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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation pc box.jpg
Official Box Art
Release Date: 1999
Developer: CORE Design
Publisher: EIDOS
Series: Tomb Raider
Platforms: Playstation
Genre: Action-adventure

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is the fourth entry in the Tomb Raider series. It was developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. It was released on PC, PlayStation and eventually to the Sega Dreamcast with exclusive graphical and sound enhancements.

The game narrates the story of Lara Croft adventuring through Egypt and attempting to thwart the Egyptian God of Chaos Seth, after inadvertently releasing him from his tomb.

Just like Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered was announced in October 2024 for release on February 14th 2025. IV-VI Remastered includes Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation with it's "The Times" promotional level, Tomb Raider: Chronicles and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

The following weapons appear in the video game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation:


Browning Hi-Power

The traditional pair of Browning Hi-Power pistols serve as Lara's main weapons once again, with unlimited ammo like in the previous games. The model used for the pistols she holds in-game are still the same two-tone ones from Tomb Raider II and III despite the models in the inventory and FMV cutscenes being new nickel Colt M1911A1 models.

Due to an oversight, the Browning Hi-Power pistols are the only weapons visible in Lara's holsters as the Uzis and Revolver vanish upon holstering them in the original game. (Though this is fixed in the remaster.)

Nickel plated FN Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
Inventory models of the two-tone Hi-Powers from Tomb Raider II & III. They serve as the in-game model.
Promotional screenshot of the Browning Hi-Powers in the remaster.
Lara fires her Hi-Powers at the enemies in the remaster's launch trailer

Beretta 92FS Inox

In the game's commercial FMV render, Lara's pistols are depicted as being Berettas 92FS Inox rather than Colt M1911A1s or IMI Desert Eagles. It is hard to see because of the heavy motion blur and quickness of the scene, but the distinctive Beretta 92 muzzle is an easy way to distinguish them from the nickel M1911A1s.

Beretta 92FS Inox - 9mm.
Lara dual-wielding her Beretta 92FS Inox pistols.
Side-view of the Beretta 92FS Inox.

Beretta 92FS Vertec Inox

The Beretta 92FS Vertec Inox from the Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is carried Ahmed during gameplay instead of the Browning Hi-Power. The dying Egyptian soldier at the garage also carries this one.

Beretta 92FS Vertec Inox - 9x19mm Parabellum
The dying Egyptian soldier with his Beretta 92FS Vertec Inox.
The soldier greets Lara with his handgun pointing at her
A close look at Ahmed's Beretta.

Colt M1911A1

A pair of nickel Colt M1911A1s are used as the inventory models for the pistols, even though the held in-game models are still the Tomb Raider II / III two-tone Browning Hi-Powers. These pistols are used in FMV sequences and in the game's artwork.

In the remaster, Lara finally uses the M1911A1 during actual gameplay despite promotional screenshots for the remasters showing her with the Browning Hi-Powers.

Satin Nickel M1911A1 - .45 ACP. Manufactured on license by Remington Rand - nickel plated later by its owner.
The inventory models of the Pistols
Lara with dual M1911A1s in the game's artwork
Lara aiming a M1911A1 in the game's artwork. Note the distinctive M1911A1 muzzle.
Close up of Lara's M1911A1s in an FMV sequence.
"I wouldn't advise it."
Lara aiming her dual M1911A1s in an FMV sequence.
25th Anniversary artwork by Andy Park, showcasing Lara in an alternate game box cover with her iconic dual nickel Colt M1911A1s.
Remastered Lara with her M1911A1s.
Remastered Lara with her M1911A1s.
Remastered Lara with her M1911A1s.
The M1911s in the Inventoy menu in the Remastered version.

IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII

Lara's dual Hi-Power's/M1911A1s erroneously turn into dual Desert Eagle Mark VIIs in some FMV cutscenes, despite the fact that the Desert Eagle is never used by her. The weapon is also depicted in the cover art and in the game's promotional artwork.

IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII with nickel finish - .44 Magnum
Lara with her IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII in an artwork image. The side clearly says: Magnum Research Inc. Minneapolis - Made in Israel.
More game artwork, showing Lara holding the Desert Eagle. The flat barrel shape, lack of top rail mount and safety show it is a Mark VII.
Lara aiming her IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII.
"Tell me now, or you've just run out ... of time."
Lara with dual IMI Desert Eagle Mark VIIs.
Various shots of the Desert Eagle being used by one of Von Croy's Henchmen.

IMI Desert Eagle Mark I

A dying Egyptian soldier holds what appears to be an IMI Desert Eagle Mark I-styled pistol similar to the Magnums from Tomb Raider (1996).

IMI Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 Magnum
The dying Egyptian soldier aiming his Magnum at Lara.


Generic Revolver

What appears to be a Webley No.5 'Express' and Smith & Wesson Model 64 hybrid revolver is the first introduction of a revolver in the Tomb Raider series. Although the revolver model in the inventory and when found as a pick-up item is nickel with a black handgrip, the handgrip becomes wooden when Lara uses it as a weapon. The revolver is a powerful weapon capable of taking down most enemies with just a few rounds. The gun requires ammunition, but never needs to be reloaded, thus the gun's identity cannot be established on its reloading mechanism, as Lara can simply fire the weapon until all her ammo is depleted. Perhaps in another oversight, Lara never needs to pull the hammer back, implying it is a double-action revolver. A 'lasersight' can be equipped for the gun, though the game's lasersight functions as a scope instead. It is possible to separate the sight from the gun to attach it to the crossbow. The word 'separate' in the game menu however is misspelled 'seperate.'

In the Remaster, the revolver appears to be modeled after a Smython-like cross between a Colt Python and a Smith & Wesson Model 686, featuring Colt Python sights and vent ribs, finger grooves on the grip like a Model 686 and picatinny rails (to account for mounting the lasersight in-game).

Smith & Wesson Model 64 Stainless Model - .38 Special.
Nickle-plated Webley No.5 with Adams type ejector - .44/40 Winchester.
Smith & Wesson Model 686 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum.
Colt Python Stainless Steel variant with 6" Barrel and Colt marked rubber combat grips - .357 Magnum.
Smython, for comparison - .357 Magnum
The Revolver from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
The word "separate" spelled incorrectly in the menu.
The in-game model with brown grips.
Remastered Revolver.
Lara with the remastered revolver.
Remastered Revolver in the Inventory menu.

Smith & Wesson Model 29

Lara's traitorous guide Ahmed Ben Trayal aims a Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum with a 6-inch barrel at Lara when revealing his true colors though after the cutscene, he is carrying either a Browning Hi-Power or a Beretta 92 depending on original or remastered graphics.

Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum

"My trusty companion returns."
Ahmed betraying Lara by aiming a Smith & Wesson Model 29 at her head.

A full view of the Smith & Wesson Model 29.

Close up view of the Smith & Wesson Model 29.

The Smith & Wesson Model 29 lying on the sand.

Submachine Guns

IMI Micro Uzi

Whilst Lara's Uzis carry the same in-game model of the MAC-10s over from previous games, the menu icon and the pick up model for the Uzis has now been changed to the IMI Micro Uzi though they function just the same as the ones in Tomb Raider III. Von Croy's Desert Warrior henchmen are armed with a Micro Uzi for ranged combat, but will put it away and opt to use their swords if Lara gets too close to them (or if they run out of ammunition).

The remaster finally makes it so Lara uses these during actual gameplay.

IMI Micro Uzi - 9x19mm.
Uzis from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Inventory model).
Desert Warriors attacking Lara Croft with their Micro Uzis at close range.
Remastered Lara fires her Micro Uzis during an ambush.
Remastered Lara holds her Micro Uzis.
Remastered Lara holds her Micro Uzis.

Ingram MAC-10

Being the same model from previous games, the held in-game model of Lara's IMI Micro Uzis are still MAC-10s.

Ingram MAC-10 - 9x19mm

The in-game model. Note the transparent magazines (who seem to lack a follower).
A remastered Desert Warrior attacks Lara with a simplified version of the MAC-10 from the previous remasters.
A remastered Desert Warrior with a MAC-10.
A remastered Desert Warrior with a MAC-10.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

In an FMV sequence Lara shoots one of Von Croy's henchmen with a commandeered Heckler & Koch MP5K.

Heckler & Koch MP5K - version with SEF Plastic Trigger Pack - 9x19mm

Lara getting ready to shoot at one of Von Croy's men.



The shotgun Lara acquires in this game uses the same model as Tomb Raider III's short-barrelled Franchi SPAS-12 but with redone textures that are no longer accurate to a real SPAS-12, now being being composed mostly of metal framework, save for a wooden pistol grip. This makes the final shotgun resemble a Benelli M3 Super 90 Shorty, even more so in the remaster. It can accept two forms of ammunition: 'Normal' red shotgun shells which fire a concentrated number of pellets for maximum damage at short or long distances, or 'Wideshot' blue shotgun shells, which fire in a wider arc with more dispersion, to hit several enemies from far away.

Franchi SPAS-12 Short Barreled Version - 12 gauge. The in-game model has no stock.
Benelli M3 Super 90 Shorty - 12 gauge.
The SPAS-12 from Tomb Raider III for comparison.
The Shotgun from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Remastered shotgun.
Remastered shotgun, note the misplaced Benelli-style ejection port.
Lara poses with her remastered shotgun. Yes, it's on the center of the screenshot, that's where you were looking at, right?
Remastered shotgun in the Inventory menu.

Assault Rifles

Norinco Type 56-1

Norinco Type 56-1s with underfolded stocks are depicted in the game. Used by Von Croy's Desert Warriors in an FMV sequence and another appears in the game's artwork.

Norinco Type 56-1 (under-folding stock variant) - 7.62x39mm
Lara with a Norinco Type 56-1 in the game's artwork
Lara unwrapping her Norinco Type 56-1 Christmas gift in the game's artwork.
A Desert Warrior about to fire the Norinco Type 56-1 in an FMV sequence.
The Norinco Type 56-1 lying near the wounded henchman in an FMV sequence.
An unassumed Ahmed with his rifle in one of the FMVs.

Heckler & Koch HK33KA3

Egyptian Special Forces soldiers appear to use Heckler & Koch HK33KA3 assault rifles with a grenade launcher and without stocks, judging from the receiver, magazine, and trigger group. In real life, the Egyptian Army used Beretta AR-70/223 rifles while the Special Forces made use of M4A1 and G36 rifles at the time of the original game's release.

A notable oversight in the original PC version renders Lara immune to the grenades they occasionally launch due to an oversight as she takes no damage from grenades. (Presumably intended to make her immune to her own splash damage but both enemy grenades and Lara's own grenades are treated the same in the code.)

Heckler & Koch HK33KA3 - 5.56x45mm
Heckler & Koch HK33A2 (5.56x45mm) with HK79 under-barrel 40mm grenade launcher.
Egyptian Special Forces soldier with HK33 assault rifle. Note the HK fire mode pictograms.

Heckler & Koch HK53A3

The poorly-rendered Heckler & Koch HK53A3s from Tomb Raider III are reused in the game. Sergeant Azizas is equipped with a remodeled version of the weapon, this time with magazines taped in jungle-style configuration and some kind of suppressor or a barrel extension, that makes it look like an M3 'Grease Gun' submachine gun. The Egyptian soldiers in Giza also use this weapon, reused from TRIII but without the scope.

Heckler & Koch HK53A3 - 5.56x45mm NATO
M3 "Grease Gun" - .45 ACP - For comparison.
Sgt. Azizas holding his weapon
The old TRIII variant of the HK53A3 without the scope, used by the other Egyptian soldiers in Giza. Note also the lack of jungle-style magazines and the lack of the barrel extension/suppressor.

Remastered Assault Rifle

In the remaster, Egyptian Army's HK33KA3 and HK53A3 are replaced with a new rifle that is based on a stockless SIG-Sauer MCX Rattler first appeared in TRIII's remaster. As with the previous game, this is highly anachronistic as the game takes place in 1999 while the Rattler was introduced in 2017. This rifle can also be seen in the hands of toy soldiers during the intro to the Times Exclusive level.

SIG-Sauer MCX Rattler SBR - .300 Blackout
Just like in the original game, the one used by Sgt. Azizas has long barrel and two magazines taped together.
Close-up on Azizas' Remastered weapon.
The rifles used by El-Sa'ka Forces in Cairo are equipped with what looks like a suppressor or handguard and an underslung GP-30 grenade launchers.
A Remastered Egyptian Special Forces soldier with his rifle.
The rifles used by regular soldiers in Giza are the same ones from III's remaster without a scope
The toy soldiers at the start of the Times Exclusive level.


Grenade Launcher

Named "Grenade Gun" in-game, a similar-looking grenade launcher to the one found in Tomb Raider III can be found in this game. The in-game model of the hand-held grenade launcher appears to be based off the pistol-like model from Tomb Raider II, modified by adding an 8-round rotary chamber, like that of the Milkor MGL. The launcher essentially vaguely resembles a Milkor MGL with a shortened barrel and without the stock, foregrip and sights. Strangely enough, Lara has to reload each shot manually as if it were an M79. Like the shotgun, this weapon can take multiple forms of ammunition, namely: Normal Ammo, Super Ammo (it explodes into clusters instead of one blast like the normal ammo) and Flash Ammo, which blinds enemies.

Milkor MGL fitted with Armson OEG reflex sight - 40x46mm
The Grenade Gun from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
The Remastered Grenade Gun from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Another look at Lara's remastered Grenade Gun.


Lara can find a pistol-gripped crossbow which, like some of her other firearms, can fire different types of ammunition. These crossbow bolt types are: Normal, Poison, and Explosive. Like the revolver, a 'lasersight' can be attached so that Lara can aim precisely from a distance.

A pistol crossbow
The Crossbow from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Lara draws her crossbow out and shows the muzzle of the weapon in the process.
Remastered Crossbow.
Remastered Crossbow.

Panzerfaust 3

One of Von Croy's henchmen attempts to shoot at Lara with a noticeably rusty Panzerfaust 3 in an FMV sequence.

Panzerfaust 3 with DM12A1 rocket and standard telescopic sight - 60mm
The rusty Panzefaust 3 in a crate.
The Panzerfaust 3 before its warhead explodes.
In a promotional artwork image, one of Von Croy's Desert Warriors is seen on a Land Rover Series III 88 Soft Top having fired the rusty Panzerfaust 3 at Lara and missed. The other fires a Norinco Type 56-1. In the game, this particular blue Land Rover 88 Soft Top is used exclusively by Lara, as the Desert Warriors use regular hard top tan-colored Land Rover 88s.


In the Remastered version, Egyptian soldiers now appear to have GP-30 style grenade launchers on their rifles. The soldiers have the in-game ability to fire grenades as well, being shown to load the under-barrel launchers before they do.

GP-30 - 40mm.
An Egyptian SF operator fires his rifle equipped with the GP-30 under-barrel grenade launcher.


Sentry Gun

Automated minigun turrets are placed around the city of Cairo by the military and the guns will detect and fire at any unauthorized personnel and that's including Lara.

General Electric M134, for comparison - 7.62x51mm NATO
A sentry gun scans the streets for hostiles.
The same turret from a different angle.

Cut weapons

Generic break-action shotgun

A break-action shotgun (judging by the magazine), standing in for the Shotgun, is featured in one level that was cut from the final game, yet still accessible in the game files. The shotgun model can be viewed from the inventory only. The receiver, grip and stock of the shotgun appear to be made entirely of wood, and the forestock seems to be polymer and has the distinctive shape and grooves of a Fabarm SDASS.

FABARM SDASS Pro Forces - 12 gauge (for comparison).
The break-action shotgun in the inventory in the cut level 'The Valley Temple'.

Generic pump-action shotgun

A short pump-action shotgun (judging by the overall shape), standing in for the Crossbow, is featured in one level that was cut from the final game, yet still accessible in the game files. The shotgun model can be viewed from the inventory only. Although the model itself is very crude and clearly unfinished, it seems to follow the overall design of an Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" (or similar).

Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" - 20 gauge (for comparison).
The pump-action shotgun in the inventory in the cut level 'The Valley Temple'.

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