Sherlock Holmes: The Last of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes: L'ultimo dei Baskerville)
DVD Cover
Directed by
Guglielmo Morandi
Release Date
RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
Main Cast
Sherlock Holmes
Nando Gazzolo
Dr. Watson
Gianni Bonagura
Sir Charles Baskerville / Sir Henry Baskerville
Paolo Carlini
Elisa Barrymore
Anna Maria Ackermann
John Barrymore
Antonio Salines
Franco Scandurra
Dr. Mortimer
Adolfo Geri
Beryl Stapleton
Marina Malfatti
Sherlock Holmes: The Last of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes: L'ultimo dei Baskerville) is an Italian 1968 mini-series based on the famous novel by Arthur Conan Doyle but with original plot lines. It is directed by Guglielmo Morandi and stars Nando Gazzolo as Sherlock Holmes and Gianni Bonagura as Doctor Watson.
The following weapons were used in the television series Sherlock Holmes: L'ultimo dei Baskerville:
Lefaucheux Revolver
Dr. Watson (Gianni Bonagura) carries a Lefaucheux Revolver, a late model with solid enclosed frame (open-top frame is more common for Lefaucheux revolvers).
Pinfire Lefaucheux-style revolver, a model with solid frame, similar to screen gun
Watson holds his revolver at the background.
The revolver is seen on the table.
Watson puts the revolver in pocket.
Watson pursues the escaped convict in Sir Henry's clothes.
Watson fires at the hound. There is a possibility that in this scene he has a different revolver.
Unidentified revolver
Sherlock Holmes' (Nando Gazzolo) revolver is seen very unclear and cannot be identified. This large revolver bears resemblance with Smith & Wesson models with swing-out cylinder, but maybe this is an Italian Glisenti M1874.
For comparison: Glisenti M1874 revolver - 10.35x20 mm
The large frame of Holmes' revolver is seen.
A close but very unclear view of the gun.
One more view of the revolver.
Flintlock "Knee Pistol"
A kind of flintlock "Knee Pistol" is seen on the table in Baskerville Hall.
Flintlock "Knee Pistol" (a large pistol with small buttstock), Tunisia - 45mm (1.77 inch)
A "knee pistol" is seen on the table together with a dagger, an old book and some other curiosities, likely a part of Baskervilles family "museum".
Mannlicher M1895 Carbine
One of the British soldiers carries a short rifle that appears to be some version of Mannlicher M1895 (of course, this gun doesn't fit 1880s Britain but was available for the moviemakers).
For comparison: Steyr Repertier-Stutzen M1895 - 8x50mmR Mannlicher
A soldier in a kind of Hussar uniform holds his rifle when Watson is overtaken near the dead body of escaped convict.
Protruding magazine can be seen. It shape matches Mannlicher M95 rather than Italian Carcano M91.
Another view of the rifle. The position of sling swivels match M95
Stutzen carbine as like as Mannlicher short rifles, modified in 1930s, but an original Austro-Hungarian gun seems to have more chance to appear in Italian movie.
Double Barreled Shotgun
Several Double Barreled Shotguns are seen in Baskerville Hall.
A double barreled shotgun is seen on the wall of stairwell.
A double barreled and a single barreled shotguns are seen over a chest in hallway.
Same shotguns are seen in another scene.
Single Barreled Shotgun
A Single Barreled Shotgun is also seen in Baskerville Hall.
A double barreled and a single barreled shotguns are seen over a chest in hallway.
Same shotguns are seen in another scene.