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Batman: Arkham Knight
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Batman: Arkham Knight is the final installment of Rocksteady's Arkham series of Batman games, produced by Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment and released for PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC (allegedly) in 2015.
The game takes place after the events of Batman: Arkham City, with villain Scarecrow recovering from being mauled by Killer Croc in Arkham Asylum to terrorize Gotham City once again, now threatening to swamp the entire Eastern Seaboard in his 'fear toxin'. Along with him is a mysterious new figure named the Arkham Knight, commanding a vast mercenary army and seeming to have a personal grudge to settle with Batman. The Caped Crusader must use all the resources at his disposal, including a new controllable Batmobile, to deal with this threat ... but can he also deal with his own inner demons?
The following weapons appear in the video game Batman: Arkham Knight:
Glock 17
The Arkham Knight (voiced by Troy Baker) carries a backup pistol seemingly based on the Glock 17, though heavily stylized, presumably to fit with his futuristic soldier aesthetic. While they seem to be modified in the same way as his Desert Eagles below, and he does indeed carry a pair, further suggesting this, he only pulls them out one of a time, losing the first one when Batman disarms him prior to his boss fight, and then pulling another one at the end of said fight, when his Desert Eagles are knocked away form him. This second pistol is never used again in the game, leaving its fate unknown. Second Generation Glock 17s are used by GCPD officers in an attempt to defend themselves from the newly formed alliance between Gotham's major villains in the "Father to Son" trailer for the game.
Desert Eagle
The Arkham Knight (voiced by Troy Baker) carries a pair of extensively modified Desert Eagles, one fitted with a retractable scope and laser sight, and the other with a folding stock, as his weapons of choice. During his boss fight, he somehow combines both of them, extending the scoped one's barrel to around fourteen inches, and turning them into a straight-pull bolt action rifle.
The Red Hood (also voiced by Baker) carries similar weapons, but without the scope nor stock, apparently being straight out of factory weapons, marking the first time since the Joker's playable appearance in Batman: Arkham Asylum that the player is allowed to freely use lethal force to deal with their opponents.
Deathstroke's (voiced by Mark Rolston) display in the GCPD lockup includes a completely normal Desert Eagle.
SIG-Sauer P220/P228R Hybrid
A strange, almost bizarre amalgamation of several variants of the SIG-Sauer P220, combining the full size and single stack mag of the P220, along with the almost full-length rail of the P228R, along with a slide mounted decocker/safety, appears as the game's most commonly used pistol, replacing the Sphinx 3000 from the previous games. The weapon is proportioned in a extremely cartoonish matter, with grossly exaggerated features, including an extremely over-sized ejection port and a thin, almost comically small grip. Why this design was chosen, given the realistic style of the rest of the game, it's unknown.

Colt Python
A stainless 4-inch Colt Python with rubber grips is used by Commissioner James Gordon (voiced by Jonathan Banks) as his sidearm, replacing the nickel plated Desert Eagle he carried in the previous games. The revolver is, for some reason or another, not only modeled with a trigger guard relief, but also without a cylinder latch.
Two Face (voiced by Troy Baker) also owns, not surprisingly, a pair of these revolvers, one with a stainless finish, and one with a blued finish, similar to the ones the character carries in Batman Forever.

Taurus Raging Bull
Joker's (voiced by Mark Hamill) stylized Taurus Raging Bull returns from his DLC in Batman: Arkham Asylum, held in a glass case in the GCPD Evidence Room, along with the rest of his gadgets from that particular game. Ironically enough, according to Aaron Cash, the revolver is loaded with five actual bullets, and a single "Bang!" flag, when in its titular DLC it only had one bullet loaded (although, knowing The Joker, the flag is probably just as lethal as the rest of the ammo in the gun). The flag may be a possible reference to the original Batman, where the Joker intimidates Vicki Vale with a seemingly loaded pistol only for a flag to appear when the trigger is pulled.
"Bat Killer"
Harley Quinn's (voiced by Tara Strong) comically oversized hand-howitzer returns from the "Harley's Revenge" DLC for Batman: Arkham City, being found in the GCPD Evidence Room. The design seems to have changed following the events of the DLC, with a nickel finish, brighter wood grips, and the lack of the danger stripes on the backside of the weapon; whether this is artistic license or damage following the ending of "Harley's Revenge" is unknown. The in-game description states it is a modified flaregun.
Deadshot's Wrist Guns
A remodelled version of the wrist guns used by the assassin Deadshot in Arkham City can be seen in the GCPD evidence lockup. They are somewhat changed from their previous appearance: while they still use a fairly anonymous pistol receiver, they are not as chunky, and each unit is now a single pistol with a scope rather than two pistols with no visible means of aiming them. The weapons may be a reference to Suicide Squad, where Deadshot also appears and uses the same pistols.
Submachine Guns
Auto Ordnance Thompson M1927
A M1927 Thompson previously belonging to Arnold Wesker, or more likely his "puppet" Scarface, can be seen in a display case at the GCPD Evidence Room. One can also be seen in the first of Penguin's arms caches.
Joker's Shotgun
In a sequence towards the end of the game, the Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill) is seen using a massive, ridiculous fictional shotgun covered in random wires (half of which are broken) and futuristic embellishments.
Remington 870
The series' staple Remington 870 shotgun with pistol grip returns once again, and is seen in the hands of various criminals, usually during stealth sections.
M4A1 carbine
Multiple M4A1 rifles are used by Harley Quinn's men in the Announce Trailer, some with M203 launchers as well.
"Assault Rifle"
The strange amalgamation of the Noveske N4 Diplomat, along with the top rail of an Heckler & Koch SL8 returns from Batman: Arkham City, once again used by the GCPD, the Arkham Knight's army, and every second armed thug from Crime Alley to Wayne Tower, this time with both the upper and lower receivers painted in coyote brown. Once again, they're incorrectly depicted as having two left sides, with the ejection port and forward assist nowhere to be found. Rather unsurprisingly, The Penguin still sells the rifle on the black market, his stock going unchanged between this game and the one before it.
Heckler & Koch XM8
After apprehending Deathstroke (an exceptionally 90s-style bad guy), he gets a weapon display in the GCPD evidence lockup, with the most tacti-cool of hardware: a Desert Eagle, a straight-bladed "ninjato" sword which is referred to as a katana, and a Heckler & Koch XM8 with what appears to be a CZ 805 BREN handguard.
IMI Tavor TAR-21
As in Arkham City, snipers in the game use a modified TAR-21 rifle with a massive, silly barrel extension and a long-rang scope: this weapon has a new model, but is still fundamentally the same. When used by regular enemies, they have red visible laser sights with the beam coming out of the barrel (!) that make a "laser" sound when the sniper is targeting Batman. The sniper Deadshot's rifle from Arkham City can also be found in the GCPD evidence room, and uses the new rifle model.
Machine guns
Mk 46 Mod 0
When she is encountered in the film studio, Harley Quinn (voiced by Tara Strong) has what appears to be a customised Mk 46 Mod 0 machine gun equipped with an M203 and a folding stock. Because it is Harley's gun, it also has pink fluffy dice hanging off the M203's trigger guard, a fluffy pink sleeve over the carry handle, and a photograph of Mr. J taped to the right side of the belt box (another possible reference to Suicide Squad). The weapon is later found in her second section in the GCPD evidence room.
Fictional Gatling gun
Minigunner enemies use a fictional 8-barrel rotary gun as their primary weapon. Oddly, this is shown with a belt that simply runs from one part of the gun to another, with no actual ammo storage.
M2 Flamethrower
Pyromaniac villain Firefly (voiced by Crispin Freeman) carries a bulky weapon which appears to be an M2 Flamethrower covered in futurey embellishments, with the fuel tank behind the pistol grip and a rotary grenade launcher mounted upside-down on top of the weapon.
When he confronts Batman on an airship, the Arkham Knight pulls out what appears to be an M202 FLASH as he makes his escape.
Several M203 launchers are seen attached to M4A1 rifles, one of them used by Two-Face. Before he fired the grenade, the editing made it seemed like he pumps the M203 like a shotgun, despite seeing animation of the launcher opening and closing.
Milkor MGL Mk 1S
A Milkor MGL Mk 1S launcher can be seen in the GCPD lockup for Two-Face once his side missions are completed. They are also found in Penguin's arms caches.
Several times during the game, the Arkham Knight's forces use RPG-7 rocket launchers, including when they are shown firing at one of Poison Ivy's plants. The RPG-7 is shown fitted with an optic, which bizarrely is mounted on the right side of the tube where it would be impossible for a right-handed shooter to use it.
M112 C4 Demolition Charge
M112 demolition charges are seen in the trunks of police cars set up by the Mad Hatter in his DLC mission, and can also be seen on the suicide vest Joker wears during a hallucination sequence.
Mk 2 hand grenade
Armed thugs sometimes use Mk 2 hand grenades to flush the player character out of cover.
TS-50 Anti-Personnel Mine
A land mine resembling a flattened-out and oversized Italian TS-50 anti-personnel mine with added flashing lights in case anyone has trouble finding it is used by enemies in the later areas of the game.
Mounted weaponry
Barrett M82A1
The Batmobile's "tank mode" reveals a remote weapon station the centrepiece of which is a "60mm cannon" which appears to actually be a Barrett M82A1.
Browning M2
The Arkham Knight's APCs mount a Browning M2 heavy machine gun, though they never use it.
M134 Minigun
The Rattler drone tank and Serpent aerial drone mount 6-barrel M134 Miniguns. The Cobra drone instead mounts a fictional 7-barrel weapon.
M230 Chain Gun
The large twin-rotor transport helicopters used by the Arkham Knight's forces have chin-mounted M230 Chain Guns.
Batmobile weaponry
Despite Batman's penchant for refusing to kill, the Batmobile is equipped with some serious firepower. Most of its weapons are mounted on a retractable turret in the rear top portion of the car.
60mm Cannon
The primary weapon; capable of penetrating 820mm of steel, albeit never mentioned at what distance, for destroying drone tanks and for demolishing obstacles.
25mm Vulcan
Similar to the real world General Dynamics GAU-12/U. The 25mm Vulcan is the mainstay for aerial drone targeting and secondary anti-armor.
Riot suppressor
A personnel non-lethal weapon that fires plastic rounds capable of causing concussive injury. Criminals around Gotham can be heard comparing it to "being punched by an angry gorilla".
Missile barrage
An 8-celled turret mounted launcher capable of firing laser guided homing anti-armor missiles