mask-clad operators hunting down Division agents, and lastly: fellow Division agents from the first and second wave who have gone rogue.
While not every Tom Clancy game has been directly connected to a book, and certain ones took place in branching off timelines, every series, (Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, and Rainbow Six) still took place in the "Ryanverse", Clancy's universe centered around Jack Ryan but also including figures like John Clark of Rainbow Six. The Division is the first series of games in the Tom Clancy franchise that is completely outside of the Ryanverse, and as such, the apocalypse present in the games has no effect on any of the Ryanverse games.
A sequel named The Division 2 was announced in March 2018, and released a year later in March 2019. The game takes place in Washington D.C and is set 7 months after the first game.
Most weapons by default are not outfitted with picatinny rails, but when in the "Weapon Modification" screen, the weapons are depicted with picatinny rails in spots corresponding with where attachments are possible.
For the purposes of visual clarity, most screenshots will have depth of field, chromatic aberration and vignette disabled. Unfortunately some of the immersive aspects will be lost and visuals won't be fully representative of the game.
The following weapons appear in the video game The Division:
Beretta M9
The Beretta M9 is the starting sidearm in the game. It appears under the name "Military M9". There is also a special variant called "Damascus", which sports a two-tone silver and white finish with black engravings. It has a special ability where it gains 20% more damage within 2 seconds of drawing the weapon, but subsequently looses 20% damage after 2 seconds.
It is also the standard-issue sidearm of JTF troops, who will sometimes be armed with an M9 and nothing else.
Beretta M9A1
The Beretta M9A1 appears with a 20-round magazine and wood grips as the "Officers M9 A1". It is strangely only capable of using barrel attachments like the standard M9, despite the M9A1's primary distinguishing feature being an underbarrel rail.
Beretta 93R
The Beretta 93R appears in The Division. It is the only sidearm capable of firing in bursts and it is possible to have it fire in quasi-full auto by timing the bursts.
Beretta Px4 Storm
The Beretta Px4 Storm appears in game as the "Px4 Storm Type F". The "Type T" variant has a threaded barrel and extended magazine.
Chiappa Rhino 20DS
The Chiappa Rhino 20DS appears in The Division as the "Snubnosed Rhino".
Chiappa Rhino 40DS
The Chiappa Rhino 40DS appears in The Division as the "Rhino".
Chiappa Rhino 60DS
The Chiappa Rhino 60DS appears as the "Rhino Special" in The Division. It is so far the only sidearm capable of mounting a sight attachment (although only small ones). A special version called the "Golden Rhino" appears as an exotic weapon, which it sports a golden finish and an increased stagger chance.
Colt M1911A1
An unmodified M1911A1 appears as the "M1911" in game. Interestingly enough, when compared to its modern day successor, the Colt M45A1 CQBP (also in game), the M1911 does slightly more damage than the M45A1, yet they are based on the same platform, though this difference in damage may just be for balance purposes. There is an exotic variant called "The Centurion", which is an ornate, nickel-plated M1911 with ivory grips and gold engravings, and deals bonus headshot damage if paired with the "Liberator" exotic assault rifle.
The weapon is used by cleaner snipers as their sidearm.
Colt M45A1 CQBP
The Colt M45A1 CQBP appears ingame as an available weapon. It is also seen as the sidearm of the female snipers belonging to the Rikers, which they will draw at close range. Interestingly enough, when compared to its predecessor, the Colt M1911A1 (also in game), the M1911 does slightly more damage than the M45A1, yet they are based on the same platform, though this change in damage may just be for balance purposes.
Colt M45 / MEU(SOC)
The Colt M45 pistol appears in game as the "Tactical M1911" and appears with a silver frame and black grips. It features a threaded barrel and underside rails for a variety of attachments. The weapon is used as the sidearm of choice by shielded heavy gunners of the Last Man Batallion.
The FNX-45 was added to the game via the 1.3 update, and appears as the "X-45".
FN FNX-45 Tactical
The FNX-45 Tactical was added to the game via the 1.3 update, and appears as the "First Wave X-45".
Desert Eagle
A generic model Desert Eagle is depicted in a graffiti mural in the Dark Zone.
Smith & Wesson M&P45
The Smith & Wesson M&P45 is the pistol used by a small group of rioters. It is called the "First Wave PF45" ingame. Interestingly enough, in one of the ECHO reconstructions, it is marked in the hand of a rioter under the correct name of M&P45.
The weapon is used by a variety of rioters, although notably by elite rioter grenadiers, who will still continue using this handgun despite their compatriots moving onto machine pistols and submachine guns.
Smith & Wesson Model 586
The Smith & Wesson Model 586 appears as the "586 Magnum".
Smith & Wesson Model 686
The "Police 686 Magnum" Smith & Wesson Model 686 is another revolver available in game, and appears to have generally better stats than the Model 586.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5
An MP5A3 with a navy trigger group, half a KAC M4 handguard, and a sight rail bolted to the gun, identical to the one in Sicario, appears as the "Navy MP5N," and is the first weapon available in the full game. A custom MP5 variant produced by TSC Machine is also available at higher ranks later in the game, called the "MP5 ST". The two guns are particularly popular with the playerbase, due to their high rate of fire (800RPM default) and overall well-rounded stats.
An MP5A4 with rails bolted to the handguard and a sight rail is one of the available SMGs in the Beta. In the final game, it appears as the "Burst-fire MP5", which as the name describes; is only capable of firing in 3-round bursts.
Customized MP5A3s are used by Rikers gang leaders, while customized MP5A4s are used by elite Rikers grenadiers. Named Rikers gang leaders make use of a customized TSCM MP5. Elite snipers of the Last Man Battalion also use MP5A3s as their sidearm when engaged in close combat.
Heckler & Koch MP7A2
The Heckler & Koch MP7A2 appears as the "MP7"'. It is modeled with a 40 round magazine but only holds a default of 20 rounds, although attaching "Extended Mags" may bring the magazine capacity closer to, exactly and/or exceeding its correct amount. The weapon currently has the fastest RoF of any SMG in the game, with a base speed of 950 RPM.
The weapon is used by high-level Cleaners grenadiers.
Heckler & Koch UMP45
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 appears in The Division as the "UMP-45". Three variants exist, one is the "Police UMP45", which uses factory parts. The "Tactical UMP" has a Magpul stock installed. The last is the "Converted USC", which is listed below.
The weapon features a free, unique talent that gives it +10% damage against targets in cover.
Heckler & Koch USC (*)
The Heckler & Koch USC appears in The Division as the "Converted USC". The name implies that that this in fact a USC that has been converted to fully automatic, as opposed to other semi-auto civilian models of automatic weapons in the game that retain the name of their fully automatic counterparts (such as with the G36). In real life, the USC is a semi-automatic carbine. The ingame version has the correct 16 inch barrel but uses 20 round magazines instead of the 10 round magazines that come standard with the real USC. Additionally, the 16 inch barrel will disappear if a barrel attachment is mounted (with no penalty to stats, no less), reverting to the 8 inch barrel of standard UMP45s.
FN P90
A stripped-down FN P90 is used in the standard automated sentry guns deployed by division agents, which unfolds from a briefcase-like form and balanced on a small tripod. The gun has unlimited ammunition once deployed and is capable of tracking targets in a 360 degree radius; but has limited health, effective range, and life span.
While most of the gun's extra parts has been stripped out since the gun was not meant to be fired by a person; it still uses the proprietary 50-round transparent magazines exclusive to the P90. This can be clearly observed by going to the JTF base's electronics wing and going to the division tech section, where a person is working on an inert sentry gun can be observed.
M1928 Thompson
The M1928 Thompson appears as an exotic weapon in the game in two forms. One is it's standard form with a 30-round stick magazine simply called "Thompson M1928", and another one with a 50-round drum mounted called "Tommy Gun". The weapon's magazine is the only customization part and it has a unique talent that boost it's hipfire damage by 11%; encouraging you to live out your classic mobster dreams in the streets of modern NYC (Even if its impractical due to the Thompson's high rate of fire and lackluster handling.).
PP-19 Bizon-2
The PP-19 Bizon-2 was added into the game via the 1.3 Update. It appears as both the "PP-19" and the "Enhanced PP-19", the only difference being stat changes and Magpul furniture. It has the highest magazine capacity of any SMG at 53 rounds and capable of reaching over 100 with a high-level "Extended Mag" upgrade, but lacks the ability to mount fore-end mods due to his bottom-mounted helical magazine (strangely, including laser sights, despite perfectly able to mount a side rail).
The weapon is used by rogue first-wave agents in legendary difficulties (An odd choice for an American sleeper team sponsored by their government to operate locally) and also by some of the members of the Hunters.
The SIG-Sauer MPX is an exotic-tier weapon added in update 1.8, called "The House". It has a special ability where it will randomly bestow an additional 20% more damage to either the first or last half of the magazine, depending on the card flipped on the status screen (the white card stands for the first 50%, while the black card stands for the last 50%).
Due to its status of essentially being a better MP5 Navy with a clear-cut damage boost and unique aesthetic, its one of the most sought-after end-game weapons in the game, to the point people are willing to go on hour-long Manhunts in the Dark Zone just to be able to steal one off an (un)lucky person and extract it out (although its also obtainable by chance through all world bosses and the Underground).
SOCIMI Type 821
The SOCIMI Type 821, a rather out-of-place obscure Italian "improved" clone of the IMI Uzi produced from 1984 to 1989, appears in The Division as the "Black Market T821". A version with a folding wire stock appears as the "Police T821". There is also a unique, exotic variant called "Midas", which sports a two-tone gold and black finish, and has a special ability where it reduces an opponents damage by 20%, but it's damage is also reduced.
The Black Market variant is primarily used by The Cleaners' and the Rikers' standard grenadiers. Rioter squad leaders also make use of the weapon, who like their compatriots, like to fire it sideways "gangster-style" (and being able to snipe players from absurd distances and elevations while doing so, no less). The weapon is also used by some named elite LMB heavy gunners, who use it as their sidearm with an array of aftermarket parts, along with an M60E4.
TDI Vector
The TDI Vector appears in game with 3 different variations. The "Tactical Vector 45 ACP" appears as the SDP stockless version, the "Vector 45 ACP" with the standard folding stock, and finally a variant equipped with an M4 style collapsible stock called the "First Wave Vector 45 ACP".
The weapon appears prominently throughout game promotional material and artworks in the hands of Division agents, but is strangely never actually used by NPCs in-game. It's most prominent appearance is in the live-action "Agent Origins" trailer, where it is used by several Division agents with a slew of aftermarket attachments.
Intratec TEC-9
The Division Agent Megan is seen armed with an Intratec TEC-9 in pre-release footage. The weapon comes in two forms, the standard TEC-9 referred to as the "Converted SMG-9 A2", and the TEC-9 Mini listed below.
Both TEC-9 variants are exclusively used by rioters of various ranks, all of whom fire it "gangster-style". Rioters using the A2 variant also have a PEQ-2 laser attached on the barrel shroud, despite the weapon not having a rail mounted there.
Intratec TEC-9 Mini
The Intratec TEC-9 Mini is called the "Converted SMG-9" in-game. It has two unique versions named "Eir" and "Hildr", which have silver and gold finishes respectively, and has a boost designed to work as a pair.
Steyr AUG A3 9mm XS
The Steyr AUG A3 9mm XS appears ingame as three variants. The first is the standard "AUG A3 Para XS", which uses an A2-style flat-top rail with the integral grip replaced with another rail. The second is the "Enhanced AUG A3P", which uses an A3-style top rail with the forend removed and has an olive drab finish. The third is the "Tactical AUG A3P", which uses an A3 CQC-style forend and tan finish. The guns are popular in the game for having a combination of high accuracy with decent RoF and damage.
The weapon is used by more elite or specialized enemies in the game. The A3 Para XS variant is used by some named elite cleaner grenadiers with a silencer and standard LMB medics. The Enhanced variant is used by elite medics of the Last Man Batallion and rogue first-wave agents with a variety of customizations.
Assault Rifles & Battle Rifles
A stock-less AKS-74U, mounted upside-down, is used by the turrets employed by Cleaner Engineers. They lack the accuracy and power of the LMB turrets using M249s, but are deployed more frequently in comparison.
The M4A1 appears as the "M4", where it appears in a total of 3 variants. The first is the "Police M4", which uses standard factory parts and is given to the player upon reaching Manhattan for the first time. The second is the "Lightweight M4", which uses a variety of custom parts. The third is the LVOA-C, which is listed further below. The Lightweight M4 has an exotic variant called "Liberator", which has a two-tone black and silver finish with gold accents. It also has a special ability of giving the "Centurion" pistol a headshot damage boost once certain conditions are met.
The weapon is the standard rifle of lower-level Last Man Battalion troops and used by National Guardsman JTF troops. A customized "Police M4A1" also used by veteran Rikers riflemen.
"Lightweight M4"
Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle
The prototype Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle appears in The Division as the "Urban MDR." It is an exotic-tier weapon that can only be obtained from certain caches and drops from named enemies or hunters.
It fires on semi-automatic only like the game's marksman rifles; but is categorized as an assault rifle and handles like one as well while dealing almost as much damage as a Marksman rifle (albeit lacking the +100% headshot damage bonus) and the assault rifle family's plentiful ammo stock, making it a particularly versatile weapon. It also benefits from semi-automatic specific skills.

DSA SA58 Para Tactical Carbine
The DSA SA58 Para Tactical Carbine appears in the game as the "Military SA-58". It is incorrectly classified as an assault rifle, as well as erroneously depicted firing in 3-shot bursts.
An even more compact version of the SA58, the DSA SA58 OSW appears in the game as the "Tactical SA-58". As with the above example, is incorrectly classified as an assault rifle as well as erroneously depicted firing in 3-shot bursts.
FAMAS Valorisé
The FAMAS Valorisé originally appeared in The Division as the "FAMAS". After an update, it was turned into a unique, exotic weapon and now called the "Bullfrog", where it can only be obtained by either opening caches that offer exotic-tier items or defeating high-level bosses. The weapon has a special ability where it bestows a flat 15% damage boost, as long as no stability and/or accuracy increasing attachments are installed on it.
The weapon has the fastest RoF for any assault rifle in the game, with a base speed of 900RPM.
FN FAL G Series
The FN FAL G Series appears in game as the "Classic FAL". Similarly to the SA58 examples above, it is incorrectly classified as an assault rifle, as well as erroneously depicted firing in 3-shot bursts.
The FN SCAR-H appears in game as the "Police SCAR-H" and "Military SCAR-H". The police variant has a two-tone black and tan finish and aftermarket stock and rail extension while the military variant uses standard factory parts. There is also a unique variant called the "Tenebrae", which has the special ability of resetting the party's cooldowns if the player kills an enemy by shooting their weakpoints (ammo canisters, grenade pouches...etc).
It is classified as a marksman rifle and fires in semi-auto only.
The FN SCAR-L is available in the game and appears in the same name. The weapon has two other custom variants, one is the "SOCOM" variant which sports an aftermarket extended rail. The other is the "Tactical MK-16", which sports a shortened carbine barrel, aftermarket fore-end rail, and the stock has been replaced with a Magpul M4-style stock. There is also a unique variant called "Caduceus", which is a standard SCAR-L that sports a two-tone blue and black finish with gold parts. It has a special ability where it heals all nearby friendly players, every time it scores a critical hit.
The weapon is seen with numerous division-specific weapon caches in the world environment, somewhat implying its used by them (although no NPC in the game uses the weapon). It is also used by a few Division members of Noble squad which can be seen during ECHO-reconstructions, although this was taken from them by Rikers after they were ambushed and killed.
Heckler & Koch G36C
The Heckler & Koch G36C is one of three G36 variants featured in The Division.
Heckler & Koch G36V
The full-size Heckler & Koch G36V with a top rail appears in The Division as the "Military G36".
Heckler & Koch G36KA4
The Heckler & Koch G36KA4 with a STANAG magazine adapter appears in The Division as the "G36 Enhanced".
Izhmash AKM
The AKM appears in the game as the "Classic AK-47"; for some reason, it is modeled with the front sight and gas block of an actual AK-47. A customized version of the AKM is erroneously referred to as the "Black Market AK-74". There is also a unique variant called the "Warlord", which is a classic AK with a gaudy silver and black finish with gold engravings. The weapon has a unique ability where it reduce taken damage by 20% while it is firing.
The classic AK-47 is used by Cleaners riflemen with a jury-rigged flamethrower mounted under it. The Black Market AK-74 is used by some named rogue first-wave Division agents.
Izhmash AK-74
The AK-74 appears in the game as different variants, although some are erroneously referred to as the "AK-47M". It uses polymer parts with a railed forend, and retains the AK-47 style front sight and gas block modeled on the "Classic AK-47".
The weapon is used primarily by the standard Rikers riflemen.
Patriot Ordnance Factory P416
The Patriot Ordnance Factory P416 with a 16.5" barrel appears in-game as two different variants; the "Military P416" and the "P416 G3".
Various veteran and elite members of the Last Man Battalion PMC makes use of customized Military P416s as their standard assault rifle. The P3 variant is used by the mysterious Hunters and by Larae Barret, de-facto leader of the Rikers.
Remington ACR
The 2012 version of the Remington ACR is available in the game with multiple variants. A 2012 Remington ACR with a black finish, a fixed stock, and MOE handguard is available simply as the "ACR". The "Enhanced ACR-E" is the more typical 2012 ACR with a tan finish, adjustable folding stock, and the standard 5-sided railed handguard, while the "Tactical" is the enhanced variant with a shortened 10.5 inch barrel.
Elite riflemen of the Last Man Battalion make use of customized standard ACRs as their weapon. Rogue first-wave agents make use of the enhanced and tactical variant with several attachments. The weapon also appears quite frequently in the game's trailers, somewhat implying it's status as The Division's standard-issue assault rifle.
War Sport LVOA-S
The War Sport LVOA-S is an available weapon and characterized as one of the best end-game weapons available due to its high RoF and decent stats overall. Appears as "LVOA-C."
The weapon is sometimes used by the Hunters.
Benelli M4
Bronson can be seen with a Benelli M4 with fixed stock on his back in the game's pre-release trailers. It appears ingame as the "Super 90". A version with the normal pistol grip/solid stock, Surefire railed forend, and mariner finish appears as the "Marine Super 90", as well as a short-barreled version called the "Tactical Super 90 SBS" that comes with a collapsible stock seen on the M1014.
The standard Super 90 variant is sometimes used by JTF troops.
The AA-12 automatic 12 gauge shotgun appears in The Division as "The Showstopper". The shotgun is fitted with a 20-round drum magazine, a flash hider, and accessory rails. It also has a special ability where the gun's spread becomes tighter as it loses ammunition inside it's magazine, but the gun's magazine itself cannot be modified. It is so far the only fully-automatic shotgun in the game.
Its an exotic-tier weapon that can only be obtained, either through exotic-tier caches or drops from several bosses.

Remington 870
The Remington 870 appears in 3 variants: the "Military M870", "Custom M870", and the "M870 Express", which are a Remington 870 Express Tactical, a tactical with an M4-style stock, pistol grip and heatshield, and a Remington 870 Express Field Gun respectively. The weapon is the second-most powerful shotgun in the game, in terms of single-shot power, but hampered by its slow rate of fire. The weapon is one of the most used-weapons in the game by NPCs.
The weapon and its variants are used by a variety of factions. The Express variant is used by standard engineers of The Cleaners and standard Rikers close assault troops, and some JTF soldiers. The "Military" variant is used by elite close assault troops of the Rikers, standard close assault troops and elite engineers of the Last Man Battalion and some named rogue first-wave agents of the Last Man Battalio that only appear on legendary difficulties. The "Custom" variant is used by some elite named engineers of The Cleaners and the LMB.
Side by Side Double Barreled Shotgun
A side by side double barreled shotgun based on a L.C. Smith Double Barreled Shotgun is available in the game as the "Double Barrel Shotgun". A sawed-off variant appears as the "Double Barrel Sawed Off", but is classified as a sidearm. The weapon has two exotic variants, one called "Cassidy" a full-length DBL shotgun with a bright brown finish and golden engravings, and has a special ability of discharging both barrels in one trigger pull. The other is the "Defiler", which uses the same look as Cassidy, but in sawed-off form.
The weapon has the most powerful single-shot damage in the game (as per shooter game tradition), but only two shells per shot with no mod slots, beyond cosmetics.
The full-sized DBL is sometimes used by elite named Cleaners engineers.
Saiga 12
A standard model Saiga 12 shotgun is available in the game. Called the "SASG-12" ingame. It has two other variants, one is the "Tactical" variant which is a traditional Saiga-12K setup with an AK-style polymer fixed stock, pistol grip, and railed forend. The other is the "Black Market" variant which sports a shortened barrel, aftermarket quad-rail fore-end and the stock is replaced with a folding wire stock, similar to the ones used with Galils. There is also a unique variant called "Medved", which is Saiga 12K with a gaudy dark purple finish with wooden parts and gold and silver engravings, it also has the unique capability of firing slug rounds, rather than traditional buckshot but cannot mount an forend attachment due to a lack of rails.
The weapon is the most popular shotgun in the game, owing to it's high damage per shot (albeit still lower than the Super 90 family), decent RoF, and is the only semi-auto shotgun that uses a detachable magazine, allowing for quicker reloads.
The "Black Market" variant is used by rogue first-wave agents, while the full-sized "Tactical" variant is used by elite close-quarters troops of the Last Man Battalion. The standard variant is uncommonly used by some LMB close quarters troops.
Sniper Rifles
Desert Tactical Arms Stealth Recon Scout
The DTA Stealth Recon Scout appears in the game with two different variants: the shorter-barrel Covert version appears as the "SRS Covert" while the full-length version appears as the "SRS A1". Due to it's flat-top rail, it is the only bolt-action sniper rifle in the game that you can mount the "Improved Iron Sights" mod.
The covert variant is used by Rikers snipers, while the A1 variant is used by Last Man Battalion snipers.
The FN SCAR-H Precision Rifle initially appeared in the pre-release trailer as the "Police Mk17 SR", modeled with a 10-round magazine. The released game features the FN SSR, with 20-round magazines.
Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine
The Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine appears in-game classified as a marksman rifle with 3 different variants. A regular M44 Carbine with a turned down bolt handle appears as the "Classic M44 Carbine", while a sporterised version appears as the "Hunting M44 Carbine". A modified version fitted in an Archangel stock makes an appearance as the "Custom M44 Carbine" and unlike the regular variants, it has the ability to accept magazine and grip modifications.
The M44 Carbine is used by lower-level rioter snipers, who are strangely less powerful than their elite counterparts, who use a semi-automatic rifle. The Hunting version however, that is sometimes used by Hunters, who unlike their civilian counterparts, are easily capable of wounding or outright incapacitating agents in a few shots.

Remington 700
The Remington 700 appears as the "M700" in The Division, and comes in a "Tactical" and "Carbon" version. The vanilla M700 comes with a standard wooden body. The Tactical version is fitted with a McMillan A5 stock, night vision rail, and other customizations. The Carbon version has an XLR Tactical Buttstock and Carbon Chassis.
The weapon has a unique ability of granding +10% damage, so long as the shooter is elevated above the target. Due to this, the Carbon version is considered one of the best end-tier sniper rifles, due to having complete mod slots (The other two variants do not have a slot for an underbarrel attachment, despite having place to mount a rail there) and high damage output.
SIG Sauer SIG716
The SIG Sauer SIG716 is an exotic weapon recently introduced in update 1.8. The in-game depiction is a hybrid consisting of the original SIG716's gas piston system and the SIG716 G2's lower receiver. The weapon takes two forms, "Devil" and "Heel". The "Heel" is equipped with a Fortis Night Rail handguard and a CQB barrel, while "Devil" uses the handguard of the older generation 716 and has the longer barrel of the Patrol version.
Devil has a special ability of attaining bonus headshot damage after landing a body shot and a handling bonus after landing a headshot. Heel has a special ability of boosting damage once you hit a weakpoint of an enemy (NPC grenade bandoleers, ammo boxes and such) and critical damage is boosted by hitting skill proxies (gun turrets, shields, and such).
As unfeasible as it is due to Marksman ammo being scarce (and general mediocrity of both guns); Devil and Heel are meant to work in tandem (as in equipped on both of your primary weapon slots), where both of them would benefit from each-other's bonuses once attained and the duration of each bonus is longer.
Springfield Armory M1A
The Springfield Armory M1A appears in the game as the "Classic M1A". There is also a unique variant called the "Historian", which has a dark wooden body and silver metallic parts. The weapon also has a unique ability of firing explosive rounds by default.
The weapon is used by elite rioter snipers.
Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16
The Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 appears in the game as the "SOCOM M1A" as well as a customized version in a JAE-100 G3 stock as the "First Wave M1A".
The cleaners use both variants. Standard snipers are armed with the SOCOM variant, while the First Wave variant is used by elite named snipers.
The SVD appears in The Division in two variants, called the "Surplus SVD" and the "Paratrooper SVD", both of which feature a short barrel. The "Surplus SVD" otherwise appears to be a standard SVD. The "Paratrooper SVD", despite its name, isn't an SVDS with the folding stock, and instead has the modernized synthetic furniture of the later production SVDs.
The Paratrooper variant is used by snipers of the Hunters, who are capable of bringing down players with ease thanks to it's semi-auto feature. The Surplus variant is used by some named LMB snipers at legendary difficulties.
Machine Guns
Enfield L86A2
The L86A2 appears in game as the "Military L86 LSW". Another variant called the "Custom L86 A2" is a variant that sports an aftermarket railed forend.
FN M249-E2 SAW
The M249-E2 appears ingame as the "M249 B". It has a 100-round cloth belt box in M81 pattern. The Paratrooper variant appears as the "Tactical M249 Para". A modified M249 is also seen as the base of the Last Man Battalion's Engineers' deployable autoturrets. The weapon's rate of fire is reduced in the game, with it only able to fire at 550 RPM by default.
Heavy gunners of The Rikers and Cleaners use M249-E2s as their weapon of choice. Lower-level gunners of the Last Man Batallion also makes use of the M249.
FN Mk 48 Mod 0
The Mk 48 Mod 0 appears in the game as two different variants; the "MK46" and the "Military MK46", incorrectly identified as its 5.56x45mm cousin Mk 46 Mod 0.
Heckler & Koch MG5
The Heckler & Koch MG5 appears as the "Infantry MG5" in The Division.
The weapon is popular in the game for possessing a high rate of fire among the LMG family, but hampered by its lower 50-round magazine.
The RPK-74 is available ingame as the "Classic RPK-74". A heavily customized variant appears as the "Black Market RPK-74 E". There is also a unique version called the "Pakhan", which sports a gold and black finish with bright brown wooden parts, and has the special ability of increasing its magazine count by a maximum of 20% if it kills an enemy before reloading.
The classic variant is used by rioter heavy gunners.
"Military RPK-74 M"
An RPK-74 with polymer furniture, intended to pass for the military-spec RPK-74M, appears in the game as the "Military RPK-74 M".
M60 Machine Gun
An original M60 Machine Gun appears in the game as the "Classic M60". There is also a unique variant called the "Hungry Hog", which sports a silver and black finish with gold engravings. It also has the special ability of temporarily boosting it's damage for every enemy it kills.
The weapon is used by elite heavy gunners of the Last Man Battalion.
The CETME Ameli is an exotic-tier weapon added in update 1.8, where it is called "Big Alejandro". The weapon has a unique ability where it will gain a maximum of 50% additional damage for every hit it scores while fired in cover, but this will be lost if the player reloads or kills an enemy.
Its also unique for having the fastest RoF of any weapon in the game, clocking in at a maximum of 1000 RPM (and can be increased with mods).
Mk 43 Mod 1 Machine Gun
The Mk 43 Mod 1 appears in the game as the "Military M60 E4" as well as the most recent US Ordnance version, which has two variants in game: the "Military M60 E6" and the "Black Market M60 E6".
A heavily customized E4 is used by heavy shielded gunners of the Last Man Battalion, while the E6 variant is used by elite gunners found in legendary difficulties.
Milkor Mark 14
Last Man Battalion grenadiers and certain elite Rikers grenadiers use the Mark 14 MGL, loaded with HE rounds, against the JTF and Division Agents. Unlike the traditional grenades thrown by enemies; launcher grenades explode instantly upon impact, have a longer range, a faster rate of fire, but smaller area of effect.
The MGL cannot be used by the player.
Mk 19 Grenade Launcher
The Mk 19 Grenade Launcher is mounted on JTF and LMB APCs dotted throughout the map as well as the APC in the "Falcon Lost" Incursion. The one in Falcon Lost, however, acts less like a grenade launcher and more of a portable mortar.
Heckler & Koch P2A1 Flare Gun
Division agents carry a Heckler & Koch P2A1 Flare Pistol to signal helicopter extractions while in the "Dark Zone", a lawless area in Manhattan where radios no longer work (Or so they say, anyway. There are no tangible reasons why communications equipment fail to work in there. Hell, even the chopper pilot can communicate with you via radio while in the DZ.).
M18A1 Claymore
Last Man Battalion snipers can be seen using Claymore mines, mostly to cover their retreat. They are also outfitted with mines that shock the player, however those don't appear to be based on anything real. They're not very effective, however, due to the bright red LED on their claymore mines that's visible by all players.
Browning M2
The Last Man Battalion makes heavy use of Browning M2s on their automated sentry guns, which fire at a slow but powerful and accurate pace.
M134 Minigun
Refusing to back down to the JTF after being overrun; Colonel Charles Bliss of the Last Man Battalion pilots a UH-60 Blackhawk armed with a chin-mounted M134 Minigun and twin Hydra 7 Rocket Pods as he valiantly exemplified his PMC's namesake by fighting to the last man.
In their fanatical but misguided and cruel attempt to rid Manhattan (and the rest of the world) of the Green Flu virus, The Cleaners, a faction of insane New York Sanitation workers, make use of home-made flamethrowers to burn away all traces of the virus, including potential carriers (which unfortunately means anyone not a part of their group).
They employ two variants. One is an under-barrel flamethrower used by Cleaner riflemen, which is made out of several tubes and pipes, a bicycle frame, and a large PET bottle which appears to house the pressurized fuel. The other is a large flamethrower used by heavy units called "Incinerators". The weapon is also jury-rigged and fed by two high-pressure gas tanks and a side-mounted propane tank, all of which the cleaner is capable of lugging around in a slow pace (and somehow avoiding stumbling around with all that unbalanced weight placement while wearing heavy armor and a gas mask).
Division agents also make use of a briefcase-sized custom flamethrower that can be deployed by using the "Flame Turret" skill.