22 Bullets
Theatrical Release Poster
Directed by
Richard Berry
Release Date
EuropaCorp TF1 Films Production Marie Coline Films
22 Bullets (original title L'immortel ("The Immortal")) is a 2010 French crime movie directed by Richard Berry and starring Jean Reno as a retired crime boss Charly Mattei who was shot with 22 bullets but managed to survive and now takes revenge.
The following weapons were used in the film 22 Bullets:
Smith & Wesson Model 586
Tony Zacchia (Kad Merad) uses a snub nose Smith & Wesson Model 586 revolver in several scenes.
Smith & Wesson Model 586 with 2.5" barrel - .357 Magnum
Tony Zacchia holds his revolver in the opening scene.
Zacchia fires his revolver.
Zacchia's revolver in the kitchen table in the final scene.
Zacchia holds Mattei at gunpoint and disarms his.
Close view at the revolver.
Colt Python
In the opening scene two of the assassins are armed with revolvers that are seen very briefly. One of them appears to be a nickel plated Colt Python with 2.5" barrel.
Colt Python 2.5" barrel - .357 Magnum. Manufactured in 1976. Nickel finish, walnut grips.
A stainless steel or nickel plated revolver is seen at the left. It seems to have a vent rib so it can be a
Colt Python with 2.5" barrel.
Glock 17
Various characters use Glock 17 pistols, including Pascal Vasetto (Luc Palun) and Pat Nguyen (Lucie Phan).
3rd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm
Marie Goldman (
Marina Foïs) carries a Glock during the scene in the hospital. Later she is seen with a SIG-Sauer pistol.
Micro Uzi, Glock 17 and two LU 216 hand grenades in Pat Nguyen's arsenal.
Pat Nguyen, bodyguard of Mattei's wife and children, loads her Glock.
The same scene, some marking of the slide can be seen.
Pascal Vasetto fires his Glock during the pursuit.
Another view at Vasetto's pistol.
Glock 17L
In several scenes Mattei (Jean Reno) uses a long barreled Glock 17L.
Glock 17L (Gen 2 Pistol) - 9x19mm
Mattei fires a Glock at Vasetto's henchmen.
Markings on both pistols are seen perfectly.
Mattei fires a Glock during the attack on his hideout.
Mattei fires his long Glock.
Another view at the pistol.
SIG-Sauer P226
Charly Mattei (Jean Reno) uses a SIG-Sauer P226 pistol in several scenes.
Factory black (K-Kote) SIG-Sauer P226 pistol - 9x19mm
Mattei holds Franck Rabou at gunpoint.
A close view at Mattei's pistol.
Another view at Mattei's pistol in the same scene.
Mattei visits Tony Zacchia with pistol in hand.
A close view at Mattei's pistol.
Mattei draws the pistol from glove compartment in the final scene.
SIG Pro SP 2022
SIG Pro SP 2022 pistols are used by police inspector Marie Goldman (Marina Foïs) and her partner Marco Echinard (Cédric Appietto) during the shootout with Vasetto's henchmen.
Marie Goldman fires her pistol.
Another view at Marie's pistol.
Marco Echinard fires his pistol in the same scene.
Beretta 92FS
During the attack on Charly Mattei's hideout on the sea beach Jose Fontarosa (Carlo Brandt) is armed with a Beretta 92FS.
Jose Fontarosa fires his Beretta. Next to him Pascal Vasetto (
Luc Palun) fires a
Mini Uzi.
Fontarosa at the background, his Beretta cycling.
Beretta 92FS Inox
Beretta 92FS Inox is Malek Telaa's (Daniel Lundh) personal weapon.
Beretta 92FS Inox - 9x19mm
In the opening scene masked Malek fires his Beretta Inox (at the right).
Malek cocks his Beretta, fitted with sound suppressor, during the scene in the hospital.
Malek holds suppressed Beretta.
Malek surrenders his pistol to Charly Mattei. At the background Jose Fontarosa (
Carlo Brandt) holds his engraved
CZ 85.
Malek's Beretta is seen in the bowl when Fontarosa puts there his Hi-Power.
In the flashback scene young Charly Mattei (Arthur Mazet) uses two M1911A1 pistols to assassinate a crime boss and start his way to power.
World War II Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP. This was an issued U.S. Army pistol with parkerized finish, thus the official designation of M1911A1
Young Mattei covers the grip of his pistol with tape to avoid fingerprints.
Young Mattei with pistol in hand.
He fires at crime boss. The second pistol is seen blurry.
The pistol is seen through the windshield.
A better view at Mattei's second pistol. It is also
M1911 but maybe of different model.
Para-Ordnance P18-9
A stainless steel (or nickel plated) Para-Ordnance P-18-9 pistol with target sights is used by Le Morvelous (Guillaume Gouix) in several scenes. This pistol is supposed to be the same that is seen in Hitman (both movies share the same armorer).
Para Ordnance P-18-9 old version - 9x19mm
Le Morvelous surrenders his pistol to Mattei.
Le Morvelous fires his pistol during the attack on Mattei's hideout.
Something is seen in the air that must be spent cartridges but look strange. A CGI effect?
A close view at the pistol.
Le Morvelous holds his pistol during the night shootout. The grip can be seen.
The slide bears some inscription, maybe a logo of manufacturer.
Le Morvelous fires at Mattei.
Le Morvelous' pistol is seen next to him.
Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac
A Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac is seen in Charly Mattei's hideout. Mattei gives it to Martin Beaudinard (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), and later this pistol, fitted with sound suppressor, is used by Tony Zacchia (Kad Merad).
Para-Ordnance PXT Nite-Tac 1911 - .45 ACP
Glock 17L and a Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac lie on the table in Mattei's hideout.
Markings on both pistols are seen perfectly.
Martin Beaudinard holds the pistol.
Tony Zacchia readies the pistol.
The pistol, fitted with sound suppressor, is aimed on Malek.
The pistol is thrown from the car.
Taurus PT945
Pascal Vasetto (Luc Palun) carries a Taurus PT945 in several scenes. In one scene the pistol looks stainless steel while in another scene it is two-tone, but except this feature both pistols looks the same.
Stainless Taurus PT945 - .45 ACP
Pascal Vasetto holds his pistol.
Drunk Vasetto threatens his henchman Ange Papalardo.
A close view at Vasetto's pistol. The pistol looks exactly like the one in the previous scene except here it has two-tone finish.
One more view at the same scene.
Heckler & Koch USP
Franck Rabou (Martial Bezot), one of Pascal Vasetto's henchmen, carries a Heckler & Koch USP in several scenes.
Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
Franck Rabou (in the middle) holds his pistol in the scene in the hospital. Pat Nguyen (
Lucie Phan) with
Glock 17 and Le Morvelous (
Guillaume Gouix) with 1911-style pistol are seen at the right.
Franck surrenders his pistol to Mattei.
A part of grip can be seen.
Franck fires his pistol during the attack at Mattei's hideout.
CZ 85
An engraved CZ 85 with custom grips is carried by Jose Fontarosa (Carlo Brandt). It is never used in action.
Jose Fontarosa surrenders his pistol to Mattei.
Desert Eagle Mark I
A Desert Eagle Mark I is carried by Ange Papalardo (Dominique Thomas). It is never used in action.
Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 Magnum
Ange Papalardo (at the right) surrenders his pistol to Charly Mattei. At the left Le Morvelous (
Guillaume Gouix) holds his M1911 pistol.
Papalardo's Desert Eagle is seen in the bowl among other pistols.
Taurus PT92
Bastien Paolini (Christian Mazucchini), one of Pascal Vasetto's henchmen, carries a Taurus PT92. It is never used in action.
Taurus PT92AF (blued) - 9x19mm
Paolini holds his pistol at the background when Mattei surprises Vasetto and his henchmen.
SIG P210
In one scene a drug king Aurelio Rampoli (director Richard Berry's cameo) uses a SIG P210 pistol to execute one of his dealers for theft.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
In several scenes policemen are armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A3 SMG, fitted with Heckler & Koch UMP stocks.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" forearm - 9x19mm
A police officer guards Mattei's room in the hospital. A UMP-style buttstock is seen.
Curved magazine is seen blurry but still definitely.
A police officer holds an MP5 in the final scene.
Heckler & Koch UMP45
In the final scene at least one of the police officers is armed with Heckler & Koch UMP45.
Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP
A police officer at the right holds an UMP with straight magazine, so it's UMP45.
Another view at the same man.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD
In the final scene at least one of the police officers is armed with Heckler & Koch MP5SD.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 with S-E-F trigger group and stock extended - 9x19mm
The police officer holds a suppressed MP5.
The same man is seen at the left.
Mini Uzi
A Mini Uzi is used by Pascal Vasetto (Luc Palun) during the attack on Charly Mattei's hideout on the sea beach and during the kidnapping of Mattei's children.
IMI Mini Uzi with stock folded - 9x19mm
Vasetto fires his Mini Uzi. View from the rear...
A close view at firing Mini Uzi.
Pascal Vasetto with Mini Uzi and his henchman with
Galil MAR.
Pascal Vasetto and his henchman fire their guns at police.
Micro Uzi
A Micro Uzi is seen in Pat Nguyen's (Lucie Phan) arsenal. It isn't used in action.
IMI Micro Uzi with 15 round magazine - 9x19mm
An Uzi is seen in Mattei's hideout. It isn't used in action.
IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
An Uzi and some long gun are seen on the table.
Double Barreled Sawn-Off Shotgun
In the opening scene Bastien Paolini (Christian Mazucchini) is armed with a double barreled shotgun with sawn-off barrels.
The screen used Zabala short barreled shotgun
Ange Papalardo with pump action shotgun (at the right) and Bastien Paolini with double barreled shotgun (at the left).
Paolini loads his shotgun in the flashback scene.
Paolini aims his shotgun in the flashback scene.
A close view at the shotgun.
Mossberg 500
In the opening scene Ange Papalardo (Dominique Thomas) is armed with a Mossberg 500 with stainless steel receiver and wood furniture.
Mossberg 500AT Shotgun - 12 Gauge. Note the wood furniture.
In the opening scene masked Ange Papalardo holds his shotgun (at the left).
Ange Papalardo with pump action shotgun (at the right) and Bastien Paolini with double barreled shotgun (at the left).
A VERY strange scene: Ange's shotgun produces muzzle flame not from the muzzle but from the magazine tube! It must be a CGI effect, placed incorrectly.
Stainless receiver and wooden furniture can be seen.
A close view at the shotgun.
A spent cartridge is seen in air.
Another muzzle flame, this time it appears from the correct place.
Unmasked Ange Papalardo with shotgun in the flashback scene.
Benelli M3
Benelli M3 shotguns are seen in several scenes.
Benelli M3T Super 90 with top folding stock - 12 gauge
Uzi and a Benelli M3 are seen in Mattei's hideout. The shotgun is fitted with a side folding stock and surefire fore end.
A close view at the business end of the Benelli .
A police officer at the left holds what appears to be a Benelli with a pistol grip and a short barrel. It definitely has a relieved receiver for a charging handle.
Assault Rifles
Galil SAR
During the attack on Charly Mattei's hideout on the sea beach Malek Telaa (Daniel Lundh) is armed with a Galil SAR.
IMI Galil SAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Malek fires his Galil during the shootout with Mattei.
Another view at the same scene.
Galil MAR
During the kidnapping of Mattei's children one of Vasetto's henchmen (he is seen only masked, but only Malek or Le Morvelous can participate in this scene) uses a Galil MAR. It fires only in semi auto mode on screen.
IMI Galil MAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Masked henchman fires his Galil during the kidnapping. Next to him Pascal Vasetto (
Luc Palun) fires a
Mini Uzi.
Pascal Vasetto with Mini Uzi and his henchman with Galil MAR.
A spent cartridge is seen in air.
A close view of the business end of MAR.
Pascal Vasetto and his henchman fire their guns at police.
Heckler & Koch G36C
A police officer carries a Heckler & Koch G36C carbine.
Heckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mm
A police officer holds a G36C in the final scene.
A police officer holds a G36C in the final scene.
Hand Grenades
LU 216 Hand Grenade
When Charly Mattei (Jean Reno) surprises Pascal Vasetto and his henchmen, he is holding an LU 216 hand grenade.
LU 216 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Mattei appears in the room with a grenade in hand.
A close view at the grenade.