Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas (2017)
Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas is a 2017 Spanish animated film directed by Enrique Gato and David Alonso and distributed by Paramount Pictures.
The following weapons were used in the animated film Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas:
Henchmen working for the film's villain Jack Rackham (Miguel Ángel Jenner) can occasionally be seen using highly ornate AIMR rifles with the stocks removed. For whatever reason the charging handles and selector switches were not modeled onto the guns, and more interestingly one of the henchmen seems to be "racking" the dust cover at one point as if it was a pistol slide (see analysis below). The ejection ports and bolts inside are visible, however.
First model AIMR with crutch style stock and 20 round magazine - 7.62x39mm. The original Romanian designation for this rifle is the PM md. 80.
An apparently left-handed henchman points the decorated AIMR while in Spain.
A full profile look of the extensively customized rifle late in the film. Quite a few parts are gold-plated, down to the magazine release and the screws on the rear sight. Strangely, the massive wood grain-patterned and gold-trimmed dust cover actually appears to be blocking the rear sight. Note the ejection port, which thankfully isn't modeled/textured onto both sides of the gun (see the above screenshot for the opposite side of the rifle). The gun's flashiness, however, does seem to fit the villain's taste in style at least.
Tiffany (Adrianna Ugarte) briefly commandeers one of the AIMRs, showing off some good detail on the barrel, gas block, and front sight. Plenty of gold plating and trim to go around, especially on the furniture (even the tip of the grip has a little flourish!). Note how she rather awkwardly holds it by the base of the magazine as opposed to the grip, unlike Rackham's trained troops.
One of Rackham's men tries to...uh, rack the dust cover, I guess? With that said, given his massive hands that seem to envelop the gun, it's possible he's just riding his hand along the top to use hsi fingers to work the action (despite the lack of a modeled handle). Although it could have simply been an animation shortcut on the part of the animator, the cover isn't seen moving with his hand as he "racks" it which at least hints at the possibility of the former scenario.
Flare Guns
Some of Rackham's henchmen use what appear to be highly customized Leuchtpistole flare guns throughout the film. Most notable is a different style of hammer, gold plating, and some odd kind of hump-backed hood or shroud located behind the hammer.
A henchman moves in on Sara Lavroff (Michelle Jenner) with his ornate Leuchtpistole drawn (just about as ornate as the AIMR rifles). Although it may seem odd to threaten someone with a flare gun, it's not a terrible choice of weapon considering that they're in an aircraft. Don't want to threaten the cabin pressure with bullets, now. Note what appears to be some kind of rod underneath the barrel.
The opposite side of the same flare pistol seen above. His finger seems to be so far back he appears to have already pulled the trigger, though he hasn't as the hammer is cocked.
A better look at the bottom of the pistol, which rather clearly shows a rounded butt on the grip without a lanyard loop.
A strong profile look of the Leuchtpistole, showing off the strange addition between the grip and the hammer, which isn't too dissimilar to the custom dust covers on the AIMRs. Again, the purpose of this modification isn't apparent outside of mere aesthetic value, which may also simply be the point given all the gold plating.
Air Guns
Palmer Cap-Chur Model 60 Short Range Projector
Rackham's biker henchmen uses a Palmer Cap-Chur Model 60 Short Range Projector dart gun (with a few small visual differences) through a car/motorcycle chase while in Spain. They are portrayed as being able to fire multiple rounds one after the other, despite the Cap-Chur Model 60 being a single-shot pistol.
Palmer Cap-Chur Model 60 Short Range Projector. The Model 60 differs in having a rotating breech block and the rear sights being mounted farther back.
A biker henchman aims his Palmer Cap-Chur Model 60 during the chase in Spain. All the details seem to be here, plus the addition of a strange stylistic flourish in front of the trigger guard.
The opposite side of the dart gun, which includes a good look at what appears to be a rather simply modeled rear sight. Given the motion blur it's hard to tell if that's a notch in the sight or just the blur of the frame.