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Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie

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Peter Jackson's King Kong:
The Official Game of the Movie
KKgame cover.jpg
Release Date: November 17, 2005
Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier
Ubisoft Casablanca
Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platforms: GameCube
PlayStation 2
Xbox 360

Important Note: Different versions of the game feature different weapon models. This page primarily covers the PC version of the game.

The following weapons appear in the video game Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie:


Colt M1911

The Nintendo DS version of the game replaces the Luger with a low detail M1911. It is used much the same way as the Luger, first to shoot giant crabs, and then is found as a staple weapon.

Colt M1911 - .45 ACP
Jack with his dollar-store 1911.

Luger P08

The Luger P08 is available near the start of the game, given to the player by Hayes to shoot giant crabs. It is a common weapon throughout the remainder of the game.

Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Jack aiming the Luger at a V-Rex.

Submachine Guns

M1928 Thompson

The M1928 Thompson uses a 50-round drum, and is first used just before the first V-Rex attack, thrown to the player by Hayes to fight some Venatosaurs. It is an uncommon weapon, though still gets used a number of times in the game.

M1928 Thompson - .45 ACP
Jack steadies his Thompson as the V-Rex approaches.


Winchester Model 1897

The Winchester Model 1897 is first capable of being used at the end of the first level and is then used to blast away giant enemy crabs. It is then used multiple other times over the course of the game.

Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" - 12 gauge
Jack prepares to shoot down two Terapusmordax in a single shot with his Winchester. Note the ejection port, which is on the wrong side of the weapon and in line with the magazine tube, not the barrel.

Generic Pump Shotgun

The Generic pump shotgun, simply called the "Shotgun" in game, is the version of the shotgun seen in the Xbox 360 version of the game, like the 1897 in other versions, it is first capable of being used at the end of the first level and is then used multiple other times over the course of the game. Also like the 1897, the ejection port is on the wrong side, or perhaps the weapon is a left handed conversion. It appears to be inspired by multiple real world shotguns, but represents nothing specific.

Pump Shotgun - 12 gauge


Mauser Gewehr 1898

The Gewehr 98 is capable of firing long-distance and is used as a sniper in-game. It is first available at the point that you need to wait with Ann for Carl and Hayes to lower a bridge, and then semi regularly in multiple levels. Like the Luger in the game, Englehorn likely acquired it from either war surplus or stole it during the First World War. Oddly, the bolt is only cranked when reloading, it fires like it's semi-automatic. Reloading itself is also rather odd, as only one round is loaded into the rifle.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 with Visar 2 3/4x scope - 7.92x57 mm Mauser
Jack with his Gewehr 1898.


QF 13-pounder 9 cwt

The US Army deploys several QF 13-pounder 9 cwt anti-aircraft guns in the mission "In The Streets of New York", used to fire at kong.

A QF 13-pounder 9 cwt mounted on a Thornycroft lorry.
A soldier manning a QF 13-pounder 9 cwt.

See Also

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