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Code Name: Tiger (Le Tigre aime la chair fraîche)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Code Name: Tiger
Le Tigre aime la chair fraîche
Movie poster
Country FRA.jpg France
ITA.jpg Italy
Directed by Claude Chabrol
Release Date 1964
Language French
Studio Gaumont Distribution
Alexandra Produzioni Cinematografiche
Distributor Gaumont
Main Cast
Character Actor
Louis Rapière aka Tiger Roger Hanin
Mehlica Baskine Daniela Bianchi
Madame Baskine Maria Mauban
Duvet Roger Dumas
General Condé Albert Dagnant
Mr. Coubassi Antonio Passalia
Mr. Dobrovsky Mario David
Mr. Benitez Roger Rudel
Jean-Luc, The dwarf Jimmy Karoubi
The opera singer Stéphane Audran

Code Name: Tiger (Original title: Le Tigre aime la chair fraîche, The Tiger loves fresh meat) is a 1964 French-Italian Eurospy thriller written and directed by Claude Chabrol and starring Roger Hanin as Agent Tiger. A sequel Our Agent Tiger was released in 1965.

The following weapons were used in the film Code Name: Tiger (Le Tigre aime la chair fraîche):

Walther P38

Direction de la surveillance du territoire (DST) officer Louis Rapière aka Tiger (Roger Hanin) and many others are seen with Walther P38 pistols.

Walther P38 - 9x19mm
Nickel plated Walther P38 - 9x19mm
Louis Rapière holds his sidearm in hand.
Mr. Benitez (Roger Rudel) confiscates Tiger's gun.
Turkish embassy security personnel are also equipped with Walther P38s.
Duvet (Roger Dumas) (left) draws his sidearm.
Mr. Dobrovsky (Mario David) takes Mehlica Baskine (Daniela Bianchi) hostage.
A DST officer disguised as the Scot aims his gun.
One of DST agents carries a nickel plated Walther P38.

Luger LP 08

The killers (Henri Attal and Dominique Zardi) at the airport are equipped with a Luger LP 08 on a tripod.

Luger LP 08 long barreled "Artillery" model - 9x19mm
Louis Rapière (Roger Hanin) holds the pistol, taken from the terrorists.

Colt Model 1903

Turkish policemen are armed with Colt Model 1903 pistols.

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless - .32 ACP

Unidentified Revolver

Mr. Dobrovsky (Mario David) pulls an unidentified revolver from his pocket.


Mle 1892 Revolver

The dwarf Jean-Luc (Jimmy Karoubi) carries an Mle 1892 revolver while in a cowboy costume.

Modele d’Ordonnance Mle 1892 - 8x27mm SR
The little girl on the carousel believes Jean-Luc is a boy her age and his revolver a toy.

Beretta Model 38/49

Mr. Benitez (Roger Rudel) and one of his men uses a Beretta Model 38/49.

Beretta Model 38/49 - 9x19mm
Mr. Benitez with a Beretta Model 38/49 in his hand.
Benitez's henchman (left) holds the submachine gun.


One of Benitez's henchmen and some DST agents carry MAT-49 submachine guns.

MAT-49 - 9x19mm
The man (right) from Mr. Benitez's entourage holds a MAT-49.
One of the DST agents with MAT-49 in hand arrests Mr. Choubassi (Antonio Passalia).

Sten Mk II

One of Benitez's henchmen uses a Sten Mk II.

Sten Mk II - 9x19mm
The henchman in the foreground is armed with a Sten Mk II.
This thug with his submachine gun during the shootout in the scrapyard.

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