'Clash (Vietnamese: Bẫy Rồng)' is a 2009 Vietnamese action martial arts film directed by Le Thanh Son and starring Johnny Nguyen and actress/singer Veronica Ngo. Johnny Nguyen and Veronica Ngo had recently appeared together in the 2007 film ('The Rebel').
The following weapons were used in the film Clash (Bay Rong):
The M1911A1 pistol is seen.
Trinh to point a gun at Black Dragon (Hoang Phuc Nguyen).
M1911A1 on the Table Black Dragon.
Tokarev TT-33
The Tokarev TT-33 pistol appeared exactly once in the hands of the undercover policeman in the movie.
Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Post-1947 version. Produced by Tula Arsenal. Note the CCCP printing around the star on the plastic grips.
hidden policeman in the back holding Tokarev TT-33.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
Numerous characters use Smith & Wesson Model 10s.
Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 4" barrel - .38 Special
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver - .38 Special
Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 5" Barrel - .38 Special
Smith & Wesson Model 10 snub nose revolver - .38 Special. Same frame, but with smaller grips and newer sight and barrel design
Smith & Wesson Model 10 snub nose revolver - .38 Special. Early Model.
Quan(Left) and Trinh(Right) firing Smith & Wesson Model 36 and Model 10.
Quan(Tiger) (
Johnny Nguyen) Use smith & wesson model 10 to point a gun at someone
French Gangster used Smith & Wesson Model 10.
French Gangster Firing Smith & Wesson Model 10.
French Gangster firing Smith & Wesson Model 10.
Trinh(Phoenix) Firing Smith & Wesson Model 10.
French Gangster Used Smith & Wesson Model 10.
French Gangster Firing Smith & Wesson Model 10.
French Gangster firing Smith & Wesson Model 10.
undercover cop holding Smith & Wesson Model 10 in his hand after jumping off a motorbike.
Black Dragon and Juniors Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32 and Model 10.
Black Dragon and Juniors Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32 and Model 10.
Quan Reload Smith & Wesson Model 10 2 inch.
Quan Holding Smith & Wesson Model 10.
Two of a Thoong mens used Smith & Wesson Model 10 to point gun a at Cang Grenade.
One of a Thoong men used Smith & Wesson Model 10 to point gun a at Cang Grenade.
A Thoong (Nguyen Hau) and juniors pulled out Smith & Wesson Model 10 in case they saw the French gangsters coming.
A Thoong and juniors used Smith & Wesson Model 10 to shoot at the Quan boat.
Black Dragon (Hoang Phuc Nguyen) pounces on Smith & Wesson Model 10 right next to it.
Black Dragon uses Smith & Wesson Model 10 to shoot Quan when it is right next to it.
Quan used Smith & Wesson Model 10 to point a gun at Black Dragon
Black Dragon uses Smith & Wesson Model 10 to point a gun at the Trinh head.
Quan loaded up for the Smith & Wesson model 10.
Black Dragon loaded up for the smith & wesson model 10.
Quan used Smith & Wesson Model 10 to point a gun at Black Dragon.
Johnny Nguyen) uses Smith & Wesson Model 10 shoot Black Dragon.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
A Smith & Wesson Model 36s appeared in the hands of many characters.
Smith & Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special - 5 shot. First pattern with flat latch cylinder release.
Smith And Wesson Model 36 Loaded Up.
Quan and Trinh Firing Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Phong (Hieu Hien) Firing Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Quan(Left) and Trinh(Right) firing Smith & Wesson Model 36 and Model 10.
Quan(tiger) firing Smith & Wesson Model 36 under the sofa.
Quan hides smith & wesson model 36 in his pants.
Black dragon gave Smith & Wesson Model 36 to Trinh.
Undercover cop holding Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Three juniors of black dragon holding Smith & Wesson Model 10 and Model 36.
Black dragon and a junior holding Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Quan(Tiger) Reload Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Trinh use Smith & Wesson Model 36 shoots Quan when he knows his true identity.
Undercover Cope Firing Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Trinh used Smith & Wesson Model 36 to point a gun at Quan.
Trinh holding Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Trinh used Smith & Wesson Model 36 to point a gun at someone Quan.
Trinh used Smith & Wesson Model 36 to point a gun at someone Quan.
Smith & Wesson Model 36 Loaded Up.
Smith & Wesson Model 36 Reloaded.
Trinh shot Smith & Wesson Model 36 in front of Black Dragon in the past.
Two Juniors Black Dragon Holding Smith & Wesson Model 36 and XM177E2.
One of a Black Dragon Men holding Smith & Wesson Model 36.
Black dragon and juniors used Smith & Wesson Model 36 and Model 32 and XM177E2 to shoot Quan when they saw his boat.
Quan used Smith & Wesson Model 36 when the AK-47 ran out of ammunition.
Smith & Wesson Model 32
A Smith & Wesson Model 32s were used by numerous characters.
Smith & Wesson Model Terrier - .38 S&W
Phong Used Smith & Wesson Model 32.
A Lu (Dang Trung Tuan) Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32 shoot at the tree that Quan is hiding
Quan(Tiger) pulled out Smith & Wesson Model 32 when it revealed their true identity as an undercover cop.
Black Dragon and Juniors Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32 and Model 10.
Black Dragon and Juniors Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32 and Model 10.
Quan Firing Smith & Wesson Model 32.
Black dragon holds smith & wesson model 32 while driving.
Black dragon uses smith & wesson model 32 to shoot Cang Grenade on the car.
Black Dragon holding Smith & Wesson Model 32.
Black dragon and juniors used Smith & Wesson Model 36 and Model 32 and XM177E2 to shoot Quan when they saw his boat.
Black dragon uses Smith & Wesson Model 32 to shoot at French gangsters.
Smith And Wesson Model Variant
The Smith & Wesson Revolvers guns will be used by all the characters in the movie.
Assault Rifles
the AKMS guns used by the French Gangsters and Black Dragon Juniors in the movie.
Black Dragon junior used AKMS to control A Thoong.
French Gangster throws AKMS to his accomplices.
French Gangster Firing AKMS.
French gangsters holding AKMS and AKS-47.
French gangsters holding AKMS and AKS-47.
French gangster holding AKMS.
French gangsters Firing AKMS and AKS-47.
Black Dragon junior firing AKMS.
The AK-47 is used by Trinh and Quan at the end of the movie.
Type 3 AK-47 with laminated stock - 7.62x39mm.
Quan used ak47 to shoot at Gangster.
Trinh used AK-47 to shoot towards Cang.
Trinh used AK-47 to shoot towards Cang.
XM177E2 used by Trinh and Black Dragon juniors in the movie.
Colt Model 629 / XM177E2 - 5.56x45mm
Two Juniors Black Dragon Holding Smith & Wesson Model 36 and XM177E2.
Black Dragon juniors holding XM177E2
Black Dragon Juniors firing XM177E2 (Left).