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Extreme Prejudice (1987)
Extreme Prejudice is a 1987 action film starring Nick Nolte as a "stone-age" Texas Ranger who takes on an old nemesis as well as a rogue Special Forces unit. The film was based on a story co-written by John Milius (Red Dawn) and was directed by Walter Hill (Red Heat). The final shootout is somewhat reminiscent of the last stand in Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch. To ensure authenticity, the producers also hired Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson as a consultant and Nolte closely patterned his character and his weaponry after him.
The following weapons were used in the film Extreme Prejudice:
Colt Commander
A Colt Commander with custom grips is the sidearm carried by Texas Ranger Jack Benteen (Nick Nolte) in the film. In fact, this was the main service sidearm of real-life Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson, who was the inspiration for Nolte's character. Nick Nolte bought a .45 Colt Commander, just like the one owned by Jackson, including the custom grips and also an identical holster to carry the gun, to use it in the film. However, in his autobiography "One Ranger", Jackson remembers that the .45 Commander was not reliable with blanks. Therefore, a 9mm Colt Commander was used instead. Nolte spent several weeks with Jackson to model his character after him. During that time, Nolte was with Jackson for his annual gun qualification. Nolte also shot targets himself and passed Ranger standards.
Colt Combat Commander - .45 ACP.
Texas Ranger Jack Benteen (
Nick Nolte) aims his Colt Commander during the shootout at Arturo's.
Jack reloads his Commander.
Note the engraved style grips.
Closeup of the Commander.
Jack Benteen empties his Colt Commander while Chub Luke escapes.
Jack Benteen swaps in a fresh magazine before his final standoff with Cash Bailey.
Highlight for Spoilers: Jack Benteen empties his Commander during the standoff with Cash Bailey. . Note the BFA.
Jack Benteen with his Commander while trying to reason with Lupo.
Beretta 92F
Sgt. Charles Biddle (Larry B. Scott) uses a Beretta 92F during the final shootout. Much like Lethal Weapon (1987) and Die Hard (1988), this is one of the first films to feature the new 92F model.
Sgt. Charles Biddle (
Larry B. Scott) chambers a round in his Beretta 92F.
Sgt. Charles Biddle fires his Beretta 92F.
Larry B. Scott does a good job of not flinching when firing, despite being probably untrained.
IMI Desert Eagle Mark I
An IMI Desert Eagle Mark I in .357 Magnum is used akimbo with a .38 Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolver by Sgt. Luther Fry (Dan Tullis Jr.) during the bank robbery.
IMI Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 Magnum.
Sgt. Luther Fry (
Dan Tullis Jr.) aims a Desert Eagle Mark I at the bank hostages. The shot below shows a better view of the teardrop safety found on the Mark I models.
Smith & Wesson 39
Sgt. Buck Atwater (William Forsythe) is seen putting down a Smith & Wesson 39 after crashing their car after a short chase with Benteen.
Smith & Wesson Model 39-2 9x19mm
Sgt. Buck Atwater (
William Forsythe) puts down his Smith & Wesson Model 39 after the car is wrecked while fleeing the bank robbery.
Smith & Wesson Model 629 (2.5" barreled Mag-na-Ported)
Cash Bailey (Powers Boothe) uses a 2.5" barreled Mag-na-Ported Smith & Wesson Model 629. This is likely the same revolver used in the films The Hitcher and Beverly Hills Cop.
Smith & Wesson Model 629, 3" barrel - 44 magnum.
Cash Bailey fires his Smith & Wesson Model 629 point blank at his bookkeeper for the count coming up short.
Cash Bailey (
Powers Boothe) does a round check on his Smith & Wesson Model 629.
Cash Bailey with his Smith & Wesson Model 629 during the first standoff.
Smith & Wesson Model 686
A Smith & Wesson Model 686 with hardwood grips is carried by Major Paul Hackett (Michael Ironside) in the film.
Smith & Wesson Model 686 with hardwood grips- .357 Magnum.
Major Paul Hackett (
Michael Ironside) threatens the bank president for Cash Bailey's deposit box numbers.
The bank president opens the deposit box while threatened by Hackett.
Highlight for Spoilers: Maj. Paul Hackett with his S&W 686 during the final shootout.
Smith & Wesson Model 586
A Smith & Wesson Model 586 is used by Arturo (Rick Garcia).
Highlight for Spoilers: Arturo fires a S&W 586 at Sheriff Hank Pearson.
Smith & Wesson Model 15
A bank guard carries a Smith & Wesson Model 15 as his service revolver.
Smith & Wesson Model 15 - .38 Special
A bank guard attempts to draw his Smith & Wesson Model 15, but is taken down by McRose and Fry.
Sgt. Luther Fry with the Smith & Wesson Model 15 taken from the bank guard.
Smith & Wesson Model 28
A Smith & Wesson Model 28 is seen in the holster of Deputy Cortez (Marco Rodríguez) .
Smith & Wesson Model 28 - .357 Magnum.
Smith & Wesson Model 29
Monday (Tommy "Tiny" Lister) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 29 as his sidearm throughout the film.
Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum
Monday with his Smith & Wesson Model 29 in the holster.
Monday draws his Smith & Wesson Model 29 after being shot twice in the final shootout.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
Pearly Grips (Sam Gauny) is seen with a pearl-gripped Smith & Wesson Model 10 tucked in his waist band, after the shooting between T.C Luke and Benteen.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 - .38spl.
Sheriff Hank Pearson tells Pearly Grips (
Sam Gauny) to put his hands up.
Sheriff Hank Pearson takes the revolver. He mentions to Grips that he figured pig dung like him for pearly grips.
Smith & Wesson Double Action New Frontier
T.C. Luke (Kent Lipham) draws a Smith & Wesson Double Action New Frontier on Jack Benteen.
T.C. Luke (Kent Lipham) draws a S&W DA New Frontier on Jack Benteen.
Luke goes down holding the revolver.
Rifles & Carbines
Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine
Jack Benteen (Nick Nolte) carries a Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine as his long gun in the film. In real life, Joaquin Jackson carried similar rifle, a Winchester 1894.
Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .38-40 WCF.
Jack Benteen holds his Winchester rifle as he asks the Rincon Norte bartender where T.C. Luke is.
Sheriff Hank Pearson (
Rip Torn) aims Jack Benteen's Winchester 1892 at Friday and Lupo.
Benteen at the ready with his Winchester Model 1892.
Benteen reloads his Winchester 1892.
Winchester Model 70
What appears to be a Winchester Model 70 is carried by one of Cash's men.
The rifle is seen on the right. It appears to be fitted with a magazine, but actually it's someone holding an M16 right behind him.
Steyr AUG A1
Sgt. Charles Biddle (Larry B. Scott) uses a Steyr AUG A1 in the final shootout.
Steyr AUG A1 - 5.56x45mm.
Sgt. Charles Biddle threatens a woman to keep quiet.
Biddle fires his Steyr AUG A1.
Biddle opens fire with his Steyr AUG A1.
Biddle uses the Steyr AUG A1.
Colt Sporter 1 Carbine
A Colt Sporter 1 Carbine is held by Cash's men.
Colt Sporter 1 Carbine with 30-round magazine - 5.56x45mm
The Carbine can be seen on the left.
Heckler & Koch HK91
A Heckler & Koch HK91 is another weapon carried by some of Cash's men during the final shootout.
HK91-A3 with factory telescoping Stock - 7.62x51mm NATO
The HK91 is seen on the left.
The HK91 is seen on the far left.
The gun on the left appears to be the HK91 with the bipod extended.
Heckler & Koch HK91
A Heckler & Koch G3 is another weapon carried by some of Cash's men during the final shootout.
The HKG3 is seen on the near left.
M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine is the seen in the Sheriff's armory as well as carried by Cash's men.
What looks like M1 Carbines are seen in the armory. Both rifles were popular with law enforcement at the time the film takes place.
On the left, the M1 Carbine is carried.
SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker (Matt Mulhern) picks up a M16A1 after the Browning M1919A4 he commandeered runs out. An M16A1 fitted with A2 handguards is carried by Monday (Tommy "Tiny" Lister).
SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker with a M16A1 taken from the cartel.
M16A1 with A2-style handguards - 5.56x45mm.
Monday (
Tommy "Tiny" Lister) with a M16A1. Despite carrying it throughout the film he never uses it.
A drug mule armed with a M16A1 is shot by Sheriff Hank Pearson.
Better shot of the A2-style handguards.
Note BFA seen protruding through muzzle.
M16 (SP1)/M203 Grenade Launcher
An M203 grenade launcher is used by Sgt. Buck Atwater (William Forsythe) during the final shootout, fitted to an M16 (SP1) rifle with ventilated grenade launcher handguards.
M16 (SP1) fitted with M203 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm/40mm.
Sgt. Buck Atwater fires his M16 during the final shootout.
Sgt. Buck Atwater fires his M203 during the final shootout.
AKM rifles are carried by a number of Cash's men during the final shootout. The rifle also is fired by SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker.
SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker fires an AKM taken from the cartel. He is first seen firing a MAC-10. He switches to a Browning M1919A4 after this.
Closeup of the AKM barrel.
Valmet M71S
The Valmet M71S rifle is seen in the hands of several of Cash's men during the final shootout.
Valmet M71S with plastic handguard and resin stock - .223 Rem
The Valmet rifle with its distinctive handguard is seen at the top right.
One of Cash's men carries the Valmet rifle.
One of Cash's men opens fire with the Valmet on the jeep.
5.56mm magazine of another variation of the Valmet is seen.
Ruger Mini-14
A Ruger Mini-14 is briefly seen slung over the shoulder of one of the men in the Mexican town.
Stainless Steel Ruger Mini-14 GB-F ("Government Barrel, Folding Stock") - 5.56x45mm
The Ruger is seen on the far left.
On the left, one of Cash's men holds the Ruger.
IMI Galil ARM is carried by one of Cash's men.
IMI Galil ARM - 5.56x45mm
In the center, the Galil ARM is seen slung.
M1 Garand
One of Cash's men is briefly seen holding an M1 Garand rifle.
M1 Garand semiautomatic Rifle with leather M1917 sling - .30-06
On the near right, one of Cash's men is briefly seen holding an
M1 Garand rifle.
Submachine Guns
The MAC-10 is the weapon of choice for the special unit. MSgt. Larry McRose (Clancy Brown), Maj. Paul Hackett (Michael Ironside) and SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker (Matt Mulhern) all start with one during the final shootout. Maj. Paul Hackett has the only one fitted with a suppressor.
Highlight for Spoilers: MSgt. Larry McRose didn't want to give his car to Chub Luke.
Hackett opens fire with the suppressed MAC-10.
MSgt. Larry McRose (
Clancy Brown) with his MAC-10. Note the sling which holds his Remington 870 on his back.
SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker (
Matt Mulhern) fires a MAC-10 in the final shootout.
Heckler & Koch HK94A3 (Chopped & Converted)
Chub Luke (Mickey Jones) uses a Heckler & Koch HK94A3 carbine chopped and converted to resemble a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 during the shootout at Arturo's.
Heckler & Koch HK94A3 chopped and converted to resemble MP5A3 - 9mm.
Closeup of the Heckler & Koch HK94A3 used by Chub Luke.
Chub Luke threatens Maj. Paul Hackett & MSgt. Larry McRose to give up their car.
A Heckler & Koch HK94A3 picked up by a Sheriff Deputy.
Heckler & Koch HK94A3
A Heckler & Koch HK94A3 carbine fitted with a ventilated barrel shroud and a vertical foregrip is also carried by some of Cash's men.
Heckler & Koch HK94A3 with barrel shroud & "tropical" handguard.
IMI Micro Uzi
An IMI Micro Uzi is used by a Hector (Gary Cervantes) during the bank robbery.
Highlight for Spoilers: Hector fires an IMI Micro Uzi at Sgt. Luther Fry.
Remington 870
Jack Benteen (Nick Nolte), MSgt. Larry McRose (Clancy Brown) and Lupo (Luis Contreras) use Remington 870s in the film. Jack Benteen's 870 has a full stock and no magazine tube extension. MSgt. Larry McRose's 870 has a factory folding stock with magazine extension. Lupo's 870 has the wood stock sawed to a pistol grip and sports a magazine extension also. Despite carrying it throughout the film he is never seen firing it.
Remington 870 Police Magnum customized with extended magazine tube - 12 Gauge (credit to
Predator 20)
Lupo (
Luis Contreras) with a Remington 870. With the stock sawed to a pistol grip.
Lupo with his Remington 870 after the shootout between Jack and Cash. Trivia: Jack Benteen says to Lupo that "he now gets to wear the white suit". In director
Walter Hill's
Red Heat, which came out the following year, the character
Luis Contreras plays is seen wearing a white suit towards the end of the film.
Remington 870 - 12 Gauge.
Jack Benteen aims his Remington 870 at Sgt. Buck Atwater and SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker.
Remington 870 Police Folder - 12 Gauge.
MSgt. Larry McRose (
Clancy Brown) with a Remington 870 during the bank robbery.
Highlight for Spoilers: MSgt. Larry McRose aims his 870 at Maj. Paul Hackett.
MSgt. Larry McRose fires his 870.
Winchester Model 1897
Sheriff Hank Pearson (Rip Torn) uses a Winchester Model 1897 shotgun in the film. Joaquin Jackson claimed the shotgun actually belonged to the actor. Jack also uses the shotgun.
Winchester Model 1897 Field shotgun - 12 gauge
Sheriff Hank Pearson (
Rip Torn) with his Winchester Model 1897 in the bar.
Sheriff Hank Pearson (
Rip Torn) with his Winchester Model 1897. Note Benteen's Winchester 1892 and Remington 870 in the overhead rack.
Sheriff Hank Pearson tells Arturo (
Rick Garcia) to get back, but stay where he can see him.
Sheriff Hank Pearson fires his Model 1897 at a drug mule armed with an M16A1.
Sheriff Hank Pearson aims his Model 1897 at a drug mule.
Jack also uses the shotgun.
12 Gauge Double Barreled shotgun
A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun is carried by another of Cash's men.
Ithaca 37
After the apprehension of SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker and Sgt. Buck Atwater, Ithaca 37 shotguns are seen in the Sheriff's office armory. Deputy Purvis (James Lashly) is seen with one when standing guard.
Ithaca Model 37 riot version - 12 gauge
The Sheriff's armory is filled with Ithaca 37 shotguns.
Deputy Purvis dozing off with a Ithaca 37 in hand.
Machine Guns
Browning M1919A4
Browning M1919A4s on a double-handed mount is seen in the final shootout, notably manned by Sgt. Buck Atwater (William Forsythe).
Browning M1919A4 - .30-06.
Single units of M1919A4 manned by Cash's men.
Sgt. Buck Atwater (
William Forsythe) fires the twin M1919A4's in a Double handed mount.
.30 AN/M2
.30 AN/M2s are used by machine gunners during the final shootout on a flexible twin AA mount.
.30 AN/M2, flexible mount - .30-06.
Anti-Aircraft twin mounted.
SSgt. Declan Patrick Coker (
Matt Mulhern) opens fire with the AA twin mounted M2's. This scene appears to be a homage to
The Wild Bunch.
An M60 is briefly seen manned by some of Cash's men.
M60 is briefly seen manned by some of Cash's men.
Sheriff's Gun Rack
The arsenal in the Sheriff's Office contains several Ithaca shotguns and M1 Carbines.
Rack filled with Ithaca 37 shotguns.
What looks like Winchester Model 70s and M1 Carbines. Both rifles were popular with law enforcement at the time the film takes place.
Town Firearms
Several of Cash's members are seen walking through the town carrying their weapons.
During the town celebration, several AK's and M16 type rifles are carried by Cash's men.