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Back to Bataan

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Back to Bataan
Movie Poster
Country Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by Edward Dmytryk
Release Date May 31, 1945
Language English
Studio RKO Radio Pictures
Distributor RKO Radio Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Col. Joseph Madden John Wayne
Capt. Andrés Bonifacio Jr. Anthony Quinn
Bertha Barnes Beulah Bondi
Dalisay Delgado Fely Franquelli
Maj. Hasko Richard Loo
Col. Koroki Philip Ahn
Lt. Cmdr. Waite Lawrence Tierney
Señor Buenaventura J. Bello Vladimir Sokoloff

Back to Bataan is a 1945 World War II film that dramatizes the true story of the raid on the Cabanatuan prisoner of war camp by US Army Rangers and Filipino guerilla fighters. The film stars John Wayne as Col. Joseph Madden and Anthony Quinn as Captain Andrés Bonifácio.

The Cabanatuan raid was also dramatized in the 2005 film The Great Raid.

The following weapons were used in the film Back to Bataan:


Colt 1911

A Ranger uses his M1911 to shoot off the lock, but it is shot out of his hand.

Colt 1911 - .45 ACP
A Ranger uses his M1911 to shoot off the lock, but it is shot out of his hand. Although it seems unlikely that the enemy soldier would be able to do this without wounding, this happened during the actual raid to S/Sgt. Theodore Richardson when he shot off the lock of the front gate.

Luger P08

Maj. Hasko (Richard Loo) is armed with a Luger P08.

Luger P08 pistol - 9x19mm Parabellum
Maj. Hasko holds his Luger P08.

Submachine Guns

Colt 1921 Thompson

Both Col. Joseph Madden (John Wayne) and Captain Andrés Bonifácio (Anthony Quinn) are seen using the M1921 Thompson.

Colt 1921 Thompson - .45 ACP
Col. Joseph Madden (John Wayne) holds the M1921 Thompson.
The M1921 Thompson held by Captain Andrés Bonifácio (Anthony Quinn).
Thompsons held by fighters.


M1903 Springfield

Several of the Army Rangers and Philippine guerilla fighters carry the M1903 Springfield rifle.

Springfield M1903- .30-06 Springfield
The Springfield rifle is held by fighters.

Mauser Gewehr 1898

The Gewehr 98 rifle is seen in the hands of both Philippine guerrillas and Japanese soldiers.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle is seen in the hands of Japanese soldiers.
The Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle is seen in the hands of Filipino guerrillas.

Arisaka Type 38

At least, Col. Joseph Madden (John Wayne) is seen handling an Arisaka Type 38.

Arisaka Type 38 - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
Col. Joseph Madden examines an Arisaka on a promotional picture.

Machine Guns

Browning 1917A1

Philippine guerrilla fighters are seen using the Browning M1917A1 during the raid.

Browning 1917A1 - .30-06 Springfield
Filipino guerrilla fighters are seen using the Browning M1917A1 during the raid.

Browning Automatic Rifle

A Philippine guerrilla fighter is seen using the Browning Automatic Rifle during the raid.

M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06 Springfield
A Filipino guerrilla fighter is seen using the Browning Automatic Rifle during the raid.

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