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The English Patient

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The English Patient
Movie Poster
Country UKD.jpg United Kingdom
Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by Anthony Minghella
Release Date November 15, 1996
Language English
Studio Tiger Moth Productions
Distributor Miramax Films
Main Cast
Character Actor
László Almásy Ralph Fiennes
Hana Juliette Binoche
Caravaggio Willem Dafoe
Katharine Clifton Kristin Scott Thomas
Kip Naveen Andrews
Geoffrey Clifton Colin Firth
Madox Julian Wadham
Major Müller Jürgen Prochnow

The English Patient is a 1996 movie directed by Anthony Minghella. Egypt, shortly before World War II: Hungarian Count László Almásy explores the desert as a member of the English Royal Geographic Society to create maps for the research projects of geographers and archaeologists. When he crashes his plane, he is picked up by an English convoy and nursed by the French Red Cross nurse Hana. Almásy barely survived the crash; his body, and face burned beyond recognition, and his internal organs were badly affected. Almásy also suffers from amnesia. Hana decides to leave the convoy with Almásy in order to care for him in peace. They both settle down in a ruined monastery in Tuscany. They are joined by two close friends, British Army bomb disposal experts: the Sikh Kip and Hardy. Finally, the mysterious Caravaggio appears in the ruins, and Almásy meets him with suspicion, without Hana initially knowing why.

The following weapons were used in the film The English Patient:


Webley .38 Mk. IV

British officers including Leftentant Kip (Naveen Andrews) carry Webley .38 Mk IV revolvers in 1937 canvas holsters.

Webley Mark IV - .38 S&W
A Webley is seen in the holster of the Beach Interrogation Officer (Anthony Smee).
Leftentant Kip holds his Webley as he asks Hana (Juliette Binoche) to stop playing piano.
Shortly after he puts his revolver into his canvas holster.

Luger P08

A Luger P08 is pulled by a German soldier. Another Luger can be seen carried by SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) Müller (Jürgen Prochnow) in his holster during an interrogation.

Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Aicha (Rim Turki) falls to her knees in front of a German officer holding a Luger.
The Hauptmann (Captain) points his Luger at Caravaggio (Willem Dafoe) among a crowd.
The Luger's grip can be seen inside Müller's holster. Note his uniform's collar insignia is from an SS-Standartenführer (Colonel), but his shoulder insignia corresponds to those of a Sturmbannführer.

Submachine Guns

MP 40

Several German soldiers are seen holding the MP 40.

Maschinenpistole 40 - 9x19mm Parabellum
A soldier escorts British PoWs after the fall of Tobruk in June 1942.
The soldier on the far right points his MP 40 at Caravaggio.
Two German soldiers are seen with MP 40s.

M1928A1 Thompson

An American soldier is briefly seen with an M1928A1 Thompson.

M1928A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
The Thompson is seen taken by the GI in the background right above Sgt. Hardy's (Kevin Whately) head as he is informed by Cpl Spalding (Lee Ross) about the surrender.


Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III*

Soldiers of the British Empire and some Arabic Bedouins have Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III* rifles.

Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mark III* - .303 British
A Bedouin in the background has an SMLE over his shoulder.
Two British soldiers carry slung Lee-Enfields behind Mary (Torri Higginson).
The muzzle of the SMLE of the Corporal in El Taj (Gregor Truter) is seen.
The Private on the train (Simon Sherlock) rests his rifle as he guards prisoners.

Karabiner 98k

German soldiers are armed with the Karabiner 98k.

Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
German soldiers in a square in Tobruk observe the registration of civilians to an officer (Sebastian Rudolph) after the capture of the city.
A soldier stands next to Major Müller during the interrogation.

M1 Garand

US soldiers are seen carrying the M1 Garand.

M1 Garand with leather M1917 sling - .30-06 Springfield
American soldiers in the background celebrate the German surrender in Italy.

Grenade & Explosives

Tellermine 35

A Tellermine 35 buried on a road in Italy is discovered by Leftentant Kip.

Tellermine 35
Kip uncovers the Tellermine after exposing it with his Pattern 1907 sword bayonet.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

Some German soldiers are seen with Model 24 Stielhandgranates tucked into their belts.

Stielhandgranate Modell 24
The soldier seen in the entrance has a Stielhandgranate on his belt.
Another Stielhandgranate is seen carried by the soldier escorting PoWs.


Double Barreled Shotgun

Some Bedouins are seen with slung 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotguns.

Charles Parker 1878 - 12 gauge
A close up of the shotgun.
Two Bedouins with their slung shotguns.

Webley & Scott No. 4 Mk. I

A Webley & Scott No. 4 Mk. I signal pistol is used by Count László Almásy (Ralph Fiennes).

Webley & Scott No. 4 Mark I - 37 mm
Almásy raised the Webley & Scott.
A blurred view of the signal pistol as he lowers it.

2 cm FlaK 38

Almásy's De Havilland D.H.82 Tiger Moth biplane is shot down by a 2 cm Flak 38 at the film's beginning.

Flugabwehrkanone 38 - 20x138mmB
The gunner rotates the Flak 38...
...and fires at Count László Almásy's plane.
Another slightly different view of the Flak 38.

2 cm FlaK 30

During the fall of Tobruk, a German truck is seen drawing a 2 cm FlaK 30.

Flugabwehrkanone 30 - 20x138mmB
The drawn FlaK 30 at the harbor in Tobruk.
The muzzle is seen which differs from the FlaK 38.

40 mm Bofors

What appears to be a Bofors 40mm is seen at the British HQ in Tobruk.

Bofors L/60 - 40x311mmR
The gun is seen stationed outside on the left.


Archer Tank Destroyer

After the fall of Tobruk, a British Archer Tank Destroyer standing in for a German tank is seen. It is equipped with an Ordnance QF 17-pounder anti-tank gun.

SP 17pdr, Valentine, Mk. I, Archer
3-inch Ordnance Quick-Firing 17-pounder (17-pdr) - 76.2×583mmR
The Archer drives by Arabic civilians which offers a view of the 17-pounder.
A side view of the Archer Tank Destroyer.

M4A2 Sherman

Some M4 Shermans are seen at the end of the movie.

Hana watches an M4A2 Sherman with celebrating GIs driving past her. The hull-mounted Browning M1919A4 appears to be removed.
The second Sherman drives by.

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