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Payday 2

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This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Payday 2 for current discussions. Content is subject to change.

Payday 2
Payday2 pc box.jpg
PC Boxart
Release Date: 2013
Developer: Overkill Software
Publisher: 505 Games
Series: Payday
Platforms: PC, PS3, X360, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Genre: First-person shooter

Payday 2 (stylized as PAYDAY 2) is the sequel to Payday: The Heist. Like the first game, it is a co-op first person shooter where up to four players can commit daring robberies and other heists to earn money.

Entries marked with (*) are weapons obtained for free (although they still need to be bought with in-game money) by joining the official Payday 2 Steam group. Entries marked with (**) are DLC (downloadable content) weapons. In June 2017, nearly all DLC was removed from individual sale and bundled into a single collection called the Ultimate Edition. This proved to be a temporary state: in late 2019 financial issues forced the renaming of the Ultimate Edition to the Legacy Collection, the reenabling of the purchase of individual DLC, and the release of brand new DLC. The sequel, Payday 3, was released on September 21, 2023.

The following weapons appear in the video game Payday 2:



Players have two weapon slots; a primary and a secondary slot (unlike the first game, there is no sidearm slot, with sidearms now being secondary weapons). Later updates and DLCs added grenade and melee weapon slots in addition to the original two. Primaries consist of assault, battle, and semi-auto rifles (all grouped together as "assault rifles"), shotguns, bolt-action and semi-auto sniper rifles, light machine guns, dual-wielded secondaries, and a few "special" weapons like miniguns, bows, and grenade launchers. Secondaries consist of sidearms, submachine guns, machine pistols, some shotguns and assault rifles (the latter classed as SMGs), and again a few "special" weapons covering much the same ground as the primary special weapons. Ammo can be resupplied from fallen enemies regardless of the weapon chosen by the player (though the amount refilled varies depending on the weapon), the MPD apparently supplying its members with a healthy amount of every caliber known to man (the model for enemy-dropped ammunition consisting of boxes of buckshot, "9mm lager", and 5.56). Weapons can not be changed during gameplay.

Certain weapon types also possess unique characteristics, such as sniper rifles and slug-loaded shotguns being able to pierce shields and cover, or machineguns being capable of massive volumes of fire at the expense of proper aiming. The game also has a tendency to heavily favor gameplay balance over realism when it comes to weapon stats. While most are depicted somewhat accurately to their real-world counterpart, several others feature grossly inflated damage values in relative to their caliber (such as the Kel-Tec SUB2000 and Jericho 941), with certain pistols being much more powerful than large-caliber assault rifles and shotguns.

Most firearms in Payday 2 are capable of performing a (usually) faster reload when the magazine is not emptied in addition to reloading from empty. Closed-bolt weapons are not depicted as retaining the round currently in battery when this happens, however.

Update #65 gave new first-person animations to nearly all of the base game's guns, as well as some of the DLC weapons. It also gave weapons with translucent magazines (such as the P90 and G36K) visible bullets that deplete as the weapon is fired.

Unlike the first game, weapons are not granted upon leveling up. Weapons are instead unlocked for purchase by leveling up, and must then be bought with money, though money earned from heists is divided between a player's "Offshore Account" (which comprises 80% of the money they earn in a heist) and spending cash (the other 20%), and only the spending cash can be used to buy weapons and modifications.

While first person weapon animations are smooth and detailed, third-person animations are notoriously low-detail.


Each weapon can be modified, though the degree of variety of modifications varies from barely any to turning it into a completely different gun. Some modifications, like barrel extensions and sights, are available to all compatible weapons (for instance, only sniper rifles can mount long-range scopes), while others are specific to one weapon. Sights can have their reticles customized.

Special ammunition is also treated as a modification. Only weapons using certain types of ammunition, like shotgun shells or grenades, can equip custom ammunition, which varies (depending on the ammunition) from incendiary rounds to shotgun slugs.

Mods are acquired from random drops at the end of the heist (mods that can be acquired this way can also be acquired by spending the "Continental Coins" in-game currency) or, for some weapons and mods added with DLC, permanently unlocked for an infinite number of weapons by completing certain achievements. An additional fee must be paid from the player's spending cash to equip a modification (except for a select few), although mods can be removed from the weapon and returned to the player's inventory for free.


As of update 61, it is now possible to dual-wield (or Akimbo) a select few of the handguns in-game. The Akimbo handguns are used as primary weapons. It is not possible to akimbo all handguns or a combination of two different pistols.

The handguns that can be dual-wielded are listed below in their respective entry.

Glock 17

The Glock 17 appears as the "Chimano 88" (presumably a reference to the "Pistol 88" designation the Swedish army gives the Glock 17). It is the first sidearm available, given to all players for free when they start the game. Boring, reliable, decent damage with little to write home about beyond a good concealment stat for early game stealth runs.

It is slightly less accurate and damaging than most other 9mm pistols, but has a large reserve ammo pool and good concealment. It has a 17 round magazine capacity; while normally correct, the in-game Glock is modelled with an extended magazine base plate that should add two more rounds.

Glock 17 (Generation 3) - 9x19mm
Note the extended magazine base plate that's not factored into the weapon's capacity. Also note that the pistol lacks markings on the slide.
#14 is scribbled just below the extractor.
The start of every heister in Payday 2, the stock Chimano.
Complete with the classic Patridge sights.
Reloading. Dumping the empty mag...
...inserting a full one...
...and hitting the slide release. This animation is reused on all other Glocks in the game, as well as the Beretta 92FS Centurion.
A regular Police Officer with a Glock 17. Note the attached (and low quality) Streamlight TLR 1 weaponlight; they never actually use it. These types of cops are also occasionally seen with the Taurus Raging Bull.
A shield cop with his Glock 17; like regular cops, they never use the weaponlight. This is also a good view of the higher quality NPC Streamlight TLR 1 weaponlight model only used for some cop models.


When your gun is just reliably boring enough to work, it's best to make it more fun with another one.
Bonnie dual-wielding her Glock 17s.
Aiming the akimbo Glock 17s. Like many other video games, this only really zooms the view in.
Reloading. Inserting a magazine into the first Glock 17...
...then the second...
...then chambering said rounds. While difficult to see, the player character uses their index finger to flick the slide release on the left pistol.

Springfield Armory 1911 Lightweight Operator

The Springfield Armory 1911 Lightweight Operator appears as the "Crosskill", unlocked at reputation level 2. It holds 10 rounds in a 7 or 8-round magazine. Modifying it with the "12rnd Mag." modification, based on the extended Kimber 10-round magazine, will actually give it a 16-round capacity.

The Crosskill is a perfect sidearm for those wanting to be the most tactical bank robber of all time, boasting higher damage over the Glock 17 and other 9mm pistols, only being beaten out by the Taurus Raging Bull and a few other sidearms. It can be configured both for stealth and for all-out gun fights.

Springfield Armory 1911 Lightweight Operator - .45 ACP
Note that the Lightweight Operator is one of only a few pistols in-game modeled with a threaded barrel.
The other side. At full size, the markings can be read; the slide says "CROSSKILL OPERATOR II", the chamber features a caution to read the user manual, and the frame reads "CROSSKILL TACTICAL, NY USA", and "C02012" beneath it (presumably the serial number).
Dallas and his Crosskill enjoy the old safehouse and its abundant graffiti.
Iron sights, classic 1911 Novak's.
Reloading. Dropping the "dry" magazine. As is common in video games, bullets are still visible in in it.
Reloading. Inserting a mag. Note the clipping.
Speaking of clipping, when taking a look at the right side of the pistol, there's clipping galore! The trigger discipline is excellent however.
The Lightweight Operator on a loading screen.


Bonnie takes her two Operators out to pick up her dry cleaning.
Inspecting the Lightweight Operators. Note that the grip-safety isn't depressed, which would prevent the gun from firing. Also note that Bonnie is bending her thumbs freakishly far.

Beretta 92FS Centurion

The Beretta 92FS Centurion appears as the "Bernetti 9", unlocked at level 6. It has an incorrect 14-round capacity instead of 15. The name "B9-S" is visible on the slide, as a nod to the pistol's name from the first Payday (though the Payday 2 version is not suppressed by default).

The Bernetti is overall a jack-of-all-trades pistol, only boasting slightly higher damage over the Chimano with average stats elsewhere.

Beretta 92FS Centurion - 9x19mm
Note that for some reason it is modelled with Beretta Model 92S grip panels meant for a heel-magazine release, but still has a groove for the 92FS' proper thumb release.
The other side is a garbled mess of fake manufacturing marks.
Dallas takes his Beretta on a walk.
Iron sights. The Bernetti 9 is one of the few guns in the game with functioning night sights.
Reloading. About to insert a fresh mag...
...hitting the slide release.


John Woo? Never heard of him.
Dallas and his pair of Berettas watch as Chains flails around with his M249 SAW while forgetting that the first thing you do before gun smithing is unload the gun.

Glock 18C

The Glock 18C is unlocked at level 29 and, similarly to its appearance in the first game's "Wolf Pack" DLC, is known as the "STRYK 18c". It holds 20 rounds in a 19 round magazine, and fires at a too-slow 900RPM. Notably, unlike most selective-fire weapons in the game, it cannot equip modifications to lock it into one firing mode.

Slightly lower damage of the Chimano but with a full auto switch and mods that help make this a perfect gun to panic pull out and spray at a hallway of SWAT officers.

Glock 18C (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
The STRYK in all its multicolored glory, note the proper switch.
The tan frame is not available to auto-capable Glocks in reality, which come in either anodized or matte black only.
Jiro holding a Glock 18C.
Iron sights, as pedestrian as they come.
Reloading. About to insert a new magazine.
Note the cuts on the slide and ported barrel showing that it is a "C" model.
The Glock 18C fitted with a FAB Defense GLR-440 stock. This stock is exclusive to the Stryk in-game, despite the fact that its real-life counterpart can be fitted onto any full-size or compact Glock.


The updated tan Glock texture is now at odds with the game's "Polymer Flashlight".
Following the introduction of customizable paint jobs distributed mostly via DLC, it is now possible to paint the Glocks in a more appropriate black finish.
John Wick admiring the results of applying a "detailed" type of paint job which paints the whole gun(s) in black, leaving only the details painted in the selected color.
Details in this case being the small slide release levers. Oddly enough, the "Khaki" option paints them dark gray, while the dark gray paint paints them more like khaki.

Desert Eagle Mark XIX

The Desert Eagle Mark XIX goes by its everlasting nickname of the "Deagle" in-game. It holds an incorrect 10 rounds in its 7-round magazine; while it's possible to squeeze ten rounds into the .357 Magnum version of a Desert Eagle (nine in the mag and a round in the chamber) the Desert Eagle in-game is clearly the .50 AE version since it has a non-fluted barrel. It also has shorter slide serrations akin to the Mark VII or I.

The Deagle is one of the most powerful pistols in the game, and that's saying something after so many updates that have added similar high power, slow ROF handcannons. The flexible mod list and allowing this thing to take magnified optics has kept the Deagle as a strong secondary option.

IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX - .50 AE
IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII - .44 Magnum. Image provided to show the shorter slide serrations.
Like the Glock 17, the Desert Eagle has no markings on the slide.
Note the scratched out serial number just above the grip.
Dallas admires some graffiti with his Eagle. Note that it is possible to see a bullet inside the gun if the back end is closely inspected.
Iron sights, classic Deagle.
The slide cycling as the gun is fired.
Reloading. Inserting a new magazine filled with bullets...
...and then really racking the slide. The first-person animations update mentioned above made the Deagle's slide incorrectly not lock back when the gun was dry; this was later corrected.
The Desert Eagle modified into a ridiculous mall ninja's dream gun. The can at the end of the barrel is a makeshift oil filter suppressor. Note the ELCAN Specter scope attached to a scope mount that's attached to the existing scope mount.
Having decided to forsake all sensible armament, a U.S. Marshal Shield brandishes a Desert Eagle with no iron sights, despite being covered head to toe in shotgun shells. If their shield is destroyed before they are, they will switch to an SKO-12 shotgun, which uses detachable magazines, not loose shells to reload. The pistol having no sights is probably an artifact of reusing the player-available model that has an alternative iron sight option and as such isn't part of the barrel/slide and forgotten by developers in an oversight.


Why? Because OVERKILL Software are mad men.
John Wick preparing to sprain his wrists.

Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical(*)

The Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical appears as the "Interceptor .45", automatically unlocked for purchase by joining the official Payday Steam Group. It has a 13-round magazine (one more than the .45 ACP version holds in real life).

The Interceptor's a decent alternative to the Crosskill with a slightly larger magazine and a similar mod pool, and with the advantage of the other Payday Steam Group guns of being unlocked at Level 0.

Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical - .45 ACP
Note the Jet-Funnel mag-well extension which was only designed for 9mm and .40 S&W versions of the USP.
In a nice touch, the gun is marked for .45 ACP, though as will shortly be shown slide modifications can change it into non-.45 variants.
Dallas waits on his laundry, USP in hand.
Iron sights, tall adjustable USP Tactical factory sights.
Reloading. Inserting a mag...
...then the slide release is hit. Here the slide is just a moment away from locking into battery.
Heckler & Koch USP Expert - .40 S&W. The Jet-Funnel mag-well extension is proper for the USP in this caliber.
The USP45 Tactical becomes a USP Expert if fitted with the "Expert Slide".
Heckler & Koch USP Match - 9x19mm
It can also be turned into an USP Match with the "Match Slide". Fitting this mod on the pistol will give the slide a stainless finish.


When you need to tactically intercept more things, always double up.
The lack of bullets modelled in the magazines becomes obvious when reloading akimbo USPs.

Glock 22C(*)

The Glock 22C was added in the Election Day update as the "Chimano Custom", available to all members of the official Payday 2 Steam group. It bears an OD frame and comes with a flared magazine well, while most of its non-unique mods are shared with the Glock 18C.

The Glock 22's a weird gun at first, with similar statistics to the other non-9mm PAYDAY offerings and middling accuracy. However, it has a deep pool of ammo to play with, alongside the Chimano standard high concealment making it both a good backup option with large reserves and a useful stealth option with higher power than the Gruber.

Glock 22 (Generation 3) - .40 S&W
Note the .40 S&W markings on the slide, denoting a Glock 22 variant. Also note the flared magazine-well.
As is the case with basically every other Glock variant in the game, the 22C's magazine is fitted with a 2-round extension plate. Unlike its brethren, however, the extension actually expands the 22C's default magazine, though it only comes loaded with half the amount it ought to.
Bodhi with his Glock 22C at the range.
Iron sights. Note the red fiber-optic front sight, which sadly does not glow in the dark.
Reloading. Note the cuts in the barrel, indicating it is a "C" model.

Modifying the "Chimano Custom" with the Long Slide produces a Glock 35.

Glock 35 - .40 S&W
Note the titanium-nitride coated vented-barrel. A vented barrel would make a suppressor useless, but it works just fine in-game.


It's not easy being somewhat green, so having a friend always helps.
Getting bored using just one Glock 22C, Bodhi pulls out another one.
After some very inaccurate blasting, Bodhi reloads his Glock 22Cs. Here the cuts in the slide are obvious. Note how the chamber of the barrels are clipping through the slide, as the barrels are inaccurately shown as straight and not tilted.

Glock 26(*)

On the seventh day of the Crimefest event (October 22nd 2014), John Wick himself jumped aboard as a playable heister and brought his trusted Glock 26 along for the ride. Renamed the "Chimano Compact", it tries to fill a similar rule to the Beretta 92, with equal damage and slightly better recoil, but in most other regards is somewhat inferior. It is unlocked at level 36, and is exclusive to members of the Payday 2 Steam group.

Glock 26 subcompact - 9x19mm
Wick's unsullied default Glock 26. Overkill set it to carry 10 rounds at a time, correct for a regular Glock 26, but didn't account for the extra two bullets the molded Pearce Grips magazine extension adds.
Given the worrying accuracy numbers Glocks have in this game, John is relieved to see that the Chimano Compact stands on the same adequate level as the Signature .40 and Crosskill. It can reliably put a round into a SWAT helmet around 10 meters (demonstrated by the poor bastard under the bead) without help and up to 20 when upgraded - which is about as far as the sights can comfortably handle, anyway.
The unique Striking upgrades (body kit, slide, magazine) turn the gun into a "Tier 1" custom version from Salient Arms International. It even appears to have some of the optional extras listed in the brochure, namely the grip stippling and eye-searing Cerakote finish. The end result is a welcome upgrade to both damage and accuracy, but the gaudy look lowers its top-notch concealment rating to the level of a common .44 revolver.
Looks like this tactical custom was created at an fictious "Chimano Custom Shop" instead of the real-life Salient Arms. The gadget options are the same limited set as with the starter Glock, but it gets a free set of Striking components from the get-go. Note the relatively massive attachment rail and low-profile laser which don't hurt concealability in any way. The stock slide also has a small stamp on top of the bolt with the letters "AT" and the Overkill bomb logo - perhaps a modeler's signature.
Dallas rallies his burly crew during an armored car ambush. When the slide locks back, the upgraded barrel is revealed to have heat-dissipating baffles all the way around it - another optional SAI custom order. Additionally, the colors of the Cerakote coating have a much closer resemblance to the real-life options under daylight. Another rather interesting detail is that the barrel is actually shown as tilting, an extremely rare detail in video games. This was the only pistol in-game to be properly shown with it until the H&K P30L was added to the game.
The grip-mounted laser module not only increases accuracy in itself, but its beam is completely unobtrusive when the sights are used. Note the small US flag on the back of the upgraded slide.


John Wick whips up a rampage inside a gangster stronghold. A rather weak option in the akimbo category, the Chimano Compacts suffer dearly from being stuck at a shallow 10-round magazine capacity. That said, they're still the least bad akimbo pistols to reach the maximum of 30 concealment - extremely important for Fugitives, whose combat performance is directly derived from stealthiness.
Chambers full? Check.
Revenge administered? Check!

Walther PPK/S(**)

The Walther PPK/S pistol appears as the "Gruber Kurz", perhaps a reference to the PPK's intended usage by the villain Hans Gruber in the 1988 film Die Hard, though it was swapped out for a P7M13 in the final cut. The "Kurz" also seems to imply that the developers have made the immensely common mistake of taking the "K" in its name to stand for "Kurz", as it does with most German firearms, such as the Karabiner 98k, G36K, or MP5K. In reality, the K stands for "Kriminal", as it was the variant of the Walther PP that was designed for criminal investigators. It was added as part of the Armored Transport DLC, and it was the first handgun in the game that could equip a laser outside of the gadget slot, having a unique grip with a built-in laser. This was later followed by the Glock series' own laser grip.

Sure it has low damage, sure it isn't exactly accurate, but the Gruber puts its cards in concealment and having enough ammo to pick off every single camera on a stealth map. Don't knock it till you try it.

Walther PPK/S stainless - .380 ACP
The Gruber Kurz in all its glory.
The lack of markings is an interesting choice given how the later WA 2000 is entirely bedecked in faux Walther marks.
Dallas and his Gruber go out back to watch the spray paint dry.
Iron sights, everyone's favorite tiny sight set up.
Reloading. Inserting a new magazine.
Tugging the slide to release it. This is accurate; the PP-series lacks an external slide release, though due to animation reuse a nonexistent one is used when reloading the akimbo variant.
Walther PP - .32 ACP
Fitting the long slide to the PPK/S turns it into a Walther PP, since it already has the longer frame as opposed to the PPK's shortened one.
No, we don't know why it comes in two-tone.
Jiro takes his PP aside to observe it.
And he makes sure that its ejection port exists as well.
Iron sights, now in stylish white.


James Bond meets John Woo.
John Wick dominating a rare female enemy and the subject of several in-game achievements.
Thumbing the slide releases these guns don't have.

SIG-Sauer P226R(**)

The SIG-Sauer P226R in .40 S&W appears as the "Signature .40" added by the Gage Weapon Pack #01 DLC.

This is the Crosskill except better in most to all departments, same damage and overall ammo pool but with better concealment, accuracy and available from the get-go at Level 0.

SIG-Sauer P226R - 9x19mm. The one in-game is a .40 S&W model.
Unlike the Kurz, the Signature comes with a whole frenzy of faux SIG markings.
It's some lovely extra work that we on IMFDB appreciate.
Dallas has an internal debate on whether to remove these old moving boxes with some .40 S&W.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Dropping the dry magazine. If you take a closer look right under the gun you can see the magazine. It has some very strange-looking bullets modeled in it.
Not concerned about the strange bullets, Dallas inserts a new mag and is just frames away from hitting the slide release.
The P226 fitted with a Equinox two-tone slide, Osprey silencer, and micro LAM.


Preview of the double 226's, just to make sure they aren't mirrored.
Wick holding two "Signatures".
Reloading shows rounds being chambered.
Inspecting the pistols.

Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"(**)

The Mauser C96 appears as the "Broomstick", added with the Gage Historical Pack DLC and unlocked at level 23.

The Broomstick is an oddball, arguably a gun that's been reworked to death to find a niche. Initially a fun alternative to the standard non-9mm sidearms limited by mods, it's now more so a pocket DMR with the extended magazine, stock, barrel and scope giving it a role as a silly M-308 in your pocket.

Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Left side, accurate besides the missing Mauser banner.
On the right, the original Mauser text is replaced by "Machinewerk Übertöten M1916", which translates to "Machine Work Overkill M1916".
Wolf decides to take his recently acquired antique to the range.
Iron sights, tiny and very fitting of the era.
Reloading. Inserting a clip with ten rounds, note the clipping (ho ho). This is a bug that sometimes occurs, and is not an inherent flaw with the animation
After loading up, Wolf tugs the charging handle, making the clip fall and letting the bolt into battery. This is not the best idea as the clip would probably only break, causing a jam.
Interestingly, if one reloads when the magazine is only partially spent, the bolt will magically lock back by itself and the player character will load the magazine with a ten-round clip (regardless of how many rounds are still in the magazine); they will then proceed to remove the clip by hand instead of tugging the charging handle, which is the advised way of reloading a C96.
Mauser C96 carbine - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Mauser C96 with detachable holster/stock - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Modifying the C96 with the "Precision Barrel" and "Holster Stock" turns it into a hybrid Mauser C96 carbine. It's not an actual carbine as the stock is the removable holster stock and not a part of the grip.
Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Fitting the C96 with the extended magazine (giving it 20 rounds) makes it resemble the Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer. The reload animation still shows the character only loading ten rounds.
Master Replicas "Star Wars Episode V Han Solo Blaster"
Attaching a scope and the "Damper.L 44 Nozzle" makes it resemble Han Solo's BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol from Star Wars, while the arctic Russian scenery provides a nice stand-in for Hoth. The gun would have made for an excellent cosplay prop too if not for the weirdly-shaped muzzle and the lack of the DL-44's other embellishments. The scope is also fixed to the right-sided gadget rail instead of having its own dedicated mount like in the movie. Modifying the weapon with these attachments gives the player the "So Uncivilized" achievement (a reference to one of Obi-Wan's lines in Revenge of the Sith), which is required to use the extended magazine and holster stock shown above.


Preview of the double Mausers.
Inspecting the emptied "Broomsticks". Don't worry, they are reloaded entirely off-screen.

Springfield Armory XDM(**)

The Springfield Armory XDM appears as the "LEO Pistol", added as part of the Bomb Heists DLC. Fittingly for the DLC's Croatian theme, the XDM was originally a Croatian design (as the HS2000). It has a 19-round magazine, which is correct for the 9mm version. The markings are inconsistent however, showing on the slide that the chambering is .40 S&W, but the ejection port markings show that is chambered for .45 ACP. It has an olive drab frame.

The LEO is a bizarre gun stat wise, with similar high damage to the Professional .40 and Crosskill mixed with a large 19 round magazine. However the lack of any mods that help spice the gun up plus only having a whopping 3 mags in reserve temper its usefulness a bit.

Springfield Armory XDM with 4.5 inch barrel - .45 ACP
PD2 XDM left.jpg
The XDM is erroneously shown with an ambidextrous slide release and takedown lever(!)
Chains with his XDM
Iron sights.
Reloading. Releasing the empty mag.
Shoving in a new one.
Chambering a round.
Springfield Armory XDM 5.25 with two-tone finish – .40 S&W. To show the 5.25 slide.
The XDM fitted with the "Long Slide", it's not actually as long as a real 5.25 slide.
Springfield Armory XD-9 V10 with 4 inch barrel - 9x19mm. To show the 4" ported XD slide.
The XDM fitted with the "Custom Slide". Note "5.25" on the the 4" XD slide.


Preview of the dual XDMs.
Idling with two LEOs.
Chambering rounds.

Jericho 941 PL(**)

The Jericho 941 RPL was added in the Point Break Heists DLC as the "Baby Deagle" (referencing Magnum Research's marketing of the Jericho as a "Baby Eagle"), though its markings claim it to be a "Sparrow 941 RPL".

As with the Springfield Armory XDM, the in-game Jericho's caliber is rather difficult to nail down due to the model featured being a mashup of several different variants. The ejection port is marked for the 9x19 Parabellum model, however it has a magazine capacity of 12 rounds, indicating a .40 S&W variant. Additionally, the Jericho has the chrome-plated guide rod of the 941's chambered in .41 AE. To confuse caliber identification more, the pistol deals around a whopping 150 damage per shot unmodified, about on par with the game's resident .50 AE Desert Eagle. A frighteningly powerful pistol for the money, limited by low ammo and high recoil.

IWI Jericho 941 RPL, current production polymer framed model - 9x19mm
Bohdi reloads his Jericho 941 RPL in the Point Break heist trailer.
Note the threaded extended barrel. It is notably a model with a frame-mounted decocker, Bohdi is seen using it before holstering the pistol in the trailer.
Bodhi decocking the Jericho.
Note the threaded barrel. The 941 is one of a handful of weapons in the game to actually have an interfacing component onto which suppressors and the like could logically be mounted.
9x19 is stamped on the ejection port.
Bodhi goes outside to shed some literal light on his weird franken-Jericho.
Iron sights, simple and effective.
Reloading. Inserting a new magazine. This animation was initially unique to this pistol, but was later reused on the PL-14.
Stainless IMI Jericho 941 F (note decocker on frame) - 9x19mm
The Jericho 941 RPL can be modified with the "Spike Kit" which turns it into an older steel framed Jericho 941 F.
PD2 Jericho 941 F right1.jpg
A non-firing replica of Spike Spiegel's Jericho 941 R by Japanese model company 'Poseidon' with laser sight and custom grips.
Adding the "Spike Grip" to the aforementioned "Spike Kit" will make the pistol resemble Spike Spiegel's 941 R from Cowboy Bebop. It is not an exact replica as the decocker is mounted on the frame and not the slide as on the 941 R.
PD2 Jericho 941 F right2.jpg


Preview of two Jerichos.
Idle stance.
Chambering fresh rounds.
Inspecting animation.

Kalashnikov Concern PL-14 Lebedev

The Russian PL-14 Lebedev prototype pistol was added with the free Hardcore Henry Packs DLC as the "White Streak". It is incorrectly depicted with a 12-round magazine capacity instead of the real life 15-round capacity, with its "Extended Magazine" mod only bringing it to 14 rounds. Judging from its ridiculously high Desert Eagle level damage it seems to be chambered in a caliber far larger than 9x19mm (which is the only caliber available for the PL-14), as its unmodded stats are identical to the Baby Deagle's.

PL-14 Lebedev - 9x19mm
PD2 PL14 left.jpg
PD2 PL14 right.jpg
PD2 PL14 holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Inserting a magazine with no bullets. Bullets were later added in a patch.
...and then hitting the slide release.
The PL-14 with its two unique mods, an extended magazine and a "prototype" barrel.


A pair of Lebedevs.
Bringing the Russian pistols on a trip to Russia.

Heckler & Koch P30L(**)

The Heckler & Koch P30L was added in the John Wick Weapon Pack DLC as the "Contractor". The markings on its model proclaim it to be an "SG Master". It is the only weapon to have its akimbo version be DLC-exclusive, as even the other DLC sidearms have their akimbo versions be part of the base game.

The P30L is a balanced pistol that sits in the same boat as the LEO or Chimano Custom, not super high powered but doing enough damage to reliably kill with one headshot. With high concealment plus very good hip-fire aim, the only problems the gun has is low total ammo and a limited selection of attachments.

Heckler & Koch P30L - 9x19mm
A nice clean texture...
...that someone smudged up.
Wick preparing to enter the range with his P30L.
Sighting up a target.
After some blasting, Wick runs out of ammo and reloads. First he flicks out the magazine with a super tacticool magflip.
Loading in a full mag. While somewhat hard to notice, like the Glock 26, the barrel is properly shown as tilting.
Then finishing by racking the slide. An observant player may notice this reload sequence was lifted straight out of the movie, being demonstrated during the Red Circle shootout.
Heckler & Koch P30L with a custom compensator, similar to the one from the John Wick movies - 9x19mm
The P30L decked out with the "Contractor Compensator", "Tritium Sights", and "Extended Magazine". Note that the "tritium sights" are actually red fiber-optic sights and are properly depicted as glowing in the dark.
John Wick at the range with his P30L. His safehouse model used the P30L before the DLC was released.


PD2 P30L Akimbo.jpg
Just about to flick the slide releases on the P30Ls.

FN Five-seveN(*)

The FN Five-seveN FDE with an EFK Fire Dragon threaded barrel was added on Day 6 of the Search for Kento event as the "5/7 AP" for Steam Community members. As the name would suggest, the Five-seveN, uniquely for pistols, is capable of universal armor penetration (despite the real steel only being capable of piercing light kevlar), enabling it to shoot through walls, the breastplates of Maximum Force Responders, and the Shield unit's shield, though damage is reduced for the latter. It also features astounding stopping power for a sidearm, being nearly as damaging as some of the game's magnums and revolvers, but only packs three magazines worth of ammunition. The in-game iteration is also under-loaded, stocking 15 bullets in the default 20-round magazine and 19 in the optional 30-rounder.

Modifications include a titanium nitride-coated barrel and extended magazine, both of which do not impact its Concealment stat in any way.

FN Five-seveN FDE - FN 5.7×28mm.
PD2 Five-seveN left.jpg
PD2 Five-seveN right.jpg
Jiro looking at some garbage with his Five-seveN.
Aiming the FN57.
Ejecting a magazine.
In with a new one.
John releasing the slide on an customized empty Five-seveN after seeing off some unwanted cops.
Inspecting the aformentioned custom nitride-treated barrel.

Luger P08

The Luger P08 was added to the game in the free WWII Weapon Pack update alongside the M1 Garand and MP40. Known in-game as the "Parabellum", it boasts ludicrously high stopping power for a 9x19mm piece, on par with the Peacemaker .45, and is about as accurate, though it also has quite some recoil to it, probably because of its one-handed grip. Unlike most non-revolver pistols in the game, the Luger can't equip barrel extensions, therefore making it a poor choice for the sneaky despite its near-stellar Concealment.

Modifications include a thicker barrel for more accurate shot groupings, a shortened one for concealed-carry, and engraved grip panels which, rarely for PD2 weapon mods, do not affect stats.

Unlocking the P08 requires the player to get ten kills with the free melee weapon included in the update.

Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The left side of the P08...
...and the right side.
Having busted the P08 out of his butler's antique collection, Hoxton decides to test it out on the safe house's range.
Iron sights. These are tiny and barely visible in the dark.
Hoxton admires the quality of pre-WWI German engineering.
Ditto, right side.
Having emptied the mag at the highly dangerous training dummy, Hoxton drops the spent mag...
...pushes in a new one, and then tugs the toggle lock.


If you want peace...
...prepare for war.
Inspecting the emptied Lugers.
The Parabellums are reloaded off-screen, unfortunately, so here's a shot of "aiming" them instead.

Colt M1911A1

Some of the display cases in the WW2-themed room of the McKendrick Museum seen in the heist "The Diamond" (added along with the aforementioned WWII Weapon Pack) feature unusable Colt M1911A1s. This model is the same as in Raid: World War II, and different from the "Crosskill Chunky Compact" model.

Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Joy inspects the .45 ACP firearms on display, while holding another one herself.

Colt Defender

The Colt Defender was added to the game on Day 7 of the 10-day Locke and Load community event as the "Crosskill Guard". For a subcompact pistol it has fairly excellent statistics and is perfectly concealable from the get-go, though its stopping power leaves a fair bit to be desired. It also stocks an astounding 17 rounds inside a single-stack 8+1-round magazine.

Modifications include an extended magazine, a lightweight slide, and two options for grips, one of which (the "Ergonomic Grip") is the Hogue Officer's Model rubber grip shown in the image of the real thing below.

Colt Defender with Hogue Officer's Model rubber grip - 9x19mm
The model of the "Crosskill Guard", its name displayed prominently on the slide, which also has the Colt Defender's signature "flat face" and large, flush muzzle.
The other side. Note that the slide seems a bit too tall.
Hoxton decides to test his new subcompact piece out on the safe house's range. Note the cocked down hammer. In the initial release the hammer was never cocked, implying DAO operation rather than the correct SAO. This has since been corrected in the patch that came with Day 8 of the Locke and Load event, as in the other shots.
The Defender's iron sights.
Admiring the details of the unpatched Defender.
Ditto, right side. Note the slight clipping on the grip. Not as bad as the Springfield Armory LO, but present nonetheless.
Having emptied the mag at the highly dangerous training dummy, Hoxton drops the spent mag before swiftly getting a fresh one in. The vertical ridge along the magazine's body is a giveaway that this is a 9x19mm piece. Also of note is the somewhat skewed positioning of the magazine relative to Hoxton's hand, resulting in it hovering slightly to the side of his thumb rather than being grasped on by the thumb and forefingers.
The slide then shoots forward with a loud snap.


A pair of "Guards".
One is not enough, so Hoxton brought in two.
Instead of aiming, Hoxton decides to just do... this.
He then examines the guns, first looking at the right side of the left gun and the left side of the right gun...
...then the left of the left and the right of the right.
After dumping an impossible 34 rounds at nothing in particular, Hoxton drops off his spent mags...
...and clicks in two new ones. *snap*

Heckler & Koch P7M13

The Heckler & Koch P7M13 was added to the game on Day 2 of the Breaking News event as the "M13 9mm". Featuring middling stats across most of the board, the P7M13 nevertheless is an extremely compact pistol with a base Concealment of 30, allowing the player some leg room in modifying it to suit their needs if running a stealth or dodge build.

Unique modifications include an extended and externally-threaded barrel for muzzle attachments, and wooden grip panels.

Heckler & Koch P7M13 - 9x19mm
Left side of the "M13", complete with spoofed markings claiming it as a "SG M13" manufactured by "Schäfer & Gewehr GmbH" in "STORKELDORF", "W-GERMANY". "Storkeldorf" is likely a reference to the city of Oberndorf am Neckar, which is the real-life location of the H&K headquarters.
The other side.
Hoxton with his German subcompact at the safe house's firing range.
The P7M13's iron sights.
Taking a gander at the rather finely-detailed left side of the slide and frame shows the machined rows of spoofed markings.
Ditto, right side. In contrast to the left side view, the lack of detail on this side is stunning.
After some 13-round magdumps, Hoxton reloads his P7M13 using the exact same technique John Wick did with his P30L.
A few seconds of theatrics later and the slide is let loose into battery.


A pair of P7M13s.
You can never have enough subcompacts these days.
Aiming with the dual P7M13s continues the PAYDAY trend of slightly squinting at nothing in particular.
He then examines the guns, first looking at the right side of the left gun and the left side of the right gun...
...then the left of the left and the right of the right.
Having exhausted his mags, Hoxton dumps them out..
...and clicks in two new ones. *snap*

Stechkin APS(**)

The Stechkin APS was added to the game by the "Federales Weapon Pack", in the first new batch of weapons since the storyline ended with The White House in 2018. It is known in-universe as the "Igor Automatik", as a reference to Igor Stechkin, the designer of the APS.

Of the Federales machine pistol trio, the Igor aims for maximum damage over anything else with Chimano Custom levels of power and a fun switch for good measure. This means it also has the thinnest pool of reserve ammo of any of the trio, with a low pickup rate and bad recoil to keep you from having too much fun.

Stechkin APS - 9x18mm Makarov
Stechkin APS with shoulder stock - 9x18mm Makarov
Left side view. It is notably based on a Gletcher CO2 replica; the two slide stops cuts with one of them being only half as far as the real steel has are a dead giveaway. The fire selector is also set to safe.
The other side.
Inventory preview with the holster stock fitted.
Hoxton tries out his new Russian autopistol at the range.
Iron sights.
Having not quite trusted his new purchase yet, he takes the time to eyeball its left side...
...and the right.
After some plinking, he decides it's time to reload. True to life, the player character is correctly shown to be using the heel release to eject the magazine. The akimbo version is far less accurate, however.
Tugging on the slide to chamber a new round.


A brand new pair of Stechkins.
Training dummy, meet the Igors.
Taking aim shows the dual Stechkin's sights, or lack thereof.
With his mags empty, Hoxton thumbs two non-existent buttons to let them fall out of his guns...
...loads in new mags, and snaps the slides shut.

CZ 75(**)

The "Czech 92" automatic pistol is a hybrid of the full-auto-capable CZ 75, and the newer CZ AccuShadow 2, which was made for the sporting market and as such never supported automatic operation. It was added as part of the "Federales Weapon Pack".

Boring and placid with normal damage, the Czech is the moderate option of the Funky Bunch. Good reserve ammo amounts and the only issue being recoil like its brothers, this leaves the gun as the perfect sidearm to do risky main armaments with. Because nothing says fun like the saw.

CZ 75 Automatic - 9x19mm
CZ AccuShadow 2 - 9x19mm
Left side view of the CZ hybrid. The spare mag on the front is sadly never used, nor is it even loaded, and only seems to be there to serve as a foregrip.
Ditto, right side. The little stub at the base of the grip is the attachment point for the folding stock.
First-person view of the CZ 75 hybrid.
Iron sights.
Not quite sure if his gun is legit, Hoxton takes a closer look at it, left...
...and right. Although the in-game model is fictional, the fire selector dial and notches are very detailed.
Having run out of ammo in his mag, Hoxton dramatically flicks the CZ hybrid to discard it.
WIth a new mag loaded, he flicks the slide release.


Inventory preview of the dual CZs. That's one more front mag you're not getting to use...
The dual CZs in first-person.
Ironsights, kind of.
The dual CZs use the same animations as the other pistols, even for reloading.

Beretta 93R(**)

The Beretta 93R is the third and last weapon added with the "Federales Weapon Pack". Known in-game as the "Bernetti Auto", it erroneously fires in full-auto instead of three-round bursts. As to why it was scripted like this is unknown, since the Diesel engine is in fact capable of emulating 3-round bursts, Overkill Software just decided not to.

You'd think the lower damage of the Bernetti Auto would be a good thing and it would if it wasn't low enough to keep headbutting its own ammo pool. Low ammo capacity, worse replacement mags and its biggest parlor trick letting you play RoboCop don't really save this thing from getting sidelined by everything, even the STRYK.

Beretta 93R - 9x19mm
Left side view.
Right side.
Hoxton returns to the range with the last gun in the bundle.
Iron sights.
Admiring the details of the gun model, left...
...and right.
The 93R empties mags much faster than you'd expect it to due to the incorrect full-auto mode it is given.
After loading in a new mag, Hoxton lets the slide shoot forward.


One more Raffica for the party.
Hoxton sticking up the training dummy with his 93Rs.
You know the drill by now.
After some magdumps, Hoxton lets the empty boxes fall to the ground.
All topped off and ready to go.

Auto 9

The Weller Barrel and Grip modifications gives it the look of the Auto 9 from the 1987 film RoboCop.

Beretta 93R "Auto 9" - 9x19mm
Left side view. The mockup is less than perfect, due to the grips not resembling the movie version in the least.
The other side.
"Your move, creep!"
Iron sights.
Hoxton inspects his futuristic 93R.
Ditto, right side.
Reloading has Hoxton perform the same shake as before, then in goes the new mag.
Grumbling that his Auto 9 doesn't have a cool mechanized loading system like in the movies, Hoxton lets the slide into battery.
Two is always better than one.
"Dead or alive, you're coming with me!"
Ironsights. Blurry as ever.
Hoxton reloads his dual Auto 9s.

Hudson H9(**)

The Hudson H9 was added to the game on June 30 2020 with the release of the "Fugitive Weapon Pack". It is known in-game as the "HOLT 9mm". Rather strangely, it has relatively high recoil, despite the H9 being specifically designed to address that issue.

Someone has stolen the Contractor's stats and applied it to this gun, which is fairly ironic given the H9 was to appear in one of the John Wick movies. Take those same pros and cons, add on the ability to actually swap grips on this thing and you'd have the HOLT dead to rights.

Hudson H9 - 9x19mm
Left side view.
Right side.
Hoxton visits the range with his newfangled H9. Let's hope Cy Hudson's had better luck in the PAYDAY universe.
Iron sights. The front post is actually illuminated.
Admiring the details of the gun model, left...
...and right.
Reloading the H9. It uses the same animations as John Wick's P30L.
After loading in a new mag, Hoxton lets the slide shoot forward with a power stroke.


Now that's three H9s on one person. Truly brings a tear to Cy Hudson's eyes.
Having seemingly decided to revive Hudson Manufacturing by his lonesome, Hoxton whips out his two other H9s.
Ironsights, or lack thereof.
Reloading the dual H9s.

Colt M1911/M1911A1 Hybrid(**)

The Colt M1911 and Colt M1911A1 hybrid was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack" with akimbo option as "Crosskill Chunky Compact".

Neither really chunky or compact, the Compact Chunky is a White Streak mixed with the ol' normal Crosskill. High damage, high rate of fire and higher than its rivals, it's not a terrible sidearm albeit capped off by a very limited mod pool to work with.

Original Colt M1911 - .45 ACP
Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Preview of the "Crosskill Chunky Compact". Note the Surefire MR07 rail adapter.
Ditto, right side.
Houston preparing to make some easy money.
Having picked a door lock with some gunfire, he replaces an empty magazine with another empty magazine.
Thumbing the slide release using the same animation as the Jericho and Lebedev, making it stand out apart the other two "Crosskills".
One of the slide options is an AMT Javelina 10mm slide. You'll never guess what "Kastspjut" means in Swedish.
The other slide option is a Series 70 National Match slide with a Bo-Mar sight rib. The extended magazine is a Chip McCormick Power Mag that holds ten rounds in reality, but extends the in-game capacity from 12 to 14. No, the Chunky does not accept mags, slides, or even grips from the basic Crosskill.


Previewing two identical pistols with identical rail adapters.
Holding two "Chunkies" on something completely normal for Payday 2.
Inspecting the "Crosskills".
Reloading with empty magazines.

Tokarev TT-33(**)

The Tokarev TT-33 was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3" with akimbo option as "Káng Arms Model 54". Its name refers to the Chinese copy of the pistol, the Norinco Type 54, however, the in-game pistol is based on the Russian version. Both single and dual wielded variants can mount an underbarrel shotgun attachment similar to the one in Kingsman: The Secret Service.

Initially, this looks like another Crosskill. Same 85 damage stat, same relative accuracy, same amount of pros and cons until we get to that shotgun attachment. The ability to throw a blast of 850 damage shotshell into a target with decent concealment is a very fun trick to have on call.

Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Preview of the TT-33. The shotgun attachment is similar but not identical to the one seen in Kingsman: The Secret Service.
Note the lack of a manual safety and the "CCCP" ("USSR") letters on the grip giving away the Soviet heritage as opposed to Chinese as implied by its in-game name.
Reloading the Tokarev. It uses the animation set previously exclusive to the Five-seveN.
Reloading the underbarrel shotgun.


Two TTs is better than one.
Dual wielding Tokarevs.
Reloading the akimbo Tokarevs. The slide actually stops in the correct position in relation to the slide release.
John Wick showing off his TTs to a completely unmasked partner in crime.

SilencerCo Maxim 9(**)

The SilencerCo Maxim 9 was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4" as "Gecko M2". It is integrally suppressed as you'd expect.

The Gecko exists so we can retire the meta of the silenced Judge. Yes, it's suppressed, and it has low ammo but this is powerful, accurate and allows you to push corpses out of the way so you don't immediately get caught just after you finally solved that guard's pager.

SilencerCo Maxim 9 - 9x19mm
Idle stance of the Maxim 9.
Inspecting the right side.
Inspecting the emptied pistol.
Reloading is the same as the HK P30L, HK P7M13, and Hudson H9 have. Flick the magazine out to the right, slide in a new one...
...and rack the slide. Some DLC weapons have brand new animation sets, some recycle the older ones.
Iron sights.


Two Maxims at the firing range.
Inspecting the guns.
Squinting at the target.
Inspecting the results of a successful two mag dump.
The reloading is the same as... pretty much all other dual pistols really. Here one of the slides is yet to fly to battery.


Revolvers are not a separate category in-game, being a part of the Pistols category.

Taurus Raging Bull

The Taurus Raging Bull returns from the first Payday, once again as the "Bronco .44", but now featuring its full-length barrel by default. It holds six rounds and is unlocked at level 6. An early patch added a chance for street cops to carry it. It is also used by the female FBI Agent enemies in Day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout heist and some mobsters in the Hotline Miami heist.

The Bronco is a solid sidearm for pretty much anything. Need to deal with Snipers when you have a shotgun? Equip the Bronco. Tired of Cloakers? One headshot with the Bronco will deal with them easily. The only issues of the Bronco are its obvious low capacity, low total ammo, and a low pool of unique and useful mods.

Taurus Raging Bull - .44 Magnum
As seen here, the hammer was originally in SA mode and the trigger was in DA mode, with the hammer somehow cocking itself after each shot. This was later corrected to have both in DA mode.
The flip-side. In stark contrast to the real revolver's prominent markings, the in-game model lacks any sort of writing on the barrel.
Jiro stands outside the safe house trying to get a grasp on his new Brazilian sidearm.
Iron sights, which can be swapped out for several other optics in-game.
Reloading. The spent cases drop out by themselves smoothly in perfect formation; normally, the casings expand after firing and stick in the chambers, requiring the use of the ejector rod.
Loading in six new rounds with an invisible speed loader. The Freeman is pleased.
Then snapping the cylinder shut with a flick of the wrist, which is no small feat considering the Raging Bull's frontal latch. This animation is reused on the Taurus 4510 PLYFS, and the RSh-12.


Two Raging Bulls because why not. Several early weapon models got updated textures, including the Bronco.
Preparing to unleash a barrage of .44 Magnum on some Murkywater goons.
Inspecting shows the new textures are less shiny but have some markings on them.
The markings are more visible on this reloading shot. The reload animation itself is rather unremarkable to say the least.

Taurus 4510PLYFS(*)

The Taurus 4510PLYFS was added to the game as "The Judge" as a Crimefest community milestone reward for having 1 million members in the Payday 2 Steam group. Chambered in .410 Bore and holding 5 shells, it is classed by the game as a shotgun, so handgun skills have no effect on it. It is depicted as being ridiculously powerful, even more so than most of the 12 gauge shotguns, despite its .410 chambering, much like the similar Taurus Judge in the Max Payne movie. Thanks to sharing its accessories with the other shotguns, it can accept the Silent Killer suppressor, which logically wouldn't work due to the gap between the barrel and cylinder.

It is without question one of the most hilarious guns in the game. Beyond the fact that the Judge is tiny, thus making it plus a Silent Killer suppressor the defacto stealth build meta, this gun has the damage of the game's double barreled shotguns combined with a ungodly fast rate of fire and a quick reload. Whenever you see a Judge come into a player's inventory, prepare for hijinks.

Taurus 4510PLYFS - .410 Bore/.45 Long Colt
The Judge in all its logic defying glory.
The Judge's moniker is reinforced with its markings.
Wick goes to the range with his mini-shotgun.
Iron sights. Note the red fiber-optic insert in the front sight. It does not actually glow in the dark. Also note that the hole in the hammer is the keyhole of Taurus' patented Revolver Security System.
Reloading. This animation is recycled from the Bronco .44's.
The rail mount for any underbarrel attachments. Note the Brazilian flag and that the shells are too long and clip into the gun.


Preview of the dual 4510PLYFS.
Idle stance.
Judging the Inspectors Inspecting the Judges.

Ruger New Vaquero(**)

A Ruger New Vaquero with wooden grips appears as the "Peacemaker .45", added as part of the Butcher's Western Pack DLC. It can be identified as a Vaquero by the lack of a fixed firing pin and its 2-pin receiver.

The Vaquero is a rather odd gun, with one of the highest damages of any pistol sidearm, plus solid starting accuracy. However, everything else is poor, including reload time, stability, and a hidden accuracy nerf that makes it more effective at range than close up.

Ruger Vaquero with stainless steel finish and 5.5" barrel - .45 Long Colt
The Vaquero.
The high damage of the Peacemaker might be tied to the New Vaquero's resistance to overpressure handloads.
Dallas inspecting a peculiar sign.
Iron sights. Firing the Peacemaker like this will still prompt the player character to fan the hammer, however, which is not at all different from continuously karate chopping yourself in the nose in reality.
The hammer is fanned incredibly fast, happening almost the second the gun is fired.
Reloading. Instead of using the ejector rod, the player character will flick the gun slightly downwards to drop them out, which isn't the best way to do it.
Loading in a new round.
Lining up the next chamber. Also note the hammer is fully-cocked during the reloading process, which is mechanically impossible for the original Single Action Army (requiring it to be at half-cock for the cylinder to spin freely) but possible for the Vaquero.
After loading up, the rather loose hatch is closed with a flick of the wrist. What's keeping it from falling open again on its own when firing is not explained.
Ruger Vaquero with blued finish, case hardened frame and 4.62" barrel - .45 LC
The "Shootout Barrel" gives the Vaquero a shorter barrel...
Colt Single Action Army with 12" barrel known as the "Buntline Special" - .45 Long Colt
...while the "Precision Barrel" will lengthen it.
Adding a stock is handy when one needs to shoot Snakes.

Mateba 2006M(**)

The Mateba 2006M was added with the Alesso Heist DLC as the "Matever .357", a reference to the butchering of the manufacturer's name in the English dub of Ghost in the Shell.

The Mateba's a weird gun in the game, for a while it was the only revolver that could accept gadgets like laser sights, and boasting higher accuracy over the Bronco, but cannot equip barrel attachments. It's a weird 50/50 split, with the Mateba being better for open gunfights, but suffering heavily when modded for concealment.

Mateba 2006M with 6" barrel - .357 Magnum
PD2 2006M left.jpg
PD2 2006M right.jpg
Sokol and his crew about to raid a Gensec vault during an Alesso concert.
Blasting away at some cops who apparently have not deemed it necessary to shut down the concert despite all the gunfire.
Sokol reloading while enjoying some slow hacking.
Inserting six new rounds of .357 with a speedloader that isn't invisible this time.
Taking down a Dozer.
Continuing the trend of Italian names, the "Pesante barrel" fitted to the 2006M. Pesante can be translated as heavy. This barrel with its barrel weight is exceedingly rare in reality, even more so than an actual 2006M.
Mateba 2006M with 4" barrel - .357 Magnum
The 2006M with the "Medio barrel", which can be loosely translated from Italian as median or middle.


The Payday gang is rich and lucky enough to dual wield the Matebas.

Smith & Wesson Model 29

The Smith & Wesson Model 29 was added to the game on May 4th, 2017 as part of the free Sangres Character Pack update. Known as the "Castigo .44" (Spanish for "punishment"), it notably was the first revolver in the game to support dual-wielding. Stat-wise, it is almost identical to the Bronco .44, but with slightly higher base damage and concealment at the cost of worse stability and a higher purchase price. However, the Castigo doesn't have nearly the range of attachments that the Bronco has, with a grand total of three to its name - all of which increase Stability or Accuracy by 8. It also has a slightly slower reload.

Modifications include a Kokusai Devil heavy barrel, engraved grip panels, and a special black grip festooned with a black cloth wrapping, a cross, and spikes on the bottom.

Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum. This is the screen used Model 29 carried and fired by Clint Eastwood in the movie The Enforcer.
Left side preview of the Model 29. This is an older, pre-1982 model as evident by the pinned barrel and recessed cylinder.
The other side of the Model 29. As seen here, the hammer originally appeared cocked at all times; this was later fixed.
Hoxton brandishing his mint Model 29 during an armored convoy raid.
Iron sights. These don't glow in the dark, unfortunately.
Reloading. The player characters will actually utilize the extractor rod to dump the casings (very smart!) instead of simply shaking them out of the cylinder. Note that the rod and extractor don't actually move, however, and the casings still pop out in a neat synchronized formation.
Loading in a new batch of .44 Magnum rounds.
Flicking the cylinder shut, a far less advisable move than the use of the ejector rod.
Hoxton dares the aptly-redshirted GenSec guard to make his day while lamenting the sore lack of Clint Eastwood references the developers could have made with this gun.


Did he fire six shots, or only five? Doesn't matter; he's still got at least six left.
Sangres with his "Castigos".
Unlike the Tauri, a portion of the reloading process actually happens on-screen.
Finishing the reload with flicking the cylinders shut.
Inspecting the Smith & Wessons.

Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model(**)

The Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model was added to the game in the "Gunslinger Weapon Pack" with akimbo option as "Frenchman Model 87".

Decent accuracy, damage and a high ammo pool, the Frenchman is like a lot of the other historical firearms in PAYDAY, a fun sidegrade for a match or two. And that's about it, don't use this thing past the sell-by date.

Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model - .44 Russian
Preview of the S&W Russian.
Ditto, right side.
Duke holding the Russian Frenchman revolver gun thing.
Inspecting the left side. The wooden grips have been replaced with ivory ones.
Inspecting the right side and preparing to shoo away the squatting Bullzoder.
Reloading shows the unfired rounds being ejected.
Inserting the fresh batch of rounds which may or may not be done with the help of an invisible speedloader.
Thumbing the hammer after every shot for a surprisingly high rate of fire.
Barring boosts, this gun has a grand total of three modifications to its name. One is a "mule bone" grip, the other two are barrel mods, with the short one somewhat fittingly referencing Napoleon, and the long one (shown here) seemingly being a shorter version of the S&W Model 320 revolving rifle's barrel.


Preview of dual Russians.
John Wick planning on ruining stealth as soon as possible.
Inspecting the "Frenchmen".
The reload animation starts with the same mistake the single version does: keeps all rounds unfired. The left revolver is reloaded entirely off-screen.


The RSh-12 was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3" as "RUS-12 Angry Tiger". Like the Five-seveN and sniper rifles, it has the ability to puncture armor, shields, and walls. And just like the Five-seveN, it has no akimbo option, likely for balancing reasons.

Stupidly high damage, stupidly low capacity and reserve ammo, stupidly fast fire rate for a 12.7mm handcannon and having the utter lunacy to have little to no drop off in damage so you can 100% whip this thing out of your pocket and turn the head of a sniper 200 yards away into strawberry danish filling. Nuttier than a bag of hammers.

RSh-12 - 12.7x55mm
Preview of the RSh-12.
Ditto, right side.
Holding the "assault revolver".
Inspecting the thing while pondering on the safety of the hostages submerged in shallow water.
Inspecting the right side.
It recycles the animations from the two Tauri, and is reloaded with every mistake they had, invisible speedloader and all.
Unique mods include a shorter barrel, a barrel with a muzzle brake, and a wooden grip. Here it is equipped with a recently added TF90 sight.

Korth NXA

Added in the "McShay Weapon Pack 2" DLC, the "Kahn .357" is a Korth NXS with a red-anodized barrel shroud and red/black laminate grip known as Korth NXA; this makes PD2 the weapon's first known appearance.

As gamer as it looks, the Kahn's stats are bonkers. Deagle damage, good accuracy and the ability to swap the cylinders and make it do EVEN more damage on top of adding attachments like lights and any flavor of red dot that goes on a rifle? Yeah, you've got a winner even if it looks like an eyesore with every modification.

Korth NXA - .357 Magnum
Like the real weapon, it has accessory rails for mounting underbarrel gadgets and a selection of small-to-medium sights. Unlike the real weapon, it has a stainless finish.
Drawing the Korth is done with a flashy twirl, which has become a rather normal activity for videogame revolvers.
Holding an eight-shooter.
A rather funky sight picture.
The hammer is animated on firing, giving the illusion of double action, but due to gameplay mechanics it acts more like a reciprocating slide.
Reloading begins with the heister actuating the cylinder release and pushing the cylinder with their index finger. The first frame of the animation also spawns a speedloader behind the cylinder due to some kind of glitch.
Said speedloader disappears as soon as the player character brings out a fresh one. They then push the ejector rod while holding the loader.
Finishing the reload sequence by properly pushing the cylinder in place.
Clover checking out her fancy wheelgun.
Offering to trade guns with John Wick, muzzle first.


Kahn's modifications can essentially turn it into a Korth STX, albeit retaining some features of the NXS frame such as the distinctive cylinder release. The underbarrel gadgets are moved to the right side as there's no longer an underbarrel rail. Both grip alternatives are based on real things (one of them is a familiar Hogue product). Funnily enough, both single and dual-wielded revolvers can exchange their eight-round cylinder for a six-round one, but both versions only reduce the capacity by 2, meaning the akimbo six-shooters can somehow be fired seven times before needing to reload.
Holding double the amount of ludicrously expensive revolvers.
In fact, this is the second most expensive akimbo handgun in the game, after dual Matebas.
The hammers are also animated. The reload, however, is done entirely off-screen.

Submachine Guns

The Hardcore Henry update added the ability to Akimbo two SMGs. The dual-wielding works the same as with the pistols, with the two guns being used as a primary weapon.

The SMGs that can be dual-wielded are listed below in their respective entry. All weapons in the SMG category in-game are included in this section except for the AKMSU and the Para 9mm, which are found in the carbines category.

Ingram MAC-11

The "Mark 10" is actually based on a Ingram MAC-11 and a cheap Double Eagle airsoft one at that. It is unlocked at reputation level 2. It holds an incorrect 40 rounds in a short 16-round MAC-11 magazine, with the Extended Magazine attachment giving it a 32-round magazine that increases the capacity to 48.

As far as SMGs go, the Mark 10 is the best of the spray and pray crowd, with decent damage and magazine size offset by the gun's high recoil unmodified and its inherent lack of accuracy. The large magazines plus a deep magazine pool make the Mark 10 a good sidearm to any sniper rifle.

Ingram MAC-11 with stock extended - .380 ACP
The left side comes complete with bogus markings.
It comes standard with the sliding stock fully extended but there's no mod that actually allows you to retract the stock or even remove it. The only other option is the Skeletal Stock, which adds an even bulkier stock. The markings on this side claim it to be an "Ingrid M11".
Jiro takes his Mark 10 out for a stroll.
Iron sights, simple and effective for what the gun is intended to do.
The bolt used to be inaccurately depicted as closed. This was later fixed.
Reloading. Because the MAC-11 used to share the same first person animation rigging as the MP9 before the latter was changed in Update 79, reloading the weapon will result in the player character dropping out the magazine as if the gun had a thumb mag-release, despite the former having a heel mag-release.
In with a new mag.
And pulling the charging handle in a rather strange manner.
The extended 32-round magazine for the MAC-11, which only adds a measly 8 rounds, though since the base magazine holds 40 rounds the fact that it can add any rounds at all is rather impressive.
The MAC-11 used by various gangsters in-game. Note that it has a unique flashlight attached to it that is never used by them. Also note the tape on the grip.


Preview of the two "Marks".
Wick with two MACs, mentally preparing himself to Bile's inevitable complaints about the snipers on the roofs.
Showing off the guns to a lady whose substance addiction and profession are mentioned in her model filename.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2

The Heckler & Koch MP5 returns from the first Payday, again known as the "Compact-5". It is unlocked at level 13 and can be modified into many different MP5 models as listed below.

Like the real steel, the Compact 5 is a boringly effective 9mm gun that can be spun in many ways that still keep it nice, boring and functional. Compact ones make perfect stealth SMGs, the deep ammo pool keeps it a popular albeit anemic sidearm, it just works.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
Left side view of the MP5A2. The preview in question sports a new, updated set of fire mode pictograms. At launch, the MP5 had an A4-style fire control group, albeit an oddly-incorrect three-position one with full-auto, burst and safe, but no semi-auto. More correctly, it used a whited-out semi-auto pictogram as a stand-in for the safety notch.
MP5A4 PD2 new right.jpg
Left side again, this time with a SureFire forend. The flashlight attachment is actually usable.
Wolf running into a T.B.O.U.S in the safehouse bathroom.
Iron sights, sadly cranked to the long range setting. It's recommended you get another sight option to offset the irons.
Pulling back the charging handle on a reload. Rather obviously this is never done during a partial reload, although topping of the MP5 with the bolt forward is rather difficult to do in real life.
Removing the dry mag.
About to load in a new one.
Wolf resorts to gently pushing down the bolt instead of going for the ubiquitous slap to chamber a new round. Update #172 replaced this with the iconic slap.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
The "Adjustable Stock" turns the MP5A2 into an A3 model.
A Hostage Rescue team member with an MP5A3.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD2

Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 - 9x19mm
The "Ninja barrel" turns the weapon into a MP5SD2.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD3

Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 with Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
Combining the "Ninja barrel" with the "Adjustable stock" produces an MP5SD3.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD6

Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 - 9x19mm
A member of the new "Zeal Team" posing with an MP5SD6. The real unit in the game uses an MP5A3 with a railed foregrip however.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

Heckler & Koch MP5K with Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
The "Sehr Kurze Barrel" and the "Bare Essentials Stock" produce something similar to the MP5K, missing only the classic integrated "K" vertical foregrip.

Heckler & Koch MP5K with PDW stock

MP5K with the PDW-style folding stock - 9x19mm
Replacing the above's "Bare Essentials Stock" with the "Spartan Stock" from the Gage Spec Ops pack produces a rough approximation of the MP5K-PDW, as it still lacks the foregrip on top of not having the PDW variant's extended barrel. The stock's proportions are also a little bit off compared to that of the real weapon.

Heckler & Koch MP5/10

The MP5/10 with its tell-tale straight box magazine is used exclusively by the Cloaker unit at launch, before the conversion kit was released to players in The Butcher's Mod Pack 2.

Heckler & Koch MP5/10 with 2-round burst trigger group and sound suppressor - 10mm Auto
The "Straight Magazine" turns the MP5A2 into a mostly accurate MP5/10; like the Cloaker's version, it lacks the bolt release.
The unique MP5/10 wielded by the Cloaker enemy. Note that it lacks the bolt release. Despite what appears to be a suppressor on the gun, it has the same loud report as the standard MP5 used by other officers.


Preview of Akimbo Compact-5s. Other than stocks, twin MP5s have access to the same pool of attachments as a single one.
Dallas with his two MP5s.
Aiming the MP5s produces the expected results. At least it's better than nothing...?
Reloading. Somehow dropping the magazines with both hands full.
Reloading. In classic video game fashion, Dallas pulls the guns off-screen and a bunch of noises gives us an idea of the guns are being reloaded, somehow.
Running with twin MP5s (and the AKMSU) gives us this rather different animation, both guns are held up in a reckless fashion.
John Wick brandishes his two MP5KA4s as he's about to rob a bank, remembering the good ol' days. Note the lack of an ambidextrous fire-selector, something that would have been very handy when dual-wielding any gun.

Brügger & Thomet MP9

The Brügger & Thomet MP9 appears as the "CMP" (a reference to the TMP's name in Perfect Dark), unlocked at reputation level 19. While its damage is poor and its concealment not high enough for practical stealth or dodge builds, its low recoil, fast reload, large magzines, and decent hipfire mean it remains a viable sidearm. It is also used by FBI Shield enemies.

Brügger & Thomet MP9 - 9x19mm. Fixed foregrip variant shown.
A farm-fresh CMP. It looks uncannily like the current MP9-NA3 - N for NATO (9x19mm) and A3 for folding stock with gripless rail. The only thing preventing a definite identification is the missing fire selection dial, which would normally sit near the magazine release at thumb's reach. The Payday 2 TMP uses the older double-stage trigger contraption.
These accessories are all official B&T extras, excluding the TangoDown vertical foregrip. The 30-round "Extended Magazine" is an option, the Aimpoint Micro TL a.k.a. "Professional's Sight" is officially endorsed by B&T and the massive proprietary "Tactical Suppressor" (added with The Butcher Mod Pack 2 update) is a reminder that Brügger & Thomet started out in the business of making silencers. The TMP's Solid Stock is out of place here, however, due to it being a Steyr product; a true MP9 is not naturally compatible with this kind of part due to the molded folding stock hinge.
The typical kinds of extras. The laser light gadgets sit on the left and upside down on the CMP, making the yellow laser module's label much more legible than usual.
Ever the tactical one, Houston kicks off a night raid from atop an optional vantage point. As can be expected for such a low-profile machine pistol, the sights aren't too easy to use at a distance. The aiming modules clamped on the side are much more obtrusive using the irons than with optical sights, which sit much higher on top of the gun.
Although its new animations are much less showy, even the CMP magazines got shiny chrome bullets. As usual, the magazine sizes are all over the place, fitting 30 and 42 rounds in the 15-round stub and the 30-round option respectively.
Armed with only an MP5 and a shotgun from the trunk, a trio of beat cops attempt to evacuate a bystander from the mall chaos. Houston gets ready to finish his interruption. Here the bolt seems to have missed the part where it's supposed to be moving along with the racked charging handle.
Coming from below and to the left, the laser sight beam on the CMP disrupts the sight picture much less than with most other guns.
A tased Shield unit helplessly unloads his MP9 against metal. The big tan TangoDown foregrip on the CMP wasn't there from the start - it was added in a patch during the first few months after release, held before that with a tight two-hand grip like the Mark 10 is.


Preview of the "CMPs", both of which are still equipped with the vertical grips.
Inspecting the MP9s in a poorly-lit area.


The FN P90 TR appears as the "Kobus 90" and is unlocked at reputation level 36. It has one of the highest magazine sizes of any secondary, but only comes with two reserve magazines. When the Long Barrel mod is attached it resembles the PS90 TR, the civilian carbine version. As of the First Person Animations Update, the P90's magazine is now translucent and visibly empties as the gun is fired. While in a real P90 the ammo points towards the left, in game the rounds point towards the right; interestingly this seems to be an artistic decision (or just a goof) instead of related to using airsoft guns as references, as most airsoft P90s do have their dummy rounds pointing the right way.

The Kobus is a interesting gun, being useful both for stealth and loud. With high concealment and a few mods that benefit damage, the Kobus can be even more of a multi-tool SMG than the Compact-5, but suffers from low total ammo and reload speed.

FN P90 TR - 5.7x28mm
The Kobus in-game. Note that the rounds inside the magazine incorrectly point to the right instead of the left.
Also note that the selector is set to semi-auto.
Jimmy, high on cocaine, takes his P90 out for some sun-gazing.
Iron sights; these sights are reused for a number of other guns in the game.
Reloading begins with a swapped mag...
And ends with a quick tug on the charging handle.
FN PS90 - 5.7x28mm
The P90 fitted with the long barrel. It's not quite the same length as the PS90 and it has a standard P90 flash hider.


Preview of the two "Kobuses".
Aiming the P90s at some living dead.

Thompson M1928(*)

The Thompson M1928 with a 50-round "L" drum magazine was added in the December 3, 2014 patch and is unlocked at level 14 for members of the Payday 2 Steam group. Along with the P90, it has the highest magazine size of any SMG in the game, but its accuracy and damage are rather low without modifications. It is one of 3 select-fire guns (one of two secondaries, alongside the Glock 18) that cannot equip fire mode-locking mods.

The Thompson is a strange gun in-game, being cheap with good damage and large magazines. However the accuracy is atrocious, and little can be done to remedy that. The sights are cramped, and any sight modification is mounted very far from the shooter making it hard to see. Combine this with a slow reload and most players just opt for the other options.

M1928 Thompson - .45 ACP
The live round is visible in the drum.
The other side for good measure.
Dragan showing up the annual Payday Halloween party with his Thompson, going for that gangster look.
Sighting up a pumpkin, sadly not the sort carved with a submachine gun.
Having emptied the entire 50-round drum, Dragan forcefully yanks it out of the gun, seemingly having no grasp of the concept of a magazine release. He doesn't bother to retract the bolt either, which would keep the drum locked in place.
The drum removed, showing that it is correctly empty.
About to insert a new drum full of .45 ACP.
Cocking the weapon.
M1927 Thompson Auto-Ordnance with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
The M1928 fitted with the long barrel, giving it a similar appearance to the M1927 Auto-Ordnance Thompson. Also note the black furniture; this apparently stealth-increasing color gives a measly +1 in concealment (as much as a red dot sight takes away) but somehow reduces stability by 4 points. One can also go the full mile and remove the stock entirely for a woefully inaccurate, but compact Thompson.


Akimbo version without stocks.
Dual wielding the Chicago Typewriters.
Inspecting the two rather heavy Thompsons.

Thompson M1A1

An unusable Thompson M1A1 can be seen on display as part of Aldstone the butler's antique and heirloom collections in his quarters. Several are also seen in display cases in the McKendrick Museum's WW2-themed room found in the heist "The Diamond". This model is the same as in Raid: World War II, and shares nothing with the "Chicago Typewriter" available to heisters.

M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
The heister doesn't question how an old man smuggled these over from England.

Carl Gustav M/45B(**)

The Carl Gustav M/45B is available to owners of the "Armored Transport" DLC. Known as the "Swedish K", the in-game weapon is based on an early "B" model as evident by the elongated buffer cap hook and lack of Sweden's iconic green lacquer by default. It is incorrectly depicted as a closed-bolt weapon.

Another cheap Level 0 weapon, the M/45 is almost fun with its high damage, decent accuracy and good concealment with the folded stock. That being said it is a king of low reserve ammo (only starting with one mag) that knee caps its potential a tad.

Swedish K / Carl Gustav M/45B Submachine Gun - 9x19mm‎
More Swedish than an IKEA dining table with meatballs.
Despite the realistically-proportioned mag, these hold 40 rounds a pop instead of the correct 36.
From this angle the "early-B" model's elongated buffer cap hook is plainly visible. Note the low front grip stance, which is practically the same as asking the mag to drop off due to the M45's terribly unreliable magazine catch.
Iron sights, a bit cramped but typical for the 50's.
Reloading. Pulling out the empty mag.
A new magazine about to be loaded in.
Pulling the charging handle.

Modifying the Swedish K with the "Swedish Barrel", "Swedish Body" and "Ergo Grip" completes the look of a general-production M/45B.

Later model Carl Gustav M/45B with the stock folded - 9x19mm
Wolf with his Swedish K modified with the "Swedish Barrel", "Swedish Body", "Ergo Grip" (which is literally just the basic grip with a darker finish) "Extended Magazine" and "Folded Stock".


The dream of bored Swedish reservists made reality.
Wick questions the many steps in his career that made him consider dual wielding 1940s tube guns.
The guns are still depicted as closed-bolt weapons, no fun allowed..

Heckler & Koch MP7A1(**)

The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 appears as the "SpecOps", added as part of the "Gage Weapon Pack #01" DLC. It holds 20 rounds in its standard flush magazine and is fitted with a stubby TangoDown vertical grip attached to a Wilcox 6 o'clock rail interface in place of the factory folding grip.

The MP7 takes the Mark 10 approach to SMGs with high rate of fire and alright damage. Cheap cost, good stability and a unique suppressor that's better than the normal suppressors make it a desirable choice for fights that's offset by piddly accuracy and a small magazine size without upgrades.

Heckler & Koch MP7A1 - 4.6x30mm
In-game model. The MP7A1's worn tan finish and the TangoDown Stubby grip's brighter tan don't blend very well at all.
In-game model.
John Wick takes a walk around the safehouse with his new MP7A1.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Dropping out the mag.
Shoving in a new one.
Then hitting the bolt release with a slap. This wouldn't be the best way to engage it, rather one should flick it downwards with their trigger finger.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with 30-round magazine, H&K SD MP7 sound suppressor, and Aimpoint T1 Micro red dot sight - 4.6x30mm
The MP7A1 fitted with "The Professional's Choice Sight" (An Aimpoint T-1 Micro), "Unfolded Stock", "Suppressed Barrel", and the "Extended Mag" - the last is based on the MP7's 40-round magazine, but only holds 32 rounds.


Preview of two identical guns, down to wear marks and stickers.
Holding two "SpecOps" SMGs eqipped with laser aiming modules.
With the special operation going all kinds of wrong, John Wick aims his MP7s at a faraway sniper.

Sa vz. 61 Skorpion(**)

The Sa vz. 61 Skorpion appears as the "Cobra", as part of the "Hotline Miami" DLC.

Out of all the Hotline Miami DLC weapons, the Skorpion is the most spray and pray oriented. It has some fairly good stability and impressive concealment, but one of the lowest base damages in the game, as you'd expect for a .32 ACP submachine gun. But the mods for the gun allow it to be spun into a stealth SMG or a full-on battle SMG with ease, so long as you want to double or triple tap your enemies.

CZ vz. 61 E / Yugoslavian made M84 distinguishable by its black pistol grip - .32 ACP
Note the undermounted rail, which should clue players in that this was likely modeled after an airsoft replica. While there are similar rail mounts for the Skorpion, they are for the most part fixed to the barrel "neck" rather than the receiver itself.
The black grip can be swapped out for a rubber grip or the Czech original wood.
With time to kill, John takes his Skorpion out for a walk.
Iron sights, cramped but usable in close quarters.
Reloading. Pushing the mag release to pull out the magazine.
About to insert a new one.
Pulling the charging handle. Note that no bullet is visible in the chamber.
Sa vz. 61 Skorpion - .32 ACP
Fitting the "Wooden grip" to the vz. 61 makes it resemble the classic Czechoslovakian model.
John Wick channeling his inner mallninja with a decked out Skorpion. Seemingly, nobody had ever clued the Payday gang in that mounting a large scope directly on top of where hot brass shoots out from is a bad idea. Also note the "Extended" magazine. Somehow two magazines clamped together give the gun a 40 round capacity. How it feeds from both magazines isn't clear, but it might be black magic.


Previewing two "Cobras".
Inspecting two customized Skorpions.
"Aiming" the guns. It still isn't clear how the "extended magazines" are supposed to work.

Intratec TEC-9(**)

An Intratec TEC-9 modified to allow for fully-automatic firing appears as the "Blaster 9mm" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Hotline Miami" DLC. It holds 20 rounds by default and its Extended Magazine modification gives it a correct 32 rounds. The TEC-9 is the all-rounder SMG of the "Hotline Miami" DLC, with decent damage, fairly good stability combo'd with absolutely horrible accuracy that can't really be improved no matter what mods you run.

In-game, it operates in strange ways uncharacteristic of the real TEC-9, the weapon fires from a closed bolt, meaning that it could be based on the US-import KG-9 model. The KG-9 was forced to be converted to a closed-bolt firearm by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) before the weapon could be marketed in the United States. The closed bolt would make the full automatic conversion unfeasible, which is an intended feature of the forced redesign as to discourage users from illegally modifying their TEC-9s. It is also capable of selective-firing, which is a highly unusual trait, that few illegal gunsmiths would implement into a weapon when converting from semi to fully-automatic. This also suggest that the Blaster could be partially based on the Interdynamic MP9, the parent design of the TEC-9.

However, Payday 2 depicts several open-bolt firearms (the MAC-10, Uzi, AA-12, M/45) as firing from a closed bolt, so the TEC-9 having a closed-bolt in-game could (and probably is) simply a mistake made by whoever modeled the weapon. As for the select-fire capability, once again, either a mistake or the devs decided to add it for gameplay reasons and didn't care that it doesn't make sense, which would be feasible considering how little sense the game makes overall.

Intratec TEC-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Nine Millimeter go BANG! Note the relatively accurate markings to a real TEC-9.
Alongside what seems to be a ripped off UPC and tape on the grip, another allusion to a stolen and well worn example.
Dallas takes it back to Genuine for '89 with his TEC-9 in the vault.
Iron sights, as terrible as you expect for a TEC.
Reloading. Inserting a twenty round magazine.
Reloading. Continuing the debate above, a rather curious detail with the TEC-9 is that, in the reload animation, once the charging handle is pulled, the bolt doesn't move at all. This is probably a mistake. However, in the original reload animation, the character holds the TEC-9 at an angle when pulling the charging handle that makes this mistake rather obvious. This "mistake" was not fixed in the new animation for the weapon, despite it still being held at an angle that makes it very obvious.
However, while farming some Sniper kills in Hotline Miami Day 2, Sydney reloads her modified Blaster to find that the animation has actually been fixed! The bolt now properly opens on an empty reload, showing the chamber (and the bullet within it). Of course it snaps closed again owing to Payday 2 treating the TEC as a closed-bolt weapon, but hey, it's something.
Intratec AB-10 pistol in factory Black Finish - 9x19mm Parabellum. Note the absence of barrel threads.
The TEC-9 becomes a Intratec AB-10 if equipped with the "Short Barrel" modification.


Previewing two "Blasters".
Holding two TEC-9s.
The gang brandishing some ghetto blasters.

IMI Uzi(**)

The IMI Uzi appears as the "Uzi" (one of the few guns to be called by its actual name in-game) and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Hotline Miami" DLC. It holds 30 rounds in a 32-round magazine, but a more recent update increased it to a 40-round capacity for no explicable reason. Its charging handle is erroneously depicted as reciprocating when the gun is fired. The Uzi is the solid choice of the whole DLC lineup, with solid accuracy, stability and damage that is only capped by how expensive the gun is to buy.

IMI Uzi with buttstock extended - 9x19mm
Note the "K" foregrip. This is mounted by default.
Like many other open-bolt guns in PD2, the UZI is depicted as firing from a closed bolt.
John and his Uzi take a break outside and converse on the graphitti that adorns the wall outside the hideout.
Iron sights, clean and functional but dated.
Reloading. About to pull out the magazine.
In with a new one.
Just about to pull the charging handle.
IMI Uzi with detachable wood buttstock (late model with cheek cut out in comb) - 9x19mm
Fitting the weapon with the "Solid stock" mod gives it this late model wooden stock.
IMI Uzi with Sionics suppressor - 9x19mm
The UZI can also have its stock folded. Note the suppressor (called "Silent Death" in-game); it's similar but not quite the same as the Sionics Suppressor.


Previewing two Uzis with the K-grips. The HUD icon shows the stocks unfolded but that's not an option in-game.
Bathing the Uzis in some Texan sun. Note the incorrectly closed bolts.
Squinting at the unique SAINT Victor wielded by the new U.S. Marshal enemies. It's hard to determine its caliber since the magazine looks short but not as wide as the .308 version.

Sterling L2A3(**)

The Sterling L2A3 appears as the "Patchett L2A1" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Gage Historical Pack" DLC. It also holds an incorrect 20 bullets in the standard 34-round magazine. The name "Patchett" refers to the weapon's designer, George William Patchett, and the name of the weapon in its early development.

The Patchett's a very finicky gun to use in game, with stellar stability and a deep ammo pool pitted against piddly damage and really bad inaccuracy that really can't be modded out without significant effort. Even worse, the rate of fire is abysmally low, which makes even spraying for headshots dificult.

Sterling L2A3 (Mk.4) - 9x19mm
Fresh from Goose Green.
Note that this is one of the few weapons in-game properly depicted with an open bolt.
Wick admiring his collection of guns. As with most Sten models and derivatives in video games, the Sterling is held in the improper "Sten grip" position, which is even more jarring in the hands of the series' resident Brit, Hoxton...
...who promptly demonstrates, as he sights up the blueprint of a Pancor Jackhammer that Chains just happened to have for some reason.
If one empties the mag, the chamber will be properly shown as empty.
Reloading. About to pull out the magazine.
In with a new one.
Pulling back the bolt. Note that the bolt only goes locks forward at the beginning of the reload animation and not when the gun runs dry, as common in video games.
Sterling L34A1 (Mk.5), suppressed version of the Sterling L2A3 - 9x19mm
The "Suppressed Barrel" mod turns the L2A3 into the Sterling L34A1.
Replica of the BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle from the Star Wars franchise.
The L2A3 can be modified with a "Combat Sight", "Short Magazine", "Folded Stock" and "Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel" to make it look like the BlasTech E-11 Blaster from Star Wars.


Previewing two "Patchetts".
"Aiming" with the Sterlings doesn't bring the guns very close to each other due to the magazine placement.
The akimbo version is also correctly depicted as open-bolt.

Cobray M11/9(**)

The Cobray M11/9 appears as "Jacket's Piece" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Jacket Character Pack" DLC. It correctly holds 32 rounds.

The M11/9 is a weird alternative to a standard high-rate-of-fire SMG like the MAC-11 or the MP7, with a similar fast fire rate, good ammo pickup and decent damage. That being said there's little to be done with those classic Cobray sights (as, like the Thompson, any replacement is mounted far out on the front sight), and the reload is dreadfully slow.

SWD/Cobray M11/9 with folding stock - 9x19mm Parabellum
Note the aftermarket vertical foregrip in place of the barrel nut. The fire selector is set to "SMG", whatever that means.
Note that the open bolt is properly depicted as open.
Jacket holding his piece while bathing in the neon light.
Iron sights, cheap and somewhat effective.
Reloading. Pulling out the magazine with the heel mag-release.
Mashing in a new mag.
Then pulling the charging handle...
...revealing the chamber.
The M11/9 modified with a shoulder thing that goes up (or a "Slotted barrel extension" as the game calls it)
The M11/9 with the "Werbell's suppressor" and its unique skin modification, known as "80's Calling". The M11/9 is no longer the only weapon that can be modified with an alternate finish that isn't counted as a weapon "skin", for example the F2000 and the 3GL also have "receiver" modifications. Note the presence of Hotline Miami character Richard's face on the rear of the receiver.


Preview of the two Cobrays, both with the same aftermarket foregrips and both with the same partially extended stocks.
Gunning down some mercs defending a meth lab.
The bolts are still correctly depicted as open.

KRISS Vector(**)

The KRISS Vector was added with the "Gage Ninja Pack" DLC. It is marketed as the "Polygon SMG" in-universe and called "Kross Vertex" by the inventory screen. The weapon holds 30 rounds in the "25+"-round magazines.

The Vector is an amusingly powerful weapon in any heist with solid damage, accuracy and stability. However its really low concealment means that stealth is not worth using this for, plus the high rate of fire will chew through your ammo fast if you aren't careful.

TDI Vector Gen I with EOTech sight and extended magazine - .45 ACP
With how a lot of PD2's armaments follow current game trends, taking this long to add a Vector is impressive.
"Polygon SMG" can be seen on the receiver near the muzzle.
Sokol takes his Polygon SMG to look at the Polygon buildings.
Iron Sights, which appear to be based on Daniel Defense A1 BUIS.
Reloading. About to insert a new magazine.
Pressing the bolt release, or rather, the surface just underneath it.
TDI CRB/SO with barrel "safety extension" - .45 ACP
The Vector fitted with the "Precision barrel" giving it a similar appearance to the Vector CRB, which is the civilian semi-auto only variant.
The Vector's unique suppressor, called "HPS Suppressor" in-game. It was modeled after the Defiance HPS 4GSK .45ACP, an actual Kriss USA product for Vector models of this caliber. Note that the "S" in "HPS" is already short for "suppressor", so the in-game suffix is redundant.
Sydney reloading her Vector. Note that it no longer has a foregrip, it's still held as it has one however. Strangely, when fitting a "skin" to the gun, the foregrip will appear again. Why it disappears when no "skin" is used is unknown.
The Vector with the "Urban camo" finish, showing the foregrip. Also note the stock interface, which is a Kriss USA's proprietary Enhanced Stock Adapter that appears when the Vector's default stock is swapped out for a mod.


Preview of the dual Vectors.
Holding the two "Kross Vertices". (At least, that's what we'd assume the plural should be.)
Inspecting the guns.

IMI Micro Uzi(**)

The IMI Micro Uzi appears as the "Micro Uzi" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Yakuza Character Pack".

This occupies a similar slot to the other bullet hose SMGs, albeit with the fastest ROF in the SMG category and almost the fastest in the game bar the MG42 and Miniguns. It reloads nice and fast, is relatively stable and all around a decent option, should you get over the lack of sight mods and come to terms with lovely 90s irons.

IMI Micro Uzi with bent trigger guard - 9x19mm
The darling of 90s anime and TV.
Note that this gun is based on a military spec Micro Uzi with a 3 position selector lever.
Fresh in America, Jiro makes sure his Micro Uzi survived the FedEx shipping over.
Iron sights. Note how the gun is held at an angle.
Reloading. Inserting a magazine.
Yanking the charging handle.


Preview of the dual Micro Uzis.
Idle stance.
Inspecting the guns.

SR-2M Veresk

The SR-2M Veresk was added along with the Jimmy character from the free Hardcore Henry Packs DLC, with his voice and likeness given by Sharlto Copley from the movie Hardcore Henry. The weapon is called "Heather" ingame, which is the English translation of "Veresk". It's notably the first subgun that can be dual-wielded.

It has a slightly incorrect magazine capacity of 32 rounds instead of the real-world 30, likely because the stats, sans the rate of fire and stability, are a copy-and-paste of the Cobray M11/9 (Jacket's Piece). Same basic points, but now it's Das Vidanya.

SR-2M - 9x21mm
Here you can see the fire-selector is set to full-auto...
...and the safety is set to fire!
Jimmy and his Veresk wait in the laundromat for his suit to be dry cleaned.
Iron sights, replacements are highly reccomended.
Reloading. Removing the dry mag...
...inserting a new one...
...and pulling the charging handle. Note the coke stains on Jimmy's suit.
The SR-2 with its two unique mods, an extended stock (that mod has to be unlocked, it is however free to install once the player has one) and the Tishina suppressor. Tishina means silence in Russian, an apt name. It might look like it's clipping into the gun but it's actually supposed to fit that way.


PD2 SR2 akimbo left.jpg
PD2 SR2 akimbo holding.jpg
Reloading. Since the Veresk has an ambi mag-release, this is atleast somewhat conceivable.

Heckler & Koch UMP45(**)

The Heckler & Koch UMP45 was originally an NPC-exclusive weapon, being used by enemy factions such as the GenSec Elite SWAT and the Murkywater PMC enemies. It was eventually added as a player-usable weapon with the "John Wick Weapon Pack" alongside the P30L and Desert Tech SRS-A1. Named the "Jackal SMG", it is otherwise known in-universe as the "Schäfer & Gewehr AMP", made by the same company that created the Bootleg, Gewehr 3, and Contractor pistol.

Despite being ostensibly based on the .45 ACP model, the weapon's statistics and performance in the game are more akin to the UMP-40 variant, most notably the fire rate and 30-rounder magazine. It's chunky, fires faster than you think and works well enough as a medium damage/ROF side piece to more larger primaries.

Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP
PD2 UMP left.jpg
If the player squints hard enough, the ".45 ACP" engraving can be seen on the bolt, thus confirming that this indeed is a UMP45, unlike what its stats may have suggested. Also despite being apparently milspec, the weapon also bears the caution to read the user manual above the fire selector, a feature not present on military UMPs.
Wick admiring Sokol's hockey corner.
Iron sights.
After filling the goal with the wrong sort of projectile, Wick reloads the UMP45. First by pulling back the charging handle.
Removing the empty mag.
In with a new one.
And the slapping (or punching, rather) the bolt into battery.
Heckler & Koch USC - .45 ACP
It's possible to modify the UMP45 into the Heckler & Koch USC with the "Civilian Barrel" and "Civilian Stock". Add the "Short Magazine" (which holds 20 rounds instead of 10) and "Single Fire" mod for more "immersion". The impersonation is less than perfect as the USC stock is not integral to the gun's frame, plus the UMP's stock hinge, 3-point fire selector switch and gadget rails remain attached to the weapon.
Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP. This is a Screen used UMP45 fitted with a C-More red dot sight and Surefire M900 weaponlight foregrip as used on the films Iron Man (2008) and Live Free or Die Hard. A similar configuration, with the Surefire M900 replaced with a standard RIS foregrip, was used in XXX
The UMP decked out with a suppressor, "Twinkle Grip" (this makes it one of the two weapons currently in the game with a second vertical foregrip as a modification, the other being the Uzi) "Military Laser Module", "See More sight" and "Extended Magazine".
The GenSec Elite SWAT officer closest to the right side of the door holds a UMP45.
A dropped UMP wielded by a former Murkywater PMC.


Preview of the two "Jackals".
Holding two UMPs with folded stocks.
Of course, both guns have vertical grips.

PP-19 Bizon-2(**)

The PP-19 Bizon-2 was added with the "Gage Russian Weapon Pack" DLC. Named the "Tatonka" (Lakota for "bison") submachine gun in-game, it's cursed with Russian Weapon Pack disorder of having little mods to its name beyond the basics.

That being said, the Tatonka's very good. Sure it lacks total ammo and does frankly silly amounts of damage for a 9x18 SMG from the Yeltsin years but it's accurate, shelf stable and compact. Plus you have full Bizon mags. Only two to three of them but a full 64 round mag stock is lovely.

PP-19 Bizon-2 with side-folding stock - 9x18mm Makarov
PD2 PP19 left.jpg
PD2 PP19 right.jpg
Looking for trouble with the "Tatonka" SMG. The in-game name is actually a Native American word for "bison."
Iron sights of the PP-19.
Removing the helical mag on a customized Bizon.
Locking in another magazine.
Sokol chambering a round with his dominant hand.


Preview of the two "Tatonkas". Having no unique mods such as a folded stock, it is one of the few SMGs to keep its stock unfolded in akimbo mode.
Dominating an opponent with two Bizons.
Inspecting the guns.


The MP40 was added to the game in the free WWII Weapon Pack update alongside the M1 Garand and Luger P08. Known by its real name, the MP40 handles almost identically to the Swedish K, but has a very slightly faster reload animation. This is offset by its beastly recoil even when modified and a whopping total of two magazines to its name. It, like most open-bolt guns in the game, is incorrectly depicted firing from a closed-bolt.

The MP40's sole unique modification folds back its stock, which doesn't help at all with recoil control.

Unlocking the MP40 requires the player getting 50 kills with the Luger P08.

MP40 submachine gun - 9x19mm
Despite being proportioned after a real MP40 magazine, the in-game iteration stocks 40 rounds per box as opposed to the standard 32 (usually down-loaded to 30). This is a side effect of the MP40 being a near-identical clone of the Swedish K statistics-wise.
PD2 MP40 right.jpg
Taking a peek through the open ejection port shows the MP40's rather stunning lack of internal details. The magazine top and breech face are barely visible by rotating the weapon model as far as the game would allow.
Hoxton bringing his antique to the range.
Iron sights of the MP40.
Admiring the MP40's details with a strictly less-than-advisable low front grip. Hoxton would practically be asking for his magazine to fall out at this rate.
Ditto, right side.
Hoxton tops off his MP40 by a yank to the charging handle. The mag comes off shortly afterwards.
Out with the old and in with the new, Hoxton finishes the reload by slapping the bolt with his fist HK-style.


Preview of the dual MP40s.
The model is internally named "Erma", in defiance to the usual misnomer of "Schmeisser".
Inspecting the guns.

SIG-Sauer MPX(**)

The SIG-Sauer MPX was added to the game alongside the new character Joy as a timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch, before being added to the Steam version on Day 1 of operation ICEBREAKER. Known in-universe as the "Signature" SMG, it comes with provisions for alternative forends, stocks and magazines.

Fires relatively fast but not so fast you lose track of ammo, has a decent bit of mods to its name and was the first dual wield SMG so one could walk into a battle with three different MPX's on them should they desire. The Signature's as you'd expect for a tie-in promo gun.

SIG-Sauer MPX SBR (Gen 1) fitted with a KeyMod handguard - 9x19mm. It can be distinguished from the Gen 2 version by the different bolt carrier and dust cover, and the standard MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail. It is also typically seen with a non-ambidextrous charging handle.
The in-game version seems to make use of a collapsible stock, which gets removed when dual-wielding. Also note the tiny magazine, which holds 20 rounds in-game, a good 10 more than the box's length might suggest.
Note the Signature banner in place of the usual SIG logo. This is also present on the P226R.
Hoxton trying out his new SIG at the shooting range.
Looking through the very clear iron sights of the MPX.
Reloading the MPX is as straightforward as replacing the magazine...
...followed by a press on the bolt release.
Admiring the nicely-detailed left side of the MPX. And no, the stock stays on fully-opened unless removed, there simply is no option to collapse it back in.
Ditto, right side.


Modifying the Signature with the Short Foregrip produces a rough approximation of the MPX-K, albeit having a much more truncated front that lacks the subcompact model's finger guard.

SIG-Sauer MPX-K (Gen 1) with KeyMod handguard - 9x19mm
A valiant effort at replicating the looks of the kurz.
SIG-Sauer MPX-K (Gen 1) with KeyMod handguard and no stock - 9x19mm
The shortened version with the stock removed.


SIG-Sauer MPX Pistol (Gen 1) - 9x19mm
Previewing a pair of "Signatures".
Because one SIG is not enough, and two is too few, Hoxton elects to bring three MPXes to the shooting range.
Trying to aim properly with these is a lost cause...
Reloading the dual MPX is the same story as every other akimbo in the game.
After some magdumps, Hoxton takes some time to appreciate the finer details of his two SIGs.
Ditto, other sides.

PP-19-01 Vityaz(**)

The PP-19-01 Vityaz was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack" with akimbo option as "AK Gen 21 Tactical".

A slightly less powerful but much more versatile Tatonka, which is very on the nose given the Vityaz is a de-helical mag'd Bizon with mild improvements. More ammo, similar-ish damage, good ammo pool, the only thing this doesn't have going for it is not being able to take all of PD2's AK mods which is a stretch of a demerit.

PP-19-01 "Vityaz-SN" SB-20-01 - 9x19mm
Preview of the Vityaz.
Ditto, right side.
Houston holding the Vityaz while Wolf has a suppressed Beretta contrasting with his vocal nature.
Admiring the left side...
...and the right side, noting the selector on full auto and mentally preparing for some completely normal heisting.
High on Cloaker Cocaine, Houston reloads his Vityaz with a full magazine.
Chambering a round.
The Vityaz takes all AK grips except the original default ones (and, by extension, the AK-12 grip), has a stock stub option, and two barrel mods. One of the latter gives the Vityaz the appearance of a civilian Saiga-9, while the other is based on a MPI-Vityaz flash/spark suppressor and is treated as an integral silencer in-game.


Curiously, the Vityaz keeps its unfolded stock and even accepts the stub as a modification in akimbo mode.
Holding two "AK Gen 21 Tactical" submachine guns.
Ispecting the vityazi.

Minebea M-9(**)

The Minebea M-9 with its front grip removed was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2" with akimbo option as "Miyaka 10 Special".

Filled with angry bees, the Miyaka is a Micro Uzi/Mark 10 fusion. For one, high rate of fire, decent damage and good enough concealment to keep it as a good gun even if you did accidently alert the authorities. On the other hand it fires so fast it eats the magazines up in seconds and it lacks any accuracy whatsoever. So y'know, what you'd expect from a M-9.

Minebea M-9 (Current Model) - 9x19mm Parabellum
First prototype of the Minebea M-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum. Image demonstrating the removed grip.
Preview of the Minebea M-9.
Ditto, right side. Just like the Micro Uzi it shares animations with, it is treated as a closed-bolt firearm - incorrect, in the Minebea's case.
Jiro holding the Minebea M-9 while Duke is arguably brandishing a somewhat out-of-character weapon.
Jiro admiring someone who speaks the same language as him.
And notes the bolt being closed, but does nothing about it.
Replacing an empty 25-round magazine with another empty 25-round magazine. Unfortunately, there is no option to swap it for the other Uzis' 32-rounders.
The complete copy of the Micro Uzi's animations warrant some clipping considering the differently shaped charging handle.
Minebea's unique modifications include a stock, a speed mag, and a shorter threaded barrel. Both barrels can only mount three base game suppressors, not even Micro Uzi ones. Being a rather small machine pistol, it shares the gadget pool with pistols which are mounted onto a rail that replaces the front grip, and only gets a small selection of compact sights.


Preview of the dual PM-9s. Now both guns lack the front grips they were supposed to have.
Dual wielding "Miyakas".
They're still depicted as closed-bolt, unfortunately.

Magpul FDC-9(**)

The new semi-auto carbine version of the Magpul FMG-9, the FDC-9, was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4" as "Wasp-DS". Unlike the real FDC-9 (and like the FMG-9 it descended from), the Wasp-DS is fully-automatic; firing at 1333 rounds a minute, it takes the crown of the the highest unmodded rate of fire in the game, being beaten only by the CZ-75 and Beretta 93R with the 50% ROF boost from the Aced "Gun Nut" skill. The weapon's blazing rate of fire is tempered by the complete lack of ability to use optics and a painfully long draw/holster animation that discourages the user from switching to a primary.

Magpul FDC-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Preview of the "Wasp-DS". While called "fmg9" in the game files, it is actually modeled after the upcoming FDC-9 as noted by the additional rail on the carrying handle, lack of front grip besides the hand stop, less square trigger guard, and different magazine profile.
Ditto, right side.
The FDC-9 mounts only a small selection of pistol gadgets, which unfortunately excludes the Polymer Flashlight seen on almost all FMG photos including the one above.
Deploying animation.
The gun is unfolded seemingly by a simple flick of the wrist.
Idle stance.
The holstering animation takes even longer.
When using throwables, the animation is sped several times up to the point of looking ridiculous.
Inspecting the new Magpul product.
Inspecting the right side. A Glock slide is visible.
Due to the nature of the FDC-9's animations, you're stuck with this sight picture.
Empty reload begins with a dramatic flick of the empty magazine to the side.
Reloading this weapon involves actions with loaded magazines.
Finishing with taking a sweet time to pull the charging handle. The slide appears to be immobile through all of this.
Tactical reload begins with a manual removal of the magazine.
To compensate for it not looking cool enough, the new magazine is then thrown into the air...
...to be caught and smacked into the gun. The animation is actually long enough for the player to be able to fire before it's even finished.

Assault Rifles / Battle Rifles

This section includes most of the weapons categorized as "assault rifles" by the game; the rest can be found in the carbine section.


The AKS-74 is the second primary weapon unlocked, at reputation level 1. It's simply called the AK Rifle and holds 30 rounds. Given its early unlock point, the AK is a fairly all-rounder weapon. It has better damage than the AMCAR with only lower stability as a real negative. Once you level up, the AK remains a solid rifle for loud heists, so long as you have the mod packs to keep it up to date.

The in-game model is depicted with a smooth top cover rather than a ribbed one. Additionally, while the weapon does have the folding stock's button at the rear of the receiver, it has some characteristics of a fixed-stock AK-74, namely the lack of a latch on the receiver's left side (for keeping the stock folded), and the presence of only two rivets at the rear as opposed to three.

AKS-74 - 5.45x39mm
Fun fact, the AKS-74 is the only AK to get bakelite mags in-game.
PD2 AKS74 right.jpg
A nice sunny day and a nice shiny AK.
Iron sights what you'd expect from an AK.
Reloading. Rocking in a new mag...
...then pulling the charging handle. One can make out a round in the chamber.
AK-74 - 5.45x39mm
Fitting the "Classic Stock" from The "Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack" turns the rifle into a regular AK-74. This effectively fits with the receiver's characteristics mentioned above (no latch on the left and only two rear rivets at the rear).
Unusable solid stocked AK-74s with wood pistol grips and metal magazines can be found as loot called "Assault Rifles" They always come in twos and the models are noticeably higher quality than the in-game model.

Steyr AUG A2

The Steyr AUG A2 becomes available to players at reputation level 8 and is named the "UAR" (presumably short for Universal Army Rifle, the English translation of Armee Universal Gewehr, or AUG). It holds 30 rounds and is rather accurate and powerful. It can be fitted with a railed fore end to make it resemble an AUG A3, but the rifle lacks the third gen's bolt release. Oddly, instead of its built-in folding foregrip, it has a section of rail added to the hinge where a TROY vertical grip is mounted.

The UAR works. That's the gimmick. For basegame players, this gun is a boringly reliable full auto rifle with more damage output than the CAR or AK with good stability and accuracy hindered by being so middling. You can't really complain since it works well enough but once you get access to funner stuff, the UAR fades out in favor of silly primaries.

Steyr AUG A2 (Military Version) - 5.56x45mm
The AUG in all of its Austrian glory. The proprietary Steyr mag was actually introduced via an update. The AUG previously came with yellow PMAGs, which the real deal couldn't use.
Sadly there are no foregrip mods that let you swap out the drab stock grip.
Sokol enjoying the Maryland sun with his AUG.
Iron sights, these are the same sights used on the Kobus 90, the Marksman mod for the Deagle and Crosskill and other guns.
Reloading. Note the bullets are actually modeled inside the magazine!

Thales F90

As of Update 61, the Raptor Polymer Body was added as a mod for the weapon, giving it the appearance of the Thales F90 and a slight overall stat boost that still keep it a mediocre rifle in comparison to others.

Thales F90 - 5.56x45mm
Slapping the "Raptor Polymer Body" onto the AUG makes it sorta resemble the Thales F90, it lacks the bolt release however.


The AKMS appears as the AK.762 and is unlocked at reputation level 16. A golden version of this weapon with diamond plating on the wooden handguard was released as a community reward, though is more expensive and has a lower concealment stat with no other differences. It can become a AKM if the "Classic Stock" from The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack is equipped.

What was once the high damage assault rifle option that made you keep in mind you only were able to stuff three spare mags on your heister is now a boring albeit effective weapon for someone latched to Fully Loaded. Powerful, accurate, relatively stable especially when modded and most importantly, allowing you to roll out like Jean Baptise with the gold version if you want.

AKMS, stamped steel receiver w/ slant muzzle brake and under-folding stock - 7.62x39mm
PD2 AKMS left.jpg
As with the AKS-74, the AKMS is depicted with only two rivets at the rear of the receiver (like a fixed-stock AKM), but here at least the top cover is correctly ribbed.
PD2 AKMS holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Rocking in a new magazine.
Racking the charging handle. A round can be seen in the chamber if one looks closely enough.
The Gold AKMS in all its fugly glory.
AIMR - 7.62x39mm. The original Romanian designation for this rifle is the PM md. 90 cu țeavă scurtă (short barreled).
Fitting the "AK Slavic Dragon Barrel" to the AKMS allows it to impersonate the Romanian AIMR
AKM - 7.62x39mm
The AKM fitted with the "Classic stock" giving it that classic look.
The Russian mercs in the Boiling Point heist use AKMs with solid stocks as their weapon. They were the only enemies to use AKMs initially, but eventually enemies such as the Hotline Miami gangsters, cartel members, gang members and AI companions started using them too.
The AI Houston using an AKM.

M14 Designated Marksman Rifle

An M14 Designated Marksman Rifle with a McMillan M2A stock and a short 16" barrel appears as the "M308" as in the first Payday. It is set to semi-auto by default but can be switched to full-auto and holds 10 rounds in a 20-round magazine. Prior to the first Gage Weapon Pack release, it was semi-automatic only, making it the only assault rifle to have the mode; as of then, it is now one of only two weapons with multiple fire modes that defaults to semi-auto, the other being the much-later-added HK417. The weapon can be modified with a JAE 100 G3 stock or a Sage EBR Chassis, the later makes it resemble a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR.

Before anyone had ever considered sniper rifles an option for PAYDAY, the M308 was go-to for the team marksman with dependable power and accuracy well into extended ranges. Even now, it's still a useful rifle in the right hands, so long as you remember how little ammo you actually have, and that the full auto switch does work.

M14 Designated Marksman Rifle in a McMillan M2A stock - 7.62x51mm NATO
M14 with Sage stock and scope - 7.62x51mm NATO
Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 PD2 left.jpg
Note fire-selector below the rear sight.
PD2 M14 holding.jpg
Iron Sights.
Reloading. About to remove the magazine.
About to insert a fresh mag.
Hitting the bolt-release, a very rare sight with M14-style rifles in video-games. Note that the bolt is just about to lock into battery.
The M14 DMR in a JAE 100 G3 stock...
...and here in a Sage EBR Chassis.
In the "Butcher Mod Pack" update, a scope mount was added for the M14. Without the mount, any optics will be mounted further forward, on the rifle's existing 12-o-clock rail.

Ruger Mini-14 F

Attaching the "B-Team Stock" that came with the "Fugitive Weapon Pack" transforms the M14 into an approximation of the Ruger Mini-14 F, albeit with a chopped barrel and a front sight block built directly into the front of the stock. It also retains the M14's 7.62x51mm chambering and magazines, as well as its selective-fire operation, which Ruger don't offer on their Mini-14s.

The attachment's name is a reference to The A-Team, whose protagonists made frequent use of folding-stocked Mini-14s.

Stainless steel Ruger Mini-14 F with folding stock and 30-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATO
Inventory preview of the not-so-miniature Mini-14. Note the overly-squarish stock which doesn't quite resemble the real thing.

Bofors Ak 5

The whole Bofors Ak 5 family appears as the "AK5", all packed inside one gun's upgrade selection. Its accuracy and recoil are solid from the start, but the low damage needs help to reach its best. Unlocked at level 33.

Bofors Ak 5 - 5.56x45mm.
The stock model.

Ak 5B

Sticking on the "Bertil Stock" from the designated marksman model turns the AK5 into an ersatz Bofors Ak 5B.

This DMR stock is enough to boost shot accuracy. The stock foregrip doesn't get rails, the components just sort of clamp on.

Ak 5C

The modernized Ak 5C comes together by replacing almost everything that comes off the receiver.

Bofors Ak 5 - 5.56x45mm.
The true form of the rifle gains a leap to all important stats with the addition of the "Caesar" stock, "Karbin Ceres" foregrip and the recently introduced "CQB Barrel", decorated here with a yellow laser module and a Lancer L5 magazine. The resemblance is far from perfect, however, due to the lack of the Ak 5C's railed top and duckbill flash hider, and the complete absence of vent holes on the foregrip.
The sight picture is the western type, but the extra lateral vision is a welcome change from the AR-15 fashion.
More targets means more bullets. The real-life foregrip's venting holes are nowhere to be seen.
The first-person animation update introduced this baffling maneuver - Chains here is strong enough to tug back the charging handle, with one finger, even when he's twisting his left arm through the gap between the stock and his right hand.
The reload animation has since been updated to be more conventional.
Chambering a round.


The "Belgian Heat" handguard is cribbed straight off the FN FNC in a direct reference to Lt. Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino) from the movie Heat.

FN FNC - 5.56x45mm
This unusual upgrade is a shunned choice. It helps less than the 5C handguard in every way.
The ghetto-FNC showing off a modeling bug. The Tactical and Expert magazines are misaligned and oversized for the magazine well, clipping through the front. This has since been patched.
Looks like he's seen the film. The front sight is more reminiscent of the AR-15 types, very legible.
An empty magazine coming off the Bofors FNC. The voided barcode sticker is numbered "1KTG40885".
Another shot of the Ak 5's cocking acrobatics, showing off the clashing difference between the black handguard and the Swedish green lacquer.

Colt Model 901

An "M16A3" (also known as the Colt Model 901), the safe/semi/auto variant of the M16A4 with a shorter 18" barrel appears as the "AMR-16" and is unlocked at reputation level 39. It incorrectly holds 30 rounds in a 20-round magazine. It can be equipped with an M16A1 handguard with the Blast From The Past modification. Unlike the other AR-15 type rifles, the M16's gas block and front sight disappear when using optics.

One of the last weapons you can unlock from the original release's arsenal, the AMR is another rifle you need to keep on top of to use right. Not that it's bad, far from it, similar damage output to the AKMS but with a higher rate of fire, more stability and more interesting mods like the DMR kit that allow this to go full sniper rifle if you want to. But it still hits its own low ammo pool constantly, and you need to keep track of ammo so you're not stuck with one mag every 10 minutes.

Colt Model 901 - 5.56x45mm
The magazine is modeled after a 20 round mag but somehow it holds 30 rounds. For some reason, the various upgrade magazines hold 34 or 38 rounds in a 30-round mag. A 60-round quad stack and 30-round "Speed Pull Magazine" for faster reloads are also available.
PD2 M16 right.jpg
Having arrived in America, Dragan and his AMR enjoy the sights of intercity DC.
Iron sights, relatively efficient.
Reloading. Inserting a new magazine.
Then pulling the charging handle.


The FN SCAR-H appears as the "Eagle Heavy Rifle" and is available to purchase for owners of the Gage Weapon Pack #1 DLC. The weapon was referred as "MK17 MOD 0" through model inscription. It holds 20 rounds and is a powerful weapon. A version with a FN SSR stock is used by some Murkywater PMC enemies.

The Eagle is for someone who really, really dislikes high health enemies like the Bulldozer. While at first you might want to run this as a DMR given its decent accuracy and mediocre stability, the Eagle Heavy can be very effective in full auto as a rifle for dropping any manner of big enemy so long as you keep stocked up on ammo.

FN SCAR-H - 7.62x51mm NATO
Note the Magpul AFG, it is on the weapon by default and cannot be removed. Note the inscription "MK17 MOD 0 CAL 7.62MM".
SCAR-H PD2 right.jpg
SCAR-H PD2 idle.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. About to insert a magazine. The lack of feed lips is all too obvious in this frame.
Pulling the charging handle to chamber a new round. Seemingly, this SCAR-H has a broken bolt catch since the bolt does not lock back when the gun runs dry. Rather oddly, the original reload was correct, as it uses the bolt release to chamber, until Update #65 released this new animation that seemingly "broke" the rifle.
The SCAR-H used by the Murkywater PMCs. Note the AN/PEQ-15 IR designator on top of the front-rail.

Modified Version

Modified version with FN SSR stock, EOTech XPS, Command Arms pistol grip, and AN/PEQ-15 IR designator.

DSA SA58 FAL(**)

A DSA SA58 FAL fitted with a DSA bolt-on railed scope mount and a paratrooper rear sight appears as the "Falcon Rifle" and is available to purchase for owners of the Big Bank DLC. It holds 20 rounds and is a very flexible weapon.

In comparison to the other two major battle rifles, the Falcon just kind of sits weird. It has the same overall stats as both the Gewehr and the Eagle and only beats either with the ability to have more mods plus 40 round magazines. It makes it pretty rare for you to see a Falcon anymore in regular usage.

DSA SA58 with 18" barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
Besides the DSA bolt-on railed scope mount and the eared paratrooper rear sight, it matches the above image to a T. Although difficult to spot in this screenshot, the receiver texture claims this weapon is chambered in .308 Winchester, a caliber that the original FAL cannot support while the SA58 can by using a proprietary receiver. Also note the fire selector being set to "Einzelfeuer" (single-fire), but the weapon still fires fully-automatic by default.
Note the DSA bolt with "sand cuts". The line "BARRINGTON, IL" milled onto its side is an obvious reference to the Barrington, Illinois-based DSA Arms.
PD2 FAL holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Rocking in a new magazine...
...then finishes by racking the charging handle.
DSA SA58 OSW - 7.62x51mm NATO
A DSA SA58 OSW can be replicated by equipping the "CQB Foregrip", "Tactical Grip", and "CQB Stock" modifications. An Extended Mag is optional, but will further improve the look, though this 30-round magazine somehow holds 40 rounds.
Israeli FAL "Romat" with Wooden Furniture - 7.62x51mm NATO.
Attaching the "Retro Foregrip" and "Wooden Stock" to the SA58 allows it to impersonate the IMI Romat.

FAMAS F1(**)

The FAMAS F1 appears as the "Clarion Rifle" (a probable reference to the weapon's name in Counter-Strike) and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Gage Assault Pack" DLC. It incorrectly holds 30 rounds in a 25-round magazine. It features unique modifications based on other, often obscure variations of the weapon; alongside the "G2 Grip" to turn it into the FAMAS G1, it also gets alternate barrels based on those of the G2 Commando, the G2 Sniper, and the Century Arms MAS .223 civilian rifle.

The Clarion's a deceiving gun - at first, you think it's a normal assault rifle that operates like any other; once you actually use it, however, you'll quickly discover that it's a fast-firing bullet hose with tiny mags and good concealment, making it ideal for stealth and meh at everything else.

FAMAS F1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
The left side of the FAMAS F1...
...and the right side.
John Wick with a FAMAS in the safehouse's driveway.
Payday 2's FAMAS is one of the few video game depictions of a FAMAS that actually uses its original iron sights instead of a rail mounted set.
Reloading. Throwing away the empty mag.
Inserting a new one.
Pulling the charging handle.
FAMAS G1 - 5.56x45mm NATO. Older intermediate version of the G2 with magazine and magazine release system from the FAMAS F1.
If fitted with the "G2 Grip" (originally called "Retro Grip" before a patch, even though the G1 and G2 are newer models than the F1), the F1 turns into a G1 model.

IMI Galil ARM 7.62(**)

The 7.62mm variants of the IMI Galil ARM appears as the "Gecko 7.62" rifle and is available to purchase for owners of the "Gage Assault Pack" DLC. It incorrectly holds 35 rounds in the 25-round magazine (Update 210 increase this from 30 to 35, possibly due to confusing the 5.56 and 7.62 version) and has a much higher RoF than actual ARMs.

The fact that this thing has been reworked about 5 to 6 times tells you what you need to know. The Gecko's an oddball. Weirdly specific mods that don't really compliment a build beyond shooting it wildly, decent damage, unbridled effective hipfire accuracy and enough ammo pickups that keep you alive longer than you'd think. That doesn't really solve how weird this thing is but it is trying.

IMI Galil ARM - 7.62x51mm NATO
Note that the bipod can't be used, it's purely cosmetic.
PD2 Galil right.jpg
PD2 Galil holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Removing the magazine, since it's not dry there's still bullets in it, or rather, a bullet.
Rocking in a new mag.... with one bullet.
IMI Galil SAR - 7.62x51mm NATO
It's possible to turn the ARM into a Galil SAR if fitted with the "Light Foregrip".
IMI Galil MAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
If one modifies the ARM with the "CQB foregrip and "Skeletal stock" it turns into a Galil MAR lookalike.
Galil Sniper - 7.62x51mm NATO
The "Sniper Foregrip" and "Sniper Stock" turns the ARM into the Galil Sniper Rifle.

Heckler & Koch G3A3(**)

The Heckler & Koch G3A3 with a Heckler & Koch HK21 machine gun's stock appears as the "Gewehr 3 Rifle" (a rather redundant name, as "Gewehr" means "rifle", making this the "Rifle 3 Rifle"), and is available to purchase for owners of the "Gage Assault Pack" DLC. It holds 20 rounds in the magazine.

While in standard form the Gewehr is a decent battle rifle with high-ish damage, a good ROF and comparable to its stable mates of the Eagle Heavy or Falcon. The mods spin this into some interesting departments. The Assault barrel makes this into a slightly less powerful but more interesting close range bruiser, with a deep ammo pool to work with. The DMR kit makes it a very effective helmet popper that can hit the 100 Accuracy statistic without much of a sweat. Pick your flavor.

Heckler & Koch G3A3 with Navy trigger-group - 7.62x51mm NATO
The markings to the left of the fire selector read "Dies ist das beste Scharfschützengewehr. Ja, das ist es. Keine fragen, mach es einfach. BEEILEN", which roughly translates to "This is the best sniper rifle. Yes, it is. No questions, just do it. HURRY".
Note the G3A3A1-style ambidextrous fire selector. A real G3A3 (see above picture) is designed for right-handed shooters only.
PD2 G3 holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Removing the empty mag...
...about to insert a full one...
...and chambering a round. This entire reload animation was later replaced by one where the magazine release is used to flick the empty magazine out to the right, followed by a much less dramatic insertion of a new magazine and chambering a round.
Early Heckler & Koch G3 rifle with wooden handguard and buttstock - 7.62x51mm NATO
Fitting the G3 with the "Wooden foregrip", "Wooden stock" and "Retro grip" will give it an appearance similar to the CETME rifles. Note the fancy (and entirely cosmetic) sling.
Heckler & Koch G3A3 with slimline handguard. This example is equipped with Olive-Drab colored furniture; H&K also produced this furniture in Black and "Jungle"-Green (referred to as "Police Green" in German circles). Saudi Arabia would also produce G3A3 rifles with light tan furniture - 7.62x51mm NATO
With the "Plastic foregrip" and "Retro grip" the G3 looks like the version above.
Heckler & Koch PSG-1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
The G3A3 modified to look like a PSG-1, with a "DMR Kit", "Precision Foregrip", "Precision Grip", and a "Precision Stock".
It's not quite a PSG-1 however...
Unlike a real PSG-1, this gun has S-E-F fire selector, a PSG-1 is semi-auto only and has a 0-1 selector. The PSG doesn't have any paddle magazine release or iron sights either.
Additionally, the fire selector on a PSG-1 isn't ambidextrous and was a forward assist/"silent bolt close divice", something not present on this mock-up.
The gun is more of a strange hybrid between the the SG-1...(S-E-F fire-selector, paddle magazine release, iron sights)
...SR9(TC)...(grip, trigger, stock)
...and MSG90A1(ambidextrous fire-selector, forward assist, handguard)
The new rifle used by the Police Snipers. Note that it has the "Theia Magnified Scope" installed. This scope can only be used by the player on weapons categorized as sniper rifles, which the G3A3 is not.
Left side of the rifle.

Enfield L85A2(**)

The Enfield L85A2 was released in the Clover Character Pack as the first paid DLC signature weapon. Known in-universe as the "L-95" and referred to as the "Queen's Wrath" by the inventory screen, the L85A2 comes with a Grippod vertical grip and optional Magpul EMAG that, despite the virtually unchanged dimensions compared to its default STANAG mag, seems to confer a sizable boost to capacity and, bizarrely, recoil reduction.

With a large ammo pool, decent damage and stability and mods that actually make the rifle better, the L85's main problem is the fact that no one ever really bought the Clover DLC and subsequently never use it.

L85A2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A small clover sticker along with several tally marks can be made out if the player squints hard enough. Apparently the rifle had claimed 38 lives prior to Clover joining the gang, after which she for some reason decided to drop the habit entirely. It's probably for the best anyway, however, due to the massive number of cops the player ventilate each day the tally counts would literally go through the roof.
Note the zipped-on bottom and right rails. This is due to the L85 series' "flush" handguards not providing any attachment points for aftermarket accessories to mount on.
Clover in her office with her favorite rifle.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Slapping the mag release, which probably wouldn't work very well.
About to mash in a STANAG mag.
Then pulling the charging handle. Like in many games, the bolt isn't depicted as locking back once the gun is dry.
The L85 is one of the few weapons in-game to have a completely different animation for reloading with a partially spent magazine. Instead of simply dropping the mag, it's removed by hand and presumably kept, which is wise.
L85A2 with magazine removed, Daniel Defense railed foregrip, ACOG scope, Grippod vertical foregrip, and Surefire FHSA80SA flash hider - 5.56x45mm NATO
One can deck out the L85A2 with the distinctive Daniel Defense rail for more tacticool. Also note the ACOG scope, called "Acough Optic Scope" in-game, and the Magpul EMAG, the latter was added along with this rifle and can be used with all rifles in-game that use STANAG magazines.

HS Produkt VHS-D2(**)

The HS Produkt VHS-D2 was released as part of the "Dragan Character Pack" DLC, much like the L85A2 was part of Clover's DLC. It is known in-game as the "Lion's Roar".

The Lion's Roar is one of the best automatic rifles in the game, with great DPS, good handling, and great ammo pickup.

HS Produkt VHS-D2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
PD2 VHS left.jpg
Note that the VHS-D2 is strangely a closed bolt weapon depicted as firing from an open bolt.
Dragan in the gym with the rifle of his homeland.
Iron sights. These bears some resemblance with the G36's iron sights.
Reloading. Pulling out the magazine.
A new magazine about to be loaded in. Here Dragan's VHS-D2 is shown to be using a real-but-relatively-obscure type of proprietary magazine. The VHS 2 series can accept G36 magazines in reality and are more commonly seen using them instead.
Pulling the charging handle.
HS Produkt VHS-K2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
With the "CQB Barrel" installed, the rifle resembles the K2 variant of the VHS.

AS Val(**)

The AS Val was added with the Sokol Character Pack. It's called "Valkyria" in-game and holds 20 rounds of 9x39mm in the magazine.

Low recoil, good concealment, a high ammo pool and more, the Valkyria's only faults are very little mods outside of standard ones and a low overall damage.

AS Val - 9x39mm
PD2 AS Val left.jpg
PD2 AS Val right.jpg
Sokol admiring his hockey stick.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Removing the empty.
Rocking in a new one.
Pulling the charging handle with an underhand technique.
The AS Val fitted with the "Prototype barrel" mod.
VSS Vintorez with PSO-1 scope - 9x39mm
Fitting the AS Val with the "Solid stock" turns it into a VSS Vintorez.
A VSS Vintorez in Chains' armory.
The VSS Vintorez used by the Russian Cloakers in the Boiling Point heist. At the time of the heist's release, they used AKMSUs.

CZ 805 BREN A1(**)

The CZ 805 BREN A1 was added with the Biker Heist Packs and called the "CR 805B" in-game. It's strangely treated as an SMG by the game and is therefore a secondary weapon, which is even more egregious than the similarly-categorized Olympic Arms K23B and AKMSU as it is a legitimate full-length assault rifle in reality. It's fitted with a non-removable Magpul MVG foregrip. It has a factory gray and black two-tone finish and is fitted with a STANAG magwell (which can also be a factory option). It can be given a shorter barrel that turns the rifle into an A2 model.

And being an assault rifle, the 805 is stupid effective as an SMG with high damage, rate of fire and accuracy only tempered by the same 3 mag problem that plagued the Krinkov and many others. but it's in a slot that you shouldn't arguably have it in.

CZ 805 BREN A1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
CZ 805 BREN A1 with tan upper receiver - 5.56x45mm NATO, To show the CZ made STANAG magwell.
PD2 805BREN left.jpg
PD2 805BREN right.jpg
PD2 805BREN holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Jiro begins with checking the chamber, which is empty.
Flicking out the magazine in a very dramatic way before inserting a new one...
...and then he takes his sweet time to chamber a round.


Being classified as a submachine gun, it also gets to be a primary weapon when paired.
Having long forgotten the definition of sensible armament, John Wick dual wields BRENs.
Inspecting the two assault rifles. The bolts are locked back due to a somewhat common glitch.
Inspecting the other side, this time with bolts correctly being forward.

Heckler & Koch HK417(**)

The Heckler & Koch HK417 was added to the game as part the "Scarface Character Pack" DLC. Known in-universe as the "Little Friend 7.62 Assault Rifle" or "Schäfer & Gewehr SG-417D", it strangely sports an AR-15-esque solid stock instead of the proper one for the HK417, and a usable underslung M203 grenade launcher. The weapon is notable for not having any unique modifications to its name whatsoever. It's not even possible to switch out the grip or stock.

It is also only one of two weapons in the game with multiple firing modes to default to semi-auto rather than full-auto, the other being the above M14. And like the M14 it does tons of damage making it a diet DMR with a grenade launcher function fused to it.

Heckler & Koch HK417 with sights removed and 16" barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
Left side preview of the HK417. Note the markings that confirm its caliber. While it is not uncommon for battle rifles to be classified as assault rifles in PAYDAY 2, the 417 hikes this up to eleven by having the explicit term right in its (rather long) name, caps and all, which it is not, by any stretch. Note the 30 on the full auto marking, which is not only wrong as the gun only holds 20 rounds in the mag, but on the real rifle it's marked 20. Lastly, the magazine is oddly solid despite several other weapons having their proper transparent magazines modeled and rendered.
Right side. For whatever reason, this incarnation of the "Little Friend" is a German-made battle rifle instead of Tony's classic M16, though it was clearly dolled up to pass for one as evident by the AR-15-esque solid stock. Overkill's decision to make it the HK417 instead could possibly be due to the fact that there already is an M16 in the game; adding another one would be redundant. The underslung M203 can be switched to the same way one would engage the bipods on an LMG.
Scarface introducing the target dummy to his "little friend". The fire mode is by default set to semi but can be flicked to auto, a trait only shared with the M14.
Iron sights. These are the same ones found on Sydney's HK416C.
Reloading. Scarface pulling out the spent mag.
Clicking a new one in.
Then finishes with a firm press on the bolt release accompanied with a very weak sound effect.
RM Equipment M203PI - 40x46mm.
Attached to the Scarface Pack's HK417 is the M203 grenade launcher, effectively forming a two-in-one combo with the launcher also doubling as the 417's unique "attachment" that cannot be removed. Rather strangely, the in-game M203 sports both a barrel clamp and rail mount brackets. Here Scarface is readying the HK417-mounted M203 upon a dangerously close dummy. Upon switching to launcher mode the player character will actually move his/her hand down to the M203's trigger.
Reloading. Opening the breech. Here's a frame away from the empty shell falling out.
Loading in a new grenade.
Then sliding the breech shut and the M203 is almost ready to fire again.


The 2016 iteration of the AK-12 was added with the "Gage Russian Weapon Pack" DLC, under the name "AK17", although the model kept the inscription "6П70 (6P70) 5.45x39", which is the GRAU index for AK-12. It holds 35 rounds by default, and can accept the other AK magazine mods (the Low Drag US PALM magazine gives it a similar appearance to the AK-15 variant).

And while the Grom and Tatonka give some substance to the pack, the AK-12 is a mediocre upgrade to the AKMS with less mods thus making it forgotten in the grand scheme of things.

AK-12 with Krechet-M sight - 5.45x39mm, 2016 version
Despite dealing the same damage as a 7.62x39mm AKM, the waffle-pattern magazine shows that this indeed is not an AK-15, which would have a smooth magazine. To drive this further home, the stamping on the top cover above the mag well confirms that this is the 5.45x39mm model.
PD2 AK12 right.jpg
AK-12 in hand, Wolf watches a GenSec armored car crew have a very bad day.
Returning fire with the AK-12 on the PMC convoy.
Reloading the AK-12.
Rocking in a new magazine.
Followed by an underhand tug of the charging handle, if needed.
John Wick bashes another character (armed with a scoped SG 552) with his AK-12.
AK-12 prototype - 5.45x39mm, early 2012 model
The new Midland Ranch heist has the Payday gang steal (and even assemble some) brand new prototype rifles. While the rifles assembled are the black "AK17"s, the blueprint texture shows the early Zlobin prototype instead as noted by the stock design and the front sight among all the other things.

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand was added to the game in the free WWII Weapon Pack update alongside the Luger P08 and MP40. Known as the "Galant", it helps make up for the mediocrity of the other 2 WWII weapons by being a violently entertaining DMR with solid damage and accuracy that allow it to easily replace the M308 or any other in your main lineup, so long as you can remember to keep it topped up; its only real downside compared to other rifles in its class is its low capacity (a correct 8 rounds); however, thanks to the presumably-literal magic of skills, this can be boosted all the way to a whopping 23.

Unique modifications include a shortened barrel of the Springfield Armory T26 Tanker Garand variant for concealed-carry, a Gen 2 Fulton Armory Super Scout railed top that increases stability for some reason, and pouches on the stock to hold more ammo.

Unlocking the Garand requires the player getting 100 kills with the MP40.

M1 Garand - .30-06
Springfield Armory T26 Tanker Garand - .30-06
The left side of the M1...
...and the right side. Just as classic as ever.
Modern shooting range, meet 80-year-old battle rifle.
Iron sights. These are almost identical to the ones on the SOCOM 16, and like those are raised for volley firing, meaning you'd be shooting over the cops rather than at them. Not that this actually stops it from shooting directly where it's pointed in-game, of course. Though illegible in this screenshot, the markings on the receiver claim the M1 is made by "Moonbase Armory".
Hoxton inspects the Garand's nicely-detailed left side.
Ditto, right side.
*ping* goes the clip. Hoxton merrily clicks another one in and be on his way once again. True to life, this empty reload is much faster than doing it mid-clip.
Reloading mid-clip involves a lot of fiddling around. Hoxton starts this by pulling back the bolt...
...then pressing the (barely visible) clip release, and sending the partially-emptied clip skywards. In a nice touch of detail, the amount of rounds in the clip varies depending on how many were in the gun, although what keeps the rounds in such a still, orderly bunch is a mystery. Note that the clip still makes a *ping* noise when ejected with ammo in it, despite there not being enough room for it to reverberate when struck. At least it's pleasant to listen to.

FN F2000 Tactical

The FN F2000 Tactical with a long barrel and FS2000 CQB tri-railed foregrip was added to the game in the free Reservoir Dogs Heist update alongside the Alabama Razor. Known in-game as the "Union 5.56", modifications include the F2000's proper short barrel and a weighted, tan-colored chassis for improved recoil control.

Like a union, it's boring, effective enough for what it is and does a job so well enough that you can't really notice it. It's a reliable bullethose that has no mods to really spice it up beyond the two listed above, decent ammo pickup and stability and not much else.

FN F2000 Tactical - 5.56x45mm NATO
FS2000 CQB - 5.56x45mm NATO
For whatever reason, the F2000 Tactical comes without its signature foregrip, which has been replaced with a FS2000 CQB tri-railed fore and a Magpul MVG instead. This seems to be in line with whatever prejudice Overkill has against weapons with integral foregrips.
The weapon's other side. There's not much to say here other than the fact that the game seemingly ignores the fact that the F2000 has an integral casings tray on the side opposite of the charging handle, thus allowing it to spit brass out of some undiscernible opening to the right instead of forwards. The brass catcher's five-round capacity is likewise ignored, allowing the rifle to instantly eject spent shells rather than starting from the sixth shot.
While its appearance might mislead players into thinking it is a converted FS2000, the 3-point fire selector begs to differ.
While this is doable in-game, the real F2000 only accepts STANAG boxes. To this end, it has a dust gasket in the magazine well that's specifically shaped to conform to the dimensions of the STANAG, meaning aftermarket ones like this PMAG (and especially PMAGs) would not physically fit inside the gun.
Hoxton aiming his F2000 Tactical at a shooting range dummy.
Iron sights. These are very clear to peep through.
Hoxton inspects the F2000 Tactical's nicely-detailed left side. The markings read "U.N. BELGIUM WALLONIA cal. 5.56", which is both a caliber indicator and a reference to the Wallonia-based FN Herstal. The FNH logo seems to have been spoofed with a pair of paw prints, though.
Ditto, right side.
Having completed his magdump, Hoxton pulls out the spent mag...
...then clicks a fresh one in...
...and tops it off by pulling the charging handle.

OTs-14-4A Groza(**)

The OTs-14-4A Groza assault rifle/grenade launcher complex was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2". as the "KETCHNOV Byk-1". It introduces the "electric grenades" which it uses by default, but can be switched for the more generic explosive ones.

This is the gun you make your friend use after he grenades a group of cops and fragged a few civvies. The electro grenades of the Byk allow you to fry some pork without cooking anything else in the meal, and the high fire rate, good damage and speed-pull mags make this an effective brawler. But like the Little Friend, it lacks a lot of ammo and requires you to have some modicum of patience. Because the rifle is a Groza and has a fire rate on par with a MAC-10.

OTs-14-4A Groza with 40mm GP-30 grenade launcher - 9x39mm
Preview of the OTs-14-4A Groza.
Ditto, right side. "Byk-1" written on its side translates to "Bull-1". Note the fire selector is set to semi-automatic.
Houston holding the OTs-14-4A Groza while enjoying some... snow? Yeah, we'll go with snow.
Aiming at some chains. The launcher sight is always flipped up, obscuring the already cluttered sight picture.
Houston takes a good look at his Groza's left side...
...and a bad look at its right side.
The reloading procedure involves some ammunition modeled.
An awkward bullpup AK gets an awkward bolt pull. Is this why the rifle is called "Bull"?
Switching to the grenade launcher and back is correctly done by flicking a switch. Its model is completely static, however.
By default, the launcher fires shock grenades that stun enemies not killed by the initial blast. This can lead to ironic seizure dance parties when Tasers are involved.
Houston throws a fresh grenade into the launcher. "Groza" means "thunderstorm" in Russian; go figure why they gave it electric grenades.
Groza's unique mods include a suppressed barrel that looks too small to be designed by the Soviets, and a speed mag that somehow fits ten extra rounds despite not being any larger than the stock one. It shares the grip options with other AK-pattern firearms.
Speaking of suppressors, the stock barrel can mount all the muzzle devices, including the silencers that are too large for the grenade launcher to be usable.

ShAK-12 (**)

The ShAK-12 also known as ASh-12 was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3" as "KS12 Urban". The weapon was referred as "АШ 12" (ASh 12) through model inscription, referring to the previous designation.

It's a ShAK, you expect high power, low rate of fire and a beast of a gun that lets you pop as many heads as possible and what you see is what you get for the most part. It's powerful, loud, effective, has low total ammo and an abysmal accuracy reflecting the issues of 12.7x55mm better than most games do.

ShAK-12 - 12.7x55mm
Black market preview of the ShAK-12.
Holding the ShAK-12 while celebrating the addition of a laser beam source to the NPC's sniper rifle model in an update with another skeletal heister.
Inspecting the "assault assault rifle".
Inspecting the right side.
Its modifications try to make the "storming automatic rifle" to resemble its integrally suppressed straight-pull bolt-action predecessor, the VSSK Vykhlop. It reduces the magazine capacity without altering the model. The sights can be installed onto the receiver rail or the carry handle rail.

TKB-059 (**)

The TKB-059, better known by its "Pribor 3B" ("device 3B") prototype name, was added to the game in the "McShay Weapon Pack 3" as "Rodion 3B" in what might be the first depiction of the weapon in popular media. This triple barreled bullpup rifle has a burst fire function similar to the earlier "Hailstorm", which penetrates shields but not walls and heavy armor.

TKB-059 - 7.62x39mm
Preview of the TKB-059, titled to show off the three barrels and the offset front grip. About time we get to spend some of those AK grips we've been hoarding from Gage's mod packages. This DLC also brings three new AK grips for all compatible weapons; the more the merrier.
Intentional or not, the offset grip, three barrels, and fighting hordes of pigs cops unlock certain memories.
Aiming aggressively at some hapless civvies.
Unlike everything else in this game, deploying this weapon plays a bolt pull animation. After you interact with objects, place C4, use a blowtorch, use melee weapons, throw grenades. Every time.
Reloading the Rodion from empty gets you up close and personal with it.
The animation ends with a bolt pull but with the heister's dominant hand this time.
The tactical reload is less in-your-face but otherwise similar to the empty.
Taking a moment to gander at one of German Korobov's ingenious constructions.
Disregarding the very obscure weapon's operation principles, it gets a couple of mods that wrap around the gun, despite a large portion of it (including the magazine) reciprocating with the barrels. Pretty jarring considering the otherwise well done modeling.
Its apocalyptic exclusive set turns it up to eleven, locking the action in place with a shovel grip stock.


Most of the weapons in this section are categorized as "assault rifles" by the game.

Colt Model 733

The Colt Model 733, fitted with an A2-style receiver and a 6-position stock attached with a LAW Tactical folding buffer tube adapter, appears as the AMCAR, the very first primary weapon. Originally, its damage output was outright miserable compared to every other long arm and little could be done to fix it. Dumped as soon as possible, but kept by few as a voluntary handicap. After the big 2015 Crimefest weapon balance update, it now has higher damage output, on par with the G36K (JP36), which has a bit lower than average damage for an assault rifle in the game. Given the influence of Heat on the production, the highly specific choice of model probably isn't a coincidence.

Colt Model 733 - 5.56x45mm
Unmodified Model 733, aside from the "Mil-Spec" magazine. The 20-round straight box comes by default.
"Crosskill Tactical", US-made. In spite of the markings, its original dismal damage put the Model 733 closer to a 9mm SMG than a short 5.56x45mm rifle.
Nigh unmodifiable by default, some DLC components have eventually leaked into the Model 733's reach. Note the missing carry handle - it doesn't detach from the real-life Model 733, meaning that the optic modification also changes the upper to a flattop.
Chains catches a guard off-guard. The sight picture is clear, if cramped on the sides.
Knocking out a camera warrants a fresh magazine.
Empty box out.
Full box in.
And a civilized bolt release. Back in action.

M4A1 Carbine

The M4A1 appears as the "CAR-4" and is unlocked at reputation level 4. Essentially it is an upgrade of the starting Model 733 and features tan flip-up iron sights, KAC-style free-float railed foregrip, and a railed low-profile gas block. It is frequently used by law enforcers and holds 30 rounds. The NPC-exclusive model for this weapon features some small differences from player-used ones, such as a laser unit mounted on top of the railed handguard, instead of the side like on the player available M4A1. This rifle was notably used by the police Snipers, where it was claimed that it was a "higher caliber variant" of the M4 (perhaps a conversion to something like .50 Beowulf or .458 SOCOM) before being replaced by the G3A3 in PSG-1 mockup.

The M4A1 has a ridiculous amount of modifications available (albeit most of them are locked behind DLC) which means it can be modified to fit many different roles. These modifications, if put together correctly, can make the M4A1 resemble a whole host of different real world AR variants. The M4A1 is the multi-tool of the whole lineup, configurable for everything from compact stealth to medium range sniper rifle. However it has a mediocre rate of fire, pretty bland stock statistics and doesn't really stand out in the armory of the game.

M4A1 without carrying handle - 5.56x45mm
The CAR-4, complete with a aftermarket gas block.
Besides the mods listed above, bone stock.
The markings on the side of the M4A1. They read: AR15 OVERKILL TACTICAL 5.56x45mm NATO MADE IN USA.
Unlike a lot of shooters, the M4A1 in Payday 2 has the fire selector set to full-auto instead of semi-auto, safe, or "look, I broke the fire selector".
Iron sights.
Reloading. Before mashing in the new mag, Dallas peeks into it, discovering it's only loaded with two bullets! (unless a magazine is completely empty, they will always been shown with two bullets in them.
Not worried about this shortcoming, he loads the gun with the magazine anyway...
...and then chambers one of the two bullets with the bolt release.
The Z-M LR 300ML - 5.56x45mm
Fitting a M4A1 with a Aftermarket Special Handguard, Folding Stock, Short Barrel, Straight Grip and Exotique (upper) Receiver makes it resemble the Z-M LR 300ML. It's not a complete copy however, more like an approximation.
Salient Arms International GRY rifle - 5.56x45mm
Salient Arms International Tier One AR-15 - 5.56x45mm
Fitting the M4A1 with a Short Barrel, OVAL Foregrip, Straight Grip, THRUST lower and upper receiver and Wide Stock turns it into a mix between the Salient Arms GRY (pronounced grey) rifle and their other Tier-One (operator) AR's. The THRUST upper adds the distinctive titanium nitride coated bolt carrier group while the THRUST lower adds a Magpul BAD lever, albeit it's not actually used, which is too bad.
An FBI...
...and higher level FBI member with their M4A1's. Note that this particular image is from a trailer, the model is higher quality than the actual in-game NPC used one. Also note how the iron sights are flipped down instead of removed like usual. This HD model more clearly shows its fitted with an Exotique (upper) Receiver and a EOTech 553 sight.
A Taser with his old M4A1.
And finally the snipers with their old rifles, note the laser.
A "Zeal Team" unit with an M4A1. Note the Folding Stock, which does not appear on said unit's weapon in the actual game.
With the Enemy Visual Update of July 2018, the Taser got a facelift alongside his M4A1; now the weapon has yellow furniture to match its user's uniform, however this is inappropriate due to the color being strictly used to denote non-lethal weaponry, which the M4A1 is clearly not. It still lacks any obvious source for the taser projectile to come from.

Mk. 12 Mod 0 SPR

A brand-new system of Exclusive Sets allows one to turn their M4A1 into a suppressed Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle except it still doesn't get the sniper scopes.

Mk 12 Mod 0 SPR with A2 buttstock, A.R.M.S. #40 flip-up rear BUIS, PRI flip-up front BUIS, Leupold Mark 4 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M3 Illum. Reticle scope, and Harris bipod - 5.56x45mm
The CAR-4 with the "Longbore" Exclusive Set and a toast charm.

Heckler & Koch G36KV

The Heckler & Koch G36KV makes an appearance as the "JP36", unlocked as early as level 16.

A boringly reliable, boringly effective, decently accurate, very stable, quick firing, deep ammo pool having, sausage stuffing, kraut eating, easy joke making rifle. Do you need much else? It's a G36.

Heckler & Koch G36KV - 5.56x45mm
The standard issue JP36. G36K and G36KV are all but indistinguishable these days, but the Navy style fire selector shows that this G36 is a KV. The proportions are a little off and the flash hider is that of a G36C, hinting that it might've been modeled from an airsoft cousin or "stretching" a G36C model.
Festooned with toys. The option of installing a "Sniper Stock" from a civilian SR8 is an odd choice and makes the right-hand side fire selector vanish, but increases accuracy nonetheless. The side-mounting gadgets don't actually clip on the basic foregrip as intended, but rather bring their own screw-on rails if the originals weren't there.
The performance-increasing "Polizei Special Foregrip" is based on a Knight's Armament quad rail system. Note the combination retractable-folding HK stock, the fake vent holes on the foregrip texture, and the optic lens cover clipping through the front sight.
Houston breaks a shop display along with his ammunition. This completely unique melee attack is a weak knock with the most fragile part of the rifle, punctuated by totally absent trigger discipline.
As a bank robbery goes bad, Houston stuffs a hastily scavenged mag into his drained JP36. Fortunately, the massive ammo pool also means a very quick resupply rate.
20 extra bullets (count them!) certainly warrant sending the magazine home with a hearty smack. The precise number of rounds going into the rifle or going with the previous mag are strictly observed.
Then he racks the lever...
...just in time to save himself from a beat cop gone bad.
A GenSec Elite with a G36KV. Note the unique digital camo. It is fitted with a EOTech XPS red dot sight with a EOTech G33 3x magnifier mounted behind it, along with a Streamlight TLR 1 weaponlight on the handguard.
A GenSec Elite's G36KV laying on the ground, showing it is fitted with a HK 4-position combination retractable-folding G36 stock.
Heckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mm
Installing the "Compact Foregrip" turns the gun into a convincing G36C. The stamp names the rifle as a "PJ G36". The stubby nose helps concealment with only minor drawbacks, but even the potential maximum is too poor to really make a difference when stealth counts.
A downtown ambush kicks off. The iron sights would be good and serviceable if the rear sight wasn't always flipped to the long-range setting. Optics are all but mandatory.
Heckler & Koch G36 with ZF 3x4° dual optical sight - 5.56x45mm
The "Gage Spec Ops Pack" DLC added along with a plethora of weapons mods, the "JP36 Original Sight" and "JP36 Long Foregrip". This allows the weapon to impersonate the basic G36 or an original German G36K if just the JP36 Original Sight is used.
A look down the fancy top mounted red dot sight. The reticle shape and color can be changed at the player's discretion.

Olympic Arms K23

The Para SMG is unlocked at reputation level 19. A very competent and modifiable gun, it can easily cover whatever a gimmick primary weapon might lack - like a pocket CAR-4, albeit with worse concealability potential. It is a confusing mix of half-dozen different ultra-short AR-15 pistols and carbines, but since the game assets label it as "olympia", that's the headline.

Olympic Arms K23B

The basic look of the gun is closest to the Olympic Arms K23B ultrashort carbine. However, the removable carry handle and RIS are featured only in its sister OA K23B Tactical, the emergency wire stock is taken from an M231 Firing Port Weapon and the original aluminium foregrip has been extended over the gas block to make it a dead ringer with a round-front type La France M16K. The name itself may be a dim reference to the fact that most of the involved guns have 9x19mm variants as well, but that's reaching.

Olympic Arms K23B - 5.56x45mm
Olympic Arms K23B Tactical - 5.56x45mm. The Para gets different rails and no vertical foregrip.
The Para in its basic state. There's more than one model that could claim to be the basis.

Attaching a Milspec Magazine and a Standard Stock bring the Olympic Arms K23B closest to its retail shape.

The older Para was a rather average SMG without being able to excel in any one area, but the 1st person animation update granted it a new lease of life by way of a lightning-fast reload.

Olympic Arms K23P

Buying a Bare Essentials Stock for extra concealment removes the wire stock and leaves only the buffer tube behind. This combined with the old A2 flash hider out it as the Olympic Arms K23P, a semiauto pistol version of the same caliber.

The wire stock secretly improves recoil control by +1. The in-game stat screens say that the stripped tube stock has no drawbacks, but memory hacking reveals otherwise. Note the further concealing Straight Grip.

M4 CQBR / Mk 18 Mod 0

Attaching a Medium Barrel for extra accuracy and replacing the basic handguard with something else makes the Para finally look like an actual assault rifle. However, the barrel's rather specific ~10" length (falls just short of the 11.5" AMCAR) makes the most American option the Mk 18 Mod 0, ignoring the lack of a gas block/front sight and the too short foregrip.

Mk 18 Mod 0 with Navy markings and special accessories - 5.56x45mm
The tan Tactical attachments have been in the game from the start and are less popular in the face of DLC stuff. The grip is Command Arms, the rest are faithful Magpul recreations.
Dallas tugs the charging handle of a reloaded Para - none of the other AR-15 pattern rifles reloaded like this until update 65, when the AMR-16 received a similar animation). Note the Butcher's recent Aftermarket Shorty foregrip and the bullets showing through the fresh Expert Magazine.
The sight picture is the same as the AMCAR, but it works well at ranges this short. Using a flashlight to make enemies pop out of a slightly dim background helps even during day heists.


Like almost all weapons classified as SMGs in-game, it is dual-wieldable.
Holding a pair of customized "Paras".
Inspecting. The railed handguard is based on the one seen on the LR300, and is even named in the game files after it.


A variant on the AKMSU is unlocked at reputation level 29 and is named the "Krinkov," the nickname of the AKS-74U. It holds 30 rounds and is a categorized as an SMG, rather than an assault rifle like the other three Kalashnikov rifles.

In the same way its big brother the AKMS is preferred for its high damage, the Krinkov gets a lot of love for the same reason, but with a lot more caveats in the way that make this a weapon you need to train with. It has a very high rate of fire and no stability stock, meaning it can easily blister through its low mag count in a few seconds if you aren't careful.

AKMSU - 7.62x39mm
PD2 AKMSU left.jpg
PD2 AKMSU right.jpg
Dallas admiring his huge stack of cash that he sadly can not spend on guns.
Iron sights.
Reloading. About to karate-chop the magazine out of the gun...
...off it goes!
Chains about to insert a quad stack magazine...
...and finally racking the charging handle.
Russian "light" mercs and (formerly) the Cloaker's Russian cousin in the Boiling Point heist use AKMSUs with a PBS-1 suppressor, railed handguard, an Aimpoint T1 Micro sight, no stock, and bakelite magazines. One might assume they use AKS-74Us due to the bakelite mags, but the curvature of the magazine indicates that it's chambered in 7.62x39mm. This could mean that the magazines are simply retextured AKMSU magazines that are supposed to make the gun look like an AKS-74U.


This is a bad idea.
...but Dallas don't care.
Reloading. Somehow reloading two AKMSUs is faster than reloading any of the akimbo pistols in-game. Magic innit?

SIG SG 552-2(**)

The SIG SG 552-2 appears as the "Commando 553" (referring to the SG553 instead) and is available to purchase by anyone who owns the Armored Transport DLC. It uses 30 round magazines. The rifle can be confirmed as a 552-2 by the permanent scope rail, the simple, folding front and rear iron sights instead of the original sights of the SIG assault rifle series, and the proprietary SG 552 exclusive bolt handle. As of the First Person Animations Update, the weapon's magazine is translucent and visibly empties when firing, rather than being solid brown.

The Commando is an odd duck primarily given it's one of the first DLC rifles added to the game. At first it was well liked given its average stats but now with more and more options the Commando has fallen to the wayside. While the overall stats are fairly mediocre, it has great concealment, one of the fastest reloads for all assault rifles when stock and is available right at Level 0.

SIG SG 552-2, version with permanent scope rail and ACOG scope - 5.56x45mm. The in-game rifle has a factory handguard, although the pictured handguard can be put on the weapon.
Note that the magazine has actual bullets modeled in it.
SIG 552-2 PD2 right.jpg
SIG 552-2 PD2 idle.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Note that the magazine is modeled without a follower.
Inserting a new magazine.
Hitting the bolt release.

Kel-Tec SUB-2000(**)

Introduced in the Golden Grin update as a farewell gift from the Dentist, the Kel-Tec SUB-2000 appears as the "Cavity 9mm". A unique weapon to put it in gentle terms, it is a pistol caliber carbine primary weapon that achieves the damage level of a light sniper rifle using 9x19mm rounds. It fires exclusively in semi-auto as it does in real life and correctly holds 33-rounds in the extended Glock magazine with a +2 base-plate it uses. For some reason it is modeled without the red plastic blade in the front sight.

Kel-Tec SUB-2000 with 33-round Glock magazine - 9x19mm
The Cavity, straight from the gift wrappings. There are some small markings on the gun, but most are completely illegible. For once, the 33-rounder Glock magazine holds the correct amount of ammunition, and while it is usable with this gun in reality, it isn't recommended to any degree since the magwell of the SUB-2000 was not designed to work with the shelf of the Glock 18's extended magazine. This presents the risk of the magazine being shoved too far up the weapon when reloading and causing a jam. Kel-Tec therefore only recommends the use of standard Glock 17, 19, 22 and 23 magazines with their SUB-2000s.
The gun comes complete with its own exclusive components. This Delabarre handguard reduces recoil at the expense of a lot of concealability. An alternate sight comes highly recommended.
Flipping open the SUB-2000. Explains the extreme concealment rating, fails to account for the aftermarket sights. Not much slower than any other weapon draw, oddly enough.
His peripheral sense tuned more towards sudden drawing motions, the guard fails to notice Hoxton pulling a carbine from his sleeve. Lifespan measured in seconds.
The second GenSec employee taking five to center mass. A surprise considering the gun's abysmal hipfire performance.
Hoxton's reign of terror takes a short pause. Note the LionGameLion maker's mark under the iron sight, right where the Kel-Tec logo is supposed to go.
The surprising stopping power might have something to do with the strange red tips in the 9x19mm that's crammed into the carbine. Chambering rare overpressure rounds would logically go with the low ammunition reserve, too.
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 Gen 2 - 9x19mm
Slapping on the "Appalachian Foregrip" transforms the first-run gun into a current Gen 2 model. The slimmer foregrip hikes concealment to brilliant levels, but stomps controllability to such a state where it genuinely starts competing in the class of actual sniper rifles. Note the stock, which also changed into that of the newer model.
The "Tooth Fairy Suppressor" foregrip option also puts the rest of the furniture into Gen 2 shape. It seems to be a slightly-modified mockup of the GemTech MK-9K suppressor and Red Lion Precision rail combo.
The sight picture of the SUB-2000, viewed against a distant mercenary's upper body. The weapon is missing the red plastic blade in its front ring sight, making precise shooting a bit difficult. In real life the front sight blade is notorious for falling out or breaking off easily.

Heckler & Koch HK416C(**)

The Heckler & Koch HK416C was added with the release of the Sydney Character Pack. It was marketed in-universe as the "Schäfer & Gewehr 416C", but this copy of the weapon was renamed by Sydney to "Bootleg" after apparently buying from a blackmarket arms trader behind a gas station in Australia. Sydney also has a tattoo of the carbine on her left arm. It comes pre-fitted with a set of Centurion Arms diopter drum sights, a 100-round Beta C-Mag, and a Magpul RVG, the latter of which is apparently for posterity only as its recoil remains horrible throughout.

And I do mean horrible, this thing is basically a low damage machine gun that will never be really accurate and stable and is mostly useful for hosing anything you see with bullets. Which to be fair, it does very well.

Heckler & Koch HK416C carbine with 9" barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Beta C-Mag is attached by default and can't be switched to anything else. It correctly holds 100 rounds.
Note the bullets modeled inside the drum. Also note the Magpul RVG that is fitted by default and can't be removed. The collapsible stock can't be extended either, meaning actual shoulder-firing of the weapon is not possible and explains quite a lot about its rather mediocre Stability value.
PD2 416C holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. Dumping the empty drum...
...inserting a new one... (Here you can see "SG 416 C" on the mag-well.)
...and hitting the bolt release.

Taran Tactical Innovations TR-1 Ultralight(**)

The Taran Tactical Innovations TR-1 Ultralight was added with the release of the "John Wick Heists" pack as the "Contractor .308", ostensibly modeled after the rifle prominently used by Wick in John Wick: Chapter 2. While the rifle used in the movie is an AR-15 variant, the in-game weapon uses a .308 receiver, which makes it an AR-10. The in-game rifle utilizes a Cobra Tactical angled foregrip and Lancer Systems L7AWM .308 Winchester magazines.

It is oddly classified as a sniper rifle, therefore blessing it with the ability to pierce heavy armor and shields (despite only having slightly higher base damage than the above HK417 and M14), while crippling it with the typically meager sniper ammo reserve (one full magazine in the weapon, and only one in reserve) at the same time. For whatever reason, the "Contractor .308" is vastly more concealable than any other weapon in its class (barring the later SVD), rivaling some of the middle-ground assault rifles and capable of respectable values once modified.

Taran Tactical Innovations TR-1 Ultralight AR-15 with Trijicon AccuPoint - 5.56x45mm
Left-side view of the TR-1. Note how the in-game rifle looks not quite as similar to the picture above due to the different parts used and the .308 AR-10 receiver.
The decision to list this gun as a sniper rifle is rather odd, as TR-1 rifles are usually little more than dolled up AR-15-based platforms with minimal changes to barrel lengths and whatnot, therefore are barely qualified as DMRs, much less sniper rifles. The upper receiver of the rifle is modeled after the Noveske upper used on the actual TTI TR-1, but they are only made for AR-15s, not the .308/7.62x51mm AR-10.
An up close look at the receiver. Taran Tactical Innovations has been changed to "Tecci Tactical Operations". Note that the while the lower has "SAFE-FIRE" markings, which would mean that it would be capable of firing in semi-auto only (which is also what it does in-game), the selector is flipped to where auto would be on a select-fire AR.
Fitting the rifle with the "contractor grip" and "contractor stock" gives it an appearance similar to the rifle pictured above.
On the watch for lawmen with the TTI TR-1.
Looking down an attached 45° canted reflex sight, just as John had on the movie's rifle.
Wick backs out of the window while taking fire from an unfriendly medic.
Meanwhile, Chains smacks in a new magazine as a random woman looks on in horror at the goon squad.
Chambering a .308 round. The bolt appropriately locks back for the empty reload.
The TR-1, locked and loaded.


The IWI X95 was added on Day 4 of the 2018 Breaking News event. Previously known in-universe as the "MTAR 21", which is technically its predecessor, the X95 has since been renamed as the "Tempest 21".

It has agreeable accuracy and stability and is reasonably compact to boot, however it is plagued by a slightly lengthy reload and having practically zero unique mods to its name.

IWI Tavor X95 - 5.56x45mm
Left-side view of the X95. This is the Flattop model, as evident by the one-piece top rail. It's missing the side mounts, however.
Ditto, right side.
Another day, another gun. Hoxton brings his mint-condition piece of Israeli engineering to the range.
Looking down the X95's iron sights.
Admiring the X95's left side...
...and right.
Reloading the X95 involves a lot of fiddling around. Hoxton starts by replacing the magazine...
...followed by giving the charging handle a solid yank.


The Shotguns in PAYDAY 2 are among a handful that are capable of using alternative munitions instead of their standard 00 Buckshot shells. The Gage Shotgun Pack introduces the first four shell types (000 Buck, fragmentation rounds, tungsten flechette shells and armor-piercing slugs), while The Butcher's BBQ Pack adds the Dragon's Breath rounds to the equation.

All shotgun-type weapons are listed here except for the Taurus 4510PLYFS, which is indexed under "Revolvers" instead.

Remington Model 870 Field Gun

A Remington Model 870 Field Gun, called the "Reinfeld 880" is unlocked at level 8, it has synthetic furniture instead of wood and has a pistol gripped stock. It's the first unlockable shotgun. It holds 6 shells and is used by law enforcers, Hotline Miami mobsters, Russian mercs, and the basic green Bulldozer.

The starter shotgun and the most useful of them all, the Reinfeld is a good solid boomstick for anyone spec'd into Enforcer as it can easily cut through SWAT and even middle tier specials with ease. Sure it doesn't have a good pickup rate and sure there are better options but it's reliable and that's more important in the thick of it.

Remington 870 Express Field Gun with raised barrel ribbing and shortened barrel - 12 gauge
The Reinfeld in all its early 2010's modeled glory.
Pretty much everything from the stock to the pump can be modified on this so it's rare to see one all nice and clean with its weird M16A2 pistol grip.
Past Dallas enjoys the small open area behind the Past Safehouse with his Past Shotgun
Iron sights.
Reloading. Loading up with some 12 gauge shells...
...and chambering said 12 gauge shell.
A LEO with his 870. Note that it has a wooden pump in this particular picture, in-game they are decked out with a unique Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight.
The green dozer's 870.

Remington Model 870 Short-Barreled

A stubby variant of the Remington Model 870 Field Gun is unlocked at level 13 and is called the "Locomotive 12G". It holds 6 shells in what appears to be a 3-round tube and was the only secondary shotgun prior to DLC and patches.

The Loco's a particularly effective gun benefitting from being a sidearm and thus not having too much competition. Decent damage, especially when modified, good concealment and a potent rate of fire are only capped by a lack in stability. Which doesn't matter given it's a pump action shotgun.

Short barreled Remington 870 with raised vented sight rib, Hogue Tamer pistol grip, and Pachmayr Vindicator foregrip - 12 gauge
A far cry from the weird Serbu/Remington hybrid of Payday: The Heist.
Note that despite this being a "sawn off" shotgun, it has a barrel rib that magically comes to a clean end complete with a bead. Probably due from this being the normal Reinbeck barrel model chopped down to fit.
Dallas's adventure into the past continues with a look at an unmodified Locomotive in all its glory.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Loading some shells...
...and pumping it.
Remington 870 shotgun with AR-15 stock and pistol grip adapter and full-length picatinny rail system - 12 gauge
Putting an AR stock on the Shorty 870 makes it similar to the shotgun above.
A tacticooled Shorty 870. Payday 2 marks the first appearance of the SilencerCo Salvo 12 shotgun suppressor in a video game, and possibly, fictional media.

Saiga 12K

The Saiga 12K (going by the name "IZHMA 12G") is one of two select-fire shotguns in-game, along with the AA-12. It holds 7 shells in a box magazine and is unlocked at level 26. The model is not an actual Saiga 12K, but is rather a hybrid taking several components from the AKMS. Firstly it features a standard ribbed AKM top cover, rather than the smooth cover used on the Saiga 12 which has a larger ejection port with a sprung sliding cover over the rear portion. Secondly it has an under-folding AKMS stock which was not available on the Saiga 12. Lastly the receiver is a hybrid of an AKMS one and a Saiga, with the magazine release being immediately ahead of the trigger guard and receiver dimples above the magazine, but with a Saiga-style front trunion (lacking the corresponding rivets however).

The Izhma's always been a weird shotgun to make work right. Low damage makes it less effective as far as a shotgun goes, and not helped by even mods that barely get this thing to scrape the high 70's. That being said it is also easy to keep topped up and fires fast enough to keep you on your toes and able to sweep enemies well with headshots. Good for lower ranks, pushing this thing to OVERKILL isn't ideal.

Saiga 12K - 12 gauge
AKMS underfolders already suck so rigging a Saiga to one is just brutal.
The right side reveals that most of this thing is just the AKMS model with a bigger barrel and different magazine.
Sick of the rest of the gang not buying groceries, Dallas decides to make his feelings quite clear and very loud with Mr. Saiga.
Iron sights, shared between a dozen other guns in the game.
Reloading a customized Saiga 12K, note the magazine is now properly loaded.
It is now charged underhand, with regard to keeping the optic stable.
The black Dozers step up their shotgun game with a Saiga 12K.

CBRPS Spike X1S AK Chassis

A bullpup variant of the Saiga mated to a Center Balanced Systems Spike X1S AK Chassis was added on Day 5 of the "Locke and Load" event as a secondary shotgun which can also be dual-wielded. Known as the "Grimm 12G" or "Brothers Grimm 12G" for the akimbo variant, the gun is notable for its extremely low damage and extremely high fire rate.

That is not a joke, it's an Izhma on steroids. Sure it has less damage than a Chimano, and yes it fires slower than the Izhma but that doesn't matter because it has a spread like a sawn off, has the same deep reserves of ammo and picks it back up so fast that you can dump the mags, reload and be back to blast again before you can say "wait, what?".

CBRPS Spike X1S chassis, here with an AK-74 in it and no magazine.
Left side of the Saiga - Spike X1S.
Right side of the Saiga - Spike X1S.
The Saiga - Spike X1S with a seemingly fictional short barrel modification and a SilencerCo Salvo 12 suppressor.
The Saiga - Spike X1S in-game.
Aiming down the sights of the Saiga - Spike X1S. These are Magpul MBUS sights, same as the Raven's "Flip-up Sight" mod.
Reloading the Grimm 12G, starting by removing the magazine...
... replacing it (note visible shells)...
... and then racking the bolt to chamber the next shell. This is skipped if reloading before empty.


And the akimbo "Brothers Grimm".
And with the "Brothers Grimm", which consists of just squinting down the middle like with the other akimbo weapons.
The "Brothers Grimm", just before being pulled off-screen to reload. The magazines are seemingly dropped off without hitting the release paddles, and the rest of the process happens out of view.

Double Barreled Shotgun

A Double Barreled Shotgun appears as the "Mosconi 12G" and is unlocked at level 39.

While it's only a two shot gun, the Mosconi is delightfully entertaining in how it works. 155 damage out the pipe with two to use, decently accurate and with a list of downsides that you'd expect since it's a double barreled shotgun and this isn't Tombstone, Arizona. That being said, the shotgun is delightfully entertaining, both stock, with big whoop 00 or the forever delightful combo of a sawn off Mosconi with frag shells.

Stoeger/IGA Coach imported side by side shotgun - 12 gauge
Something something "Boomstick" joke.
No we don't know why the Mosconi has that horribly angled stock, don't ask.
One can fix that issue with the "Gangsta Special" stock option, seemingly a nod to another screen used double barreled shotgun with full length barrels and a sawn-down stock.
Having grown tired of his modern arms, Wick decides to go for a more classic assassination weapon.
It would say "iron sights" here if there were any.
Reloading. Chucking out the spent shells. This wouldn't be that easy in reality as the shells would probably have expanded once they've been fired.
Loading in two new shells. Both shells will always be discarded, regardless if they've been spent or not.
Remington Spartan Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gauge
It's possible to saw down both the barrels and the stock with the use of the "Road Warrior" and "Gangsta Special" modifications respectively.

Franchi SPAS-12(*)

The Franchi SPAS-12 was added during CrimeFest 2014 and is called the "Predator 12G". It fires in semi-auto and holds 6 rounds in the default short tube, the "Extended Magazine" gives it the more standard length tube but it holds 10 rounds instead of the correct 8. It can be bought regardless of level and is unlocked by being a member of the Payday 2 Steam group. The in-game SPAS-12 has a first-generation lever-type safety, suggesting a pre-1989 model imported by F.I.E., as the ones sold by American Arms post-1990 have button safeties instead. It does, however, feature a 6-shell magazine tube, which was only introduced in 1990 on American Arms imports following the shotgun's rebranding for "sporting purposes".

Cheap, functional and efficient, this is the M1014 for the person who doesn't have the shotgun DLC and wishes for all of the fun with a dash of 80's zest. Which also means this is a middlingly effective heavy shotgun that fires fast, reloads fast, doesn't burn out your early bank account and will last about as long in your lineup as a cheap pair of Wal-Mart sneakers.

Franchi SPAS-12 with butt hook attached to stock - 12 gauge
Note the slid back pump, which would indicate a SPAS-12 in pump-action mode. A semi-automatic SPAS-12 would have its foregrip locked forward protruding past the heatshield. Despite this, the SPAS-12 exclusively fires in semi-automatic during gameplay.
Note that the shell release seems to be poorly modeled (or mistakenly modeled) to look like a screw, the absence of which would realistically render the gun unable to be reloaded.
Dallas holds his SPAS wondering why he's bothering with this anyway.
Iron sights.
Melee animation. The stock can be folded, removed, or replaced with the solid Franchi stock.
Loading up the SPAS-12 with some shells. Dallas does not seem too perturbed or inconvenienced by the lack of a shell release on this shotgun, which would realistically cause the feed elevator to lock up and obstruct the port.
After loading his shotgun up to full, Dallas flips over the SPAS-12 and racks the bolt that oddly failed to lock backwards, or rather, he performs the motion of doing so, the actual charging handle doesn't move. It should be noted that this particular part of the reload animation wasn't changed in the weapon animation update.
Franchi SPAS-12 combat shotgun with stock removed – 12 gauge
The various stock configurations of the SPAS-12. Here with no stock, which strangely is the most expensive "attachment".
Franchi SPAS-12 with fixed stock - 12 gauge
Solid stock. Note the ball bearing latches above the pistol grip despite there being no folding stock to actually lock into.
Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded and butt-hook removed - 12 gauge
...and lastly the SPAS-12 with the stock folded. Upon closer inspection, the in-game model seems to lack the SPAS-12's iconic swivel butthook. This is presumably removed to allow players to properly aim down the sights during play.

Beretta DT11/CZ Redhead Deluxe Hybrid(*)

This Over and Under Shotgun was introduced along with the Bonnie Character update as the "Joceline O/U 12G". It appears to be a hybrid of the Beretta DT11 and CZ Redhead Deluxe O/U, while the game files claim it's modeled after a Beretta 682 Gold E.

While at first glance the Joceline seems like a slightly inferior Mosconi, you'd be kinda right given how this thing got nerfed into the floor a while back. Outside of the ammo pouch mod boosting total ammo count, there's nothing to this thing anymore unless you like far better models and animations for your boomstick.

Beretta DT11 - 12 gauge
CZ Redhead Deluxe O/U - 12 gauge
As was the case with the other double-barreled shotgun in the game, the "Joceline O/U" seems to be a fictional frankengun, possessing the checkered forearm of the CZ Redhead Deluxe crammed together with what appears to be a Beretta DT11's stippled stock.
Viewing both sides of the gun reveals that the "Joceline" doesn't have externally-visible hinge pins, nor does its blocky receiver profile match that of the 682 Gold E it claims to be, thus making identification of it more of a lost cause.
Beretta S3.CZ Redhead Deluxe hybrid PD2 idle .jpg
Iron sights.
Unlike the other double-barreled shotgun in the game, the Joceline actually has a different animation for reloading when only one shell has been fired.
Reloading when both shells has been fired.
Inserting two new shells.

Benelli M4 Super 90(**)

The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears as the "M1014" in-game, the US Military designation of the shotgun. It first appeared in the Death Wish Update in the hands of the GenSec Elite shotgun units, albeit in the M4 tactical configuration. A player-usable version was finally added in the "Gage Shotgun Pack" DLC. It holds 8 shells in the 7-round tube.

Initially you look at this thing, middling damage, decent but mediocre accuracy and a good enough for a shotgun concealability and think it's not worth your time. And you are almost right until you get this thing into a battle, panic click and find out this Benelli sends out shots fast as snot. All of the Izhma fun without a fun switch!

Benelli M4 Super 90 - 12 gauge
Note that the default barrel length of the gun is slightly shorter (or longer) than any configuration of the shotgun sold by Benelli. Fitting the "Long Barrel" mod to the gun will give it the proper length.
PD2 M4 Super 90 right.jpg
John Wick decides to take a break on the range and enjoy a slightly less modified Super 90.
Iron sights.
Reloading. Inserting some new shells. Note that the ramp isn't moving.
After filling up, Wick flips over the shotgun and pulls the charging handle, which haven't locked back, neither does it move when it's "pulled"
Benelli M4 Tactical - 12 gauge
Fitting the M4 with the "Solid Stock" turns it into a Benelli M4 Tactical. Note that the "Long barrel" modification is also installed here, giving the shotgun its proper barrel length. That mod will also increase the capacity to 10 rounds.
Benelli M4 NFA - 12 gauge
With the "Short Barrel" mod, the shotgun becomes a Benelli M4 NFA. Here the "Collapsed Stock" mod is additionally installed. Note that the barrel is slightly too short.
Benelli M4 NFA Tactical - 12 gauge
With both the "Short Barrel" and "Solid Stock" installed, one can use the Benelli M4 NFA Tactical.

Kel-Tec KSG(**)

The Kel-Tec KSG, called the "Raven" in-game was added with the Gage Shotgun DLC and depicted, typically for a game, with a continuous tube rather than two separate ones.

If you want a silenced shotgun to compliment the Judge with a oil cleaner you have shoved into a holster, this is your go-to. Perfectly compact enough to be a powerful mainline stealth arm and with enough damage, rate of fire and some accuracy to be a good gun when shit goes south.

Kel-Tec KSG Gen 2 with EOTech 512 sight and Magpul AFG (angled foregrip) - 12 gauge
PD2 KSG holding.jpg
Iron sights. Which are Daniel Defense A1 BUIS sights.
The KSG is the only non-pistol in Payday 2 that has two different sets of iron sights. These are Magpul MBUS sights.
The main difference between these and the BUIS is the additional +2 concealment the MBUS adds and the overall clearer sight picture.
Pumping the KSG.
Reloading. Inserting 14 shells in the left magazine tube. Is the TARDIS hiding in there?
Reloading. Chambering some gauge. It's interesting to note that the reload animation has been changed twice. The original animation is similar to the one that's in use right now, but that animation was changed to one were the KSG was held in such a way to that it wasn't possible to see the shells being loaded into the single tube, presumably to hide that fact. In a later update however, it was changed AGAIN to what we have now.

Penn Arms Striker-12(**)

The Striker-12 appears by the family's most prestigious name; the Street Sweeper. Unlocked at level 33, it's very capable of terminating an entire room of FBI SWAT in one 12-shot sweep, but the low damage needs specialization help to cope with Maximum Response teams. It was the only secondary-class shotgun introduced by Gage's Shotgun Pack.

Penn Arms Striker-12 - 12 gauge
The right side of a crisp Street Sweeper. The rails come with their own familiar clip-on irons, and the system itself appears to have come from Modern Warfare 3.
Note the different features: the drum advance lever of the Armsel Striker, the shell deflector of the Protecta, the thin wind-up key of the Cobray Street Sweeper (actually visible in the above image) and the Sentinel Arms ejection port thumb tab, which is used to advance the drum during reloads like in Modern Warfare 2. The big tube on the end is an exclusive fictional integral suppressor.
The flag on the sling contrasts with the distinctly un-American manufacturer peeking out from underneath. The modern magazine action instead of the Cobray trigger-based one is a relief, considering that the safety lever in the corner of the trigger guard appears to have been sawed off into a nub.
T-minus one second to Hoxton's liberation, Chains tops off the magazine, following the (almost certainly incorrect) reload animation from MW2. Shell, tab, carry on the downward motion to the ammo pouch for another shell, repeat. A smooth cycle, but the Enforcer's reload speed upgrade is still rather necessary.
T-plus three seconds, minus three prison guards. The flashlight is arguably better than the laser, since the light cone not only indicates the rough shot spread, but a lit-up target also means they're inside the shotgun's effective range.


The AA-12 was added with "The Butcher's BBQ Pack" as the "Steakout 12G", possibly a pun on the Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" model (ironically, a standard Ithaca 37 was added later with the "Goat Simulator" DLC). It's possible to flick between semi and automatic fire in-game, something not possible on real AA-12s as they are just full auto.

With low damage, fast rate of fire and a big magazine mod that helps this beat the Izhma, the Steakout is the best full auto shotgun outside of the Grimms if you really want a full auto shotgun that lets you keep some situation awareness that the dual Grimms lack.

An MPS AA-12 CQB without its magazine - 12 gauge
"O-24" is scribbled on the magazine.
Note that the bolt is closed on the preview screen, showing that it is very nicely detailed.
PD2 AA12 holding.jpg
Iron sights.
Reloading. just about to fully insert a magazine.
Pulling the charging handle.
The AA-12 tricked out with a rail (that has a pointless shell holder) fitted with a Sightmark Sure Shot or similar model reflex sight, a 20-round drum mag, and a fictional suppressed barrel. Note that the drum magazine is translucent, it visibly empties as the shotgun fires. This was the first magazine in-game to have this feature, the later animation update added this detail to more magazines.
As the Payday chef BBQs some nearby cars, Jiro takes a closer look at his AA-12, discovering that the bolt is closed!
Later that day, as they storm the Commissar's penthouse, Jiro takes a look again, this time discovering that the bolt is properly open. Why the AA-12 fluctuates between a closed and open bolt (sometimes in the middle of a game) is unknown.
The MPS AA-12 - 12 gauge
Fitting the CQB with the long barrel modification turns it into a regular AA-12.

Ithaca 37(**)

Along with the "Goat Simulator" DLC (where do they get these ideas?) a full-size Ithaca 37 Riot was added, oddly as a secondary weapon. Called "GSPS 12G" in-game as a rather obvious parody of the "Deer Slayer Police Special" variant. It incorrectly holds 7 rounds in the standard 4-round tube magazine.

There's stupid and then there's the GSPS which does the same damage as the Mosconi/Joceline except it's pump action with 7 rounds in the secondary slot. Sure it has little backup ammo, pretty much no mods outside of a sawn off stock and barrel and garbage accuracy but it's broken enough to make it worthwhile regardless.

Ithaca Model 37 Riot - 12 gauge
PD2 Ithaca37 left.jpg
PD2 Ithaca37 right.jpg
PD2 Ithaca 37 holding.jpg
Iron sights, or rather a bead sight.
Reloading. The magazine tube takes 7 shells in a 4 round magazine tube.
Reloading. Chambering a shell.
The Ithaca 37 with the Riot Barrel and Stakeout Grip. Interestingly, neither actually match their namesake configurations, as the Riot Barrel is closer to the length of a Stakeout (the default length more closely resembles the actual Riot barrel), but the Stakeout Grip is simply a sawn-off version of the default stock rather than a dedicated pistol grip.

Winchester Model 1887(**)

The Winchester Model 1887 was added with the Biker Character Packs and is called the "Breaker 12G" in-game. It incorrectly holds 7 rounds in its 5-round tube magazine. Though Model 1887s can actually hold 5+2 by placing one shell directly into the chamber then placing a second shell on the loading ramp in the receiver, this action is not done when reloading the in-game Model 1887, the player characters simply loading all seven shells into the tube magazine.

The Breaker, not in reference to what happens to ones fingers if you try to flipcock a standard lever 1887 is a potent shotgun in the primary slot doing the same 155 damage as the Moscone/Joceline with backup ammo to spare. Sure there's basically no spare ammo available but you can manage to make this thing stupid accurate if you need to so why not have fun with this meme shotgun?

Sawn-off Winchester Model 1887 (Norinco Replica) - 12 gauge
PD2 1887 right.jpg
PD2 1887 left.jpg
Rust (voice acted by Ron Perlman) holding his recently washed Model 1887.
Iron sights.
Cycling the action after firing, note the new shell being chambered.
Cycling the lever after the last round been fired reveals that the chamber is empty. Nice attention to detail.
Reloading. Inserting a new shell.
Loading up on more shells, note that the magazine tube is loaded.
Then after feeding his 1887, Rust decides to snap his fingers with a spin-cock. Trying to pull a spin-cock with a normal-sized lever is a bad idea.
The Model 1887 cut down to a short barrel...
Winchester 1887 - 12 gauge
...and an 1887 with a long barrel, treated receiver (adding a case-hardened finish, which somehow increases accuracy and stability) and a full stock. Note that cutting down or extending the barrel will also do the same for the magazine tube, but as with most of the other tube-fed shotguns doing so will not affect its capacity.

Crye Precision SIX12

The Crye Precision SIX12 was added during "Hoxton's Housewarming Party" as a secondary shotgun. It's called "Goliath 12G" in-game and is based on the 2nd prototype. More forgotten than most of the things actually IN the Housewarming Party, the Goliath is literally nothing more than a worse Streetsweeper that can load all the rounds at once and that's it.

Modifications include a short barrel for extra compactness and a custom-made quick-detach silencer, a strange addition since the SIX12 does have a proprietary suppressor system in reality that consists of a SilencerCo Salvo-12 and a dedicated foregrip sleeve. The already-in-game Salvo-12 is available as an option for a suppressor, albeit as an ordinary muzzle extension instead of the specialized barrel group it belongs to.

Crye Precision SIX12 (2nd prototype) - 12 gauge
Note the Magpul MVG foregrip.
PD2 Six12 right.jpg
PD2 Six12 holding.jpg
Iron sights. These are reused from the CZ 805.
Reloading. Pulling out the empty cylinder.
About to insert a new one.


The "Goliath" is one of the three secondary shotgun to have a primary akimbo version, the other two being the "Grimm" and the "Judge".
Dual wielding SIX12s fitted with muzzle attachments.
Both weapons still have the vertical foregrips mounted.

Remington Exposed Hammer SxS

What looks to be a Remington Exposed Hammer SxS was added to the game on Day 4 of the 2018 Breaking News event as the "Claire 12G". The SxS fills the shoes of the primary-only Mosconi as an insanely powerful side-by-side double barrel with a spread even more immense, albeit as a secondary weapon, while packing a lot more ammo than one will probably need for casual cop blasting.

Unique mods for the SxS include a sawed-off barrel and equally-shortened stock, perfectly in line with practically every other break-open weapon to ever be added to PAYDAY 2.

Remington Exposed Hammer SxS - 12 gauge
Left side view of the SxS. Note the exposed hammers.
Right side
Hoxton introduces the shooting range dummy to his boomstick.
Iron sights. The tiny bead sight will take some getting used to.
Admiring the finer details of the SxS's left side. It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, alright.
Reloading. The spent shells pop out just a frame too late.
Having replaced his buckshots, Hoxton cocks the hammers back before snapping his shotgun shut.

Winchester Model 1897 (**)

The Winchester Model 1897 was added to the game by the "Gunslinger Weapon Pack", confusingly named the "Reinfeld 88".

As the name sort of implies, this is a Reinfeld abridged shotgun. Same basic mechanics of a pump shotgun but with more damage, a higher rate of fire akin to the Loco in the primary slot and the ability to make this thing very compact for a high damage dodge/crit build, if you can look yourself in the soul and say "Am I willing to saw down a 100 year old shotgun for better stats?"

Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun - 12 gauge
Winchester Model 1897 in "Trench" configuration - 12 gauge
Winchester Model 1897 Field shotgun - 12 gauge
Preview of the Model 1897. Its default configuration has the bayonet lug but no heat shield, along with a rather oddly-shaped stock.
Ditto, right side.
Houston holding his shotgun modified with a long barrel.
In keeping with the spectacular run of bad luck the Payday gang's been having, Houston reloads his shotgun in the face of a certain death.
Having somehow evaded the inevitable, he lovingly ogles his weapon.
Checking out the other side, while Clover is doing a female version of teabagging.
One of the barrel modifications turns it into a Field Gun.
Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun with sawed off stock and barrel - 12 gauge
The other removes the bayonet lug but adds a heatshield, so you cannot have that familiar "trench gun" look. The stock can be shortened as well.

Mossberg 590 Compact Cruiser (**)

The Mossberg 590 Compact Cruiser with buffer tube adapter was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack" as "Mosconi 12G Tactical".

Read what I said about the 88, copy it down to here with the bonus of a few mods and we have basically the same thing. You wanted some fancy words? No.

Mossberg 590 "Compact Cruiser" - 12 gauge
Mossberg 500 Mariner Cruiser - 12 gauge. Image demonstrating the Marine finish.
Preview of the Compact Cruiser.
Ditto, right side.
Houston holding the Mossberg, preparing for another round of crazy.
Getting the bead on an undead cop.
Reloading. Being a pistol-gripped pump action shotgun, the Mossberg reuses the animations from the Remington 870.
Houston bathing his shotgun in some colorful lighting.
Admiring the right side.
Mod preview. The grip can be replaced by the already familiar options, but the stock cannot, and no, these aren't even the same models from the original "CAR family".

Baikal MP-155 Ultima(**)

The Baikal MP-155 Ultima was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4" as "Argos III".

Take our good friend Mr. Loco, make him semi automatic, give it a fast reload since we've now learned how to load TWO shells at once and then also give it an ammo pool wide enough that you can keep this thing as a primary while you're busy doing the busy work for the team with the saw. It's a boringly functional set up for a gamer gun.

MP-155 Ultima, first model - 12 gauge
Preview of the "Argos III".
Ditto, right side.
Argos' Exclusive Set, stock, and muzzle brake. The shell holder is incompatible with the exclusive set as it would clip into the wires.
Idling with the Ultima.
Inspecting the weapon reportedly designed for zoomers and hipsters.
Looking over to the right side.
A zoomer zooming in with the shotgun that has no sights by default. Looks like this hipster will have to fire this weapon from the hip.
The Ultima is currently the only shotgun to begin its empty reload with chamberloading.
The bolt is punched into battery instead of pressing a bolt release.
Quickly topping off the tube magazine by holding several shells together.
Tactical reloading is instead done with the left hand.
This, however, shows off the tendency of these new DLC weapons to have static shadows baked into their textures.
The reloading animations aren't limited to double-loading either; here a single shell is seen loaded.

Standard Manufacturing SKO-12(**)

The Standard Manufacturing SKO-12 was added to the game in the "McShay Weapon Pack 2", under the name "VD-12". Two variants are available, a standard SKO-12 with a 25-round drum magazine (that incorrectly holds 28 rounds), and an SKO-12 Shorty with a 9-round magazine (that holds an also-incorrect 10); the latter version is only available in dual-wielded form, making it the first dual-wielded version of a primary weapon.

Because the Steakout didn't have enough power or ammo for you, you may now have a Turkish shotgun. Slow rate of fire to maximize the accuracy of your shot, a drum so deep you'd struggle to run out of ammo even with that withering 65 damage of and a pickup that's almost Steakout levels of good but not quite there. It's trying, though.

Standard Manufacturing SKO-12 - 12 gauge
Standard Manufacturing SKO-12 Shorty - 12 gauge
Preview of the SKO-12. The unmodified gun comes equipped with the M4 grip and stock.
Ditto, right side. Note that it also has a muzzle device which can be replaced.
Clover holding the shotgun. It is fired in slow full-auto, and can be switched to semi.
Inspecting the SKO-12. The factory grip and stock have been installed as modifications.
The default iron sights are the same as a couple of pistols use as a modification, and some larger guns use by default, despite the game being chock full of less cursed BUIS options.
The empty reloading begins with dropping the empty magazine with the heister's off hand still on the handguard.
It is then fed with a drum loaded with shell models unique to this gun.
Finishing by slapping the bolt release, which probably isn't gonna work with a drum magazine anyway.
The tactical reload begins with removing the old drum by hand.
Despite that, the still-loaded drum immediately gets thrown away in a dramatic fashion.
Just as dramatic, a new drum gets thrown in the air to be catched and slapped into the gun. Note the two black-colored shells, reminiscent of the Beta C-Mag's dummy cartridges. However, just like the Bootleg's dual drum, this must mean the bolt hold open can't be activated as there's no normal follower in the magazine.


Preview of the Shorties. They retain the top rails even though they don't mount anything, to the point that the iron sights are also gone.
Akimbo "VD-12" modified with short barrels allow it to impersonate the SKO-12 Mini albeit without its extended buffer tube.
With the short barrel, a portion of the top rail is removed. Here the shotguns have been modified with extra rails on the handguard and laser sights.
Empty reloading starts with the bolts magically locking open as there is no "last shot" animation.
"Aiming" the emptied shotguns. Note the bolt(s) locked forward.

Benelli Supernova

The Benelli Supernova was added in the "McShay Weapon Pack 4" DLC as "Deimos". Its gimmick is the ability to switch between a powerful pump action mode and a weaker semi-automatic mode, which the real Supernova absolutely cannot do. It is more of a feature of the Benelli M3 or the SPAS-12 that is already in the game.

Benelli Supernova Tactical with telescopic stock - 12 gauge
Preview of the unmodified Deimos.
Its unique modifications are a magazine extension, longer or shorter barrel (the shorter option disallowing suppressors likely to avoid clipping with the aforementioned extended mag tube), a shell holder, ATI pistol grip and stock, stockless pistol grip, or an AR-15 stock adapter. Its exclusive set turns it into a futuristic shotgun complete with ammo counter on its side, giving the MP-155 Ultima with its broken gadget interface a run for its money.
Looting the FBI evidence locker with a modified Supernova.
Inspecting the shotgun. Note the magazine tube protruding past the short barrel option. The stock is also collapsed on this one.
Ditto, right side.
It has a cool new reload animation full of magic tricks.
It ends with a badass one-handed pump when reloading from empty. Don't try this at home.
The iron sights are currently misaligned, with no barrel option safe from that.

Machine Guns

The first three machine guns (The RPK, M249 Para and HK21E) were added in the second "Gage weapon pack" DLC. The "Gage Historical Pack" introduced the MG 42 and the "CrimeFest 2015" update introduced the "KSP 58 (M240B)". These weapons can only be technically hip-fired, as aiming nominally zooms in on the weapon instead of using the sights, and are very inaccurate. The bipods could initially not be used but during the very same CrimeFest event that introduced the "KSP 58", a new attachment called the "Lion bipod" was added to all MGs, allowing the player to deploy them in certain environment and fire somehow more accurately (still cannot use the sights) and with almost no recoil. Player cannot move with the bipod when it is deployed, however.

While they are all categorized as LMGs in game, the HK21E, MG 42 and M240B are actually GPMGs (General Purpose Machine Guns).


The RPK presented in-game with its real-world name and is immediately unlocked at the start, on reputation level 0. It incorrectly holds 100 rounds in a 75-round drum magazine, which may be for balance reasons, as even after making such changes, its ammunition capacity is still lower than other Western belt-fed MGs in the game, while its damage is the same with several 7.62x51mm GPMGs. The weapon comes lightly modified with a pair of small Picatinny rails on each side on the front portion of the barrel, an elongated birdcage-style flash hider, and a Romanian AIMS rifle handguard featuring a vertical grip.

At first, the RPK was nothing more than a mediocre LMG given to players at reputation 0 so they had something LMG like that was only useful for someone who wanted an LMG with a controllable rate of fire that wasn't the Brenner. With the rework, it now does the highest damage for an LMG, tied with the Brenner at 120 with nothing else outside of slightly better accuracy to show for it.

RPK light machine gun with 75-round drum magazine - 7.62x39mm
PD2 RPK left.jpg
PD2 RPK right.jpg
Reloading. Inserting a new drum.
Reloading. Chambering a new round.
For some reason, putting a synthetic handguard with a plastic foregrip onto the RPK decreases both accuracy and stability but increases damage.
There is an unused RPK-74M type magazine hidden in the game files that can be used as a reskin of the default drum mag via mod tools.
The RPK seen along with various other AKs in the new safehouse. Note that this model still has its bipod despite it not being present on the current weapon model.

M249 Para(**)

The M249 Para appears as the "KSP" (the abbreviated form of the Swedish word for machine guns, kulspruta) and is unlocked at reputation level 45. It has a 200-round detachable ammo drum. It is also the weapon of choice for the Skulldozer special enemy and the Commissar, the target of the Hotline Miami DLC heist.

For the person who doesn't care about anything in front of him, the KSP is the border between "somewhat controllable" rate of fire and "I CANT SEE ANYTHING OH DEAR GOD HELP" rate of fire provided by the miniguns and the MG42. It has the largest drum size, combo'd with a decent rate of fire and good damage making it an easy weapon for an assault.

M249 SAW Paratrooper version with 200-round ammo box - 5.56x45mm
Note the SAW's folded bipod fitting nicely into its handguard. As part of the gun's model, these remain attached to the weapon even with the Lion Bipod mod present, resulting in the M249 having two sets of bipods.
PD2 M249 holding.jpg
"Aiming" the weapon (or any machine gun for that matter) will simply zoom in the perspective like this. Laser sights are recommended.
Blasting away with the M249 Para, note the brass and disintegrating belt links.
Reloading. Note the strange presence of an empty belt, meaning the box mag was loaded with some extra belt with no rounds in them for some reason. The last visible round in the belt actually corresponds to the 4th or 5th-to-last count of ammunition, meaning the last three or so bullets are conjured up out of nowhere in order to keep the lead flying.
Reloading. About to fit in some more bullets.
The Commissar in a tasteful suit, holding on to his full-stocked M249 Para. Screenshot courtesy of the Payday wiki
A skull dozer ready to tear up some heisters with his own full-stocked M249 Para. The NPC version of the M249 Para holds 225 rounds instead of the regular flavor's 200.
FN M249-E2 SAW - upgraded M249 with heat shield and full synthetic Stock, equipped with a 200-round ammo box - 5.56x45mm
The Soild Stock and Long Barrel attachments turn the M249 Para into a M249-E2 SAW.
FN Mk 46 Mod 0 - 5.56x45mm
Fitting the Railed Foregrip and Soild Stock to the M249 makes it resembles the Mk 46 Mod 0; it still has the STANAG magwell, however.
The "Zeal Team" Dozer with his Mk 46 Mod 0.

Heckler & Koch HK21E(**)

Returning from the previous installment, the Heckler & Koch HK21E appears as the "Brenner 21" and is unlocked at reputation level 75. It has a 150-round detachable belt box magazine. It has a MP5-style diopter drum rear-sight rather than the Export variant's own. It has a canted front grip in order to make it easier to hold.

The Brenner is a heavyset gun meant to bring the pain with big magazines and nothing more. The accuracy makes running and gunning with it useless, just plop it down on the bipod and sit there until everyone who comes near you is filled with holes.

Heckler & Koch HK21E - 7.62x51mm NATO
Payday2 Heckler & Koch HK 21E -hd1- menu 1.jpg
Payday2 Heckler & Koch HK 21E -hd1- menu 2.jpg
PD2 HK21E holding.jpg
Reloading. A little button is pressed in order to release the box mag.
Reloading. Inserting a new box.

MG 42(**)

The MG42 appears as the "Buzzsaw 42" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the "Gage Historical Pack" DLC. It incorrectly holds 150 rounds in a 50-round drum magazine and is tied with the Micro Uzi and Vector for the highest rate of fire in the game (although losing slightly to a Glock 18 with pistol skills) The MG42 (once Update 168 buffed the damage) offers the highest damage per second in the entire game.

While with lower ammo than both the KSP and the Minigun, the MG42's high rate of fire makes it violently entertaining in close quarters combat. Most enemies die in all of a "BRRAP" and you can easily mag dump into Bulldozers and drop them relatively quickly which compensates for this gun's mediocre ability with a bipod.

MG42 with Gurttrommel 34 belt drum - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG42 in the model viewer.
The other side, showing off the later variant's familiar vertical charging handle.
Contemplating the idea of giving a parked car a few extra speed holes.
Reloading. Seating a new drum.
After seating the belt and closing the top cover, the charging handle is pulled; this is incorrect, as the MG42's top cover cannot be closed with the bolt forward - the weapon should be cocked before closing the cover.
MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser. With Gurttrommel 34 - 50 round belt drum magazine.
Modified version of the MG 42. The "Light Barrel" modification gives it the barrel of its predecessor, the MG 34.
MG 42 modified with the "Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel", based on the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle from Star Wars (which was actually made from an MG 34).
The old MG42 model, before it had its bipod removed.


Although called "KSP 58" in-game, after the Swedish version of the FN MAG 58 and even has the distinctive Swedish green lacquer finish, it is actually modeled after the M240B, denoted by the short flash-hider, carry handle design, sights, the railed feed tray cover of the B model, and the stock design (both the default wood stock and the plastic stock use the same model). It was added on day 5 of "CrimeFest 2015" and along with it the ability to use a bipod with Machine Guns.

Similarly to the SPAS and most of the Community weapons, the KSP 58 is a mediocre LMG with no real defining traits for the people who never actually bought the DLC in the first place (this weapon is the only available LMG in the game that does not require DLC). Even after the rework, it's simply a meh LMG for using with Wolf for some slightly misplaced patriotic Swedish flair.

M240B - 7.62x51mm NATO
An actual Carl Gustaf Ksp 58 B, for comparison - 7.62x51mm NATO
The not-actually-a-Ksp 58, in all of its fraudulent glory.
The other side, showing off the further-revealing carrying handle.
The MG in first-person.
"Aiming" the M240.
Reloading. It should be noted that the belt is shown as still having bullets in it even after apparently going through the whole box.
Attaching a new ammo box. The 200-round ammo box is fictional, and is attached to the side of the weapon by "plugging in" from the bottom. It is designed in such a way that the bottom ejection port isn't blocked though, and the first-person view correctly shows only the belt links being ejected to the right side.
The M240 fitted with the "Lion's bipod" and "Plastic stock", the latter being more in line with a proper M240 stock.


The M60 machine gun was added to the game with the release of the "Fugitive Weapon Pack". Unlike most weapons in the game, it is identified by its real-world name.

Ironically given it's an M60, the gun most people expect to go Rambo with and fire wildly, this thing boasts one of the best accuracy stats in the entire LMG tree alongside good ammo pickup, damage and the deep, deep wells that are 200 round 7.62 NATO drums. The only thing bad I can say about it is that it, shocker, fires slow. Oh no, it lets you maximize damage, what ever will we do.

M60 machine gun with bipod folded - 7.62x51mm NATO
Inventory preview of the "M60". Note the lack of the barrel-mounted bipod.
The other side.
The M60 in first-person.
Left side view of the M60.
Right side.
"Aiming" the M60.
Appropriately, the belt box is shown as empty after going through most of its capacity.
Reloading. Hoxton replaces the belt box. Although he seems to be forgetting one very important step: locking the bolt back first!
Then slamming the lid shut and giving the charging handle a tug.

Vollmer HK51-B(**)

The Vollmer HK51-B was added to the game as part of the "McShay Weapon Pack" as "SG Versteckt 51D". This is the first machine gun to use sights.

Now you see the fact that this gun DOES allow you to use sights and you know that OVERKILL is Faustian in how it gives you such nice things. You're 100% right, this thing's got more problems than a Craigslist beater. Low stability, low accuracy, lowest total ammo in the entire LMG category, good concealability which you probably don't care for as an LMG and no bipods. Have fun!

Vollmer HK51-B with ammo belt - 7.62x51mm NATO
John Wick holding the belt-fed HK.
Inspecting. The belt is "jiggleboned" and is affected by gravity and also visibly depletes. The stock is collapsed by default with the extension of the stock costing $9000.
Inspecting the right side.
Using a machine gun's iron sights for the first time in Payday 2.
Reloading from empty. Starting with locking the bolt back.
Pushing the new belt in.
Finishing with slapping the charging handle as God intended.
Tactical reloading. Beginning with pressing a release latch, similarly to the HK21.
Pushing the new belt in but in a different manner.
Ending with locking the bolt handle back and slapping it into battery.

M1918A2 BAR

The WW2-themed exhibit in the heist "The Diamond"'s fictional McKendrick Museum has several unusable M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifles (sans carrying handles, bipods, and magazine guides) in display cases on its walls. This model originates from Raid: World War II, but it actually uses different textures in Raid.

M1918A2 BAR (w/o carrying handle) - .30-06 Springfield
The BARs on display.

MG 34

The aforementioned exhibit also prominently features several MG 34s on their distinctive Lafette tripods, fitted with anti-aircraft sights.

MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser. On a Lafette 34 tripod.
One of the MG 34s. Note that the tripod's legs seem to be clipping into the base of the pedestal, though they could conceivably be stuck through holes in it.

Ohio Ordnance HCAR(**)

A fully-automatic black Ohio Ordnance HCAR was added to the game as part of the "McShay Weapon Pack 3", dubbed "Akron HC". Following the HK51-B, it is the second weapon classified in-game as a light machine gun that allows proper aiming with a plethora of optical attachments.

Ohio Ordnance HCAR (Black finish with short barrel) - .30-06 Springfield
Preview of the HCAR. It is properly depicted as closed-bolt (unlike the M1918 BAR it is based upon).
Akron's exclusive set turns the HCAR into what was usually reserved for legendary-grade skins. The drum magazine has a long "neck" to facilitate the use of the same reload animations for all magazine models.
Clover and her slightly modified Akron HC.
Aiming down the stock iron sights.
Inspecting the HCAR's 30-round magazine that holds 40 in-game while Dragan shows off his take on modernizing the ol' Browning.
Inspecting the right side shows the closed bolt.
The empty reloading sequence shows that the bolt does not lock open; this is actually correct, as the HCAR's hold-open system (unusually enough) only locks the gun open when there isn't a magazine inserted.
It begins with a tacticool flick of the magazine...
...and ends with a pull of the charging handle which returns forward with the bolt closing.
The non-empty reload is much less dramatic.


The KAC ChainSAW was added in the "McShay Weapon Pack 4" DLC as "Campbell 74", probably to sound less funny (and copyrighted) than "Stoner 96". After two LMGs with usable sights in a row, we're back to hip firing.

KAC ChainSAW with 200 round ammo box - 5.56x45mm NATO
Preview of the unmodified Campbell 74. It has an unusual longer barrel by default.
Having decided to forsake all boring underbarrel flare launchers, Overkill brought us an underbarrel flamethrower. In addition to the barrel and belt box modifications, one of its unique mods is a sling that gives massive boosts to accuracy and stability while slightly reducing concealment (on a huge machine gun with little to no concealment to begin with) and there is absolutely no reason not to use it. Its exclusive set is a futuristic shell that drastically reduces damage but gives more ammo.
Holding a roaming frothing madness of a ChainSAW.
Opening the feed tray with the dominant hand at the start of reloading.
The rest of the reload is done with the left hand. The charging handle is then pulled off-screen if the gun was emptied.
Reloading the underbarrel flamethrower attachment. Note the worn "Stoner LMG" markings on the receiver.
Struggling to keep it level on inspect animation.

Sniper Rifles

The 'Gage Sniper Pack' downloadable content introduced 3 new weapons to the players' arsenal. All 3 weapons (the Remington MSR, Blaser R93 LRS2, and Barrett M95) are slow-firing but powerful bolt action sniper rifles, featuring 2 unique scopes and a 45-degree offset iron sight attachment. All 3 are capable of firing through certain objects, such as thin walls or police riot shields. This also applies to the Mosin-Nagant and Winchester Model 1873, which were released later. Along with the Point Break heists update, the character Bodhi and a Winchester Model 70 was added for free to anyone who downloaded the update.

Every in-game sniper rifle is listed here with the exception of the TTI TR-1 Ultra-light, which is under "Carbines" instead.

Remington MSR (**)

The Remington MSR appears as the "Rattlesnake" and is unlocked at level 15. It holds 10 rounds in the magazine.

A lighter flavor of sniper, the Rattlesnake boasts a high ammo pool and decent rate of fire that still make it useful even after semi auto snipers like the Contractor and the Lebensauger have occupied the same overall damage slot.

Remington MSR with Harris bipod and Leupold Mark 4 scope - .338 Lapua Magnum
Note that this wooden body is entirely fictional.
PD2 MSR right.jpg
The standard scope for all sniper rifles is based off the Schmidt & Bender 1-8x24 PM Short Dot.
The reticle of the default scope. This scope can't be chosen as an attachment but is placed on a weapon by default when no other optic is chosen. Unlike the other optical sights, there is no way to change the reticle shape or color on this scope.
Cycling the bolt.
Reloading. Throwing away the empty mag.
Inserting a new one.
Cycling the bolt to chamber a round, or rather, an empty case.
The rifle fitted with the "Tactical Aluminium body" "Sniper Suppressor" and the "Theia Magnified Scope" (actually a Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 8.5-25x50mm (30mm) M1 Illum. Ret fitted with a Barrett BORS)

Blaser R93 Tactical 2 (**)

The Blaser R93 Tactical 2 was added with the Gage Sniper Pack and appears as the "R93". Unlocked at level 35, it serves as the middle ground between the Remington MSR and Barrett M95 offered in the same pack. While visually resembling the LRS2 PSR variant, its claimed chambering of .338 Lapua Magnum identifies it as the Tactical 2 model. The R93 holds 6 rounds in a 5-round magazine.

The R93 is the balancing act between the fast and low damage Rattlesnake and the big whopping power that is the "Thanatos" and it does so with aplomb. Decent rate of fire, high damage that can easily deal with most special enemies in a solid headshot, it can easily become a powerful close quarters armor puncher.

Blaser R93 Tactical 2 - .338 Lapua Magnum
PD2 R93 left.jpg
PD2 R93 right.jpg
PD2 R93 holding.jpg
Cycling the straight-pull bolt.
Reloading. Removing the empty mag.
Putting in a new one. The previous "mag-in" animation of the R93 shows a distinct lack of feed lips on the magazine, which is stunning when the mag is upended for a reload without the ammo inside flying all over the place. While the mag itself still lacks the lips, this newer, more tame animation conveniently obscures that fact while also making it much less of an issue.
Chambering a round. Note that there's an actual bullet in the chamber. The feed lips are still missing, however.
Blaser R93 Semi Weight Sporting Rifle - .308 Winchester. The same rifle is offered in a "Sporting" configuration.
The R93 fitted with the "Wooden Body" giving it a similar look to the rifle pictured above.

Barrett M95 (**)

The Barrett M95 appears as the "Thanatos" and is unlocked at level 65. It uses a 5 round magazine. Notably, it was the strongest weapon in the entire game upon its release, and the third most powerful one so far, having an astounding damage stat of 3675, loosing only to the RPG-7 included with the OVERKILL Pack, which deals a solid 12,500 damage per shot and the M202 from the Scarface Heist pack with 6200 damage.

If you want to kill a building, or at least a bulldozer easily which counts as a building in DC, you grab a Thanatos. While yes it has literally no ammo and no pickup rate, you have a Barrett .50 cal, you CAN kill pretty much anything in the game with one shot with absolute perfect accuracy.

Barrett M95 - .50 BMG
The bipod is unfortunately just for show.
PD2 M95 right.jpg
PD2 M95 holding.jpg
A closer look at the markings.
Cycling the bolt which produces a rather odd sound effect.
Reloading. Removing the empty mag...
...and inserting a new one.

Mosin Nagant M91/30 (**)

The Mosin Nagant M91/30 was introduced to the game alongside the MG 42, Sterling L2A3 and Mauser C96 as part of the Gage Historical Pack DLC. Known in-game as the "Nagant", it has a highly unusual name considering how the weapon was clearly modeled after a Mosin rifle, and the Léon Nagant-patented design was shelved before it ever entered mass production. Unlike the first three sniper rifles of the game, it can use ironsights, a trait shared with the Winchester 1873 and Model 70. The Nagant is weird, it's always kinda been the oddball sniper rifle given it sits at the same damage level as the R93 but has worse stability and a slower reload. Its niche ability to use iron sights has been rendered moot by the Platypus, Repeater and the Grom so it just kinda exists in weird mediocre stasis.

By default it is fitted with a fictional barrel the length of which appears to be in between an actual M91/30 rifle and a M38 carbine.

As an amusing aside, the in-game selling price of the Mosin Nagant is astronomically-inflated compared to the real thing owing to it being a mid-to-high level weapon, coming off the shelf for an astounding $921,000 alongside the Barrett M95 and SVD. An expensive Mosin Nagant would sell for somewhere around $600 in reality, a good 1,535 times cheaper than its in-game price, which is perfectly understandable due to Russia's overwhelming surplus of these rifles.

Full-length, Soviet Mosin Nagant M91/30 - 7.62x54mmR
PD2 Nagant left.jpg
PD2 Nagant right.jpg
PD2 Nagant holding.jpg
Iron sights. These aren't used by default, but rather has to be bought in order to be used, despite already being on the weapon! Also of note is the lack of a firing pin adjustment knob.
Dallas cycles the bolt on his Mosin Nagant as he tries his hand on some hip-shooting.
Reloading. Pressing in a clip with some 7.62x54R...
...and then chambering a round. Note the clip seems to be modelled after a Mauser clip and doesn't get removed before chambering which should block the bolt from moving forward, thankfully it instead just disappears.
The Mosin Nagant is the first and so far the only weapon that can be used with a bayonet.
A proper barrel length can be restored with the installation of "Long Barrel" attachment...
Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mmR
...or you can choose to shorten the barrel even further by installing the "Short Barrel" attachment, which makes it look like a M38 carbine, since the resulting rifle still misses a proper carbine rear sight block.

Winchester Model 1873 (**)

The Winchester Model 1873 appears in the game as the "Repeater 1874" and is part of the "Butchers Western Pack" DLC. Oddly enough, despite being chambered entirely for pistol-grade ammunition types, it is classified as a sniper rifle, and thus can penetrate thin walls and shields. Like the Mosin-Nagant, the iron sights are usable, unlike the Nagant however, the irons are the basic sights with the scope being a modification.

With the second highest rate of fire in the sniper rifle category behind the semi-autos, the Repeater is gimped primarily by low total ammo and a really bad selection of mods including two whole barrel options and a pretty mediocre scope. Still, it does allow you a lot more fluid combat with the interruptable reload but the usability of this thing now is kinda debatable.

Winchester Model 1873 with octagon barrel - .44-40 caliber
PD2 M1873 left.jpg
PD2 M1873 right.jpg
PD2 M1873 holding.jpg
Iron sights. The front sight post is barely visible.
Cycling the lever after hip-firing the rifle produces this animation.
When aiming and firing however, this animation is used.
Reloading. Loading up the magazine tube.
Chambering a new round.
The Model 1873 decked out with its unique scope and suppressed barrel.

Walther WA 2000 (**)

The Walther WA 2000 Generation 1 was added with the "Gage Ninja Pack" DLC. It's called "Lebensauger .308" in game, which can roughly be translated from German to "life-sucker" or more figuratively, "vampire". While the .308 in the name would suggest the weapon is chambered in .308 Winchester, it is more likely to be based on a .300 Win Mag Gen 1 rifle. The magazine in game holds 10 rounds even though it's modeled after the standard 6-round magazine.

If you wondered why no one uses the Repeater anymore, it's because this thing exists. Same basic stats except it's a mag fed semi auto which means it can become ungodly good in close quarters combat as the damage is still high enough to one shot Shields.

Walther WA 2000 Gen 1 - .300 Win Mag
Inventory preview of the WA 2000. Note the can-shaped flash hider which denotes a first generation model.
PD2 WA2000 right.jpg
Bodhi preparing to zero in his WA 2000 at the range.
After pulling some sub-MOA groupings, he reloads the rifle. Pulling out the empty mag.
About to load in a new one.
Chambering a round.
Gage handles an unscoped WA 2000 in the pack's trailer whilst doing his best Agent 47 impression. Not entirely sure what he's hoping to achieve in doing this however, as the WA 2000 has no backup ironsights to rely on, ol' Gage would be practically blind-firing the rifle in this state.
Walther WA 2000 Gen 2 - .300 Win Mag
Attaching the Langer Barrel mod turns the WA 2000 into a rough approximation of the second generation model.

Winchester Model 70

The Winchester Model 70, called "Platypus 70", was added along for free with the character Bodhi from the Point Break remake. The rifle uses FN's Tactical Box Magazine adapter.

And if you were wondering why no one uses the Mosin, it's primarily because the Platypus is the exact same thing stat wise with more ammo and without any DLC requirements. In fact, this weapon is the only two sniper rifles in the game that do not require DLC to be used, while the other one is the North Star (SAINT Victor .308 AR-10 Rifle) that takes a long time to unlock.

Modern update of classic Winchester Model 70 with open sights - .30-06
PD2 M70 left.jpg
PD2 M70 right.jpg
Bodhi holding on to his Model 70.
Iron sights. Not the best place to put your thumb, however, as this could result in "shooter's thumb" a.k.a. getting whacked in the nose by your thumb knuckle due to the recoil.
Cycling the bolt. Note the round in the chamber.
Bodhi about to have some brass fly into his face. Note that once the last round is fired and the bolt is cycled, the magazine is visibly empty.
Reloading. Removing the empty mag...
...and then inserting a full one.

DTA Stealth Recon Scout(**)

The Desert Tactical Arms Stealth Recon Scout A1 Covert was added with the release of the "John Wick Weapon Pack". Along with the aforementioned Heckler & Koch P30L/Contractor, the SRS-A1 was ostensibly modeled to ape the rifle used by Wick in his movie, though the final weapon cannot be modified to resemble the source material. Named the "Desertfox Sniper Rifle", it has a black and tan two-tone finish.

The Desertfox is good for one thing, being an R93 that can become really concealable and that's basically it for this weapon. Sure it has a dippy mag size of 5 and the 3rd worst stock accuracy for sniper rifles but it's decent enough at being small and concealable that you might bother with it if you're running a concealment build.

Desert Tactical Arms Stealth Recon Scout A1 Covert - .338 Lapua Magnum
Note the 16'' barrel, which is not offered in .338 Lapua Magnum, but in .308 Winchester instead. The minimum barrel length offered in .338LM is 18''.
Although hard to notice in this screenshot, the receiver texture claims this is the .338 Lapua Magnum variant of the Covert, which is at odds with its default barrel length as noted above.
PD2 SRS holding.jpg
Cycling the bolt.
Reloading. Removing the dry magazine.
Fiddling in a new one.
Chambering a new round. Note that the magazine is just barely visible.
The rifle fitted with its suppressor. Called "Silenced Barrel" in-game, the mod does not change the barrel to an integrally suppressed one, as the name would have one assume, instead it's just a suppressor attached to the end of the barrel.
Earlier model DTA Stealth Recon Scout with quad-rail handguard and Harris bipod - .338 Lapua Magnum
The Stealth Recon fitted with the "Long Barrel" mod. Note the quad-rail handguard, meaning that this mod was possibly based of the early model Stealth Recon, as the newer models use a keymod handguard.

SVD Dragunov(**)

The SVD Dragunov is available for people who own the "Gage Russian Weapon Pack" DLC. Out of all the weapons in the pack, the SVD is the only one to come with unique mods. It goes by the name "Grom" in-game, which translates into "thunder" in Russian.

The middle man between the Lebensauger's accuracy and the Contractor's sustainable fire potential, the Grom plays a lot of weird hands. High concealability, which is hilarious given a SVD is the length of several small children, good ammo pickup and a nice and fast reload, all of the fun of sniper chaos with the chance for cosmoline in the joints.

SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.62x54mm R
Like with the Winchester M70 and Mosin Nagant in-game, the rifle doesn't use the iron sights by default. They have to be bought as a separate modification in order to be used.
PD2 SVD right.jpg
Sokol watches a street with his Dragunov.
Aiming. At the maximum field of view, it's hard to make out the front sight.
Reloading the SVD.
Inserting a mag into an empty SVD with an ACOG scope attached.
John waves his Dragunov at another heister.

Remington Model 700P(**)

The Remington Model 700P is available for people who own the "Fugitive Weapon Pack" DLC, as the "R700". Rare for a media appearance, the 700P is chambered in .223 Remington instead of the more common .308 Winchester.

The fact it's a 700P, the predecessor to the more modern MSR and take the same logic to the stats here. Same shit, different toilet.

Remington 700 SPS - 7.62x51mm NATO. This is the current sporting variant of the original 700PSS/700P Design.
Inventory preview of the "R700". The stock doesn't quite resemble the real deal though.
Right side
Hoxton visits the range with his Model 700P.
Checking out the details. Left side...
...and right.
Aiming through the default Schmidt & Bender scope.
Working the bolt after a shot.
Reloading the R700. Hoxton replaces the magazine with the bolt open...
Then slapping it into battery after he's done.

Remington 700 Magpul Hunter 700L

The "Military Stock" for the Model 700 is a Magpul 700L chassis.

Remington Model 700 with Magpul Hunter 700L Stock - 7.62x51mm NATO.
The extra rounds on the brackets are purely for show, and can never be used, even when the rifle itself is completely empty.

Norinco QBU-88(**)

The Norinco QBU-88 was added to the game in the "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2".

The Kang, and yes that is its real name, is a Contractor tier fast shot sniper rifle aiming to be the way to solve the constant problem of shield hoards. Fast rate of fire, mag change and the key thing, high stability stats makes this Beijing brawler not a bad choice if you're willing to forgive its middling returns on the damage investment.

Norinco QBU-88 with scope and bipod removed - 5.8x42mm
Preview of the Norinco QBU-88.
Ditto, right side.
Joy holding the Norinco QBU-88 with iron sights that are completely removed from the rifle by default.
Sniping some snipers with a little less scope than preferred for this kind of engagement.
Reloading involves some clipping, but at least the magazine has some bullets modeled.
Reaching out to pull the bolt handle.
Joy barely gets a breather to take a good look at a Chinese rifle she got from her Chinese smuggler friend.
She may have learned things from him, but apparently gun safety wasn't on the list as she demonstrates poor trigger discipline and muzzles a fellow heister.
The unique modifications include a larger magazine, iron sights, and two barrel length options.

Marlin Model 1895(**)

The Marlin Model 1895 was added to the game by the "Gunslinger Weapon Pack".

A Repeater that lets you put red dots on it, a rifle with weirdly specific damage, a high rate of fire, dogshit accuracy and a scope so bad you will never use it. Sounds about right for a modernized .45-70 Government lever action that has the magical power to punch through riot shields.

Marlin Model 1895SBL - .45-70
Preview of the SBL.
Ditto, right side. Note the 45 degree rail used for gadgets.
Duke preparing to use his scoped Rangehitter at extreme range.
Being a sniper rifle, it deals with the Shields effortlessly. The lever action animation is the more subdued kind from the original Model 1873.
Duke judging the blend of classic and modern in his hands.
Checking out the right side.
Reloading with rather large rounds, all of which are seemingly held in the hand together.
The SBL was previewed in the teaser materials without the default Short Dot scope, but the iron sights were not usable. After the complaints, the iron sights option has been added (never mind the laser sight peeking out).

Steyr Scout(**)

The Steyr Scout was added to the game in the McShay Weapon Pack under the name of "Pronghorn Sniper Rifle". It is the first sniper rifle in the secondary weapon slot.

Beyond asking the question of how we stuff an entire Steyr Scout into the secondary slot, the Pronghorn works. It has decent damage, the ability to use iron sights, good mods, good concealability, a good all rounder in a slot that you would not expect to put a rifle like the Steyr Scout in.

Steyr Scout (early model) with gray stock and long-eye-relief scope - 7.62x51mm NATO
Preview of the Scout.
Ditto, right side.
Iron sights are an option.
Idling with a Scout.
Ogling the left side of the new gun.
Inspecting the obfuscated markings on the bolt.
Locking the bolt open at the start of empty reload.
Removing the empty magazine.
Tapping the fresh magazine on the receiver before inserting.
Palming the bolt forward.
Tactical reloading is done with the left hand instead.
The magazine tries to fall out of the magwell despite the real Scout having two levels of magazine catches, requiring a juicy smack to lock in place.

Springfield Armory SAINT Victor (**)

The Springfield Armory SAINT Victor AR-15 chambered in .223 was added to the game in "A Criminal Carol" 2022 holiday event under the name of "North Star Sniper Rifle". Following the Steyr Scout, this is the second secondary slot sniper rifle.

The Rifle of the North Star (yo wa shock) operates in a similar vein to the Pronghorn. The Pronghorn is a standard bolt action sniper rifle shrunk to fit in your pocket by the magical bag of holding, and this is the same thing for a whole mess of semi snipers. 160 damage, fast rate of fire, good concealment, no ammo and not much in reserves.

Springfield Armory SAINT Victor - 5.56x45mm NATO
Preview of the SAINT Victor.
Ditto, right side.
It can be modified with the BCMGUNFIGHTER grip and stock to complete the look and its iron sights can be unfolded. The only muzzle device it accepts is its unique suppressor.
Clover with her freshly unlocked rifle.
The empty reload is done with the magazine retention technique. The magazines are correctly empty and full respectively.
Turning the rifle over to see the bolt fly forward on release.
Inspecting the unmodified Victor. By default, it uses the standard M4 grip and stock, like several other compatible weapons.
Ditto, right side.
Not long after their introduction into the game, the Victor rifle and the Leupold HAMR/Deltapoint combo is no longer exclusive to the Marshal enemies. Here a heister is comparing their rifle to the one propped against the dumpster. Granted, the Hera Arms front grip is a new one.

Hera Arms conversion

Its "exclusive set" basically converts the entire thing into a Hera Arms short-barreled AR-15 rifle.

The conversion replaces every part except the magazine and the front grip. The Hera Arms CQR Gen.2 stock is currently unavailable for AR-10/15 platform weapons in-game and is unique to this rifle.
A festive heister with their suppressed SBR. The CQR Gen.2 front grip now feels like home.
The suppressor also changes its model with this exclusive set installed.
This particular receiver lacks a forward assist. This is optional on Hera Arms uppers.
Getting a bead on a clueless guard.
Curiously, during a portion of the reload animation (which is different from the mag retention empty reload), the suppressor disappears. This does not happen on the empty reload, and it is hard to tell if it's also the case for the unsuppressed version since the muzzle brake is obstructed by the rail covers on the handguard.

Thompson Center G2 Contender (**)

The Thompson Center G2 Contender was added to the game in "McShay Weapon Pack 3" DLC under the name of "Aran G2" as the third secondary slot sniper rifle.

Thompson Center G2 Contender 14" Target Pistol - .223 Remington
Preview of the Contender.
It can be modified with a longer or shorter barrel, a longer handguard, and a Choate G2 stock adapter. The stock itself is currently unique to this weapon, despite sharing the pool of AR stocks otherwise.
Holding the "Aran G2" in the rain.
Inspecting it is done with one hand.
Ditto, right side. The NorthTac 1-4x28 combo scope comes with this DLC and is available on all sniper rifles.
Aiming down the backup reflex sight while a fellow heister shows off his modified G2.
Reloading begins with ejecting a spent casing. An unfired cartridge is used in this animation, however.
In what seems to be yet another animation blending error in a PD2 DLC weapon, the cartridge flies into the heister's hand...
...before it's time to be put back into the chamber. This animation error could've been avoided if they didn't use the same cartridge for the whole sequence.
Finishing the reload by thumbing the hammer. It is quick, but due to the single-shot nature of the weapon and the lack of automatic reloading by default, you will be seeing this a lot.

Accuracy International AW-F

The Accuracy International AW-F fitted with AT308-style stock was added in the "McShay Weapon Pack 4" DLC as the "Amaroq 900". After being conspicuously absent for so long, Payday 2 finally gets an Accuracy International sniper rifle, even referred as "AWP" in the game files. Its damage output suggests a caliber higher than .308, however.

Accuracy International AW-F - 7.62x51mm NATO
Accuracy International AT308 - 7.62x51mm NATO.
Preview of the unmodified Amaroq 900. Note the lack of the barrel release screw which distinguishes the in-game weapon from the later produced AT308. The bipod is purely aesthetic and cannot be deployed, not that it would be necessary in gameplay terms.
One of the exclusive sets is a massive shout-out to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive "Dragon Lore" legendary grade skin of said game's own "AWP", complete with the firing sound; the weapon skins have now went full circle. The other is a Borderlands-styled skin that reduces damage but increases ammo, while the Dragon Lore set does more or less the opposite.
Other unique modifications include barrels, a set of iron sights, and an option to replace the default thumbhole stock with a pistol gripped version, which also unlocks a variety of rubber panels, but seemingly without memes unlike the earlier Hailstorm.
Holding the Amaroq modified with a Schmidt & Bender scope, which is available for all sniper rifles for the owners of the DLC. Like in Counter-Strike games it has a variable zoom.
Inspecting the sniper rifle.
Ditto, right side.
Cycling the bolt after firing a round through smoke.
Reloading from empty is done with the right hand, after which the bolt is cycled.
Tactical reload is done with the left hand instead.

Brown Bess Flintlock Musket

The Brown Bess Flintlock Musket has been added during the 10th anniversary event as the "Freddy Flintlock". Dealing a whopping 10000 base damage, this ridiculous firepower comes at the obvious price of taking ages to reload, and you'll have to restart the whole process if you interact with something before you finish reloading.

Original "Short Land Pattern" Brown Bess musket made 1768-1805 - .75 caliber
Preview of the musket. Its only modification besides weapon skins, boosts, and charms is the bayonet. Without melee specialization, it's not particularly outstanding, and doesn't even seem to have the range you'd expect from the musket's length.
Its internal name is "Bessy", which hints that it is modeled after the Brown Bess. It does have a sling loop in front of the trigger guard and overall looks similar.
Duke brandishing a firearm only slightly more ancient than he is.
Inspecting the musket. Note the sling loop in front of the trigger guard.
Eyeballing the more interesting side. Note the attached bayonet.
Pouring some gunpowder...
...before turning the cartridge around...
...ramming it with the rod...
...cocking the hammer...
...and pouring some more powder into the breech before closing it. Ready for round two.


M79 Grenade Launcher (**)

The M79 was added in the Gage Assault pack DLC. It's called the GL40 in-game, same as the first Payday. It is possible to hurt or kill one's own team members with it, so it pays to be careful when using it. Additionally, the grenades have no arming distance. This can be dangerous to the player as the grenade can be shot and detonated the split-second it's fired, leading to the user getting hurt.

The M79 is a gun that hasn't aged as well as many of the other explodey weapons simply due to how every other explosive weapon has just out-done it in pure crazy. While it lacks the same raw firepower as the other grenade launchers on offer, the GL40 does have some advantages. It's far more controllable and accurate plus can be made into a pirate gun if you just hate accuracy.

M79 grenade launcher - 40x46mm
PD2 M79 holding.jpg
Iron sights.
M79 with the leaf sight flipped up using what might be the same nameless force as with the M79 in Far Cry 4.
Looking down the leaf sights.
Reloading. Dropping out the spent casing. Note the terrible trigger discipline.
Inserting a new one to do some thumping.

Milkor MGL Mk 1L (**)

The Butcher's BBQ Pack added a Milkor MGL Mk 1L to the game, called Piglet in-game. Unlike the other grenade launchers, the Mk 1 can be modified with sights, gadgets and more then one different stock. At face value, the Piglet seems like the prime gun for replacing the GL40 given it's a GL40 with more rounds.

Problem is that it's a GL40 with six chambers you have to swap one at a time before closing up, plus lower accuracy overall and no leaf sight with magical servos for lifting that improve your grenade arc and thus you see why no one uses this anymore. Have fun trying to reload this as a bulldozer barrels at you like a freight train.

Milkor MGL Mk 1L in desert tan finish fitted with Armson OEG reflex sight - 40x46mm
PD2 MGL left.jpg
PD2 MGL right.jpg
PD2 MGL holding.jpg
"Iron sights"
Reloading. About the swing out the cylinder.
The Mk 1L can take as long as 15 seconds(!) to reload if the user has gone through the whole cylinder. The notion of an extractor is apparently lost on the Payday gang, who opt to slowly replacing the spent grenades one by one while slowly winding back the Milkor's spring-driven cylinder. The primers are clearly unstruck in this shot.
Closing the cylinder.
As Dallas takes a look at his Mk 1L, he showcases his terrible trigger discipline.

RPG-7 (**)

The RPG-7 was added in the Overkill Pack. It has the highest damage of any weapon in the game at an astounding 12,500, but the player can only carry 4 rockets in total and ammo pickups are disabled, meaning more rockets can only be obtained from ammo bags. The weapon can easily incapacitate the user and their whole team if fired recklessly and rockets can be detonated mid-flight if it is hit by enemy fire, something that happens a lot on more intense heists. The only modifications the RPG can accept are sights. The backblast is also non-existent in this game.

It's big, it will one shot dozers and help you remove annoying turrets from existence and is more satisfying than ANYTHING else in the game to shoot, what's not to like?

RPG-7 - 40mm
Payday2 -hd1- rpg-7 menu 1.jpg
Payday2 -hd1- rpg-7 menu 2.jpg
The exhaust pipes on the warhead are just for show, the rocket engine does not actually ignite to guide the grenade down range. The warhead doesn't spin, either, and will fly straight out of the tube when fired.
Iron sights.
Reloading. The RPG is loaded with PG-7VL HEAT rockets. These also don't self destruct past their maximum range like the real steel. Granted there aren't that many opportunities to fire an RPG at those ranges in the game, but this is easily observable then the occasion presents itself.
After inserting a new rocket, Wolf cocks the hammer, something very rarely shown in games.

China Lake Launcher (**)

The China Lake Launcher, known as the "China Puff" in game, was added in the Wolf Pack (the pack is free for anyone who bought the DLC back in the first Payday).

Like the RPG, it's a secondary weapon. This is the actual GL40 replacer, given it's the same basic stats but with 3 spare rounds on tap plus a fairly speedy reload in comparison to other grenade launchers and with the bonus of being a secondary weapon. So you can whip out this fun surprise at any time!

China Lake Launcher - 40x46mm
PD2 China Lake holding.jpg
Iron sights...
...and the leaf sights. They are flipped up via some form of telepathy seemingly.
Cycling the pump to chamber a new grenade.
After the last grenade is fired the chamber is empty.
Dragan showing his (lack of) trigger discipline as he takes a look at the left side of the China Lake.

ATK XM25(**)

The latest model of the XM25 grenade launcher was added with the "Gage Spec Ops Pack" DLC. It has a very different unlocking method where the player has to find two keys and a box in four heists in order to unlock it. Known as the "Arbiter Grenade Launcher" in-game, it holds 5 rounds and does not come with its distinctive scope, thus restricting it to dumbfiring like any other launcher in the game, albeit the 25mm grenades travel faster and with less of an arc than the other 40mm grenade launchers.

That's really this thing's sales pitch, the 40mm fun without the massive amounts of drop or time delay, with a slight nerf to damage fitting the caliber difference. It does require some ASININE requirements to get it though, so most players opt for other methods of shock and awe.

2015 ATK XM25 with new fire control system - 25x40mm
PD2 XM25 left.jpg
Note the open bolt, which is rather odd, as the XM25 fires from a closed bolt.
Jimmy visiting the bar with his new found friend.
Iron sights. These are reused from the CZ 805.
Reloading. About to pull out the magazine with some struggle.
About to insert a new mag full of 25mm grenades.
Yanking the charging handle.

M202 FLASH(**)

The M202A1 FLASH was added to the game with the release of the Scarface Heist DLC (not to be confused with the similarly-named Scarface Character DLC, which adds a HK417 instead (see above)).

Extremely powerful damage-wise, the M202A1 is second only to the RPG-7 in terms of punch, while boasting a quadrupled magazine size and doubled the reserve capacity, though it has no compatible mods aside from boosts.

M202A1 FLASH - 66mm
PD2 M202 left remastered.jpg
PD2 M202 right remastered.jpg
Here's Hoxton after trying out his new toy on an unfortunate Sosa thug.
Aiming through the M202's scope.
Hoxton tops off his M202 with a hearty smack to the release latch.
Loading in a new clip. Despite being loaded with orange-tipped warheads, these are not incendiary rockets. The in-game M202 exclusively fires standard HEAT projectiles.
Tugging on the clip to lock the rockets in.
Hoxton taking a detailed look at his "Commando 101" while aspiring to one day become as badass as Arnold.

Heckler & Koch M320

The Heckler & Koch M320 was added to PAYDAY 2 in Update #169.2 as the Compact 40mm.

It serves as a secondary equivalent to the M79 and really has no sales pitch outside of "it's an M79 for people who never bought the Assault Pack" with the same amounts of high damage, low ammo reserves and even lower ammo pickup rate.

Heckler & Koch M320 with optional telescoping stock - 40x46mm
PD2 M320 left.jpg
Note the word "Patchett" printed onto the frame over where the "Sterling, VA" marking would be on the real weapon. That is a nod to the Sterling L2A1 from the Historical Pack, which uses Patchett as its in-game name.
Drawing the M320 has the user extend is stock. Note the clipping.
Having exhausted his book of bright ideas, Hoxton tries to spice up the gameplay by intimidating the shooting range dummy with his new launcher. Hopefully the distance between them is not enough to prime the explosive shot (it isn't, though launched grenades in PAYDAY 2 are contact-based, meaning they can explode right out the barrel when fired at a target this close, and the blast is all but guaranteed to shave off some health or armor).
Iron sights. Disappointingly, the M320's leaf sight is not actually usable, not even as a gadget like that of the M79 and China Lake. It makes up for this by being compatible with optical mods, though, which replaces the entire sight piece with a screw-on rail for the scopes and such to sit on.
Left side of the M320.
Right side.
Hoxton tops off his M320 by opening up the breech...
...dropping out the spent shell. Note how the primer remains unstruck...
...slotting a new round in...
...then making damn sure it stays in place with an open palm smack.

Metal Storm 3GL(**)

The Metal Storm 3GL under the alias of "Basilisk 3V Grenade Launcher" was added the the game as part of McShay Weapon Pack, which also introduces poison gas grenade modifications to all grenade launchers. This secondary weapon only fires in a slow full-auto, but its reloading can be cancelled partway for conserving ammo and doing less collateral damage.

The burst fire of the Metal Storm system makes it interesting, although it is some low damage for a secondary slot grenade launcher. That being said having one that can dump the contents of itself in a few seconds is an advantage, especially as it's dumping out poisonous gas that is more than likely a violation of the Geneva Conventions. But the cops failed to stop you from breaking into the White House to steal a pardon signed by Abraham Lincoln so I doubt the concerns of international law really matter anymore.

Metal Storm 3GL 3-shot grenade launcher in standalone configuration - 40mm.
Preview of the "Basilisk 3V Grenade Launcher".
Holding a fully automatic grenade launcher. Stealth was never an option with this one.
Aiming down the standard sights. The distance indicator on the side of the gun is visible.
Reloading the 3GL. It can be interrupted so that it doesn't fire all three grenades with a single trigger press.
Inspecting the Metal Storm invention.
Modifications include a longer barrel, receiver with a digital paintjob, and an alternative stock. Here it is also equipped with a Trijicon ACOG 6x48.



C4 could originally only be used with the right Technician skills. As of Update 100 however, any player can use C4 by equipping Laser Tripmines, which come with a separate set of C4 charges. Laser Tripmines are powerful explosives that detonate when an enemy crosses the laser beam, or they can be toggled to merely act as a sensor device and mark special enemies or security guards that pass by, along with an audio cue. C4 charges are kept separate from Tripmines (in contrast to pre-Update 100, where a single charge used up a Tripmine) and are used to open doors and safes quickly. Some heists (such as The Bomb heists, Hotline Miami, and more) have a bag of C4 charges in the map to use for scripted objectives; these are treated as mission items rather that deployable equipment.

M112 C4 Demolition Charge
Two pieces of C4 in Wolf's workshop.
Two C4 charges on a wall. The blue laser is the sensor variant while the red one is of the explosive kind.
3 sticks of C4 stuck to a safe. While the other versions are more or less fictional, these appear to be actual US-issue M112 C4 charges. Each one is fitted with a small metal spike (presumably a blasting cap and its trigger system); they're also secured with duct tape, rather than the common tendency of games to depict them as being self-adhesive (which, while theoretically somewhat doable thanks to C4's clay-like properties, isn't something to be relied on).

M18 Smoke Grenade

The M18 smoke grenade is used by law enforcers from time to time. Initially the smoke grenade model was reused for the flash bangs used by the police, but the flash finally got its own model in an update.

A player-usable version was added as part of the Sangres Character Update and requires the appropriate perk unlocked to enable its use. Players are given infinite uses of their smoke grenades, though are entitled to only one at a time and with a short cooldown between each one. Unlike the police smoke grenade, the player-usable variant does more than just obstruct vision by decreasing nearby law enforcers' accuracy, while allowing those inside the smoke to dodge much of the incoming fire.

M18 smoke grenade.
A smoke grenade next to a dead Dozer; as the marking implies, they release white smoke in-game, despite the M18 only being available in red, yellow, green, or violet.
Inventory preview of the player-usable variant. Note that despite their print-on label and color-coded cap, these grenades emit whitish-lavender smoke when thrown instead of intense blue (nevermind that blue isn't an available color for the M18 either).

M67 Hand Grenade (**)

The M67 hand grenade was added in the first "Gage Weapon Pack" DLC. Players who own the DLC will start a heist with three grenades and they can also buy a briefcase that holds three grenades that all players can pick up and use. One should be careful when throwing one however, as police gunfire can detonate the grenade if it's hit.

Update 100 added another version of the grenade called the "HEF Grenade" that can be used by any player following the Steam group for Payday 2. They work exactly the same as the aforementioned ones, and were seemingly added purely so that such a fundamental game mechanic wasn't locked behind a DLC.

M67 hand grenade.
The M67 grenade that was added with the "Gage Weapon Pack". Note that the model originally used much lower-resolution textures.
The "HEF Grenade". Note the Overkill bomb attached to the pin.
A thrown grenade on the ground.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate (**)

The Model 24 Stielhandgranate was added as a melee weapon in the "Gage Historical Pack". It's referred to as the "Potato Masher" in-game.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
Previewing the Stielhandgranate. The text on the warhead reads "FÜR KARTOFFELMUß" and "VORSICHT TÖDLICH", meaning "FOR MASHED POTATOES" and "CAUTION DEADLY"; these are (rather obviously) not accurate to the real grenade.
Dragan swatting SWAT away from his backyard.

M84 Stun Grenade

The M84 Stun Grenade was added in the "Hoxton's Housewarming Party" update under the misnomer of "Concussion Grenade". Unlike the normally non-lethal flashbang, concussion grenades are offensive explosives that emit powerful shockwaves when detonated, which can be lethal up close.

After an update, the law enforcers' own version of the flashbang has been updated to use this model.

M84 stun grenade
Previewing the M84; note how it only has one pin, rather than the real grenade's two. While this could be excused by saying that the upper pin has simply been removed, there doesn't even appear to be a hole for it in the fuze assembly.
An M84 grenade on the floor. Note that the grenade's spoon actually flies off and is seen laying on the ground.

AN/M14 Incendiary Grenade

Another addition the game's arsenal of grenades is the AN/M14 Incendiary Grenade as part of "The Search for Kento" community event. As with the Molotov Cocktails, it sets enemies on fire, but does not create a fiery area-of-denial despite being essentially a handheld thermite charge; rather, it explodes more like a regular hand grenade.

AN/M14 Incendiary Grenade
Throwing an incendiary grenade (which looks massive due to perspective) into a tire pyre.

VOG-25P Khattabka Grenade (**)

The "Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2" DLC added, among other things, the "X1-ZAPper" grenade, a VOG-25P-based Khattabka grenade; unlike its real-world counterpart (a makeshift frag grenade made from a 40mm grenade launcher round with a hand grenade's fuze assembly), the X1 functions as an electric grenade, shocking any enemy caught in its blast radius.

VOG-25P-based Khattabka grenades with UZRGM fuzes


Hand Held M134 Minigun

A Hand Held M134 Minigun was added in the Overkill Pack DLC, and has the highest fire rate of any weapon. It holds a total of 750 rounds, and has to be refilled via ammo bag deployables. Like LMGs, there is no actual iron sighting and the usually-nominal zoom is even less reliable. As usual in video games and films, the weapon appears to have no power source, though unlike most depictions of it in pop culture the in-game M134 does not need to be spooled up prior to firing, nor is the activity even possible during gameplay.

It has no accuracy, a manic pickup rate and a rate of fire that just hazes out your entire world while you fire it. Sure, there are better options but they aren't as fun as this.

Airsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATO
This is apparently a re-fitted Dillion Aero M134D, as it appears to have a motor clutch that stops the feeding as soon as the trigger is released.
Payday2 -hd1- minigun menu 2.jpg
Houston holds the Hand Held Minigun. The Payday Gang must have recruited its members from a professional group of weight lifters, considering how they are able to deadlift a 48lbs+ gatling gun and lug it around without breaking a sweat. The CrimeFest 2015 updates have also removed the movement speed penalty for machineguns, meaning the Minigun is now no more cumbersome than a dinky Walther PPK.
Houston hoists up the entire gun for a reload, which is no small feat considering his slender build. Reloading the minigun involves detaching the feed chute and the old drum with an audible *clang*...
...then in with a new one. The feed chute is then clicked back into place and the gun is ready to spit lead again, neverminding the fact that the barrel cluster itself needs to be rotated a bit counter-clockwise to catch the ammo belt before it can fire anything.
The M134 with "The stump barrel" and "I'll take half that kit" (the latter coloring parts of the weapon red, persumably making the weapon lighter, but also cutting down the total amount of ammo that one can carry). As stated above, Crimefest 2015 removed the speed penalty with LMGs and the Minigun. However, they neglected to remove the speed buffs for cut down minigun parts at the same time, leading to the ability to run nearly twice as fast with a MINIGUN then any other weapon in the game. This was thankfully later patched.

Empty Shell LLC XM556 Microgun

A new weapon added to the game on Day 5 of the Spring Break 2018 event is an upscaled XM556 Microgun by Empty Shell LLC. Known in-game as the XL 5.56 Microgun, the weapon basically consists of the real weapon's upsized main body rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise and mounted onto a fictional chassis, with the trigger group presumably being modified to allow the use of a vertical pistol grip instead of the standard chainsaw-grip configuration; this configuration seems to have been inspired by the "Shoulder-Mounted Machine Gun" from Fallout: New Vegas's Lonesome Road DLC. Modifications include a short barrel cluster and "Heatsinked" versions of both configurations, which are just the barrels with a tactical sleeve fitted on.

It's a Minigun for those who didn't get the Overkill pack, which would be a complaint if it wasn't hilariously funny to trot into a combat encounter with either weapon. Mildly more ammo, mildly less damage, all the same blinding bee firepower.

XM556 Microgun prototype - 5.56x45mm NATO. Since the manufacturer's website lists barrel and system life as "to be determined", this is probably a non-firing mockup.
Left side view of the Microgun. Unlike the M134D, this weapon has an actual and visible power source in the form of an aircraft battery hooked up to this unusual contraption the main unit rides on.
The other side. Unlike what the game might suggest, the real Microgun is a comically-short weapon based on the GE M134, measuring only 22 inches total in length. The Microgun is also updated to use a pistol grip system here, while the real thing is held in a chainsaw grip position and the trigger is a thumb switch.
Looking at the feed chute shows some very oddly-colored bullets seemingly made of plastic, while the rounds beyond them in the belt are just flat textures.
In a Herculean attempt to one-up the 48-pound M134D, Hoxton hoists the whole Microgun up to take a gander at its impressively-detailed design, neverminding how tremendously heavy the whole thing must be if the weight of the ammo can and power system is taken into consideration.
Ditto, right side.
Hoxton holding up a shooting range dummy with his newfangled Microgun.
Having no sights, the most one can do is to slightly squint at the thing's left side to aim. Not a particularly wise decision considering how the carry handle is within spitting distance of the shooter's face.
Reloading the Microgun. The animation is pretty much identical to the M134D's, in that it doesn't explicitly show a new ammo can being fitted onto the weapon, the player character simply detaching the feed chute then clipping it back on shortly after, with various clanking noises in the background.

"Hailstorm Mk 5"

Added in the "McShay Weapon Pack 2" DLC, the "Hailstorm Mk 5" is a fictional weapon loosely based on the Magpul PDR visually, and the Metal Storm "Bertha" technology demonstrator rig conceptually. It holds 120 rounds in a 5x3 set of partly-removable barrels (with the forward section of the barrels remaining in place, and the rear section being detached as a single large block in a manner similar to the conceptually-analogous "Typhoon" from Crysis 3), and features an integral laser sight, flashlight, and optic (complete with an electronic round counter). Its only available modifications are textured grip pads and alternate barrels (or rather, barrel extensions, since they seemingly all attach to the end of the existing ones) - an extended set, an integrally-suppressed set, and an extended, integrally-suppressed set - alongside a unique "Prototype" exclusive set that gives it a boxier upper receiver and a somewhat battered, unfinished look; this set's name would make a fair bit more sense if the basic version wasn't already marked "PROTOTYPE R-033".

Gameplay-wise, the Hailstorm is effectively two guns in one, with its two firemodes functioning completely differently - it can either fire in full-auto at a downright ludicrous 2,000 RPM (on par with the XM556 above; for trivia's sake, however, it's still a fair bit shy of the "Bertha" rig upon which it was based, whose 36 9mm barrels together managed 1,000,000 RPM), or in a "volley-shot" mode that fires every barrel at once, essentially turning it into a semi-automatic shotgun that can pierce ballistic shields; presumably for balance-related reasons, the latter mode has a short charge-up period before each shot, and consumes 30 rounds per volley despite only firing 15 "projectiles" gameplay-wise.

Magpul PDR-C - 5.56x45mm NATO
Metal Storm "Bertha" rig - 9mm preloaded barrel
Preview of the "Hailstorm".
The Hailstorm has a couple of barrel options, an exclusive set, and a whole bunch of grip texturing with barely any visual differences. One of them employs the proven ergonomics of the "Loss" meme grip texturing.
The exclusive prototype prototype set. Comes with a prototype optic as well.
Clover holding the prototype while Dragan orders pizza.
Aiming down its propriertary "Claymore" sight with functional ammo counter.
Reloading the translucent magazine. Note the cartridges.
Empty reload starts with ejecting the empty cartridge block.
Slapping the fresh one in like a glorified P90.

Sentry Gun

The Heckler & Koch MP5K appears as part of the Technician's Sentry Gun deployable, seen inside a case. As in the first game, the Sentry Gun can be destroyed by enemies and will shut down when its ammunition supply is exhausted. Aside from the Sentry, the MP5K can be used by modifying the MP5, as seen above. In Update 100, this model was replaced with a new Sentry Gun using a FN P90 as its base.

Heckler & Koch MP5K in trademark Heckler & Koch suitcase - 9x19mm Parabellum
The original sentry gun in game.
FN P90 TR - 5.7x28mm
The Sentry Gun was updated from a MP5K briefcase contraption to this P90 contraption. This is the standard version...
...and this is the suppressed version. The suppressed version will have a smaller chance of being targeted by enemies, prolonging its use.

Browning M2HB

A Browning M2HB machine gun is the main armament of the SWAT van turret weapons system. It is incorrectly depicted firing at almost twice its actual rate of fire at exactly 1000rpm, 600rpm is the max fire rate of a real Browning M2, and (thankfully for gameplay purposes) it does pitifully low damage for a .50 cal machine gun. It does however shred armor very quickly on higher difficulties. Though the rate of fire is befitting of the Browning M3 Aircraft, it is obviously modeled after an M2 and not the M3. The SWAT Van Turret itself appears to be a modified version of a C.R.O.W.S II RWS. The Browning M2HB is a very commonly used weapon for this kind of weapon system.

Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
The SWAT Van Turret as it appears when it deploys from the roof of the SWAT van.
A destroyed SWAT van turret lays on the ground, showing it is indeed a Browning M2HB. Note the tiny drum magazine that couldn't possibly hold more than 30 rounds of .50 BMG.

The Midland Ranch heist introduces a usable turret version which can be repositioned and has limited ammunition.

An M2HB mounted on a pickup truck. It doesn't get more Texan than this.
The turret can be removed from the technical and has a 200-round ammo box.

Heckler & Koch HK416D

In the opening live-action title sequence, Chains wields an airsoft Heckler & Koch HK416D rifle.

Heckler & Koch HK416D - 5.56x45mm NATO
The airsoft HK416D from the game's introductory video.

M18A1 Claymore

The motel overrun by Russian mobsters in the "Hotline Miami" job has M18A1 Claymore booby traps randomly placed on some of the door frames to the rooms. These Claymores are depicted as laser tripmines instead of command-detonated using a manual trigger. The laser tripwires sometimes disappear if the door is opened via brute force, though the Claymores will stay and are still very explosive if shot at.

M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine
As it turns out, Chains brought the right kind of VHS to this inn.

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