Commandos: Strike Force (2006)
Commandos: Strike Force is the fifth game in the Commandos series. This is the first (and so far only) Commandos game to be a first-person tactical shooter, all the previous entries use the overhead perspective. The game was developed by Pyro Studios and published by Eidos in 2006 for the PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2.
The following weapons appear in the video game Commandos: Strike Force:
Colt M1911A1
The Colt M1911A1 (simply called the "Colt" in-game) is one of the game's usable sidearms. It holds 7 rounds, and is mainly used by the Green Beret.
The Colt M1911A1 in first-person. Note the incorrect uncocked hammer, which would render this single-action-only pistol unable to fire in reality.
The Sniper checks the magazine of his Colt 1911A1, this animation is also used for the PPK. The cartridge in the magazine is much too long to be a .45 ACP round and is bottlenecked. It looks more like a rifle cartridge.
The Green Beret (with the pause screen open since the radar would otherwise obscure the second 1911) holds dual 1911 Pistols.
The Colt 1911 on the ground.
Walther PPK
A suppressed Walther PPK is the preferred sidearm of the Spy. It is referred to simply as the "Walter" (without the H), and holds 7 rounds.
Presumably for balancing reasons, the PPK, despite its small size is the only pistol with a halved penalty for reserve ammo, with only two instead of four magazines carried at a time (or four instead of eight on Easy difficulty which doubles your ammo reserves).
The Spy holding a Walther PPK in-game. Note the uncocked hammer; while the PPK can fire like this, the hammer should remain cocked after the first shot, which it doesn't in-game.
The Spy finds a PPK in a case, the PPK is the only German firearm never used by NPCs and can only be found in a case if the Spy doesn't start with one.
Thanks to a little trade, the Sniper holds a PPK.
The Spy twirls his PPK while idle.
For another idle animation, the Spy checks the magazine. Again, the cartridge here is absolutely massive compared to what would fit in a PPK.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 appears as the "Luger" in Strike Force, and is often used by the Sniper as a secondary weapon. It erroneously holds 12 rounds.
Soviet General Emil Salenkov is also seen with a Luger.
The Luger P08 in the fingerless-gloved hands of the Sniper.
Hawkins reloads his Luger.
The Luger P08 on the ground, the swap weapon icon for the PPK depicts it with wooden grips unlike the HUD/model.
Thanks to a dead German lieutenant and the Sniper dropping his Luger, the Green Beret holds dual Lugers.
Submachine Guns
Thompson M1A1
The M1A1 Thompson (simply called the "Thompson" in-game) is the default submachine gun of the Green Beret. It always appears with 20-round box magazines in-game. It, along with the MP 40, are the only non-pistol weapons that can be dual-wielded.
The Spy can use the Thompson in multiplayer and French Resistance fighters carry the Thompson and Garand in cutscenes but switch back to the MP40/Kar98k during gameplay.
M1A1 Thompson with 20-round stick magazine - .45 ACP
The Green Beret decides to see if he can hit the broad side of a barn with his Thompson.
A Thompson laying on a crate.
The Green Beret dual-wielding Thompsons, with the left Thompson not being a mirror of the right.
MP 40
Most German soldiers use MP 40 submachine guns throughout the single-player campaign. The Green Beret and Spy can use them, but the Sniper can't. It correctly holds 32 rounds.
It is also used by French/Norwegian resistance fighters.
The MP 40 in first-person. Note the rather worrying absence of a charging handle.
With a high enough FOV/looking down reveals that the charging handle is locked far back, only moving forwards when reloading.
The Green Beret inserts a new magazine into his single MP 40, the charging handle abruptly snaps forward at the start of a reload and is pulled back
and kept back when loading and firing which is the exact opposite of how it functions.
The Green Beret decides to try dual-wielding MP 40 submachine guns. They are held much lower than the Thompson.
The Spy decides to check his 2D bullets in his magazine while idle and is pleased to discover it's actually loaded with pistol cartridges and not shrunken rifle rounds like the Colt/PPK.
The world model of the MP 40.
The PPSh-41 is the standard-issue submachine gun for Soviet soldiers in-game; the Green Beret can use it as well. It always appears with 71-round drum magazines, and is called the "PPSH41", it is the only submachine gun that the Spy can't use and the Green Beret can't dual-wield.
Like the PPK, the PPSh-41 has a halved reserve magazine count compared to other weapons though the weapon's large drums makes this relatively more sensible.
Soviet PPSh-41 Submachine Gun - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The PPSh-41 in the hands of the Green Beret during the last level. Note that, although the charging handle seems to be correctly locked backward, the bolt itself is erroneously in battery, despite the PPSh-41 being an open-bolt weapon.
A Soviet soldier holds the PPSh-41.
The PPSh-41 on the ground.
The rifles are the only weapons with usable iron sights in-game.
Karabiner 98k
The Karabiner 98k appears as the "Mauser" in Strike Force, and is often used by German infantry. It has decent range and accuracy combined with high damage; its only drawbacks are its slow rate of fire and small magazine capacity (a correct five rounds).
French/Norwegian resistance fighters make use of the "Mauser" as their rifle, with Soviet soldiers also using it as their unscoped rifle (as the Mosin is only available with a scope) and on the PS2 version which removes the Garand, Allied paratroopers use it too, making it the only firearm used (inaccurately) by all factions.
Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Amidst the rubble, the Green Beret holds his captured Kar98k.
He then checks its iron sights, only to find that, much to his dismay, the weapon lacks a front sight post.
Reloading with a stripper clip with oddly undersized rounds.
A bunch of Kar98k rifles in an ammo storage area.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand is used by Allied Paratroopers and Green Beret in Betrayal. It performs similarly to the Karabiner 98k, but holds eight rounds instead of the Kar98k's five, and has a higher fire rate (on account of it being semi-automatic, rather than bolt-action like the Kar98k).
This weapon was removed in the PlayStation 2 port.
M1 Garand - .30-06 Springfield
The Green Beret marches his way down a dusty trail, M1 Garand in tow.
The Green Beret reloads his M1 Garand with an En-Bloc clip, both the ejected and inserted En-Bloc clip share the same model so the ejected En-Bloc clip is fully loaded.
Unfortunately, much like the Kar98k, the M1 lacks a front sight post.
Sturmgewehr 44
The Sturmgewehr 44 appears only as a hidden weapon in the Panzers! mission in a crate; no German troops use it, nor does it make any other appearance during the game outside of multiplayer. Additionally, the game doesn't seem to see it as a rifle; unlike the Mauser and Garand, its sights are unusable.
The weapon is anachronistic as the game is stated to be set in 1942 in the game's intro in France and the game ends with the battle of Stalingrad in still 1942 which is the same mistake present in Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
Wandering into a storeroom, the Green Beret happens upon the game's only Sturmgewehr; note the mis-positioned magazine and solid texture in the trigger guard.
Picking it up in spite of these quirks, he decides to take a good look at both it and the tiles.
As part of an idle animation, the magazine is pulled out and checked, showing it to be completely solid.
Sniper Rifles
M1903A4 Springfield
The M1903A4 Springfield is the Sniper's weapon of choice.
A4 Springfield with Model 330 Weaver scope - .30-06
The Springfield in first person. While the previous two rifles lacked front sight posts that they were supposed to have, this one has a front sight that it
isn't supposed to have.
The Springfield in third person.
The Springfield's scope view.
Mosin Nagant M91/30
The Mosin Nagant M91/30 appears during the Soviet levels instead of the M1903 Springfield. In-game, it has the same attributes as the Springfield.
Full-length, Mosin Nagant M91/30 Sniper Rifle with Russian PU 3.5x sniper scope and down turned bolt handle - 7.62x54mmR
A camouflage-wrapped Mosin Nagant in the hands of the Sniper, who watches intently for any
enemies at the gates.
The world model of the Mosin Nagant.
Gewehr 43
The Gewehr 43 is, oddly, the standard sniper rifle of the German army in-game, despite scoped Karabiner 98ks being both more common in and more suitable for this role in reality. It erroneously holds only eight rounds per magazine in-game, rather than the correct 10.
It is anachronistic as the game is set in 1942.
Scoped Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Sniper looks out over a peaceful, snowy night with his G43.
Reloading the G43 with bullets textured on the magazine.
Entering a barn used by an enemy sniper, William Hawkins finds a G43 clipping into the wall.
The Sniper discovers that the G43 (and Mosin) shares its scoped overlay with the Springfield.
Machine Guns
M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle
The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle appears as a Green Beret-exclusive weapon. In-game, it has a correct 20-round magazine, and its bipod is removed (as was rather common on M1918A2s, for the sake of reducing the weapon's weight).
Like the StG 44, the BAR lacks iron sights despite being in the Green Beret's "Rifle" slot alongside the Kar98k/M1 Garand.
M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06
Amidst wooden crates and falling snow, the Green Beret ponders if he should've brought gloves.
The world model of the Browning Automatic Rifle.
Maxim M1910/30
The Maxim M1910/30 can be used during the game's last level to hold back German forces. It has unlimited ammo.
Russian Maxim 1910/30 machine gun - 7.62x54mmR
A Green Beret looks over the Maxim, pondering what he should use it for.
The obvious answer, of course, being to spray away blindly into large clouds of smoke. Obviously.
Despite its very limited appearances, the Maxim has unique animations when used.
The MG42 can be used a stationary weapon in-game. It has unlimited ammo, just like the Maxim M1910/30. A portable version with limited ammo can be found on lower difficulties but it doesn't spawn on higher difficulties. The reload animation of the portable version consists of the weapon being moved off screen for a second and reloaded with a single metallic sound without actually replacing the belt, in addition it appears to only have a handful of bullets loaded despite holding 50.
Unsurprisingly, the portable version has halved reserve ammo compared to other "Rifle" weapons it shares its slot with and doesn't have usable iron sights.
The portable version was removed in the PS2 port.
MG42 Machine Gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser
An Norwegian resistance fighter operating a captured MG42. Note the rather short ammo belt, which apparently contains an infinite amount of ammunition; it also erroneously feeds into the right side of the gun, possibly a holdover from the Maxim above (which is actually supposed to feed from the right).
Later, upon finding one of his own, the Sniper decides to trade accuracy for volume of fire.
The portable version laying on the ground.
The portable version held, with seemingly less than 10 bullets loaded. At least they're loaded into the right part of the gun.
Boats with their own model of mounted MG42 appear in the Norway chapter though only NPCs can use them.
Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun
A Winchester Model 1897 in the riot gun configuration appears as the "Winchester Riot" in Strike Force. It erroneously holds eight shells instead of the correct 5+1 in-game. It is very effective in close quarters, but its reloading and pumping are both extremely slow. The third-person animation for firing (likely due to its extremely limited appearance in-game) is the same animation as firing a bolt-action rifle.
It only appears in "A Cold Reception", used by the Green Beret for the start of the mission, but an oversight in despawning weapons when the second section starts allows the Spy to obtain it if the player is quick enough.
In the PlayStation 2 port, the Winchester Riot was removed.
Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun - 12 gauge
The Green Beret crouch walks through a snowy landscape, Winchester in paw.
Pumping the Riot Gun after shooting, the pump doesn't actually move, instead the weapon is shaken around quickly to give the impression of pumping it.
Inserting shells into the Riot Gun, it appears shells are inserted into the ejection port judging by the animation.
The Riot Gun on the ground.
A camera angle in a cutscene shows how the magazine tube has the same texture as the barrel at the end.
Thanks to Francis O'Brien (the Green Beret) dropping it just before the end of his section, George Brown (the Spy) holds the Winchester Riot.
M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher with M1A2 Rifle Grenade Adaptor
The M1A2 Rifle Grenade appears being fired from the M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher is used by the Green Beret in his first mission Betrayal; it launches Mk 2 grenades and is wrongly portrayed as being able to be attached to a Karabiner 98k.
It was removed in the PlayStation 2 port.
M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher - 22mm
Mk 2 training grenade fitted with M1A2 22mm rifle grenade projection adapter.
Holding the Garand with the M1A2 attached.
Loading a new grenade, and demonstrating a complete failure to understand how any of this works. The M1A2 device is actually a projectile (hence the ring at the back with stabilizing fins) that can be fitted with a Mk 2 hand grenade as a warhead; the game, meanwhile, has elected to depict the device as part of the launcher, such that the only thing actually being launched is the Mk 2.
The Green Beret somehow has managed to fit Allied rifle grenades on a Kar98k.
He then inserts a new grenade into his new abomination, and tries very hard not to think about it too much.
The Panzerfaust is another option for clearing groups of enemies in-game, not to mention its usefulness against vehicles. However, it can only be used by the Green Beret. It is inaccurately depicted as being reloadable.
Panzerfaust - 44mm, with 149mm warhead
The Green Beret holds his Panzerfaust, debating whether he should save it, or attempt to use it to destroy a derelict barn.
After firing the Panzerfaust, the Green Beret inserts another warhead.
A duo of Norwegian resistance fighters hold their Panzerfausts.
A Soviet soldier with a warhead-less Panzerfaust, it doesn't stop him firing it somehow.
The Sniper holds an anti-tank mine as he wishes the game's developers allowed him to use Panzerfausts too, note how there's actually 4 Panzerfausts in the crate, this is a leftover from when the maximum amount of Panzerfausts were 4 instead of 2.
Mk 2 "Pineapple" Grenade
The Mk 2 hand grenade is the game's resident frag grenade. It is useful for clearing out groups of enemies and three Mk 2 grenades can be used to destroy an SdKfz 251. It is inaccurately also used by German troops as it is the only model of grenade in the game both in cutscenes and rarely in gameplay.
The Sniper examines a box of Mk 2 Hand Grenades, the 3D models for the grenades are missing the pin and spoon.
A thrown Mk 2 Hand Grenade.
M18 Smoke Grenade
The M18 smoke grenade appears as both a smoke grenade and a fictional green colored gas grenade version that releases lethal poison gas. The smoke version can also choke enemies if it goes off next to them but this will only stun them as opposed to killing them.
German troops occasionally use the smoke M18 due to the lack of a German smoke grenade and the failure cutscene for the final mission shows the M18 wrongly being used as an explosive grenade by German soldiers to clear out the Soviet HQ.
A box of M18 smoke grenades; note their correct markings and yellow top caps...
...which doesn't stop them from producing white smoke (a color no M18 variant could make). Here, the Sniper uses the M18 smoke grenade as an improvised tear gas grenade to prevent German troops from being able to open fire.
German troops throw their somehow explosive M18 grenades into the Soviet HQ.
Another box of M18s, these being the fictional gas variant; note that the markings are correspondingly altered to "M18 GAS GREEN".
The lethal green gas of the fictional version with the player wearing a gas mask to protect themselves. As a note of trivia, there was a variant of the M18 that did produce toxic gas, albeit unintentionally - when the dyes used to color the smoke were re-formulated during the late 80s/early 90s, the new violet version was quickly pulled from service after it was found to be highly toxic, and only re-introduced when a less toxic alternative was found.
Sticky Bomb
An improvised explosive seemingly made of three sticks of dynamite, wrapped in cloth, and soaked with some form of adhesive. The sticky bomb can be used to destroy German Tiger tanks during the Panzers! mission.
The Green Beret holds his improvised sticky bomb, lamenting the fact that he can't use it to clear rubble in-game.
Molotov Cocktail
Molotov Cocktails appear in the final mission and they can be used by either the Green Beret or Sniper.
The Green Beret and Sniper hold their Molotov Cocktails.
Tellermine 35
An unknown Tellermine, presumably the Tellermine 35, appears as the "Anti-Tank Mine" during the White Alamo mission and Panzers!. It can be used by both the Green Beret and Sniper.
Tellermine 35 Anti-tank mine
The Sniper holds a Tellermine while looking at a box of Mines.
8.8 cm FlaK 18
What appears to be a FlaK 18 anti-aircraft gun appears in Eye For An Eye.
FlaK 18 antiaircraft gun on a FlaK 36 cruciform mount at the British Imperial War Museum - 88mm
What is presumably a 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 Mortar with a wrong baseplate appears in the mission An Eye For An Eye.
Kurzer 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 - 81.4mm
Sneaking through an occupied Russian city, the Sniper stumbles across a mortar.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
The Model 24 Stielhandgranate is a cut grenade, while no leftovers exist in the final game it can be found in a leaked PS2 beta build.
It is not usable but boxes of Stielhandgranate can be found and give the player Mk 2 grenades when picked up.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
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