Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online (2024).
The following weapons were used in Season 2 of the anime series Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online:
Arsenal Firearms Strike One
The Arsenal Firearms Strike One is seen in flashbacks with Eva aka Saki Nitobe using it.
Arsenal Firearms Strike one - 9x19mm
Eva using a badly designed Strike One in a flashback in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
The Strike One as a sidearm icon for Tanya in "Pitohui's Attack".
FN Five-seveN
The FN Five-seveN is used by Clarence as her sidearm in order to share ammo with her AR-57. A FDE version is seen in an eyecatch for "Turn Over".
FN Five-seveN Mark 2 - FN 5.7×28mm.
Clarence runs and guns while firing at Shirley near the end of "Clarence and Shirley".
Closeup of Clarence's Five-seveN.
In an unfortunate moment to run out of ammo.
Clarence inserting a fresh magazine into her empty Five-seveN.
The Five-seveN as a weapons icon.
FN Five-seveN Mark 2 FDE - 5.7x28mm
The Five-seveN with the GGO drill instructor in the eyecatch of "Turn Over".
Glock 17
A Glock 17 is used by Jacob as his sidearm in GGO.
Glock 17 (early third generation model from 1998) - 9x19mm Parabellum
Jacob can't fire his Glock since LLENN shoved her knife to the barrel at the end of "The Reason to Fight".
Glock pistol
Eva is seen with a Glock-based pistol, being used in "The Showdown".
Eva goes out in the most awesome way possible in GGO in "The Showdown".
What seems to be a stainless M1911A1 is seen in the eyecatch of "The Showdown".
MGC replica M1911A1 with silver finish
A GGO girl poses in the eyecatch of "The Showdown".
Springfield Armory XDM
Pitohui's Springfield Armory XDM makes an appearance in the OP sequence, "GG".
Springfield Armory XDM 4.5 – .45 ACP
Pito racking the slide of her XDM in the OP sequence, "GG".
Pitohui holding her XDM with a suitably menacing expression.
Steyr M9-A1
The Steyr M9-A1 is used by David as his personal sidearm in GGO.
ASG Steyr M9-A1 CO2 - 6mm BB.
David prepping to blow his brains out in "BTRY's Choice".
David gets his sidearm back after he calms down.
Vorpal Bunny
The Vorpal Bunny serves as LLENN's sidearm afer she joins Squad Jam 3. It's based on the Detonics Combat Master.
Double Bell AM.45 Vorpal Bunny GBB pistol.
An eyecatch of LLENN aiming the iron sights of her Vorpal Bunny in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
An eyecatch of LLENN with her VB in "Pitohui's Attack".
Submachine Guns
The AR-57 is used by Clarence as her primary weapon.
Clarence being happy in the midst of a fight in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
Clarence aims her AR-57 at Shirley while running near the end of "Clarence and Shirley".
FN P90
The FN P90 returns in the season as LLENN's primary weapon.
Tokyo Marui P-90 Ver.LLENN
The P90's mag being reloaded in the OP sequence, "GG".
A shot of the P90 in the ED sequence, "Overclock".
LLENN in the eyecatch of "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
LLENN with her summoned P-chan.
The pink P90 being fired through a makeshift firing port in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
At the end of "Turn Over", LLENN goes stark raving mad after she learned about Pito's reveal.
In "The Showdown", LLENN does a reload with her back on the ground to avoid being shot at.
LLENN fires the P90 sideways.
LLENN takes cover during a gunfight in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
An SD version of LLEEN being shot by an OPFOR player when the mechanics of a test play scenario in GGO are explained.
A mini pink P90 keychain on LLENN's handbag.
LLENN with her P90 in the eyecatch of "The Devil's Castle".
Roy confiscates LLENN's P90 at the end of "Pitohui's Attack".
The season's final eyecatch of LLENN with her pink P90 in "The Reason to Fight" while having numerous pistols aimed at her.
The P90 AEG in Karen Kohiruimaki's apartment in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 is used by Cole and the rest of Team TOMS as his primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with factory magazine and iron sights - 4.6x30mm.
The MP7A1 with Cole in "BTRY's Choice".
Team TOMS show up in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
PP-19 Bizon-2-01
The PP-19 Bizon-2-01 is seen as the main weapon of choice by Tanya in GGO.
PP-19 Bizon-2-01 with top-folding stock in folded position with suppressor - 9x18mm Makarov
Tanya with her suppressed Bizon-2-01 in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
Tanya holding her silenced Bizon submachine gun.
During an encounter with Fuka, Tanya fires her Bizon-2-01 at the end of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Tanya with the suppressed Bizon-2-01 in "The Devil's Castle".
Assault Rifles
AK-74s are seen with some GGO players as their primary weapon.
A GGO player loads a bakelite mag in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The AK-74s aimed at a running LLENN in the train yard.
A couple of GGO players respond to an ambush launced by Team AJML near the end of "A Special Rule Launched".
An AK-74M is seen with Pito in a flashback in "The Great Freight Car Operation". A foreign contractor is seen with it in a photo at the end of "The Reason to Fight".
AK-74M, left side - 5.45x39mm
A flashback of Pito firing a captured AK-74M in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The foreign contractor posing in a photo at the end of "The Reason to Fight".
AR-15-type carbine
What appear to be AR-15-type carbines are used in "A Special Rule Launched" by a GGO fireteam.
AR-15 variant (unknown manufacturer) with flat top, aftermarket folding rear sight, railed handguard, and ambidextrous safety - 5.56x45mm NATO
The GGO fireteam with AR-15-type carbines in "A Special Rule Launched".
The carbines fired at SHINC.
Beretta ARX-160
The Beretta ARX-160 is used by Bold as his primary weapon.
Beretta ARX-160 - 5.56x45mm
Bold aims his ARX-160 in "The Devil's Castle".
Bold runs in "Pitohui's Attack". Note that the barrel is animated way longer than it should be.
The FAMAS is used by Sam as his primary weapon.
Sam with his FAMAS in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
A shot of Sam and FAMAS in "Clarence and Shirley" befor he gets shot. You can see the curved mag (somewhat).
The FN SCAR-L returns as Summon's primary weapon.
FN SCAR-L STD - 5.56x45mm NATO
Summon with his SCAR-L in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
Heckler & Koch HK416
The Heckler & Koch HK416 is seen with some GGO players.
HK416 with 14.5 inch barrel
The HK416 as seen in "Clarence and Shirley".
An SD version of an OPFOR player shooting LLENN when the mechanics of a test play scenario in GGO are explained in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Heckler & Koch HK416 with 10.4 inch barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO.
A team of
Ghost RPers from HTS in "A Special Rule Launched" open up with their short barreled HK416s.
Heckler & Koch HK416 D10RS with EOTech red dot sight, RIS foregrip, AN/PEQ-2 IR designator, & Crane stock - 5.56x45mm NATO
Jacob uses his HK416 at LLENN at the end of "Pitohui's Attack".
A shot of Jacob using his HK416 in "The Reason to Fight". The rails weren't animated in this scene.
Heckler & Koch HK416C
The Heckler & Koch HK416C is used by Pito as an alternate AR to her KTR-09, starting from "The Devil's Castle".
Heckler & Koch HK416C ultra-compact carbine with 9" barrel - 5.56x45mm
Pito opens fire in "The Devil's Castle" with her suppressed HK416C.
A shot of the HK416C with the suppressor on.
Pito making a run near the end of "Pitohui's Attack".
Heckler & Koch G36KV
The Heckler & Koch G36KV returns as Lax and Kenta's primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch G36KV with export optical sight - 5.56x45mm
Lax and Kenta with their G36KVs in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
Kenta secures one of the unblocked holes in the
There is Still Time while MMTM regroup in the middle of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Kenta buss through a room while clearing the castle in "Pitohui's Attack".
Heckler & Koch XM8
The Heckler & Koch XM8 is used by members of Team T-S as their primary weapon.
Older version of Heckler & Koch XM8 - 5.56x45mm
Glocken TV screen show the debut of Team T-S back in Squad Jam 2 in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
Elvin shoulers his XM8 in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Elvin's HUD with the XM icon.
A couple of Team T-S members take cover with their portable shields in "Pitohui's Attack".
Team T-S lay siege on the castle in "The Reason to Fight".
Krebs Custom KTR-09
The Krebs Custom KTR-09 is used by Pitohui as her primary weapon.
Krebs Custom KTR-09 - 7.62x39mm
Pito with her summoned KTR-09 in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice" while waiting for Squad Jam 3 to start.
The KTR-09 being fired in "The Great Freight Car Operation" through an improvised firing port.
Pito shouldering her KTR-09 in the eyecatch for "A Special Rule Launched".
A shot of the KTR-09 in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time", outfitted with a railed receiver, drum mag and Magpul stock.
The KTR-09 being fired with the right hand in "The Showdown".
You can see Pito's KTR-09 with a suppressor near the end of "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Some of the 3rd Squad Jam contestants wield M16A1 rifles.
Colt M16A1 with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Enemy GGO players with Universal Soldier avatars fire their M16A1s in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
A 3rd Squad Jam contestant drops his M16A1.
Another GGO player turns, showing off the triangular handguard.
Multiple GGO players use M4A1 rifles as their primary weapon. It's briefly seen in a real photo of Hasan in "The Reason to Fight".
Colt M4A1 with carry handle chopped down to rear sight housing - 5.56x45mm
Enemy GGO players open fire in the middle of "The Great Freight Car Operation".
A couple of enemy GGO players having an encounter with the Bullet Line.
A screen-used M4A1 as seen in
12 Strong, from Independent Studio Services. Here seen with a KAC RIS with an AN-PEQ 2, an M150 ACOG with top mounted iron sights, a Magpul VFG and a flashlight underneath the barrel.
Rock with his M4A1 in "Pitohui's Attack". It shows the stock...
... with the attached AN/PEQ-15 and vertical foregrip.
Hasan posing with Jacob in a photo at the end of "The Reason to Fight".
Mk 18 Mod 1
The Mk 18 Mod 1 is seen in "The Devil's Castle".
Mk 18 Mod 1 with Crane stock, KAC back-up iron sights, EOTech XPS3, AN/PEQ-15 ATPIAL, vertical foregrip, and dual pressure activation switch - 5.56x45mm NATO
Jacob's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle". It says that he uses the M4A1, but the photo provided shows the Mk 18.
Roy's profile also shows him with the M4A1. Like Jacob, the photo provided shows the Mk 18.
PM md. 65
A PM md. 65 appears to be seen with a GGO player in "A Special Rule Launched".
PM md. 65 with cleaning rod - 7.62x39mm
The female GGO player takes cover during an attack by SHINC in "A Special Rule Launched".
SAR 21
The SAR 21 is seen with some Team T-S members as their primary weapon.
ST Kinetics SAR 21 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Some T-S members with the SAR-21 in "The Great Freight Car Operation" after they arrive at the Black Box stage.
The SIG-Sauer MCX VIRTUS is seen in "The Devil's Castle".
SIG-Sauer MCX VIRTUS SBR with 11.5" barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO
Doc's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle".
Steyr-Mannlicher STM-556
The Steyr Mannlicher STM-556 with the UBGL is used by David as his primary weapon. Pito briefly uses it in "Turn Over" to shoot up Clara.
Steyr-Mannlicher STM-556 carbine - 5.56x45mm
David meets up with the rest of MMTM in "A Special Rule Launched" after HTS is taken out.
A good closeup of the attached UBGL in "BTRY's Choice".
David with his STM-556 while aiming the UBGL in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
In "Turn Over", there's a full side shot of the carbine while Pito shoots up Clara.
Aiming the STM-556 carbine at Roy during a showdown in "The Reason to Fight".
Thales F90
The Thales F90 is seen in "The Devil's Castle" with Cain.
Thales F90 with scope and SL40 UBGL (20 inch barrel) - 5.56x45mm/40mm
Cain's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle". His F90 has a SL40.
Cain opens fire on Team SHINC.
The F90 aimed at LLENN after she busts through the castle in the middle of "Pitohui's Attack".
Battle Rifles
FN FAL rifles are used by a red shirt team that attack LLENN and Pitohui's makeshift hideout in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
FN FAL 50.61 - 7.62x51mm NATO
The rival team advancing upon our protagonists with their FN FALs in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
A FN SCAR-H is seen in "The Devil's Castle".
FN SCAR-H Mk2 CQC - 7.62x51mm NATO
Hasan's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle".
SIG SG 510
The SIG SG 510 is seen with some GGO players.
SIG SG 510-1 Battle Rifle - 7.5mm Swiss
The SG 510 with the bearded player in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
A couple of GGO players run in "Clarence and Shirley".
Kel-Tec KSG
The Kel-Tec KSG returns from the first season of GGO. As with its previous appearance, it is used without any visible, modeled sighting system.
Kel-Tec KSG, current model - 12 gauge
LLENN getting a faceful of muzzle in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The enemy GGO player racks the pump on his KSG.
Remington Model 870
Pitohui enters the 3rd Squad Jam with her trusty short barreled Remington Model 870 as a secondary weapon.
Remington 870P NFA 14" shotgun with Tamer pistol grip - 12 gauge
Remington Model 870 MCS Masterkey - 12 gauge
Pito taking aim with her short barreled 870 in in "The Great Freight Car Operation". Note the MCS style pump handle.
Racking the pump and loading the chamber with a fresh shell.
Note the signature curved trigger guard and crossbolt safety indicative of the 870.
Sniper Rifles
Blaser R93
The Blaser R93 returns with Team KKHC member Shirley as her primary weapon.
Shirley standing with the R93 in the OP sequence, "GG".
A flashback of Shirley aiming the R93 in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
Shirley working the straight pull bolt of the R93 in "Clarence and Shirley".
Shirley ejecting another round as she racks the bolt handle.
The R93 on Shirley's workbench. The episode mentioned that she's using High-explosive incendiary/armor-piercing ammo for her R93.
Shirley engages Clarence with a highly stylized R93 in the episode eyecatch.
Shirley's HUD shows the R93 as her selected weapon.
The R93 being fired at Clarence during their showdown.
Halfway through "The Reason to Fight", Shirley provides fire support to Pito and company.
Gepard GM6 Lynx
The Gepard GM6 Lynx is seen in "The Devil's Castle" with Rock.
Gepard GM6 Lynx - .50 BMG
Rock's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle".
This photo shows the scope and the 5-round mag.
Rock opens fire with the GM6.
Rock shoulders his GM6 in "Pitohui's Attack".
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1
Lax uses a Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 as his primary weapon when he's doing sniper work.
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Lax keeping an eye on the
There is Still Time while MMTM regroup in the middle of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Lax providing cover in "The Devil's Castle". The barrel is animated way long than the actual one.
You can see the SG/1 stock and mounted riflescope in "The Reason to Fight".
LLENN encounters a sniper wielding a silenced M40A5 in "The Great Freight Car Operation"
M40A5 sniper rifle with Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
A shot of the silencer in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The sniper, prone and under some handy foliage.
The camera pans, revealing the distinctive "hump" of the handguard, detachable box magazine and adjustable cheek riser.
M14 (Sage EBR stock)
The M14 with Sage EBR chassis returns in the season as M's primary weapon.
M1A with Sage stock and scope - 7.62x51mm NATO
M shoulders the M14 in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
A flashback of M with his M14.
M fires at Elvin in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
The M14 is ported by M while he runs in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
M shoulders the EBR during the test play match.
Pito uses M's EBR in "Pitohui's Attack".
Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR
Pito briefly uses a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR in "Pitohui's Attack".
Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR with a Harris bipod and RIS foregrip - 7.62x51mm NATO
Pito preps to engage the safety in the EBR in "Pitohui's Attack".
Pito takes aim at Team ZEMAL.
Team SHINC uses a PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle as their main sniper rifle in GGO.
PTRD-41 with folded bipod/carry handle - 14.5x114mm
In "A Special Rule Launched", you can see the PTRD-41's barrel/carry handle.
Tanya pulling double duty as a bipod while Tohma fires.
Sunlight gleaming off the PTRD's muzzle brake.
An empty 14.5x114mm casing ejected from the PTRD.
Sophie raises the PTRD-41 after firing a round at the
There Is Still Time cruise ship in the middle of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
A flashback of Tanya using the PTRD-41 from "The Devil's Comeback" as seen in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Tanya opens fire on Vodka's position in "The Devil's Castle".
Tanya takes aim in "Pitohui's Attack" after Anna helps her scout the field.
Remington 700PSS
The Remington 700PSS appears to be used by Team KKHC as their primary weapon.
Remington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag
Team KKHC with their sniper rifles in "Clarence and Shirley".
A KKHC member takes cover with his Remington 700PSS, note the thicker barrel profile and black polymer furniture.
Another KKHC member walking through a forest with his Remington 700PSS.
Soma's HUD as the sniper rifle as his weapon icon.
Soma going paranoid after hearing his teammate go down on the KKHC comm channel.
SVD Dragunov
The SVD Dragunov returns with Tohma and Anna as their primary weapon.
SVD Dragunov with scope and sling - 7.62x54mmR
A flashback of Tohma aiming the SVD in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
Tohma scopes out the opposition in "The Devil's Castle".
Izhmash Tiger with synthetic furniture used on later production military SVDs - 7.62x54mm R
Anna with her SVD in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
A highly detailed frame of the left side of the SVD's receiver and its PSO-1 scope in "A Special Rule Launched".
Anna takes up a fighting position in "BTRY's Choice" near the
There is Still Time.
A flashback of Anna using her SVD in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
VSS Vintorez
The VSS Vintorez returns with Eva as her primary weapon.
VSS Vintorez with PSO-1 scope - 9x39mm
Reloading the VSS in the OP sequence, "GG".
Eva standing with the VSS.
Eva with her VSS during the start of the Black Box stage in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The VSS Vintorez being dwarfed by its owner in "A Special Rule Launched".
In this shot, you can see the non-waffle-based mag used.
Eva shoulders her VSS in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
An eyecatch of Eva shouldering her VSS in "Pitohui's Attack".
Machine Guns
FN M240B
The M240B returns with Huey as his primary weapon.
M240B with newer style lower handguard (designed to attach RIS rails via hex nut) - 7.62x51mm NATO
Huey with the M240B in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The M240B as seen in "A Special Rule Launched".
The M240B's receiver, post field-modification on a derelict shopping cart.
After Huey hears the diss towards machine guns, he and the others open fire to show their response in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Huey reading up news on an upcoming match in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Huey does a barrel change on his M240B in "The Devil's Castle".
Bold grips the bipod while Huey fires in "Pitohui's Attack".
FN M240C/D
The M240C/D machine guns are mounted on Abrams MBTs in co-axial positions, lying abandoned through GGO.
M240C machine gun 7.62x51mm NATO
M240D machine gun 7.62x51mm NATO
An abandoned Abrams in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The FN MAG is seen with TomTom as his primary weapon.
Early pattern FN MAG 58 - 7.62x51mm NATO
TomTom has the MAG in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The MAG as seen in "A Special Rule Launched".
The MAG seen in an improvised shopping cart in "BTRY's Choice".
TomTom is way happy to fire his GPMG to test out his AJML teammates in the middle of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
TomTom reloads his MAG in "The Devil's Castle".
Lax grips the bipod while TomTom fires in "Pitohui's Attack".
FN Minimi
The FN Minimi is seen with Max as his primary weapon.
FN Minimi Standard - 5.56x45mm NATO
Max has the Minimi in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The Minimi as seen in "A Special Rule Launched".
Heckler & Koch HK23E
The Heckler & Koch HK23E returns with Jake as his primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch HK23E - 5.56x45mm
Jake with his HK23E in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
Jake goes down in "Turn Over" after he gets zapped by electrified water from the fire sprinklers.
David grips the HK23's bipods while Jake fires in "Pitohui's Attack".
In "The Reason to Fight", Jake riddles the castle with 5.56 NATO bullets.
IMI Negev
The IMI Negev returns with Peter as his primary weapon.
IMI Negev with 200-round cloth ammo bag - 5.56x45mm
A shot of Peter with the Negev in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The Negev as seen in "A Special Rule Launched".
Peter opens fire with an ammo backpack attached to his Negev in "The Devil's Castle".
The M60E3 returns with Shinohara as his primary weapon.
M60E3 machine gun with full length barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
Shinohara with the M60E3 in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice".
The M60E3's barrel seen second from the right side.
The AJML team leader with his M60E3 in "A Special Rule Launched".
A close up shot of the M60 ejecting casings and belt links.
The M60E3 fired at TomTom's position in "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Shinohara reading up news on an upcoming match in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Good closeup of the M60E3's barrel in "Pitohui's Attack".
A Minigun-type weapon is used by a GGO player in "A Special Rule Launched".
The GGO player with the minigun in "A Special Rule Launched".
The PKM returns as the primary weapon of Sophie and Rosa in GGO.
PKM Machine Gun - 7.62x54mmR
Sophie and Rosa with the PKM in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
Sophie and Rosa engage enemy GGO players in "A Special Rule Launched".
At the end of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time", Rosa opens fire at LPTM after a chance encounter.
A flashback of Sophie and Rosa using the PKM from the first season in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
An eyecatch of M using the PKM in "Pitohui's Attack".
PKP Pecheneg
The PKP Pecheneg is first seen in "An Invite to the Battlefield". It's used by Vodka from "The Devil's Castle".
PKP Pecheneg - 7.62x54mmR
The Pecheneg fired at LLENN's position in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
Vodka's profile as shown in "The Devil's Castle".
Vodka opens fire on Team SHINC.
The PKP aimed at Tanya during an attack in "Pitohui's Attack".
Zastava M53
A Zastava M53 is seen in "The Devil's Castle".
Zastava M53 with bipod - 7.92x57mm Mauser
A shot of the M53 GPMG in "The Devil's Castle".
A shot of the M53's rear receiver, trigger, grip, buttstock and drum mag.
Mk 2 hand grenade
A Mk 2 hand grenade is seen with an enemy GGO player who uses a Barney Ross avatar in "The Great Freight Car Operation". Clarence goes all out at the end of "Clarence and Shirley" by using it to kill Shirley and herself. Tanya uses one in "Turn Over". Kenta has one in "Pitohui's Attack" and by Peter in "The Reason to Fight" while in the beta game test.
Mk.2 hand grenade made after WWII.
A couple of Mk 2s strapped on the player's web belt in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The Mk 2's safety pin being removed.
Unfortunately for him, Pito was quick to take him out.
Clarence shows a surprise at the end of "Clarence and Shirley".
Pulling the pin with teeth. Normally this is not a good tactic, but Clarence can do this since she's in a VR game.
Tanya raises her Mk 2 in "Turn Over".
Kenta grips his Mk 2 after he's shot by Doc in "Pitohui's Attack".
Peter gets the Mk 2 in "The Reason to Fight".
Grenade Launchers
Heckler & Koch HK69A1
An HK69A1 is spawned in mid-match in "The Great Freight Car Operation" by a rival team.
Heckler & Koch HK69A1 - 40x46mm
The grenade launcher spawning into GGO in "The Great Freight Car Operation".
The rival GGO player takes aim.
Milkor MGL Mk 1L
The Milkor MGL Mk 1L is used by Fukaziroh aka Fuka as her primary weapon.
Milkor MGL Mk 1L in desert tan finish fitted with Armson OEG reflex sight - 40x46mm
Fukaziroh loading her MGL in the OP sequence, "GG".
Fuka with her summoned dual Mk 1Ls in "What Happens Twice Will Happen Thrice". Note that no sights are installed.
An eyecatch in "The Great Freight Car Operation" with Fuka wielding dual Mk 1Ls.
During a gunfight, Fuka aims the sights of one of her MGL Mk 1Ls at the end of "The Offensive and Defensive Battle That Still Has Time".
Fuka uses her dual MGL Mk 1Ls in "Turn Over".
Fuka fires one of her Mk 1Ls from behind her ballistic shields in "The Showdown", angled to fire it at high places.
An eyecatch of Fuka wielding her dual Mk 1Ls in "An Invite to the Battlefield".
The Mk 1Ls aimed at the castle near the end of "Pitohui's Attack".
Rocket Launchers
M9A1 "Bazooka"
Pito uses the M9A1 "Bazooka" to breach the castle in the middle of "The Reason to Fight". M stated that this was on her secret weapons she acquired by saving GGO money in case she/her allies are having a hard time pouncing on an enemy.
M9A1 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
Pito materializes the M9A1 from her GGO inventory in "The Reason to Fight".
Aiming the M9A1 while leading the assault on the castle for the nth time.
Pito finds a mundane use of the bazooka by using it as a megaphone.
A MATADOR is seen with Rock in a photo in "The Reason to Fight".
Rock with the MATADOR slung on his left shoulder in "The Reason to Fight".
The RPG-7 is seen with Jacob and his team in "The Reason to Fight".
The RPG-7 aimed at Team T-S in "The Reason to Fight".
Rock shoulders his RPG-7.
Assorted Player weapons
An assortment of weapons in the OP sequence, "GG".
The players involved in SJ3.
A shot of Pito's weapons she can use in GGO.
An eyecatch of pink weapons near LLENN in "Pitohui's Attack".
Optical Rifle
The Optical Rifle returns in the season as a weapon used by some GGO players.
A GGO fireteam engages SHINC in "A Special Rule Launched".
To reload, the power pack/magazine is removed...
... and a new one is inserted. The blue meter on top is the charge meter.