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Ghost Recon
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is a critically acclaimed first-person tactical shooter video game. It was developed by Red Storm Entertainment, and published by Ubisoft in 2001 for the PC and later ported to the PS2 and Xbox. The game follows a fictional U.S. special forces squad called the "Ghosts" who are tasked to stop the Russian Ultranationalists. The first game takes place in 2008 and the expansions take place in 2009 and 2010 respectively.
The game has spawned two expansions, Desert Siege and Island Thunder, both adding new missions, characters and weapons.
The game's console ports would switch around how kits and equipment work with both the PS2/Xbox versions making different changes to the HUD,sometimes adding new weapons and mechanics while the PS2 would also receive an exclusive Jungle Storm expansion, including both Jungle Storm and Island Thunder.
The game uses a "Kit" system, consisting of various loadouts, in the campaign mode, only unlockable specialists can use non-standard weaponry. (Such as the first specialist in the original campaign, Jacob, having access to the OICW.) and generic troops are stuck with the basic weapon of their loadout (either an M16/M4/M249E2 or M24 depending on their class.) with a few options for secondary gear, in Quick-Mission mode/MP Generic troops can carry Specialist weapons and with the expansions, most of the enemy-only weapons too.
The following weapons appear in the video game Ghost Recon and its expansions:
Beretta M9
The Beretta M9 is the primary sidearm of the Ghosts, it is even used by Astra Galinsky despite having a Russian sniper rifle. Can be fitted with a suppressor depending on the kit selected by the player, generally Snipers have access to the unsilenced version while all classes have access to the Silenced Version.
Colt M1911A1
Several Russian officers and technicians are (incorrectly) armed with nickel and non-nickel M1911A1 pistols; this weapon is not usable by the player, the model is bugged and the top half of the weapon will almost always appear darker than the rest of the weapon, it is the only sidearm never available to the Ghosts unmodded.
Its use by Russian troops is rather strange, especially given that Island Thunder added an appropriate Russian sidearm (the Makarov PM below).
Makarov PM
The Makarov PM is added in Island Thunder as a selectable sidearm for some of the Russian weapons. Appears as "Russian 9mm Pistol" in the game.
Heckler & Koch HK4
The Heckler & Koch HK4 is added in Island Thunder. Appears as "9mm SA" and holds 7 rounds, it is only available for the demo class as a sidearm for the Star Z84 and SA 25 but in the console exclusive Jungle Storm expansion it replaces the M9 as the sidearm of Riflemen and as an option for machine gunners as well as some specialists carrying it.
Knight's Armament Company Masterkey
The Masterkey is seen mounted on the "M4 SOCOM" (a special M4A1 with S-1-3-F trigger group, red dot scope, and suppressor) on the main menu screen in Island Thunder. Several other M4A1s and M16A4s are also seen with Masterkey attachments during the ending cinematic of Island Thunder. Not usable in the game, though the Ghost Recon engine game The Sum of All Fears has it as a usable weapon.

Submachine Guns
Star Z84
The Star Z84 is added in Island Thunder. Appears as "9mm Z-84" in the game. This is the preferred submachine gun of the Cuban FDG.
Sa 25
The Sa 25 is introduced in Island Thunder.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
The MP5A2 appears as "MP5" in the game. Features an additional 3-round burst mode, despite being fitted with Navy trigger group, both it and the MP5SD2's models are reused from Rainbow Six hence their blocky models with straight magazines.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
An MP5A3 appears as the inventory icon of the MP5A2. A suppressed MP5A3 is the inventory icon of the MP5SD2.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD2
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 appears as "MP5-SD" and has the same stats as the A2 but features a built-in suppressor for covert operations. Can fire in 3-round burst mode, even though is equipped with old S-E-F trigger group. Because the weapon's model uses the same texture on both sides, it appears that the SD2 has an ambidextrous selector. Heckler & Koch weapons with S-E-F trigger groups are not ambidextrous in real life.
Izhmash PP-19 Bizon
The 9x18mm variant (noted by the 64-round magazine) of the Izhmash PP-19 Bizon is a usable weapon in Desert Siege. Incorrectly can fire in 3-round burst mode. Appears as "PP-19".
Assault Rifles
The AKM is the most common firearm in the first part of the campaign. Most Russian soldiers are using the AKM. In Island Thunder, the AKM becomes a usable weapon, but is incorrectly called "AK47". The rifle appears without the slant muzzle brake.
The AK-74M is frequently used by Russian Ultranationalists in the single player campaign, but as an usable weapon, it appears only in Desert Siege. Can be fitted with a GP-25 grenade launcher. Appears as "AK74".
The AKS-74U is used by Russians Ultranationalists during the last few levels of the single player campaign. This weapon cannot be used by the Ghost Operatives.
AN-94 Abakan
The AN-94 is added in Desert Siege. Can fire in semi-auto, 2-round burst (even thought it appears as 3-round burst on the HUD) and full-auto modes. Can be fitted with a GP-25 grenade launcher.
KBP Instrument Design Bureau 9A-91
The Russian 9A-91 compact assault rifle appears incorrectly as "A-91" in the game, and features and incorrect 3-round burst mode. Introduced in Desert Siege. In Jungle Storm Germarn Specialist Klaus Henkel carries one with 15 (instead of 10) spare magazines instead of his MM-1 in the port's version of Island Thunder.
Sa vz. 58
The Sa vz. 58 is the preferred weapon of the Cuban FDG in Island Thunder. The rifle appears as "vz.58" in the game.
Colt M4A1 Carbine
The Colt M4A1 is the primary weapon of the Demolitions class, named simply the "M4" and always fitted with a Trijicon reflex sight. In Island Thunder, a special variant called "M4 SOCOM" is also usable by the Rifleman class. It comes with a sound suppressor, Aimpoint red dot sight, and S-1-3-A trigger group, which was available only on the Colt Model 978 (a.k.a. "M4 Carbine Enhanced"). The M4 SOCOM's in-game model, however, has the standard three-position S-1-A selector.
Colt M16A4
The M16A4 rifle is the primary weapon of the Rifleman class. It is misidentified as the M16A2, but is recognizable as an A4 by the removed carrying handle/rear sight and attached red dot sight when not fitted with an M203 grenade launcher. The M16A4 w/ optional M203 is also used by unlockable specialist and highest-ranked Ghost Team member, Major Harold "Buzz" Gordon. Since this game came out in 2001, this may be one of the earliest (if not the very first) depictions of an M16A4 in a video game.

Heckler & Koch G36K
The Heckler & Koch G36K appears in the game as "5.56mm Carbine", it is exclusive to the Xbox version of Desert Siege and Jungle Strike, it would later be re-used for The Sum of All Fears.
Enfield L85A1
The L85A1 appears as "SA80" in the game. It is always fitted with a SUSAT scope, giving it greater zoom than the M4A1. Often used by NPC British UN peacekeepers, and is the primary weapon of former SAS demolition specialist Nigel Tunney.
FN FAL 50.63
Added in Desert Siege, the FN FAL appears as "7.62mm Carbine" in the game. Has an incorrect 3-round burst mode. In Jungle Storm Harold Gordon carries a FN FAL in the Island Thunder campaign.
Heckler & Koch XM29 OICW
The XM29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon (consists of a shortened G36 and an over-barrel grenade launcher) appears as a specialist weapon, used by unlockable specialist characters Captain William Jacobs and Sergeant Leah "Lindy" Cohen. The weapon components can be separated and the assault rifle portion can be used by itself, though the grenade launcher cannot. In Jungle Storm British specialist John B. Duval has the OICW.
OTs-14-4A Groza
The OTs-14-4A Groza appears in Desert Siege. Unlike the other assault rifles that have an optional grenade launcher, the Groza's GP-25 cannot be removed. Chambered in 9x39mm, noted by the 20-round magazine.

Sniper Rifles
Barrett M82A1
The Barrett M82A1 is a powerful long-range sniper rifle with a 10-round magazine and good rate of fire. Appears as "M82" in the game, used by US Army sniper specialist Scott Ibrahim.
Barrett M98
The prototype-only Barrett M98 semi-automatic sniper rifle is one of the new usable weapons in Desert Siege. Appears as "M98".
Accuracy International AW
The Accuracy International AW is the primary weapon of SAS sniper specialist Jack Stone. Holds ten rounds. Appears incorrectly as the "L96A1"; that is the designation for the AI Precision Marksman.
Heckler & Koch PSG-1
The Heckler & Koch PSG-1 is added in Island Thunder or as an unlockable in the console ports of original. Appears as "7.62mm Sniper" in the game.
Knight's Armament Company SR-25
The SR-25 appears in Desert Siege. Holds 20 rounds. A suppressed version is also available, where the suppressor is represented by a slightly longer barrel. Called "SR25" and "SR25 SD", respectively.
Remington M24 Sniper Weapon System
The M24 Sniper Weapon System is the primary weapon of the sniper class.
SVD Dragunov
The Dragunov is used by enemy snipers, and also by Lithuanian Army specialist character Sergeant Astra Galinsky. Weapon has a mounted PSO-1 scope. In Jungle Storm it is also used by US Army specialist sniper Gus Babrer.
Machine Guns
The FN M249E2 Squad Automatic Weapon is the standard machine gun of the Support class. Appears with 200-round drum magazines. Referred to as "M249".
FN M240G
The FN M240G is introduced in Island Thunder and is fitted with a scope. It is very powerful and accurate, but holds only 50 rounds. Appears correctly as "M240G".
The M60 is a usable machine gun in Desert Siege or as an unlockable in the console versions of the original .
The PKM is introduced in Desert Siege as a usable machine gun, available to Support soldiers and the Eritrean Defense Forces specialist Jodit Haile. Oddly, while regular soldiers who use it are properly listed as Support soldiers, Haile is listed in-game as a Rifleman specialist.
The RPK-74 is used by the Russians and Georgian squad gunner Guram Osadze both. It is incorrectly fitted with 75-round drum mags, instead of the 45-round box mags.
Degtyaryov DP-28
The Degtyaryov DP-28 is introduced in Island Thunder. Holds 47 rounds. Appears as "Russian 7.62 DP" in the game, and is used by Cuban soldiers heavily.
Degtyaryov RP-46
The Degtyaryov RP-46 is added in Island Thunder. Appears as "RP46".
The MG3 is usable by the Support class, and is the primary weapon of Bundeswehr specialist Dieter Munz.
Hawk MM1
The Hawk MM1 grenade launcher is added in Island Thunder as a new primary weapon for the Demo class, most notably the kit used by returning demo specialist Klaus Henkel. Appears as "MM1".
M136 AT4
The M136 AT4 can be selected as a secondary weapon for the Demo class. Like in most video games, it is shown as reloadable. Backblast is somewhat simulated, as friendlies behind the launcher will be injured or killed by it, but enclosed spaces do not impose a similar risk to the user. Appears as "M136" in the game. Interestingly, while "Recruit" difficulty gives almost every weapon infinite reserve ammunition, the AT4 is not included, presumably due to its immense power (and/or greater risk of friendly fire).
The GP-25 can be mounted on the AN-94 Abakan, AK-74M and OTs-14-4A Groza rifles.

M203 Grenade Launcher
The M203 grenade launcher can be selected as an attachment for the M16A4.
The RPG-7 is added in Desert Siege and is used by Etohpian Soldiers in the fourth mission but is not usable by the Ghosts without modding.
The RPG-29 "Vampir" appears as the Russian rocket launcher and can be used by the Ghosts with modding.
Emplaced Weapons
Browning M2HB
A Browning M2HB is seen at the NATO forward base during the 3rd mission "Stone Bell". M2HBs also are mounted on friendly Abrams tanks in some missions; the tanks are M1A2s as evidenced by the Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) on top of the tank.
Bushmaster M242 Chain Gun
The M242 Bushmaster chaingun is seen mounted on several NPC Bradley IFV's during the 14th mission "Willow Bow".
FN M240C
The FN M240C is coaxial mounted on the Abrams tank and Bradley IFV.
The AGS-17 is seen mounted at enemy camps in Island Thunder. The game refers to it as "AGS" during a briefing before a mission in IT, which involves capturing an enemy AGS-17 mounted on a tripod. Like the mounted machine guns, the AGS-17 is also equipped with an infinite ammo drum. In Jungle Storm the AGS-17 was removed as a usable weapon with it's spawns mostly replaced by machine guns however one particular AGS-17 in the Island Thunder campaign that you capture as part of an objective was turned into an unusable "packed up" AGS-17 on the ground.
M134 Minigun
In Island Thunder, at the beginning of most missions, the Ghosts are transported to the field of operation with Black Hawk helicopters. The Black Hawks are armed with M134 Miniguns.
NSV heavy machine gun
The NSV heavy machine gun appears on tripods and is used heavily by Russian Ultranationalists. The player can use them also. Has unlimited ammunition. NSVs are also seen mounted on T-72 tanks.
Shipunov 2A42 30mm Cannon
Shipunov 2A42 automatic cannons can be seen on Russian BMP-2 IFV's in various levels.
Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B
A Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B can be seen on a Mi-24 Hind during the 13th mission "Arctic Sun".
M26 Hand Grenade
The M26 hand grenade appears in the game as "FRAG". Interestingly, it shows up as the M67 hand grenade on the HUD.
M18A1 Claymore
The M18A1 Claymore can be used by the Demo class. Unlike in possibly every other video game out there, the Claymore here is shown correctly as a command-detonated mine, which explodes only if the player uses the detonator. Appears as "Claymore" in the game.
The SLAM appears as "Demo Charge" in the game. Three SLAMs are in one kit, and can only be used by Demolition class soldiers. In the original game, deployed SLAMs cannot be detonated during missions. They always explode in cut-scenes after the missions. In Island Thunder, the SLAMs automatically explode when all the Ghosts leave the blast zone.