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The Fate of the Furious

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The Fate of the Furious
Country Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by F. Gary Gray
Release Date 2017
Language English
Studio Original Film
One Race Films
Distributor Universal Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Dominic Toretto Vin Diesel
Luke Hobbs Dwayne Johnson
Letty Ortiz Michelle Rodriguez
Deckard Shaw Jason Statham
Roman Pearce Tyrese Gibson
Tej Parker Chris "Ludacris" Bridges
Mr. Nobody Kurt Russell
Cipher Charlize Theron
Owen Shaw Luke Evans
Connor Rhodes Kristofer Hivju

The Fate of the Furious (aka Fast & Furious 8) is the eighth installment in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. The 2017 sequel finds Dom (Vin Diesel) betraying his team and appearing to return to a life of crime while under the influence of a mysterious woman known as Cipher (Charlize Theron). The film was directed by F. Gary Gray, who is reunited with some of his cast from The Italian Job (Jason Statham and Theron) in addition to Diesel (whom he directed in 2003's A Man Apart). New cast members to the series include Helen Mirren and Scott Eastwood.

The following weapons were used in the film The Fate of the Furious:



Glock 17

Cipher's henchman Connor Rhodes (Kristofer Hivju) briefly uses a suppressed 2nd Generation Glock 17. Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson) uses a 4th Generation Glock 17 with a polished nickel-plated slide during the raid on the Russian naval base. He later picks up a 2nd Generation Glock 17 from a Russian separatist and uses it to shoot the remaining ones on snowmobiles. The 3rd Generation Glock 17 is also used by Cipher's henchmen in the airplane.

Screen-used Glock 17 (4th Generation) with Nickel-Plated slide as seen in The Fate of the Furious - 9x19mm. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Roman with the 4th gen Glock.
Glock 17 (2nd Generation) - 9x19mm
Rhodes readying his suppressed Glock 17.
Rhodes holds his Glock.
Roman Pearce firing the Glock.
Roman shooting the last two separatists.
Glock 17 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
Cipher's henchmen with their Glock 17s.
The empty Glock is seen on the ground.

Glock 17 (TTI Combat Master Package)

In the Russian naval base, Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) carries a Glock 17 customized with the Taran Tactical Innovations Combat Master Package.

Taran Tactical Innovations Combat Master Package Glock 17 - 9x19mm used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Hobbs holding the Glock.

Glock 41 MOS (TTI Combat Master Package)

Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell) presents to Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) a Glock 41 MOS customized with the Taran Tactical Innovations Combat Master Package. It is fitted with a Custom 45 Ultimate magwell, a TTI Fire Power Base Pad that extends the magazine capacity to 17 rounds, TTI fiber optics sights, a Trijicon RMR sight and a SureFire X300 weaponlight.

Taran Tactical Innovations Combat Master Package Glock 41 MOS - .45 ACP used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Hobbs holding the gift box containing the custom Glock 41 MOS and a DSS badge.

Wilson Combat BCM Gunfighter 1911

Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) uses a Wilson Combat BCM Gunfighter 1911 in New York.

Wilson Combat BCM Gunfighter 1911 - .45 ACP
Dom aiming the BCM Gunfighter 1911 at Deckard.
Dom pointing the 1911 at Rhodes.

Strayer Voigt Infinity

During the assault on Cipher's airplane, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) uses a highly customized Strayer Voigt Infinity with a butler cut and 23-round magazines. It is chambered in 9x19mm, apparently reinforced for using hot-loaded competition "Major" rounds.

SVI Infinity - 9x19mm used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Shaw with his custom pistol, clearly showing the Infinity logo right above the grips.
Shaw reloading the Infinity. The reason why he's holding it this way is because he previously used it to pistol-whip two opponents when his magazine ran empty.
Laying down the empty Infinity.

Akai 2011 Race Gun

Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) uses a double stack Akai 2011 Race Gun chambered in 9x19mm and fitted with a Taran Tactical magazine well.

Akai 2011 Race Gun - 9x19mm used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Owen Shaw armed with an Akai 2011 Race Gun.
Owen firing his pistol.

Kimber Warrior SOC (TFS)

Connor Rhodes (Kristofer Hivju) carries the SOC, TFS (Special Operations Capable, Threaded For Suppression) variant of the Kimber Warrior fitted with a SureFire X300 weaponlight as his personal sidearm.

Kimber Warrior SOC (TFS) - .45 ACP
Cipher cocking the Kimber.
Dom aiming the Kimber at Cipher.
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Rhodes holds his Kimber on Letty.
A closer look at the Kimber with its accessories

Ruger LC9s

Letty Ortiz (Michelle Rodriguez) carries a two-tone Ruger LC9s as her sidearm throughout the film.

Ruger LC9s - 9x19mm
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Tej Parker (Chris "Ludacris" Bridges) uses an FN FNX-9 as his sidearm in the Russian naval base.

FN FNX-9 - 9x19mm
Tej (left) with his pistol. This particular shot is only from a trailer.
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SIG-Sauer P229 E2

Little Nobody (Scott Eastwood) uses a SIG-Sauer P229 E2 fitted with the slide of a stainless P229 Elite fitted with as his main sidearm in the film.

SIG-Sauer P229 E2 - 9x19mm
SIG-Sauer P229 Elite - .40 S&W
Some guns used in the film (image courtesy of Xtreme Props). The P229 is visible at the top, and the grip indicates that the frame is from a P229 E2.
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Makarov PM

Cipher (Charlize Theron) uses a Makarov PM in Mr. Nobody's headquarters.

Makarov PM - 9x18mm Makarov
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Remington 870

Prison guards use Remington 870 shotguns fitted with orange Magpul furniture and loaded with less-lethal rubber bullets. They are also briefly commandeered by Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) and Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson).

Remington 870 with orange Magpul furniture - 12 gauge, used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Another angle of the gun, but with the Magpul SGA stock not fully visible.
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Hobbs about to fire at a guard after disarming this one.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch MP5K

One of the soldiers uses a Heckler & Koch MP5K with a 3-lug barrel in Berlin.

Heckler & Koch MP5K - 9x19mm
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Heckler & Koch MP5A4

German police carry Heckler & Koch MP5A4 submachine guns when responding to the raid in Berlin, although this is only seen in the trailer, not in the final movie.

Heckler & Koch MP5A4 with SureFire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight - 9x19mm
FF8 354.jpg



Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) uses an 8" barrel Taran Tactical Innovations BCM TR-1 SBR fitted with a Magpul PMAG D-60 drum magazine, Larue Tactical 4XDOS mount, Trijicon VCOG, offset RMR, SureFire X300 weaponlight and a Magpul sling.

TTI BCM TR-1 SBR, converted to full-auto - 5.56x45mm. This is the actual screen gun used by Michelle Rodriguez in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
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BCM CQB-11 KMR-A10 carbines fitted with ACOG scopes and vertical foregrips are carried by some of Mr. Nobody's operatives.

BCM CQB-11 KMR-A10 - 5.56x45mm. "KMR-A10" means that this carbine has a 10" KeyMod handguard.
The operative on the left holds a BCM CQB-11 in a production still.
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BCM Recce-14 KMR-A13

What appears to be a BCM Recce-14 KMR-A13 is used by one of Mr. Nobody's operatives.

BCM Recce-14 KMR-A13 - 5.56x45mm NATO. "KMR-A13" means that this rifle has a 13" KeyMod handguard.
The operative on the right with his BCM Recce-14.

LaRue Tactical PredatOBR 7.62

Connor Rhodes (Kristofer Hivju) uses an 18-inch barrel LaRue Tactical PredatOBR 7.62 to snipe at Dom's team from afar. It is fitted with a Schmidt & Bender PMII 5-25x56 scope in Larue Tactical LT845 QD mount, a Harris BRM-S bipod with LT706 QD swivel mount, a Magpul PMAG and backup sights.

LaRue Tactical PredatOBR 7.62 with 18" barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
LaRue Tactical PredatOBR 7.62 with Schmidt & Bender PMII scope and Harris BRM-S bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
Rhodes takes aim with his PredatOBR. Note that the bolt is not in battery.
Dom grabs the rifle from Rhodes.

Romy G AK-47

Most Russian separatists in the naval base use Romy G AK-47 rifles (semi-auto only PM md. 63 variant for the Romanian Patriotic Guard) with Magpul PMAGs. Some of the rifles are fitted with Magpul MOE handguards, Magpul Zhukov buttstocks and AK-74 style muzzle brakes.

Two Romy G AKs used in the movie. The one at the bottom has a classic handguard with no foregrip. The same rifles would later be used in Fear the Walking Dead and Bad Boys: Ride or Die. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
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The Romy G AK on the right is fitted with the aforementioned muzzle brake and Magpul parts.

Zastava M70AB2

One of the Russian separatists uses a Zastava M70AB2 at the entrance of the naval base.

Zastava M70AB2 - 7.62x39mm
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Zastava M92

Russian separatists (including two played by Daniel Evans Leavitt and Shawn Crowder) on snowmobiles use Zastava M92 rifles modified with Magpul MOE handguards and Magpul Zhukov buttstocks.

Zastava M92 - 7.62x39mm
Two Zastava M92s used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
A gunman firing the Zastava M92 at Roman. Note: this shot is mirrored.
The same gunman firing the Zastava M92 as Roman is about to knock him out with a car door.


The AKMSU is used by some of the Russian separatists pursuing the team.

AKMSU - 7.62x39mm
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One of the pursuers on snowmobiles uses what appears to be an AKS-74U.

AKS-74U - 5.45x39mm
The rifle in the air as the separatist gets shot.
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Micro Draco AK

The FSO agent protecting the Russian Minister of Defense uses a 6" barrel Century Arms Micro Draco AK modified with Magpul MOE grips, hand stop, PMAG, quad rail and wire folding stock.

Micro Draco AK - 7.62x39mm used in the movie. Image courtesy of Xtreme Props.
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Tego Leo (Tego Calderon) and Rico Santos (Don Omar) carry M4A1 carbines while disguised as police officers.

Colt M4A1 SOPMOD with Aimpoint CompM2 reflex optic, Knight's Armament RAS railed handguard and vertical forward grip - 5.56x45mm
The M4 behind an incapacitated Deckard.
Leo and Santos removing their balaclavas.

Machine Guns

M249 SAW

Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) uses an M249 SAW fitted with a Trijicon MRO red dot sight during the raid on the Russian naval base.

M249 SAW with 200-round ammo drum - 5.56x45mm
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Browning M2 Aircraft

The Ripsaw MS2 tank driven by Tej (Chris "Ludacris" Bridges) has a remotely-operated Browning M2 Aircraft mounted via an M153 CROWS system. The weapons seems to have been mocked up to resemble an FN GAU-21, though the rear buffer is one of the elements that give away its identification as an M2. It has a harpoon gun mounted on it.

Browning M2 Aircraft - .50 BMG
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Note how this shot is actually flipped...
...while the next shot shows the correct view of the weapon.
The mounted harpoon gun.


Several of the vehicles that chase the heroes across the frozen bay have DShK machine guns mounted on the roof.

DShKM - 12.7x108mm
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M134 Minigun

One of the vehicles guarding the Russian official in New York is armed with an M134 Minigun. It is affixed to a collapsible mount that unfolds from the vehicle's sunroof, similarly to the shortened M134 used by Reyes' henchmen at the end of Fast Five.

General Electric M134 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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PKM machine guns are mounted at the entrance of the naval base.

PKM with classic (most commonly seen) version of the flash hider - 7.62x54mm R
Two PKM machine guns are seen on a tower.
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General Dynamics GAU-17/A

A helicopter in the Russian naval base is fitted with what appears to be a General Dynamics GAU-17/A minigun.

General Dynamics GAU-17/A, US Air Force version of the M134 Minigun - 7.62x51mm NATO
FF8 164.jpg


Concussion Device

When infiltrating Mr. Nobody's headquarters, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and Cipher (Charlize Theron) use a pair of devices that launch projectiles, which Cipher describes as next-generation concussion grenades that scramble one's senses and wear off after an hour.

Each device contains six grenades.
Hobbs grabbing one of the grenades and throwing it away before it explodes. This particular shot is only from a trailer.

Explosive Charge

Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) uses an explosive charge to blow up a door inside the headquarters. The charge itself is only visible in a trailer, not in the final movie.

Dom placing the charge on the door.

Cipher's Arsenal

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The weapons seen here are a Beretta 92FS Inox with wood grips, a SIG-Sauer P229 Elite with the slide of a standard P229, a SIG-Sauer P232, a Walther PPK/S, an FN P90 TR with optic fitted, a CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1, a nickel-plated CZ 75B and a Kimber Warrior.
An Arsenal Firearms Strike One is seen, squared in red, along with a Wilson Combat BCM Gunfighter 1911 on its right. A two-tone FN FNX-9 and a Kimber Solo Carry were also used, albeit not visible here.
Production image (courtesy of Xtreme Props) reveals a very clear view of Cipher's whole arsenal of CQC weapons, handguns & SMGs.

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