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The Olsen Gang

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Olsen Gang
Olsen Gang - Cover.jpg
Movie Poster
Country DEN.jpg Denmark
Directed by Erik Balling
Release Date October 11, 1968
Language Danish
Studio Nordisk Film
Distributor Nordisk Film
Main Cast
Character Actor
Egon Olsen Ove Sprogøe
Benny Frandsen Morten Grunwald
Kjeld Jensen Poul Bundgaard
Inspector Mortensen Peter Steen
Børge Jensen Jes Holtsø

The Olsen Gang is a 1968 Danish crime comedy. Gang leader Egon, after being arrested during a failed burglary in a tobacco store, returns from one of his numerous prison stays. In the gang's usual meeting place, the innkeeper Hansen's pub and the adjoining brothel of the prostitute Connie, Egon, Benny, and Kjeld discuss their new plan: On the occasion of a Bavarian culture week, a precious exhibit, the so-called Kaiseraufsatz, from the possession of the Hohenzollerns is shown in the Copenhagen Art Industry Museum; the gang wants to steal this exhibit.

The following weapons were used in the film The Olsen Gang:


Colt Single Action Army

The Sheriff (Ole Monty) and his deputies are armed with Colt Single Action Army revolvers.

Colt Single Action Army w/ 4.75" barrel, custom engraved with ivory - .32-20 Winchester
The sheriff tries to swing his revolver around.
The deputies with their drawn Colts outside a hut.
The sheriff fires a warning shot into the air. His shoulder insignia identifies him as a Politiassistent (Police Constable with 7 years of service).
Like a Western-style pursuit on the horse, he fans the SAA.

Submachine Guns

Erma EMP 35

Several Erma EMPs are seen in the sheriff's gun rack.

Erma EMP (EMP 35) - 9x19mm
"Slogan: Shoot first, ask later!"
A close view of two EMPs behind the sheriff.
The Police chief's (Poul Reichhardt) special unit with their EMPs.

Sten Mk. II

At least one Danish police officer is seen carrying a Sten Mk II.

Sten Mark II (Canadian) - 9x19mm
The policeman to the right stands with his Sten gun.
Two different views show the barrel and the Canadian stock.


Lever Action Rifle

The gun rack includes unknown lever action rifles.


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