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Fallout 3

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Fallout 3 (2008)

Fallout 3 is a critically acclaimed multiple-award winning action RPG video game, set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of Washington, DC as well as chunks of nearby Virginia and Maryland. It is the third main installment of the Fallout series. Fallout 3 represents a major departure from the isometric, turn-based gameplay of previous installments, opting for a first or third-person perspective with real-time combat.

As per usual in the series, players control a customizable protagonist known as the Lone Wanderer, formerly a Vault Dweller of Vault 101, who ventures into the Capital Wasteland in search of his or her father, who has mysteriously left the Vault against the orders of Vault authorities. There you wander the wasteland, meeting a detachment of the Brotherhood of Steel, the remnants of the Enclave, an army of super mutants from a nearby Vault, the Galaxy News Radio station and its DJ Three Dog, and various other characters and locations. The game was released October 2008 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Upon release, the game recieved critical acclaim and features voice acting talent from famous actors such as Ron Perlman, Malcolm McDowell, and Liam Neeson.

A variety of DLC was released for Fallout 3, the first being Operation: Anchorage, a simulation of the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska during the Sino-American War. The second was The Pitt, in which the character explores the ruins of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where you find it filled with raiders enslaving people to work in the steel mills. The third DLC was Broken Steel, a continuation of the game's main story. The fourth DLC was Point Lookout, where the character travels to the ruins of the Point Lookout State Park, Maryland, turned into an irradiated swampland filled with inbred mutants and cults. The final DLC was Mothership Zeta, where the character is abducted by aliens and leads a fight between captured humans from various eras of history against their alien captors.

The following weapons appear in the video game Fallout 3:


"N99 10mm Pistol"

The "N99 10mm Pistol" is largely based on a Desert Eagle, but with a bulked-up front end which has a metal canister-like tube underneath of which its purpose is unclear. The 10mm Pistol holds 12 rounds of 10mm ammunition and fires in double-action only. It is the first real gun available in the game, being offered by Amata during the escape from Vault 101. The pistol is also a common find outside of the Vault, as it is used by almost every faction in the game.

10mm Pistols equipped with suppressors (named the "Silenced 10mm Pistol") can be infrequently found across the DC area, and one is also used by Mr. Burke. This version is less durable and damaging than the base variant. A non-suppressed unique version of the basic 10mm is carried by Enclave Colonel Augustus Autumn, and can only be acquired from him through somewhat convoluted means; this version features slightly improved damage and durability.

In Operation: Anchorage, many of the game's firearms are reskinned with a cleaner, less weathered look in order to represent their pre-War states; the 10mm Pistol is given a more intact blued finish and wooden grip panels. The suppressed version is the one of the first two weapons available in the Anchorage simulation, the other being a knife.

Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 Magnum
The in-game model of the N99 10mm Pistol. Unlike an actual Desert Eagle, the 10mm possesses only a left-handed manual safety switch on the slide's left; but its right side also has the fluted section for where the right side's safety switch would be.
The Lone Wanderer holds his 10mm Pistol as he overlooks the scenery outside of Vault 101.
Aiming; unlike the series' later entries, ADS-ing in Fallout 3 simply zooms in the player's field of view while the gun is moved closer to the center of the screen (and in the case of one-handed weapons, the gun being held with a teacup-style two-handed grip), although the third-person view still shows the character aiming down the sights.
Discharging the handgun; it produces a rather wimpy report for being the most powerful semi-auto pistol in the game. The pistol's breech is seemingly represented by a huge black void.
Reloading; the Lone Wanderer first raises the pistol...
...and then inserts a new magazine, the old one seemingly dematerialising along the way. The magazine incorrectly uses the texture for the gun itself instead of the magazine's.
The slide is then given a forceful rack; despite the presence of a slide release along with a corresponding notch in the slide, it never locks open.
The jam animation has the Wanderer give the slide a slightly different racking.
The pistol being aimed in third-person, demonstrating actual usage of the sights.
The suppressed variant's model.
The Lone Wanderer wields a Silenced 10mm Pistol in the market of Rivet City.
The Operation: Anchorage version.
The suppressed Operation: Anchorage version.
The Lone Wanderer holds a Silenced 10mm Pistol while in the Anchorage sim, wondering if he accidentally booted up Modern Warfare 2 instead.
Reloading; note that the magazine is now using the correct texture, although it still lacks an opening, and therefore any ammunition.

Smith & Wesson 2nd Model

The ".32 Pistol" is modeled after the Smith & Wesson Model 2 Double Action, though the 2nd Model was only chambered in .38 S&W. It's frequently used by raiders and other low-level characters, and James (voiced by Liam Neeson) uses one as his sidearm. It is not a particularly useful weapon, as it deals a very low amount of damage and has a small 5-round cylinder. During The Pitt DLC when entering the city of the same name, the player can smuggle in a .32 as their only firearm.

Wild Bill in The Pitt holds its unique version, appropriately named "Wild Bill's Sidearm"; compared to the standard .32 Pistol, Wild Bill's Sidearm has much better damage and durability and also features higher a critical damage multiplier.

Smith & Wesson 2nd Model - .38 S&W
The in-game model for the ".32 Pistol". Note the Smith & Wesson logo on the grip; as the revolver's textures on its left side are mirrored, the S&W emblem on that side is reversed.
The Lone Wanderer eyes a destroyed bridge, Smith & Wesson 2nd Model in hand.
Later on in Megaton, he begins to reload the revolver...
...until it jams. All firearms in Fallout 3 tend to jam more and more as their condition worsens until they finally break.

Smith & Wesson Model 29

The Smith & Wesson Model 29 appears as the "Scoped .44 Magnum". As the name implies, it is fitted with an unremovable scope (which might be a reference to an almost identical Model 29 that appeared in the Mad Max sequel, The Road Warrior). An unscoped version is used by the "Mysterious Stranger", who briefly appears during combat through a Perk to finish off wounded enemies. Another unscoped version is used by Paulson from the Mothership Zeta DLC and can be obtained by killing Paulson and looting his dead body or by making him drop the gun through various means (it should be noted that Paulson is from the mid-19th century, making his use of a Model 29 anachronistic). This is the only way to acquire an unscoped Model 29 legitimately. Paulson's Revolver is also unique in that it fires a spread of 9 pellets, presumably meant to represent ratshot rounds. A more powerful unique variant called the "Blackhawk" can be obtained from Agatha, but the gun has no relation to the Ruger revolver of the same name; another unique variant, called "Callahan's Magnum" can be found inside the Pentagon depending on how the player completes "Who Dares Wins", the final quest of Broken Steel.

Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum
The in-game model of the S&W Model 29.
The scopeless version used by the Mysterious Stranger and Paulson.
The Lone Wanderer looks out at the Jefferson Memorial from Rivet City with his Scoped .44 Magnum.
The Lone Wanderer attempts to reload his .44...
...but instead, the weapon jams. This leaves the Wanderer questioning how he has bad enough luck to jam a revolver. The gun is "unjammed" by apparently spinning its cylinder.

Shansi Type 17

The "Chinese Pistol", as its name implies, is based on the Shansi Type 17, a Chinese copy of the Mauser C96 in .45 ACP. The Fallout 3 version, however, is chambered for 10mm. It is mostly used by raiders and Chinese remnant soldiers, as well as some simulated Chinese troops in the Operation Anchorage DLC. The reload animation always features ten rounds being loaded regardless of how many are left in the magazine, and the clip is incorrectly inserted along with the cartridges which visually appear to be some sort of bottlenecked caliber. Despite being chambered for the same cartridge as the N99, the Shansi deals a much lower amount of damage than the 10mm Pistol, on par with the BB gun; it is, however, twice as durable than the N99. A unique version, the Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol, can be found in the L.O.B. Enterprises building; this variant fires incendiary bullets that sets its targets on fire.

Shansi Type 17 - .45 ACP
The Shansi Type 17's in-game model. The markings on the weapon indicate that it was manufactured in the year 18 of the Republic of China calendar (1929) and are written in traditional Chinese; while somewhat confusing in the context of the game's lore, they are accurate to the real pistol.
The Lone Wanderer heads into the town of Springvale with a Chinese Pistol. Note the rather worrying lack of a firing pin.
As he leaves Megaton, he decides to reload his pistol...
...and clear a jam; this is apparently caused by the hammer spontaneously uncocking itself.

Submachine Guns

"10mm Submachine Gun"

The "10mm Submachine Gun" is the only SMG in the game. The core of its design is a backwards Browning M2HB receiver, combined with a pistol grip and trigger group based on the Thompson Submachine Gun; the resulting weapon has a similar form factor to the defunct Heckler & Koch SMG prototype. It feeds from curved 30-round magazines, features a decent damage-per-second output, and has poor accuracy beyond close range. During its "jam animation", the SMG's user will remove its magazine and smack it against the gun. Although no .22-caliber pistols exist in Fallout 3, the 10mm SMG's sounds are labelled internally as "wpn_pistol22".

A unique variant is used by fortune hunter Sydney and can be given to the player by choosing to side with her in the quest "Stealing Independence". Although this version holds 50 rounds in its magazines, they are still modelled with the base variant's 30-rounder.

Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
Heckler & Koch SMG II - 9x19mm Parabellum
The model for the "10mm SMG". Note the odd fire selector markings (mirrored from the gun's left side) and the underfolding stock, which is never used. There appears to be too large of a gap between the breech and the magazine's opening for any rounds to enter the chamber due to the high positioning of the barrel, as that's instead where the cocking lever would be on an H&K pattern submachine gun.
The Lone Wanderer ventures across the Wasteland with his trusty 10mm SMG.
The Lone Wanderer reloads his 10mm SMG. Strangely, the textured cartridge in the magazine appears to resemble a .44 Magnum round. The solid section of the folding stock (which lacks a buttplate) can be seen partly clipping through the SMG's body.
Having wandered into the Metro of DC, the Lone Wanderer uses his submachine gun correctly and removes a Ghoul's head from existence.
While visiting the Anchorage War Memorial, the Lone Wanderer decides to take a closer look at one of its figures wielding a 10mm SMG.


"Chinese Assault Rifle"

The more powerful of the two assault rifles, the "Chinese Assault Rifle" is clearly meant to evoke the AK family of weapons. It uses a fictional receiver similar in outline to the RPD's and in layout to the AK's, but also combines design traits from other weapons such as the handguard, barrel assembly and rear sight like ones present on the RPD, with the gas piston and the barrel simply turned upside down, along with a stock from the AS Val. The rifle in game is chambered for 5.56x45mm rounds, but the magazine it uses (which hold 24 rounds) is shaped like a 7.62x39mm 30-rounder; the world model for 5.56mm ammo pickups is depicted as a Chinese Assault Rifle's magazine. Being the more powerful assault rifle, the Chinese Assault Rifle is comparatively less common than the G3 below, being mostly found on Talon Company and Regulator assassins along with some super mutants; other notable users include Lucas Simms, Jericho, and the Chinese remnants inside Mama Dolce's. The Xuanlong Assault Rifle, a unique version that deals more damage and has a 36-round magazine (despite being modeled with the standard variant's 24-round mag), can be acquired after completing the unmarked quest "Jiggs' Loot".

RPD - 7.62x39mm
AS Val - 9x39mm
The in-game model of the Chinese Assault Rifle. Were this a real weapon, the gap between the magazine release and well would cause problems with the magazine locking in. Also unlike an actual AK, the Chinese Assault Rifle's charging handle is not directly attached to the bolt, rather being located behind the ejection port like with some LMGs such as the RPD.
The Lone Wanderer wields his Chinese Assault Rifle in the middle of Arlington.
The Lone Wanderer reloads his Chinese Assault Rifle. Note the two-position "safe-fire" fire selector (which clashes with the more AK-esque selector on the receiver's right-hand side) and the partially-obscured markings that read "T 93 sh" on the first line and "79496" on the second.
Replacing the Chinese Assault Rifle's rather wide magazine whilst maintaining poor trigger discipline.
Giving the charging handle a pull. As the bolt in front of it is merely a texture, it predictably stays still.
A jam prompts the Lone Wanderer to cycle the rifle a second time.
The Lone Wanderer with his commie-issue rifle in third-person view.
The Operation: Anchorage version of the rifle.
The Lone Wanderer holds the winterized variant of the Chinese Assault Rifle from the Anchorage sim.
Reloading; the receiver markings are now barely visible, as their actual presence on the texture has been removed leaving only the normal map.

Heckler & Koch G3

The "Assault Rifle" (or "R91 Assault Rifle") is based on the original Heckler & Koch G3, but is chambered in 5.56mm rounds and uses CETME Model C magazines that somehow hold 24 rounds. The R91 can be found on most mid-level enemies, specifically raiders, super mutants, and Talon Company mercenaries as well as simulated US Army troops in Operation: Anchorage. Compared to the Chinese Assault Rifle, the R91 is generally inferior due to its lower damage, but it has slightly higher durability and is more abundant throughout the Wasteland, making for easy repairs.

A different version, the "Infiltrator", can be found in The Pitt. This version has a black handguard, shorter barrel and cocking tube, no stock, and is equipped with a suppressor, scope and extended magazine; the last point is purely cosmetic, as it has the same ammo capacity as the basic R91. Its unique version, the Perforator, has higher damage, accuracy, and critical hit chance (as well as increased critical damage), but is less durable, fires slower, and uses more AP in VATS. According to designer Emil Pagliaruno, the Infiltrator was inspired by the scoped and suppressed MAC-10 from Escape from New York.

Heckler & Koch G3 - 7.62x51mm NATO
CETME Model C - 7.62x51mm NATO
The in-game model for the R91. The trigger group has been compressed vertically, presumably to reuse animations for other weapons.
The R91 used in the Operation: Anchorage DLC, which has a slightly green tint.
The Infiltrator variant of the G3 from The Pitt. The scope model is reused from the "Scoped .44 Magnum".
The Lone Wanderer prepares to enter the urban ruins of DC, Assault Rifle in hand.
Later, while fighting some raiders, he reloads his Assault Rifle near a ruined highway overpass. Note the selector set to semi-auto.
The R91 on the Lone Wanderer's back in the original trailer.

"Hunting Rifle"

The "Hunting Rifle" appears to be a Mauser type bolt-action rifle, and resembles the Winchester Model 70 series. Bizarrely, it uses the same .32 caliber pistol rounds that the Smith & Wesson .32 revolver uses, though the rounds seen in the magazine and the cases ejected appear to be .308 Winchester rounds. This weapon is often the very first rifle-type firearm the Lone Wanderer can acquire after leaving Vault 101 for the first time (not counting the BB gun, which is technically not a firearm). This weapon is very accurate, and has the best zoom aside from the scoped weapons. While the standard Hunting Rifle has spread, unlike the Sniper Rifle (and the Hunting Rifle's unique variant Ol' Painless), it's still accurate enough for mid-range sniping, but a very high skill level is needed for sniping outside of VATS range.

Winchester Model 70 - .30-06
The model of the "Hunting Rifle". Strangely, it is missing any form of iron sights.
The Lone Wanderer enters Megaton with a Hunting Rifle.
The Lone Wanderer reloads the Hunting Rifle. Note the textured cartridge on the magazine which is definitely not .32 S&W. This rifle appears to have been originally modelled as a single-shot bolt-action as there seems to be no visible opening for the magazine to feed rounds into the chamber.

"Sniper Rifle"

The "Sniper Rifle" appears to be based on the "DKS-501" from the previous games. It is likely a different model as it now chambers .308 Winchester, and features different furniture and no longer a PPSh-41-style barrel. This rifle is the only weapon in the game chambered for the rare .308 cartridge, which is fed by 5-round magazines. The Sniper Rifle is the top-tier long-range weapon when it comes down to a marksman role, but its scope reticule has high sway when aiming through it; a maxed-out Small Guns skill will stop it completely, otherwise having a higher count in the skill or crouching will reduce swaying. It is a very fragile gun, requiring constant repairs to be made by the player.

There are two unique versions of the rifle: the Reservist's Rifle; it uses less AP in V.A.T.S. and has much better durability, but only holds 3 rounds (while retaining its 5-round magazine model), and the Victory Rifle; which has significantly better durability and can knock down opponents on critical hits, but has a smaller critical damage multiplier.

The in-game model for the "Sniper Rifle". Its handguard consists of a monopod, which always remains folded.
Up high on an overpass, the Lone Wanderer looks out at the Capital Wasteland with a Sniper Rifle. The top-left side of the receiver oddly contains the same charging handle slot present on its right side.
After leaving his highway perch, the Lone Wanderer reloads his Sniper Rifle. His right hand fingers appear to be clenched too much when gripping the rifle.
Sighting up a distant Enclave soldier with the scope. Despite the crosshair not being centered on the head, this will result in a headshot; this is because the gun fires slightly higher and to the right of the actual reticule's center.

Henry 1860

The Henry 1860 appears as "Lincoln's Repeater", a one-of-a-kind rifle based on the real Henry 1860 that was presented to Abraham Lincoln in 1862, featuring the same engraving as on the real rifle. It is fitted with a wooden handguard, which the real rifle does not have. It is also chambered in .44 Magnum instead of .44 rimfire, presumably for gameplay purposes; however, in the game files, there exist assets for a ".44 caliber center fire" round, which was meant to be used in Lincoln's Repeater. Its description as centerfire rounds however still makes it an incorrect chambering; this error possibly resulted from the fact that .44-40 WCF is a common chambering for modern Henry replicas. The rifle is found inside the Museum of History, the in-game analogue to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Lincoln's Repeater is a very high-powered rifle, dealing 25 more damage than the Hunting Rifle, and 10 more damage than the Sniper Rifle. While it lacks a scope, it remains highly accurate at long range as it has a spread factor of 0. It also has 3 times the ammo capacity of either of the other two rifles. Rather strangely, Lincoln's Repeater can only be repaired with Hunting Rifles, though this feature was likely implemented for gameplay reasons as the repeater is the only Henry rifle in the game. However, the 10mm version from the Point Lookout DLC cannot be used to repair Lincoln's Repeater. Interestingly, a cut HUD icon features Lincoln's Repeater with an appearance more close to its real world inspiration, as no handguard is present on the rifle, along with the follower tab being positioned at the rear of the magazine tube. The weapon is incorrectly depicted as double-action and the bolt does not extend out of the rear of the receiver.

A non-unique version of the Henry appears in Point Lookout, called the "Lever-Action Rifle". This version is a rare iron-framed model and is chambered in 10mm. It is used by a variety of the inhabitants of Point Lookout and is the most powerful weapon chambered for 10mm in the game, dealing the same amount of damage as the Sniper Rifle. The "Backwater Rifle", its unique version which deals more damage and is over twice as durable, can be found in a Chinese Intelligence Bunker if the player completes the quest "The Velvet Curtain". Strangely, despite chambering 10mm, the Lever-Action Rifle only holds 10 rounds in its tube. Additionally, its Pip-Boy icon for some reason shows an enlarged version of the Red Ryder BB gun instead of a Henry.

Both versions of the Henry are relatively fragile guns; the Lever-Action Rifle will break after 250 shots, and Lincoln's Repeater breaks after 400. The Backwater Rifle is the most durable at being capable of firing 519 shots before breaking.

Henry 1860 - .44 rimfire
The model for "Lincoln's Repeater", impeccably preserved after 415 years of neglect. Note that the follower tab has been moved to the front of the handguard, although it is never used when reloading; the rear sight has also been moved to the receiver, but the slot for it in the barrel remains (like with the real Lincoln rifle).
The Lone Wanderer, clad in Brotherhood Outcast Power Armor, takes on a super mutant with an old age rifle. Note the incorrectly uncocked hammer and .223 caliber casing ejected by the repeater; this is also the case for the Point Lookout version.
New Original Henry Iron Frame - .44-40 WCF
The model for the "Lever-Action Rifle".
In D.C., the Lone Wanderer checks his souvenir from Point Lookout. Handling Lincoln's Henry hasn't taught the Wanderer how to properly grip the rifle.
Preparing to reload.
Giving this Henry a rack of the lever, its bolt still refusing to cock the hammer like with Lincoln's one.
The Lone Wanderer using a Lever-Action Rifle on one of Point Lookout's more hostile inhabitants.

"Gauss Rifle"

Added in the Operation: Anchorage DLC, the "Gauss Rifle" is the Energy Weapons alternative to the Sniper Rifle. It is heavily based on the Lahti L-39 anti-tank rifle, which includes the gun's rear and receiver area. The weapon draws power from microfusion cells (a miniature fusion reactor used as an energy weapon ammo type) in order to magnetize and accelerate its chambered ferromagnetic slugs, which are located in the magazine on the right side (itself seemingly based on the Lahti's own magazine); despite the obviously finite capacity of a box magazine, it is never reloaded. This was done to make use of ammunition already existing in the base game instead of introducing a seperate ammo type. It is not exactly clear if the Gauss Rifle actually has a rifled barrel as its name implies, with fired rounds being depicted as finned cartridges. Stats-wise, the Gauss Rifle functions as a single-shot weapon with the cell powering it being replaced each time it is fired. Scoring a critical hit on a target will knock them down. During the Anchorage Reclamation simulation, the Gauss Rifle can be given to the player while stocking up on equipment and it may be used until the end of the simulation. Outside of the Anchorage simulation, only one Gauss Rifle can be obtained by the player character, as a possible reward to the DLC's questline. Due to its unique nature, it can only be repaired by merchants, potentially making it an expensive weapon to regularly use.

Lahti L-39 - 20x138mm B
The in-game model for the "Gauss Rifle".
The Gauss Rifle equipped in first person view.
Removing the spent microfusion cell.
Placing in a new cell
A "jam" occurs, which is resolved by rotating back the gun's Lahti-style cranking handle. However, a bug renders the crank fixed in one place and the player's hand pulls a non-existent handle. This was corrected in Fallout: New Vegas.
A slow-motion angle of a slug fired by the Gauss Rifle.
The Gauss Rifle is also seen prominently in this Chinese propaganda poster, which reads "Long Live the People's Liberation Army". This may imply that this model of Gauss Rifle is of Chinese origin or was used in service by the People's Liberation Army. However, none are used by Chinese soldiers in the Anchorage Simulation.

Daisy Red Ryder

Called the "BB Gun" in-game, the Red Ryder is the first weapon received by the Lone Wanderer, given by James during the quest "Growing Up Fast"; it can also be found in a rare few places in the Wasteland. It has the highest capacity of 100 rounds (while the real Red Ryder holds around 650 BBs maximum) for the Small Guns category of weapons in the game and has decent accuracy, but also deals an incredibly low amount of damage, and as such has little use outside of being a gimmick weapon.

Daisy Red Ryder BB gun
The in-game model for the BB Gun.
A young Lone Wanderer uses their new birthday present on a makeshift gun range in Vault 101. Note the placement of the player's hands, blocking the sights. This is because the Lone Wanderer (and everyone else in Fallout 3) has mastered the art of squinting at the space just to the left of their rifle to aim.


Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun

A Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun appears as the "Sawed-Off Shotgun". It functions as the game's low-level shotgun, as it deals the lowest damage, cannot score critical hits, and has the widest spread. A unique version named "The Kneecapper" is carried by Ronald Laren; this variant deals far more damage, has a tighter spread, and is one pound lighter but is also less durable.

Stevens 311R (sawed-off) - 12 gauge
The in-game model for the Sawed-Off Shotgun. Although concept art shows the shotgun with a grip leftover from its sawed-off stock, this was ultimately replaced in the final product with a recolored pistol grip from the Chinese Assault Rifle.
The Lone Wanderer stares off at the Capital Wasteland while wielding a Sawed-Off Shotgun. Oddly, the barrels on the shotgun have an oval shape which also affects the bore's textures at the breech but not the shape of the shells loaded inside. This was corrected in Fallout: New Vegas in which the Sawed-Off Shotgun was completely retextured.

Double Barreled Shotgun

A non-sawn-off version of the double barreled shotgun above (and reusing the stock of the "Combat Shotgun" below) appears in the Point Lookout DLC. It is the most powerful shotgun in the game as it fires both barrels at one, although the pellet count is the same as all other shotguns. It is a frequent sight throughout the state park, being found lying around in various locations and is used by Swampfolk and Tribals. Due to an NPC-only +35 damage boost given to certain weapons in Point Lookout, this shotgun is particularly dangerous in the hands of enemies due to the bonus ignoring armor and being applied to every individual pellet, resulting in an extra 315 points of damage if all pellets hit.

Stevens 311A - 12 gauge
The Double-Barrel Shotgun in all its makeshift glory.
The Lone Wanderer prepares to do some shotgun fishing with a Double-Barrel. This will prove a bit more difficult than shooting fish in a barrel, considering that there are no fish in this river, nor are they in barrels.
Aiming; it features the same amount of zoom (that is, very little) as the Combat Shotgun.
Giving any potential fish in there a taste of doom.
Reloading starts with the Lone Wanderer actually pushing on the opening latch, although it isn't actually animated to move.
This is followed by tipping the shotgun backwards, which seems to cause the contents of its barrels to spontaneously vanish.
Loading in new shells...
...and flicking the shotgun closed.
The jam animation simply has the Wanderer break open the shotgun again while some rather aggressive viewbob plays.
The shotgun in third-person view.

"Combat Shotgun"

This fictional semi-automatic shotgun has an overall appearance of the PPSh-41 submachine gun, from the fire selector switch located inside the trigger guard, the barrel's protruding muzzle-brake, the drum magazine, and even the sights. Smiling Jack in Evergreen Mills carries "The Terrible Shotgun", a unique variation that deals more damage but has an extremely wide spread. Combat Shotguns can also be found set up traps triggered by pressure plates or tripwires; when disarmed, which requires a Repair skill of at least 45, the player will be given a poor-condition Combat Shotgun, four shells, and ten microfusion cells.

PPSh-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The in-game model for the Combat Shotgun. Note how the drum is too far forward to have shells actually reach the gun's action. Also note how the bolt doesn't appear to have enough space to move backwards; this is because it operates with a blow-forward mechanism, introducing yet another question as to how it works internally.
The Lone Wanderer looks across the Potomac while atop the Key Bridge, Combat Shotgun in hand.
Trying to take a closer look by aiming the shotgun; this proves to be rather ineffective due to the weapon's rather low zoom.
Firing the shotgun in frustration of this fact.
The Lone Wanderer then reloads the shotgun, first by realising that the drum is missing a rather critical component: an opening for the shells to come out of.
Unfettered by this, he proceeds to load in a new magazine...
...and pull the incredibly tiny charging handle, which doesn't actually move the bolt at all; it is also pulled backwards and locks in the fully rearward position as if the gun were open-bolt.
A nearly identical animation is used when the weapon jams, which is apparently caused by the charging handle sliding back forward.
"PPSH, heck of a shotgun."



The "Flamer" appears to be based on an M9 Flamethrower, but with the backpack of an M2 Flamethrower. One of the more common heavy weapons in the game, it has an extremely short range, not even shooting ten feet ahead. There are three unique variants of the Flamer, of which two only appear in Broken Steel. The first is the Burnmaster, which is simply a more powerful Flamer with less durability. The second, the Rapid-Torch Flamer, lacks the small delay the regular variant has when firing. The final variant, the Slo-Burn Flamer, is similar to the Rapid-Torch but deals more damage at the cost of using much more fuel.

M9A1-7 Flamethrower
M2A1-7 Flamethrower
The in-game model for the "Flamer"
The Lone Wanderer stands outside of Rivet City, armed with his Flamer.
Striking a pose, the Lone Wanderer shows off his Flamer.
The Lone Wanderer clears a jam in his Flamer. How does one "jam" a flamethrower, anyway?

"Frag Grenade"

The "Frag Grenade" bears a strong resemblance to the Danish M23 Haanbombe, but has a more conventional spoon-type primer instead of the M23's pressure switch, along with fragmentation grooves on the body (the M23 used a detachable sleeve in order to achieve fragmentation); despite this, the in-game grenade does not produce fragments. It is one of the most common explosive weapons, being found on characters ranging from raiders to super mutants. Frag Grenades may also be found as "Grenade Bouquet" traps, consisting of three grenades hanging from a ceiling by a string, triggered by a tripwire or pressure plate; with an Explosives skill of over 30, the trap may be disarmed and the grenades added to the inventory.

M23 Haanbombe
The Frag Grenade model.

TM-46 Anti-Tank Mine

The "Frag Mine" is a recolored and scaled-down TM-46 anti-tank mine, used as an anti-personnel weapon rather than anti-tank. Despite their name, they do not produce fragments when detonated, but only a rather small concussive blast. When a mine is approached, it will beep until it explodes; how long it takes depends on the player's Explosives skill, which also determines its detection proximity. Planted mines can be found in various locations, most notably in a location simply known as Minefield, which has around 60 planted in the area; they can be disarmed regardless of the Lone Wanderer's skill.

TM-46 anti-tank mine
The Frag Mine model. The handle is not used, and appears to be a relic of its anti-tank basis.

Unusable Weapons

Long Rifle

A Long Rifle is seen in the Capitol Building reliefs depicting historical events.

Kentucky Rifle - .36 caliber

M1903 Springfield

Although barely visible, the loader for the BB Gun has a sticker with a logo that features an M1903 Springfield.

Mark 1 M1903 Springfield - .30-06
The BB Gun's loader's raw texture. Note the grasping grooves in the stock, denoting the rifle as a Mark 1 model.

Ruger GP100

The Ruger GP100 appears on the "Guns and Bullets" skill book, which increases the player's Small Guns skill by one point. It is also clearly seen during loading sequences.

Stainless Ruger GP100 - .357 Magnum
The model of the Guns and Bullets magazine, with the GP100 on the cover.

Arisaka Rifle

At several points during the Operation: Anchorage DLC, propaganda posters for the People's Liberation Army appear in the simulation. One of the posters depicts a Chinese soldier with an Arisaka-style rifle.

Arisaka Type 38 Carbine - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
The in-game Chinese propaganda poster that reads "Long Live the People's Liberation Army".

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