Papillon is a 2018 American action adventure biographical film directed by Michael Noer, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 9, 2017, and was released in cinemas a year later. Henri Charrière (Charlie Hunnam) is wrongfully convicted of murder in France in the 1930s and must serve a life sentence in the infamous penal colony of St. Laurent in French Guiana. On the way, Papillon encounters the strange Louis Dega (Rami Malek), a convicted counterfeiter. After defending him from attack by other prisoners, they make an agreement: Dega is now under Papillon's protection and, in return funded Dega Papillon's escape attempts. Over time, a deep friendship develops between the two men, helping them to survive the heavy work service and sadistic treatment of the guards, which always gives them the strength not to give up.
This is the second adaptation of the autobiographies of Charrière after the 1973 film starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman.
The following weapons were used in the film Papillon:
MAS Mle. 1892
Except for a single scene in the entire film, the French Penal Colony guards carry Mle 1892 revolvers in their holsters.
Revolver d'ordonnance modèle 1892 - 8x27mmSR
Santini (Luka Peros) shoots into the air to signal the end of the break.
A promotional image of Luka Peros holding the revolver.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
What appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 10 is used by Colombian police officers.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver - .38 Special
As the Mother Superior (Veronica Quilligan) tells Dega and Papillon why she called the police, a police officer puts his revolver into the holster. This offers a glimpse of the trigger guard.
The bottom of the grip is visible which resembles an S&W variant. It has no lanyard ring.
He pulls his holster forward. This is the only scene where the revolver can be seen at rest. Before that it can be seen briefly from further away.
Berthier Mle. 1892 Carabine
Various French Gendarmes and Guiana Penal Colony guards are armed with Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbines.
Mousqueton Berthier d’Artillerie Modèle 1892 - 8x50mmR Lebel
Gendarmes in Marseille stand guard with their Berthier carbines as the assembled prisoners received the order to put on their uniforms. The top side of one carbine can be seen on the far right.
An old Guiana guard on the left wields his carbine while escorting the newly arrived prisoners.
The left one of the two guards leading the coloumn into the
Camp de la Transportation holds his Berthier Mousquetons d’Artillerie. The other one carries an Mle. 1916 Carabine.
A guard on the right brandishes his Mle. 1892 Carabine.
Berthier Mle. 1907/15
Like in the previous adaptation, the majority of French soldiers and Penal Colony guards are seen with Berthier Mle. 1907/15. Some of them are equipped with turned-down bolt handles from carbine variants.
Fusil Berthier Modèle 1907/15 - 8x50mmR Lebel
A French soldier in Marseille watches the prison column. Note the bent bolt handle.
Two sentries open the prison camp gate. Note the rear sights and the
Lebel bayonet lugs that distinguish them from the
Mle. 1902 and
Mle. 1907 which are almost similar in barrel length.
Another guard holds his Berthier rifle next to sitting Barrot (Yorick van Wageningen).
A guard with his raised Berthier with a straight bolt handle.
A guard aims his Berthier at the fleeing Papillon.
Two guards escorting Henri 'Papillon' Charrière (
Charlie Hunnam) back to the prison with their Berthiers.
A full view of one Berthier slung by a prison guard.
Berthier Mle. 1916 Carabine
Some of the French guards are also seen with Berthier Model 1916 Carabines.
Mousqueton Berthier Modèle 1892 Modifié 1916 - 8x50mmR Lebel
The guard on the left with the carbine over his shoulder.
Berthier Mle. 1907/15 M16
At least one Penal Colony guard has a Berthier Mle. 1907/15 M16 rifle.
Fusil Berthier Modèle 1907/15 Modifié 1916 - 8x50mmR Lebel
The guard with the rifle over the back opens a gate to the hospital area. The magazine and an under barrel-mounted sling swivel are seen.
He steps aside which offers a view of the length of the rifle.
Zastava M48 Mauser
Anachronistic M48 Yugoslavian Mausers are also carried by French Gendarmes and Penal Colony guards. This rifle is also seen in the hands of Colombian police officers standing in for the vz. 24 Czech Mauser which was widely exported before the Second World War. The reason for the appearance of this Mauser rifle is that several parts of the movie were filmed in Montenegro and Serbia.
Zastava Puška M.48 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Nenette (Eve Hewson) walks past a police officer who has a Mauser over his back.
Another distant view of the same officer shows the sling slot cut in the rifle's stock.
A closer view of the hooded front sight as the rifles of the ship guards are leaned against a table.
A Guiana guard fires his Mauser rifle at a swimming prisoner.
A Colombian police officer knocks out Papillon with his Mauser rifle.
Louis Dega (
Rami Malek) and Papillon are captured by the Colombian police. The unhooded front sight is seen on the right.
Savage/Stevens Model 77/67
What appears to be Stevens Model 77 Series shotgun in a very rare "Trench Gun" configuration, is used by one of the Guiana colonists. It is an anachronism for the 1930s period (apparently the studio simply used whatever guns they had on hand), although it may represent the earlier Model 620 (or a very similar one to the latter, common Winchester M1912).
Savage/Springfield Model 67 - 12 gauge. This is the same firearm, built under contract by Savage, but branded 'Springfield' for 3rd party sales
For comparision: Stevens Model 620 Trench Gun - 12 gauge. The shotgun in the movie is equipped with a similar heat shroud and bayonet lug.
The colonist points his shotgun at the four escapees.
A front view of the colonist threatening Papillon.
Savage Model 69RXL
Another colonist is seen with what appears to be a Savage Model 69RXL. Like its parent Series 77 variant, it is anachronistic.
Savage Model 69RXL - 12 gauge
The colonist interrupts Papillon's meeting with the smuggler and readies his shotgun... prevent him from running away.
Note the typical ejection port of the Stevens pattern and extended tube.
Double Barreled Shotgun
One colonist is briefly seen with a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun.
1960s Era Commercial Stevens hammerless - 12 gauge
The man to the far right aims his shotgun at Papillon.
A front view of the shotgun during another encounter.
Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun
Masked Breton (Tommy Flanagan) owns a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun.
Sawed off side by side shotgun with exposed hammers - 12 gauge
Breton comes out of the shadow and loads to shells into the shotgun.
He closes his shotgun while approaching the escapees.
The sawed-off shotgun lies in the arms of the grim-faced Breton, who is waiting for his payment.