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Verdun is a multiplayer shooter from the three-player indie developer BlackMill Games, which places special emphasis on cooperative squads, realistic weapons, and uniforms and revolves around the infamous Battle of Verdun in 1916 France. The battlefields of Belgium and France are based on real locations from 1914 to 1918, and an interactive map of the front allows to jump right into the fight and influence the dynamic front lines with the player character's abilities. Players from two factions compete against each other in trench warfare. The teams are again divided into groups of four, which must coordinate with each other to win in one of the four game modes; front lines, attrition, rifle deathmatch, and squad defense. Thus, friendly players get "co-op XP" when working well together, which makes all squad members stronger.
32 players compete in four squads per side, each staffed with specialists such as infantrymen, snipers, or officers who use different skills. For example, the grenadier carries hand grenades, while the officers can give orders and call in mortar barrages via binoculars. The maps reflect the combat conditions of World War I: a no man's land scarred by artillery fire, long trenches, and fortified positions. The objective of the battles is to capture and hold trench systems. Each side holds a series of dugouts and trench lines that must be defended. If the trench is captured, a counterattack follows. If this is repulsed, the winning faction advances - if it is successful, the battle shifts in the other direction. An equilibrium can quickly develop between the sides, resulting in a tough and losing battle of attrition. The principle is thus reminiscent of Rush from Battlefield, although here it is much more dogged and the upper hand changes back and forth between two teams like in a tug-of-war.
As mentioned above, Verdun has realistic weapon mechanics. Rifle bolts must be cycled properly; if the player character fails to do so, the rifle will not fire and must be re-chambered. All en-bloc clip-equipped Berthier rifles must have no cartridge left in the chamber; only completely empty rifles can be reloaded. The other rifles can be reloaded with stripper clips or with loose rounds.
Automatic machine guns have a high rate of fire but are only effective when using the bipod, as they produce difficult-to-control recoil and are quite heavy. Shooting from the hip is not even possible with some of them. The MP18, the only submachine gun included in the game, is only accurate at short distances; like the sidearms.
In March 2016 the game received the free "Horrors of War" expansion which added new content such as 5 new squads, several weapons, 2 maps, and animations.
The following weapons appear in the video game Verdun:
Colt M1911
The original Colt M1911 was added with the HoW DLC and is the standard sidearm for the U.S. officer in-game. Also, the Canadian squad gets access to the 1911, which is historically correct as the Canadian Expeditionary Force bought 1911s as a stop-gap solution for the lack of handguns in inventory. Reasonably potent and accurate to extended ranges, the 1911 is a delightful piece for use in the fields of Flanders.
FN Model 1900
The FN Model 1900 was added with the HoW DLC and appears as the "FN Browning M1900" and is available for the Belgian squad. The 1900 is similar to the Ruby in stats, a mild cartridge combo'd with an average mag size makes it a decent sidearm and a relatively mediocre main arm.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 appears as the "Pistole Parabellum 1908 Luger" and is the standard sidearm for the German Non-Commissioned Officers class. Potent, accurate to extended ranges, the Luger is an adequate sidearm for defending or assaulting trenches.
Artillery Model
The Luger P08 Artillery Model appears as the "Lange Pistole Parabellum 1908 Artillerie Luger" and is used by the German Pionier squad. Added with the HoW DLC, the Artillery Model Luger is a relatively powerful firearm when used right. While it does still have the same 1-2 hit firepower of the normal Luger, the increased barrel length and stock make it easier to place repeat shots on targets plus the 32-round mag makes it useful for just spamming down a trench line if need be.

Mauser C96
A Mauser C96 is seen in the Main menu, and the HoW Expansion brings the C96 in as a playable weapon. It appears as the "Mauser C96 Broomhandle". It is loaded using standard 10-round stripper clips and, unlike in some games, it cannot be reloaded or "topped off" on a partial magazine. With a mild boost in damage over the Luger and slightly better accuracy, the C96 is not a bad sidearm although the stripper clip loading can become annoying.
The Ruby appears as the "Pistolet Automatique de 7 millim.65 Genre Ruby" and is used by French forces. The Ruby's a mild sidearm with average stats all around that's useful for classes who either have better weapons or are not supposed to be fighting 24/7.
Webley & Scott Mk. I
The Webley & Scott Mk I appears as the "Webley Self-Loading Pistol Mk. I". Added in the HoW DLC, the Mark I mixes revolver damage with semi-automatic firepower for a slightly amusing combination. 1 shot tends to drop the average soldier and the 7 round mag puts you on par with most of the other pistols on offer making the Mark 1 more than just a gimmick.
MAS Mle. 1892
An Mle 1892 Revolver is first seen on a table in the main menu in the early stage of the game. The HoW Expansion brings the playable Mle 1892 in, first named as the "MAS M1892 "Lebel Revolver" and then renamed "Revolver de 8mm modèle 1892". While a tad lighter load than the other revolvers, the 1892 is still reasonably effective in dropping angry Germans. While the cartridge is on the light side, it has good accuracy and the side loading mechanism makes it quick to top off.
Reichsrevolver M1883
The Reichsrevolver M1883 appears as the "Reichsrevolver M1883" (former name "Armeerevolver M/83 Reichsrevolver") and is available for the German Squad. It fires in single-action, and the hammer must be cocked after each shot. Due to the Reichsrevolver lacking any form of ejector rod, the player's character will instead use a stick to knock out each spent casing. Archaic and definitely out of its element, the Reichsrevolver is a sidearm first and foremost. While very powerful and easily putting troops down in one shot, the long reload makes this a gun for desperation than anything else.
The Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver came in with the free 2018 ANZAC update. It can be equipped with a Pritchard bayonet.
Webley Mk. VI
The Webley MK VI appears as the "Webley Mk VI Revolver". Additionally, the Trench Raider specialization has access to a Webley Mk VI equipped with a Pritchard bayonet. Big, boisterous, and potent, the Mk VI is more British than the Queen wearing a Tweed jacket with a Union Jack lapel pin. While it lacks a bit in the rate of fire and capacity, the Mk VI makes up in pure stopping power and overall accuracy.
Berthier Mle. 1892 Artillery Carbine
The Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbine appears as the "Mousqueton Mle. 1892 Berthier" and has an accurate 3 shot magazine using an en-bloc clip that cannot be reloaded until empty. The Mousqueton is the French equivalent to the Karabiner 88, a short carbine useful for close to mid-range engagements that lose overall effectiveness at distance. While the 8mm Lebel cartridge makes this much more potent beyond its limits, the 3-round magazine makes it a somewhat annoying rifle to use in long engagements.
Berthier Mle. 1907
The Berthier Mle. 1907 rifle was added with the December 2018 expansion along with the Senegalese squad and appears as the "Fusil Colonial Mle. 1907 Berthier Sénégalais".
Berthier Mle. 1907/15
The Berthier Mle. 1907/15 appears as the "Fusil Mle 1907/15 Berthier". Like the Berthier 1892 Artillery Carbine the Berthier has only a 3-shot magazine. It can be equipped with M1886 “Rosalie” bayonet and APX Mle 1917 Scope. A middle ground between the Lebel's overall accuracy and the Berthier rifle's massively faster reload speed, the 1907-15 is a perfect combat rifle for picking off Jerries at long range.
Berthier Mle. 1916 Carabine
The Berthier Model 1916 Carabine appears as the "Mousqueton Mle 1892 M16 Berthier" and has a 5-round magazine. Unlike the other Berthier rifles in-game, the Model 1916 is reloaded with a 5-round stripper clip. This is directly equivalent to the Karabiner 88 and Kar98AZ, with all the pluses of the Mousqueton but with the added bonus of 5 rounds instead of a measly 3.
Enfield M1917
The Enfield M1917 appears as the "M1917 Enfield", which is the mid-1920 designation and is available for the U.S. Doughboys and the U.S. Marine Corps squads. The Enfield is reloaded with a 5-round stripper clip and single round. It can be equipped with a U.S Musket Sight M1913 Scope should you desire. The M1917 is exactly like the Pattern 14, a potent and accurate rifle that's good all-around. The only real problem is the 6-round capacity will have you automatically topping the gun off at any opportunity, and I do mean any.
Enfield P14
The Pattern 1914 Enfield appears as the "Pattern 1914 Enfield" and is available for the ANZACS, Highlanders, and Tommies squad with a free update. Except for the ANZACS Digger squad role, all in-game P14s have Pattern 1907 sword bayonets. The last loadouts of the Marksman (Highlanders) and Rifleman (Tommies) give the player access to a sniper variant fitted with an Aldis M1916 scope. Another good all-around rifle, the Pattern 14 is perfect if you liked the SMLE's power and accuracy but hated front-mounted sights. Easy-to-read rear aperture, high power and accuracy, and a relatively simple reload make the Pattern 14 a potent rifle.
Gewehr 1888/05
The Gewehr 1888/05 first appears as the "G.P.K. Gewehr 88/05 Kommissionsgewehr" but was renamed as the "Gewehr 88/05 Kommissionsgewehr". The G88 is specifically an 1888/05, a model made to modernize the pattern to use the same stripper clips as the 1898. While it's definitely an older rifle by this point in history, the 1888/05 is still quite good. Accuracy and damage are very nice and the sights are much cleaner so it gives you more situational awareness to keep you from being stabbed by any angry French men.
Karabiner 88
The Carbine of the G88 is also available, loading from the original en-bloc clip. The stubby Karabiner is a useful tool for close-range fighting, with excellent power and accuracy in close ranges. Once you begin accounting for triple digits of distance, accuracy, and damage drop-off so do remember to keep this close and your enemies closer.
Lebel Mle. 1886 M93
The Lebel 1886 appears as the "Fusil Mle 1886/M93 Lebel" and can be equipped with an M1886 “Rosalie” bayonet and APX Mle. 1917 Scope. Like the 1888/05, the Lebel is an obsolete rifle in a war that's outpacing it. While very accurate and powerful, the 8-round internal tube magazine becomes a hassle in any real engagement outside of taking potshots. Take the Lebel like you would a combat pump shotgun, always reload whenever possible.
Lee-Enfield Mk. I
The Lee-Enfield Mk. I appears as the "Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk. I". It lacks a charger bridge, and as such is unable to use stripper clips, and can only be reloaded with individual cartridges (which is very strange, since rifles that are not compatible with standard-issued modern ammunition, would hardly be issued to the active troops). This is the more accuracy-oriented weapon for the Brits, with a cleaner sight picture and better accuracy only tempered by the very lengthy reload.
Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III*
The Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* is the standard infantry rifle for the British and Canadian forces in-game. It has a correct 10 rounds magazine and fast rate of fire and comes with both an M1907 SMLE bayonet and Aldis M1916 scope. The SMLE is the most balanced of all the rifles on offer, with a high rate of fire, great accuracy, and damage and only tempered by the lengthy reload if you actually empty the gun.
No. 1 Mk. III* (sawn-off)
A sawn-off Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III* is used by the Australian and Canadian Trench Raiders. Unlike the full-sized version in-game, it is reloaded by swapping out the magazine, rather than with clips or single rounds. While it may seem useless, the sawn-off SMLE is still perfectly usable with some practice. Since it shares the damage stat of the full-length SMLE, but handles more like a pistol, it can be more effective in close quarters than its big brother. While the sawn-off SMLE initially lacked any iron sights, the ANZACs update added a small notch to the receiver that functions as a makeshift sight.
Mauser Gewehr 1898
The Mauser Gewehr 1898 appears as the "Gewehr 1898" and is the standard infantry rifle for the German forces. It is mostly equipped with an M1898/05 Seitengewehr bayonet, but several different German squad members have also to Goerz 3x Custom Scopes. The 20-round Grabenmagazin, which is partial capacity since 5 more rounds can be inserted into the space of the built-in magazine, is only available for the second ability of the Schützens Bote class. These are all topped off with individual rounds or the standard 5-round stripper clip. The 98 is the all-rounder rifle, accurate, very powerful, and really only lacking in the sights department courtesy of the convoluted "Lange Visier" irons.
Mauser Karabiner 98AZ
The Mauser 98AZ Carbine appears as the "Karabiner 98AZ". The Rate of fire is higher than the Gewehr '98 but comes off with less accuracy and a slight drop in terminal velocity which is really only noticeable at extended range.
Mauser Model 1889
The Belgian Mauser 1889 appears as the "Mauser Model 1889" and is the standard rifle for the Belgian squad.
M16 Carbine
A Carbine version is also available as the "Mauser Model 1889 Carbine Mle 16". Both of the Belgian Mausers are good all-around rifles that do exactly what you'd expect them to do.
Mauser Tankgewehr M1918
The Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr appears as the "Mauser M1918 Tankgewehr", added with the HoW DLC, and is only useable in the "Attrition" game mode. While this game lacks any real tanks to shoot, outside of immobilized ones, the T-Gewehr still has used. Its power and accuracy are expected considering it's firing 13.2 TuF ammo, and while you need to plop it down to use it can very easily pop off officers and machine gunners with relative ease.
R.S.C. Mle. 1917
The R.S.C. Mle 1917 appears as the "Fusil Automatique Mle 1917 RSC", added in the HoW DLC update. The RSC is interesting to say the least, both in operation and in overall characteristics. The semi-auto action makes it quick to return fire but the 5-round magazine and lengthy reload make it a bit underwhelming in close quarters. It's a weapon you need to learn how to use before you go throwing yourself into every trench line.
R.S.C. Mle. 1918
The R.S.C. Mle 1918 appears as the "Fusil Automatique Mle 1918 RSC" and was added alongside its longer and older cousin in the HoW DLC update. This is similar in scope to the Mle. 1915 Berthier, a shorter rifle for using in trenches although it still has all the problems of the other model. It is only available in the "Attrition" game mode.
Ross Mk. III
The Ross Mk. III was added with the HoW DLC and appears as the "Ross Model 1910 Mark III" and is the correct service rifle for the Canadian squad, although it is only usable by the "Specialist" class in the squad. The Ross is a decent rifle, mostly because you don't have to maintain your guns in this game. While it has a smaller magazine size in comparison to the SMLE and Lee-Metford, it's very accurate, especially with the scope, and has an even faster rate of fire making it powerful in the right hands.
Springfield M1903
The M1903 Springfield appears as the "Model 1903 Springfield" and is also available for the two American squads in-game. It can be equipped with a U.S Musket Sight M1913 Scope. The 1903 is a relatively good rifle, with solid accuracy and damage with easy-to-read sights so you can actually see a bunch of angry Germans trying to kill you.
Submachine Guns
Bergmann MP18
The Bergmann MP18 is the only submachine gun in the game and appears as the "Maschinenpistole 18/I". The MP18 is a really powerful tool in the hands of a good squad which can wreck havoc on a defensive line if you aren't careful. While the damage is low, the slow rate of fire makes it really easy to slowly pick off targets with a 2-3 round burst. Accuracy is also relatively good with the MP18 still hitting targets well into medium range.
Machine Guns
BAR M1918
The BAR M1918 appears as the "Browning Automatic Rifle M1918 BAR", added with the HoW DLC, and is available for the U.S. squads. It is the only LMG in the game that can be aimed without being mounted to a surface. It is also the only LMG in the game without a bipod. This is the gun you need to spec into if you want to become an annoying American soldier. While it lacks stability and can easily empty the 20-round mags if you aren't careful, a little trigger control can make this an incredibly potent weapon at wiping out trenches and assaults with a few short bursts.
Bergmann MG 15 n. A.
The Bergmann MG 15 n. A. appears as the "Bergmann MG15 n. A." and is the standard LMG for the German Schützen squad. While not as durable as the MG08/15, the MG 15 is still quite efficient at putting heads down out of fear of being shredded by you.
Chauchat Mle. 1915
The Chauchat appears as the "Fusli Mitrailleur Mle 1915 CSRG Chauchat" and is the LMG for the French forces. While definitely undergunned to the MG08 family, the Chauchat is not entirely useless. It's very accurate and has a slow rate of fire making it easy to use every single round in the 20-round mag effectively on angry Germans. Plus it's still relatively accurate when you're using it for walking fire, which is a plus.
Chauchat M1918
The Chauchat M1918 is the .30-06 American Conversion and was added with the HoW DLC. Appears as the "US CRSRG .30-06 M1918 Chauchat". The CRSRG is...interesting. It's got all of the in-general pluses of the normal Chauchat except it has a smaller magazine size thus making it marginally less useful than its French counterpart. You'd be better off with the BAR anyway.
Hotchkiss Mle. 1909
The Hotchkiss M1909 appears as the "Hotchkiss M1909 Benét–Mercié", and is the LMG available for the American, British, and Belgian squads. Despite the name, it is not modelled on the American M1909 Benét–Mercié variant but instead on the British and French service models (known as the Hotchkiss Mk. I and Mle 1909 respectively). The M1909 Benét–Mercié had a different type of receiver and rear sight.
The M1909 is an in-between for the two main Allied MG styles. It has a slower rate of fire like the Chauchat, but a higher magazine capacity and bipod mounting like the Lewis, so it balances out. It's an accurate MG for picking off troops rather than just mag-dumping like the Lewis.
Lewis Gun
The Lewis Gun is the LMG for the British forces in-game and appears as the "Machine Gun Model 1914 Lewis". The best way to counter the German MG horde, the Lewis is a good all-around MG for putting down return fire. With a reasonably fast rate of fire, high accuracy, and good stability on the bipod, it makes it incredibly useful for repelling enemy assaults.
The Madsen LMG appears as the "Madsen" and is available for the Germans. The Madsen is a machine gun primarily to give the Germans some lighter option for use when trench raiding. While the sights are tight courtesy of the magazine, the slow rate of fire keeps it just as controllable as the Allied options making it perfect for raiding your enemies' rear lines.
The Madsen in the game is actually modelled on an anachronistic post-war Portuguese contract model, which was not produced until the 1930s and 40s. The double-stacked magazine is notably inaccurate; the Madsen used single-row magazines until 1922.
Maxim MG 08/15
The Maxim MG08/15 appears as the "Maschinengewehr '08/15". If you want to annoy the entire Allied team, and I mean truly annoy them to the point they will leave the game, get this. It's accurate, powerful and can easily shred an assault if they aren't careful, so do history proud and go, machine gunner.
Maxim MG 08/18
The air-cooled version of the Maxim MG08/15, the MG08/18, is also available for the German squads. It appears as the "Maschinengewehr 08/18", and was added in the HoW DLC. The slightly less encumbering version of the MG08/15, the MG08/18 is a good weapon for being a more mobile pillbox allowing you to actually run with your squad and keep them covered.
Vickers Mk. I
Some disabled Vickers machine guns can be seen on the battlefield which are unusable.
Winchester Model 1897
The Winchester Model 1897 appears as the "Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun". It is available for the U.S. squads with the HoW DLC and can be equipped with an M1917 bayonet. Like with many of its videogame depictions, the Winchester Model 1897 in-game is unable to be slam fired. If you ever thought the German's historical over-exaggeration of the shotgun's effectiveness was misplaced, this will prove otherwise. The 1897 will make assault waves vanish easily with a few shots, sure it takes a long time to reload and cycle but it's all worth it to blip 3 German troops off the map with one shot.
Wechselapparat M1917
The Wechselapparat M1917 was added with the HoW DLC and is the only flamethrower in the game and is used by the German Pioneer Squad. Appears as the "Wechselapparat M1917 Wex". The balancing act to the power of the BAR and M1897, the Wex is brutally efficient at purging people from trenches, enemy, or ally. While it takes a while to get roaring and has no sights, the Wex will incinerate everything in front of it with ease and that does include your allies so do be careful when you let your inner pyromaniac take over while raiding the enemy trench.
Hand Grenades
F1 Mle. 1916
The F1 Mle. 1916 is the standard grenade for French and U.S. squads. It appears as the "Grenade Mle 1916 Billant F1".
Mills Bomb
The Mills Bomb is the common grenade for the British Commonwealth and appears as the "Mk 1 No. 5 Mills Bomb".
Model 15 Stielhandgranate
The standard grenade for the German Empire is the Model 15 Stielhandgranate.
Model 16 Stielhandgranate
The Model 16 Stielhandgranate was added with the HoW DLC and appears as incorrectly as the "Stielhandgranate M1917"; the improved successor. The German Pionier squad has two Geballte Ladungen one with 6 and 9 warheads.
Model 17 Eierhandgranate
The Model 17 Eierhandgranate appears as the "Eierhandgranate M1917" and is the second German grenade added with the HoW DLC.
No. 34 Egg Grenade
The second available grenade for the British squads is the "No. 34 Egg Grenade" which was added in the HoW Dlc.
The OF-15 hand grenade was added with the December 2018 expansion for the Belgian and French forces. Appears as the "Offensive No 1".
Pétard Grenade
The French Pétard Grenade is also available with the December 2018 expansion and appears as the "Pétard Raquette".
Mounted Weapons
37 mm Puteaux SA 1918
Destroyed French Renault FT light tanks have 37 mm Puteaux SA 1918 single-shot, breech-loading cannons as their main armament.
7.58 cm Leichter Minenwerfer
7.7 cm Feldkanone 96 n. A.
10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09
Hotchkiss M1909 Mk. I
The Hotchkiss Mk.I is mounted on destroyed British tanks.
Lewis Gun
British Mark IV "Female" tanks have five mounted Lewis Guns.
QF 4.5-inch Howitzer
Stokes Mortar
Browning M1917
While not a playable or unusable static weapon, the Browning M1917 appears as icons for the "Static Gunner" ability of the Belgian Schutter and German MG-Schütze (Schützen) squad roles.