Fire of Conscience 火龙
Theatrical Release Poster
Hong Kong
Directed by
Dante Lam
Release Date
Cantonese Mandarin
China Film Media Asia Audio Video Distribution Co. Media Asia Films Visual Capture
Indomina Releasing
Fire of Conscience (Chinese title: 火龙 - For lung) is a 2010 Hong Kong crime thriller film directed by Dante Lam and starring Leon Lai and Richie Ren. The plot involves a veteran Hong Kong police detective who uncovers connections between a series of seemingly unrelated events that come to blur the lines between the police and a ruthless group of criminals.
The following weapons were used in the film Fire of Conscience:
Smith & Wesson Model 10
Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolvers with black rubber grips are used by uniformed officers of the Hong Kong Police Force. Blade (Kai Tan) seizes a Model 10 from a police officer at the beginning of the film, and uses it during the first part of the teahouse shootout.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver (marked Royal Hong Kong Police issue) with police lanyard ring - .38 Special
Blade (
Kai Tan) shoots a police officer with his own Model 10 revolver in the prologue.
Blade shoots the police officer.
Blade reloads the Model 10 during a shootout.
A close-up of the revolver in a flashback.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is the standard sidearm of Detective Manfred (Leon Lai) as well as his subordinates May (Michelle Ye), Cheung-on (Kai-Chi Liu) and Hoi (Wilfred Lau). Inspector Kee (Richie Ren) and Sam (Charles Ying) also carry the Glock 17 throughout the film.
2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm
Manfred fires his Glock 17 at Blade during the teahouse shootout. The pistol gets jammed with a bullet casing stuck in the ejection port.
May holds her Glock 17 in the teahouse.
May fires her Glock 17 at the gunmen in the teahouse.
Hoi (Wilfred Lau) reloads his Glock 17.
Cheung-on (
Kai-Chi Liu) struggles with Blade (
Kai Tan) after the latter seizes a Glock from another officer.
Inspector Kee (
Richie Ren) points his Glock 17 in the finale.
Taurus PT92
Most of the criminals, including Blade (Kai Tan) and Lao Er (Laiqun Jin), are armed with Taurus PT92 pistols.
Taurus PT92AF (blued) - 9x19mm
Taurus PT92 pistols lie among a collection of weapons and drugs at the teahouse.
One of the weapons dealers at the teahouse fires his PT92 as he flees.
Blade fires a PT92 at May during the teahouse shootout.
Huang Yuong readies his PT92 when he helps Blade to escape police custody.
Lao Er (
Laiqun Jin) points a PT92 when the criminals ambush a police convoy.
Colt M1911A1
Blade attempts to fire a Colt M1911A1 pistol at Manfred as he flees from a police raid on his apartment.
Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP
Blade picks up his dropped M1911A1.
Manfred and Blade struggle over the M1911A1.
The M1911A1 in Blade's hand.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
May is armed with a Heckler & Koch MP5A2 submachine gun with a Surefire forend when she confronts the criminal gang as they attack the police convoy. SDU officers are also briefly seen searching apartments with MP5A2s in hand.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight - 9x19mm
The MP5A2 slung on May's neck.
Remington 870
Blade uses a Remington 870 when his gang ambushes a police convoy carrying confiscated goods and in the finale of the film.
Remington 870 with early-style black synthetic Riot forend and buttstock - 12 gauge
Blade holds a Remington 870 and a Taurus PT92 on HKPF officers in the convoy.
Blade points the Remington 870.
The Remington 870 is held by Blade.
The Remington 870 is fired by Blade during the finale.
Daewoo K1A
Lao Er (Laiqun Jin) uses a Daewoo K1A carbine that he acquires from South Asian arms dealers during the shootout at the teahouse. Later, Blade (Kai Tan) uses the K1A to hold off police officers before he escapes from his apartment.
The Daewoo K1A lies among a collection of weapons and drugs at the teahouse.
Lao Er (
Laiqun Jin) and the arms dealers prepare to shoot their way out of a police raid.
Lao Er takes cover after being fired on by May.
The K1A is fired by Lao Er.
Blade fires the K1A through a door.
Heckler & Koch G3A3
A Heckler & Koch G3A3 is used by Manfred when he confronts the criminal gang at the scene of the ambushed police convoy.
Heckler & Koch G3A3 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Manfred aims his G3A3 at the criminals as they prepare to leave the scene.
Manfred looks down the sights of the G3A3.
A close-up of Manfred before he fires the G3A3.
F-1 Hand Grenade
The criminals make frequent use of the Soviet F-1 hand grenade throughout the film. Huang Yuong (Baoqiang Wang) is forced to wear a vest consisting of several F-1 grenades to hold off the police when the criminals ambush the convoy.
F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation Hand Grenade
Numerous F-1 grenades lie among a collection of weapons and drugs at the teahouse.
An F-1 hand grenade is accidentally dropped by Blade.
Huang Yuong (Baoqiang Wang) reveals a series of F-1 grenades strapped to his chest.
The pins are pulled out of the grenades.
RGD-5 Hand Grenade
Several RGD-5 hand grenades are seen among the weapons that Lao Er acquires from the South Asian weapons dealers, but are never actually used in the film.
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation Hand Grenade
Several RGD-5 grenades lie among a collection of weapons and drugs at the teahouse.