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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Furiosa 2024 Poster.jpg
Theatrical release pover
Country AUS.jpg Australia
Directed by George Miller
Release Date 2024
Language English
Studio Village Roadshow Pictures
Distributor Warner Bros. Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Imperator Furiosa Anya Taylor-Joy
Warlord Dementus Chris Hemsworth
Immortan Joe Tom Burke

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a 2024 post-apocalyptic action adventure film produced and directed by George Miller. It serves as both a spin-off and a prequel to 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road. The movie stars Anya Taylor-Joy as the title character Imperator Furiosa. The movie was produced by Warner Bros. Pictures and was released to theaters in the United States on May 24, 2024.

The following weapons were used in the film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:



Taurus PT99AF

Stainless Taurus PT99AF - 9x19mm

Glock 17

A 2nd gen Glock 17 is used by Praetorian Jack while driving the War Rig. This could be the same pistol seen in the original.

2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm.

Mauser C96

Praetorian Jack is seen later with a C96 instead of his Glock.

Mauser C96 - 7.63x25mm Mauser
"Prae-Jack" fires his C96 from the passenger seat while Furiosa drives.

Colt M1911A1

Nickel Plated M1911A1 - .45 ACP


Apache Pepperbox Revolver

An Apache Pepperbox Revolver is used by Furiosa to cut her hair, creating her signature look from the previous movie. It appears to be some kind of a replica or prop as it has a strange straight trigger akin to a switch. In some scenes the Apache is fitted with a barrel extension that would make it somewhat usable in combat.

Apache Revolver - 7mm
Furiosa 09.jpg

LeMat Revolver

A non-firing diecast Denix replica LeMat Revolver is wielded by Dementus (Chris Hemsworth) as his sidearm.

Denix LeMat non-firing replica
Dementus with his LeMat. Note the lack of pivoting lever on the hammer, cast-in nipples and spurious serial number '2054', present on all Denix LeMat replicas.
Dementus addressing his warband with a LeMat in hand.
LeMat holstered.

Smith & Wesson Model 13

Smith & Wesson Model 13 with 3" barrel - .357 Magnum

Colt Anaconda

Colt Anaconda with 6" barrel - .44 Magnum

Single Action Army

The Bullet Farmer (Richard Carter) is shown to keep a pair of Single Action Army revolvers in holsters strapped to his upper arms.

Colt Single Action Army "Buntline Special" - .45 Long Colt

Ruger Vaquero

Immortan Joe carry Ruger Vaqueros with stainless steel bodies and ivory grips as personal sidearms.

Ruger Vaquero - .45 Long Colt

Submachine Guns

Micro Uzi

What appears to be a Micro Uzi is used by Dementus' warband.

Micro Uzi w/folding stock - 9x19mm
Micro Uzi wielded by the rider to the left.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2

The MP5A2 is used extensively by Fang (Matuse), one of Dementus' henchmen.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 - 9x19mm

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

One of the Emperors accompanying Immortan Joe during negotiations with the Red Dementus is armed with a Heckler & Koch MP5A3.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 - 9x19mm

Sten Mk II

Sten Mk II submachine gun - 9x19mm



Poly Technologies AK-47 - 7.62x39mm. This is the commercial clone of the original Type III AK-47 and is the most used in American films and shows when showing the milled receiver AK-47


Four AKM rifles with removed stocks are fixed to the front of the bizarre flying motorcycle used by "The Octoboss" (Goran D. Kleut). He is also seen holding them, detached from his bike, on a few occasions.

AKM - 7.62x39mm
Furiosa 06.jpg
Furiosa 04.jpg

Type 56

One of the Emperors accompanying Immortan Joe during negotiations with the Red Dementus is armed with a Type 56 with Chinese 75 Round Drum Magazine.

Type 56 (Imported as AKS-47 into the U.S.) with Chinese 75 Round Drum Magazine - 7.62x39mm

Colt M16A1

One of the Emperors accompanying Immortan Joe during negotiations with the Red Dementus is armed with an M16A1.

Colt M16A1 with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm

Colt M4A1

Two War Boys are seen using M4A1s, one with no sights and an A.R.M.S. #45 handguard, and another with full black MAGPUL furniture, and a detachable carryhandle.

Airsoft Tokyo Marui M4A1 S-System. Image used to show A.R.M.S. furniture.
G&P M4 MOE CQBR (Airsoft). Image used to show MAGPUL furniture.

Steyr AUG A1

One of the Emperors accompanying Immortan Joe during negotiations with the Red Dementus is armed with a Steyr AUG A1.

Steyr AUG A1 carbine with 16" Barrel - 5.56x45mm

Brown Bess Flintlock Musket

What appears to be a Brown Bess flintlock musket is carried by the Vuvalini tribe.

Modern reproduction "Long Land Pattern" Brown Bess Infantry musket made from 1722-1768 - .75 caliber
Brown Bess stock butt to the right.

Winchester Model 1892

Praetorian Jack is seen using a Winchester Model 1892 with chromed furniture.

Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.

Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III* SMLE

Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III* SMLE - .303.


Two SKSs with large after-market scopes are used by both Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy) and her mother, Mary Jabassa (Charlee Fraser). Mary Jabassa operates hers as a straight-pull bolt action because it's missing the gas tube, meaning it must be manually cocked with the charging handle after each shot. Furiosa's (which also features a black polymer stock) is also seen operating as a straight-pull action, but it has its gas tube, implying that it's simply not very functional after years of abuse in the wasteland.

Neither rifle is identical to the one Furiosa uses in the first film, though the silver-scoped one could be. It features the same painted scope, and the plastic stock could hypothetically have been swapped out for a wooden one if it made it possible to screw in the low-tech foregrip (a big wooden block) that she needs for her prosthetic arm. This would also explain why she isn't seen using it after losing her arm in this movie.

SKS with ATI Fiberforce "Dragunov" stock - 7.62x39mm.
Younger Furiosa sniping with the SKS. This explains her marksmanship proficiency in later times.
SKS - 7.62x39mm
Furiosa 10.jpg
Note the lack of the gas tube and the gas tube cover.


Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun

A Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun is used by Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy).

Sawed off side by side shotgun - 12 gauge
Furiosa clutching the sawn-off shotgun.
Furiosa 12.jpg


Harpoon Gun

A makeshift harpoon gun is used by Furiosa.

Furiosa commandeers a harpoon gun mounted on what appears to be Immortan Joe war rig.


An RPG-7 is used by Dementus (Chris Hemsworth) to return fire in a sniping duel with Furiosa. In movie fashion, the reload process is shown as simply involving another grenade being slammed into the front. In reality, it is a more involved process that requires pulling a safety cap from the head of the grenade and manually cocking the launcher itself.

RPG-7 - 40mm
Dementus takes aim with the RPG. That silver colored tip is actually the safety cap, which would prevent the rocket from detonating on impact.

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