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Cat Planet Cuties

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Cat Planet Cuties
Asobi ni ikuyo! poster.jpg
Asobi ni Iku yo!
Cat Planet Cuties
Country Japan.jpg Japan
Language Japanese
Channel MBS
Creator Youichi Ueda (Director)
Genre Action
Broadcast 2010 (Japan)
2012 (USA)
No. of Episodes 12

Cat Planet Cuties is an anime television series based on a series of light novels written by Okina Kamino. Originally released in Japan under the title Asobi_ni_ikuyo! (translated as Let's go play!) with the English title Asobi ni Ikuyo: Bombshells from the Sky, when licensed for US distribution by Funimation it was retitled Cat Planet Cuties.

The following weapons were used in the anime series Cat Planet Cuties:



The ship captain seen at the start of episode 1 carries a M1911A1, and Yuichi can be seen carrying one at various times.

Pre-War Colt M1911A1 Pistol Commercial - .45 ACP
The terrorist ship captain aims his 1911 at Aoi.
Yuichi carries a 1911 when he confronts the "Beautiful Contact" members at the bar in episode 2.
Yuichi prepares to fire his 1911 to distract the soldiers guarding the airbase.
Yuichi's 1911 in mid-cycle.

Browning Hi-Power

Aoi uses Browning Hi-Power Mark IIIs on a few occasions, normally when taking part in overt actions.

Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
Aoi carrying a pair of Browning HPs when assaulting the terrorist ship in episode 1.
One of Aoi's Brownings can be seen on the floor after she is knocked to the ground.
Aoi packs a Browning HP in a guitar case when she moves into the Catian embassy located at Kio's house.
Aoi "apports" a Browning to her, along with a Beretta 93R, when the house is attacked in episode 3.
A pair of Brownings are visible in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6.
Aoi "apports" a Browning HP Mk.3 to her hand whilst pinned by Manami in a sparing session.
Aoi points her Browning at Manami after she disintegrates her glasses whilst sparing.
Aoi clears a corridor with her Browning in episode 11.
Aoi aims at a terrorist who is holding Kio hostage.
A close-up of Aoi's Browning with the slide locked back after emptying the magazine.

Glock 30

Glock 30s are seen on a number of occasions in the background but never used.

Glock 30 - .45 ACP
A Glock 30 can be seen in Minami's weapon collection in her apartment in episode 1. Perhaps this is a reference, after all when was the last time you saw a Jericho 941 R, Glock 30, and Gen 1 Walther P99 all in the same place?
A number of Glock 30s can be seen in the background at the black market gun shop in episode 6.

Beretta 92FS

A Beretta 92FS is one of the many pistols Manami has in her collection, and several of the terrorists are seen with the Beretta 92FS as well.

Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm.
Circled is a standard Beretta 92FS in Manami's collection in episode 1. Above it appears to be another Beretta, with same slight differences to the standard 92FS
Several members of the "Beautiful Contact" extremist group can be seen with Beretta 92FSs in episode 1.
Another shot of Manami's Beretta 92FS, from episode 2.
Several 92FSs can be seen in the background at the black market gun dealer's in episode 5.
Manami has a number of Berettas in here virtual arsenal in episode 6. Circled in green are standard 92FS models, whereas those circled in blue appear to be fitted with a compensator.
A Beretta 92FS is used by someone in episode 7 in an attempt to defend them from a Dogisian Assist-a-roid.

Beretta 93R

A Beretta 93R is detailed on a poster in Minami's house. Aoi also takes a Beretta 93R when she goes to live at Kio's place later giving it to Manami who then on uses it as her preferred sidearm. The shape of the compensator holes suggests that a KSC M93R was used for reference when the series was animated.

Beretta 93R - 9x19mm
Manami's Beretta 93R poster is visible in the background in episode 1.
Aoi's 93R is brought to Kio's inside a guitar case in episode 3.
Aoi "apports" her 93R to her along with a Browning Hi-Power.
Manami (caught mid-bathing) unfolds the front grip of her 93R...
...unfolds the shoulder stock...
...and chambers a round.
A close up of the selector switch on the 93R. This show correctly portrays the 93R as firing in 3-round bursts.
A side view of Manami's 93R from episode 4.
Manami's 93R with the front grip and stock extended.
A number of 93Rs without their shoulder stocks can be seen in the background at the gun dealers in episode 5.
Manami draws her backup 93R after her primary weapon is disintegrated during a training duel with Aoi in episode 8.
Manami points her 93R at Aoi after winning the duel.
Manami firing her 93R in episode 10 whilst defending the Catian embassy, producing a monstrous muzzle flash. Note the odd shape of the muzzle flash caused by the compensated barrel.

Jericho 941 R

Jericho 941 R pistols are seen on several occasions in the background.

Jericho 941 R - 9x19mm
The Jericho in Manami's collection in episode 1 has the frame stamped, identifying it as Jericho imported by Magnum Research, who branded it the Desert Eagle pistol/Baby Desert Eagle, though it is not a Desert Eagle.
A Jericho 941 R is seen on a counter at the gun dealers in episode 5.
Another pair of Jerichos at the gun dealers.

Walther P99

A Walther P99 is one of the many pistols in Manami's collection.

Walther P99 - 9x19mm
Manami's P99 is briefly visible in episode 1.

Heckler & Koch Mark 23

A Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is another of numerous pistols in Manami's collection..

Airsoft Heckler & Koch Mk 23 Phase II Prototype (note front cocking serrations, deleted from production models) with Tokyo Marui replica of a Knight's Armament suppressor and prototype Laser Aiming Module - (fake) .45 ACP
The MK23 shown in Manami's room in episode 1, is complete with a suppressor and Laser Aiming Module.
A Mark 23 with suppressor and LAM is visible in the virtual armoury in episode 8.

Colt Model 1903

Aoi purchases a model version of the Colt Model 1903 in episode 4.

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless Pistol Blued - .32 ACP
The lower half of the gun in question, showing that it appears to be an electronic prop weapon, with bulbs and other wired accessories.
The top half of the gun with the slide removed, showing the internal workings of the prop weapon.
Unlike the Blu-ray release as pictured above, the original aired version of the episode depicted this gun as a straight model gun, rather than an electronic prop weapon.

Glock 18

Aoi uses a Glock 18 during the attempted train rescue in episode 4.

Glock 18C (3rd generation) - 9x19mm
Aoi fires her Glock from a motorcycle as she approaches the train. In this show the selector switch on the rear of the frame is visible showing it to be a Glock 18
Aoi aims her Glock at the disarmed "Underside of the Kitten Paw" members. Here the under barrel rail identifying this as a 3rd generation model is visible.
Later in the episode, Aoi uses a Glock without the under barrel rail. Although it is possible that this is a different weapon, it is more likely an inconsistency in the artwork.

Beretta Cheetah

Jens carries a Beretta 80 series "Cheetah" in episode 5, which she resorts to after her power suit is disabled. It is unclear exactly which model this is, but it is an older version with the rounded trigger guard rather than the squared one of the FS version.

Beretta 84 (earlier version with round trigger guard) .380 ACP
Jens draw her Cheetah on Aoi.
A front on view of the Cheetah being fired.

Desert Eagle

Minami uses a CO2 powered Desert Eagle air pistol whilst training in episode 6.

Desert Eagle Mark XIX - .50 AE, Brushed Chrome finish.
Minami showing her frustration at not being allowed to use a live weapon.

SIG-Sauer P226

Minami has several SIG-Sauer P226s in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm
In this shot two of Minami's P226s are visible.

Nambu Type 14

Kio's Assist-a-roid uses a Nambu Type 14 in episode 10 to help defend the Catian embassy.

Nambu Type 14 - 8x22mm Nambu
Despite the fact that the gun in question is actually an energy weapon with the cosmetic appearance of a Nambu, rifling is still visible in the barrel.
A view of the Nambu from behind, as Kio's Assist-a-roid is surrounded by Dogisians.

Tokarev TT-33

A Tokarev TT-33 can be seen in episode 11, used by a terrorist holding Kio hostage.

Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version.
The terrorist pointing his cocked TT-33 at Kio with one hand, and holding a remote detonator with the other.
This pistol can be noted as a WWII era Tokarev due to its wide slide serrations.


Ruger Super Blackhawk

Minami possesses a Ruger Super Blackhawk which is seen in the background but never used.

Ruger Super Blackhawk - .44 magnum
A Super Blackhawk can partially be seen in Minami's gun collection in episode 1.
In Minami's virtual armoury in episode 6, a number of Super Blackhawks are present. They are distinguished from regular Blackhawks by their squared trigger guard and unfluted cylinder.

Smith & Wesson Model 500

Aoi suddenly "apports" a Smith & Wesson Model 500 and aims it at her driver when he makes some snide comment about her relationship with Kio in episode 1. Note Aoi did fire the weapon inside the car. The sound alone would have made both her and the driver deaf.

Smith and Wesson Model 500 - .500 S&W Magnum with extended ejector shroud, accessory rail, and sling
A closeup of the frame of the revolver just after Aoi "apports" it to herself.
Aoi points the gun at her driver.
A closer view of the revolver.

Smith & Wesson Model 629 Performance Centre

Jack has a modified revolver that fires tranquillizer rounds, which appears to be based off of a Smith & Wesson Model 629 Performance Centre. It has either a 4 or 5 inch barrel, and is possibly the V-Comp model with out the removable compensator.

Smith & Wesson Performance Centre "Stealth Hunter" - .44 Magnum
Jack firing her revolver in episode 2.
From this front view it is clear that the barrel of the revolver does not come from the bottom of the cylinder, so it is not a model of Mateba Autorevolver as previously suggested.
A number of possible Model 629 Performance Centres are visible in the gun dealers in episode 5, in both stainless steel and black finishes.

Smith & Wesson Model 586

Yuichi has a modified Smith & Wesson Model 686 with a 2.5" barrel that fires tranquillizer rounds, which he purposely gives this to Kio during Eris' rescue in episode 2.

Smith & Wesson Model 586 2.5" Barrel - .357 Magnum
Kio is handed the model 586.
Kio points the 586 at the "Beautiful Contact" members to elicit their help.

Chiappa Rhino 20DS

Manami purchases a model version of a stainless steel Chiappa Rhino 20DS in episode 4.

Chiappa Rhino 20DS - .357 Magnum
Manami admires the replica Rhino through the shop window
A closeup of the replica Rhino, highlighting the flat cylinder.

Smith & Wesson Model 637 Airweight

Aoi wields a Smith & Wesson Model 637 Airweight as her preferred sidearm.

Smith and Wesson Model 637 Airweight - .38 Special
Aoi draws her Airweight from a thigh holster concealed under her dress during target practice in episode 4.
Aoi hands her Airweight to her Assist-a-roid.
Aoi apports her Airweight to her whilst she is being attacked by the Dogisian Jens in episode 4.
Aoi firing her Airweight at a girder in order to strike her target with a ricochet.
A close up of Aoi loading her Airweight in episode 6.
Aoi demonstrates her shooting technique to Manami.
A shot of Aoi ejecting the empty cases from her Airweight.
An example of Manami's haphazard gun handling in the series.
Another example of Manami's blasé attitude to firearms, where she brandishes the Airweight in a fast food restaurant, although oddly nobody reacts.
Kio firing Aoi's Airweight during target practice in episode 8.
Manami turns Aoi's Airweight on her during a sparing session.

Smith & Wesson Model 67

What appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 67 is visible on the wall of the gun dealer's in episode 5.

Smith & Wesson Model 67 - .38 Special
A pair of Model 67s are visible in this shot, with synthetic grips.

Colt Python

A number of Colt Python revolvers can be seen at the gun dealer's in episode 5.

Colt Python Stainless Steel variant with 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum
The four Colt Pythons in this shot all have 6" barrels and stainless steel finishes.


Franchi SPAS-12

Manami has a Franchi SPAS-12 in her weapons collection in one episode.

Franchi SPAS-12 Short Barreled Version - 12 Gauge
Manami's SPAS-12 is of the short barreled variety, and appears to have been modified to take a rail on the side of the pump.

MGC Remington 31

A member of the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult uses a MGC Replica Remington Model 31 while kidnapping Kio and Eris in episode 4.

MGC Replica Remington Model 31 with pistol grip
A cult member aims...
...and fires her sawed off Remington 870.

Benelli M3

Manami has a pair of Benelli M3 Super 90 Shorties in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Benelli M3 Super 90 Shorty - 12 Gauge
Although not much detail is visible on the shotguns, the pistol grip and rear of the shotgun appears to be that of the shorty version of the Benelli M3.

Submachine Guns

Minebea M-9

Aoi uses a pair of Minebea M-9s fitted with aftermarket drum magazines, during her raid on the terrorist ship, and M-9s are also visible in the background throughout the series.

Minebea M-9 - 9x19mm
Aoi clearing the terrorist ship in episode 1, armed with a pair of Mineba M-9s.
Aoi firing one of her Minebeas.
Aoi confronts the terrorist captain with her Minebea held ready.
A pair of Minebea M-9s can be seen in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6.
A closer shot of one of the Minebeas. Note the aftermarket drum magazine.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

Heckler & Koch MP5KNs with 15 round magazines are seen in several episodes in armouries, but are never used.

Heckler & Koch MP5K with Navy lower - 9x19mm
Manami has an MP5KN in her collection in episode 1.
A pair of MP5KNs are in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6.


Uzis with folding stocks are seen in several episodes as a main weapon on the "Beautiful Contact" extremist group.

IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
An extremist readies his Uzi in episode 1.
A closer view of the same Uzi from episode 2.
An extremist points his Uzi at Eris...
...his Uzi is bisected by Aoi, showing the internal working parts of the weapon
A number of Uzis can be seen in the gun dealer's in episode 5.
Manami has several Uzis in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

IMI Mini Uzi

Along with the fullsize Uzis listed above, Mini Uzis are also used by "Beautiful Contact".

Mini Uzi with stock folded - 9x19mm
An extremist readies his Mini Uzi with folded stock in episode 1.
A Mini Uzi with unfolded stock can be seen on a table in episode 2.

Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion

Skorpions are seen in several episodes in the background but are never used.

Skorpion Sa. Vz.61 with 20 round magazine - .32 ACP
Manami has a Skorpion mounted on her wall as part of her weapons collection in episode 2.
Several Skorpions can be seen in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6.

Brügger & Thomet MP-9

The Brügger & Thomet MP-9 is the main weapon used by the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult.

Brügger & Thomet MP-9 -9x19mm Parabellum
The MP-9 is first seen in episode 4, where it is used by cult members when attempting to kidnap Eris.
A cult member is disarmed by Aoi, dropping her MP-9
Cult members continue to use MP-9s in episode 5. Note that in this shot there is a drawing error, where the butt plate of the folded stock is cut off above the hand, but the bottom of the butt plate is still visible protruding from the bottom of the hand.
From episode 7, security members for the cult carry their MP-9s in skeleton thigh holsters when wearing civilian clothes.
Despite the fact that MP-9s are fitted with folding stocks, they are never unfolded by the cult members that use them and are most often shot one handed as well.
A cult member threatens an over zealous member of the film club with her MP-9.
Manami carries an MP-9 loaded with pseudo-disintegrator rounds as her primary weapon during her training Duel with Aoi in episode 8.
Unlike the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult members, Manami unfolds the stock on her MP-9 when firing it.
Manami firing her MP-9.
One of the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult members fires an MP-9 from the back of a motorcycle in episode 12.
Sara and Maya using their MP-9s with stocks unfolded.

Ingram MAC-10

One of the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult members in episode 5 uses a MAC-10 rather than the Brügger & Thomet MP-9 which is used by the majority of the armed cult members.

Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP
Note that the cult member has not pulled back the bolt on her MAC-10, so in real life she would be unable to fire the weapon.

Heckler & Koch MP7

Manami has a pair of Heckler & Koch MP7s in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with factory magazine and iron sights - 4.6x30mm. This MP7 shown in Autopistol configuration.
Manami's MP7s are fitted with factory 20 round magazines, and are stored with the front pistol grip and sights unfolded.
In a continuity error, in the next shot the forward grip is folded on the MP7 behind Manami.

Assault Rifles


AK-47s are seen in a number of episodes.

Type III AK-47 with prototype slab sided magazine - 7.62x39mm
AK-47s are first seen being used by the terrorists at the start of episode 1.
Aoi disabling an AK-47 armed terrorist.
One of the terrorists aims his AK-47 at Aoi, before being swiftly taken down.
Manami has an AK-47 in her weapons collection in episode 1.
A number of AK-47s can be seen in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6.

Colt Model 723

A number of weapons that most closely resemble Colt Model 723s are seen throughout the series, used by the protagonists and military.

Colt Model 723 - 5.56x45mm.
Manami has a Colt Model 723 in her collection in episode 1. Note the circled area, which shows the receiver stamp reading "COLT M4A1". Due to the straight profile barrel and M16A1 type non detachable carry handle this cannot be the case
Colt Carbines are used by the soldiers guarding the airbase in episode 2.
Manami has a number of Colt Model 723s in her virtual armoury in episode 6. Note the presence of forward assist and shell deflector, meaning that this is not a Model 653 as previously suggested.
A military guard in episode 8 carries a weapon that resembles a Model 723.
Aoi takes cover with a Model 723 during her training duel with Manami in episode 8.
Aoi preparing to fire a pseudo-disintegrator round (Catian bullet that only damages non living matter) at Manami.
A close-up of the barrel of Aoi's Model 723, showing the straight profile barrel, as opposed to the step down barrel of an M4.


M16A1 rifles are seen a number of times throughout the series. Although they are sometimes fitted with A2 handguards, the rear sights indicated these rifles to be A1s.

Colt M16A1 - 5.56x45mm
A number of M16A1s can be seen in Manami's collection in episode 1.
A "Beautiful Contact" member cleans hi M16A1 whilst preparing for action.
Aoi disabling a "Beautiful Contact" member who is carrying an M16A1 in episode 2.
An M16A1 can be seen on a table in the "Beautiful Contact" base of operations.
Manami readies her M16A1 rifle (Note the A1 shape forward assist). Manami remarks when asked if she can use it that it is the same as an MGC. This raises the possibility that all of the weapons in her collection in episode 1 are replicas/airsoft.
M16A1s are present in Manami's virtual armoury in episode 6. Although they are fitted with A2 handguards, they have A1 style carry handles and lack brass deflectors. Also, the centre M16 is fitted with an M203 grenade launcher.
Another pair of M16s as seen in Manami's armoury.

Steyr AUG A1

A Steyr AUG A1 is one of the numerous firearms in Manami's collection.

Steyr AUG - 5.56x45mm
From episode 2, a Steyr AUG A1 with black stock is briefly seen on a shelf in Manami's room.


FAMAS F1s are seen in te background in several episodes but are never used.

FAMAS-F1. First pattern with 25 round straight magazine and distinctive ribbed barrel 5.56x45mm
Several FAMAS F1 can be seen on the racks of the gun dealer's in episode 5.
Manami has a pair of FAMAS F1s in her virtual armoury in episode 6.


Winchester Model 1873

Manami has a pair of Winchester Model 1873s in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Winchester Model 1873 carbine - 1st generation rifle - 44-40 Cal.
Although not a perfect match for a Model 1873, this is the rifle which Manami's most resemble.

Sniper Rifle


Aoi takes an SVDS when she goes to live at Kio's place in episode 3, which is fitted with a wooden pistol grip and forearm.

SVDS - 7.62x54mm R
Aoi carries her Dragunov in a guitar case. Note that the blue sparkle is the after effect of Aoi "apporting" away a Browning Hi-Power and Beretta 93R that were previously in the case.
Aoi unfolds the stock of her Dragunov.
Aoi aiming down the sight of her rifle at the escaping car.
The view down the scope of the Dragunov, as Aoi fires at the car's tyres to disable it.
Aoi uses an SVD-S again in episode 8, loaded with pseudo-disintegrator rounds.
This weapon uses the correct synthetic black furniture, rather than the wooden furniture seen in episode 3.

Heckler & Koch PSG-1

Heckler & Koch PSG-1s are seen in the background in several episodes, but are never used.

Heckler & Koch PSG-1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
In episode 5, a PSG-1 is visible in the gun dealer's, resting on its bi-pod on a counter.
Another view of a PSG-1 in the gun dealer's. When the camera pans however (as shown in the right half of the frame) the middle of the weapon is briefly exposed from behind the mortar to show that the weapon is drawn without a pistol grip or magazine.
Manami has a pair of PSG-1s in her virtual armoury in episode 6. They appear to be fitted with wooden hand and cheek rests. Oddly however, the pistol grip (the one piece of the rifle that is actually wood) is plastic.


Manami has a pair of Heckler & Koch G3SG/1s in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
At this level of detail it is hard to tell whether this is a G3SG/1 or a regular G3 fitted with a telescopic sight.

Mosin-Nagant M91/30

Manami has a pair of Mosin Nagant M91/30s fitted with PU 3.5x scopes in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Full-length, Mosin Nagant M91/30 Sniper Rifle with Russian PU 3.5x sniper scope and down turned bolt handle - 7.62x54R
Although these weapons are fitted with PU 3.5x scopes, they lack the down-turned bolt handle of the actual sniper variant.

SVD Dragunov

A pair of human assassins hired by the Dogisian Jens use an SVD Dragunov in episode 8.

SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.62x54mm R
The rifle is fitted with a NSPUM-2 IR sight, and has a black synthetic forearm similar to later production SVDs and a bipod clamped to the receiver.
The device mounted under the barrel is an IR laser.

Barrett M82

Barrett M82s are seen in several episodes, used by Aoi and members of the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult.

Barrett M82A1 - .50 BMG
The M82A1 falling to Aoi's hand after she "apports" it to her in episode 10. In this shot, as the gun falls it can briefly be seen that the sight rail and scope have been omitted from the drawing.
Aoi takes up positing behind her M82. In this shot the rifle has a full length rail on the upper receiver, indicating it is an M107.
In the following shot however, the rifle is clearly an M82A1, lacking the full length rail.
Sara aims an M107 in episode 12, with her Assist-a-roid acting as her spotter. Note that it is not an error that she is right handed and aiming with her left eye, but a necessity due to the fact that she has a patch over her right eye.
Note the extremely large horizontal muzzle flash that is created by the muzzle brake of the M107.
A side view of the rifle showing how it is mounted in a human built Assist-a-roid. Note that in this shot the rifle has lost the full length top rail, appearing as an M82A1.

Machine Guns

Type 11 Light Machine Gun

A Type 11 light machine gun is seen being used by a Japanese soldier on the cover of a DVD belonging to Manami in episode 1.

Type 11 Light Machine Gun - 6.5x50mm Arisaka.
Note how the soldier has a piece of material wrapped around the barrel to protect his hand from the heat, due to the lack of a hand-guard on the Type 11
The DVD is also seen at the end of the episode, when Manami is in her apartment.

Browning M2HB Heavy Machine Gun

Browning M2HB heavy machine guns are seen being used by terrorists and military forces.

Browning M2HB heavy machine gun - .50 BMG in vehicle mount
The terrorist ship in episode 1 has an M2HB mounted on the deck.
M2HBs are mounted on the Humvees used by the airbase security forces in episode 2.
M2HBs are mounted onto the commander cupolas of the Abrams tanks that respond to the airbase intrusion.
The "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult uses an M2HB mounted on a tripod in episode 4.
Aoi disables the gunner.
The machine gun rests on its tripod as the train escapes.
A side view of an Abrams with an M2HB mounted on the cupola in episode 12.

General Electric M134 Minigun

Manami requests, and receives, a hand-held GE M134 Minigun for her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Airsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATO
The muzzle end of Manami's virtual Minigun.
Rightly, Manami cannot lift the weight of the Minigun.
note the joystick at the back of the weapon, similar to the Minigun shown above.


The "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult use MG3s mounted on motorcycle side cars in episode 7.

MG3 Machine Gun - 7.62x51mm NATO
This weapon can be identified as an MG3 rather than an MG42 by the design of the muzzle. Also, the sight mounted on top is the removable anti aircraft sight for an MG3.
A front view of the weapon showing that it is red from a 50 round circular drum.

MG 34 Panzerlauf

An MG 34 Panzerlauf can briefly be seen in episode 11, mounted as the forward machine gun on a Tiger I tank.

MG 34 Panzerlauf - 7.92x57mm Mauser.
A number of Assist-a-roids climb an a Tiger in order to scan it's technology to replicate it. The MG 34 is visible in a ball mount on the front of the hull.

Grenade Launcher


M203 grenade launchers are seen multiple times in the series, mounted under M16A1 assault rifles.

M16A1 with M203 grenade launcher - 40x46mm
Manami smiles as she is handed an M16A1 with under-slung M203 in episode 2.
Manami leans out the window to fire her M203.
Manami has an M16A1 with M203 in her virtual armoury in episode 6.

Mk 19

A Mk 19 grenade launcher can be seen in episode 2 mounted on a Humvee.

Mk 19 grenade launcher 40mm in vehicle mounting
A Mk 19 can be seen on the Humvee that is disabled by a net around the wheel.

DefTech 37mm Launcher

On of the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" cult members uses a DefTech 37mm launcher in episode 4. It is used to fire non-lethal rounds at Aoi, and appears to be of the folding stock variety with the stock removed. It is not a Milkor MGL as previously suggested, due to the length of the chambers, the design of the trigger guard and lower frame, and the absence of the release lever on the front of the chambers.

Defense Technologies/Federal Laboratories launcher 37mm with folding stock
One of the cult members prepares to fire her Deftech at Aoi. It appears that this launcher is fitted with a different forward grip, similar to the one found on a Milkor MGL.
In this shot you can see the bottom of the frame of the gun, which matches that of the Deftech.
The whole of the launcher can only be briefly seen when the train is escaping. Note that from the length of the chambers, this cannot be a Milkor MGL.

Heavy Weapons

General Electric M61 Vulcan

A 20mm M61 Vulcan can be seen mounted on a JMSDF patrol boat, and as part of a General Dynamics/Raytheon Phalanx Close-In Weapon System on the "Underside of the Kitten Paw" ship.

GE M61Vulcan 20mm Cannon
Although never clearly shown, this multi barreled weapon in most likely supposed to be a JM61 (Japanese version of the M61) which is used in a turreted mounting resembling this by the JMSDF. Also, in dialogue it is referred to as a 20mm by the crew.
GE M61 Vulcan 20mm Cannon in a Phalanx mounting.
Phalanxes rotate to face the incoming missiles. in episode 5
A pair of Phalanxes firing.


A terrorist uses a RPG-7 to fire at a JMSDF ship in episode 1.

One of the terrorists swings his RPG-7 towards the Japanese ship
The terrorist accidentally fires his RPG when struck by Aoi's spear
The RPG impacting the deck under the terrorist blows him into the sea.

Rheinmetall L44 M256

M1A1 Abrams MBTs are seen armed with 120mm Rheinmetall L44 M256 main guns in several episodes.

A number of M1A1s advance on the protagonists in episode 2.
An Abrams fires its main gun.
One of Eris' Assist-a-roids disintegrates an Abrams with its anti-matter hammer.
A squadron of NATO Abrams tanks advances at the end of episode 11.
An Abrams as seen in episode 12.

AGM-114 Hellfire

In episode 5 a Blackhawk helicopter fires a pair of AGM-114 Hellfires, that has been modified by the Catians to be cloaked in flight.

The Blackhawk in question is armed with 8 modified Hellfires in two quad launchers. The missiles have been cosmetically changed by colouring them red.


Hellfires are also seen in episode 12, being fired from NATO AH64D Apache Longbows. Note that there is a drawing mistake in this shot, where the Hellfires mounted under the right wing are partly obscured by the fuselage as if they were mounted underneath the helicopter fuselage itself.

Unknown Mortar

An unidentified mortar can be seen in the gun dealer's in episode 5.

It is likely that this mortar is a complete fabrication, as the bipod appears too light for a real mortar.

Otobreda 76mm

The "Underside of the Kitten Paw" ship in episode 5 is armed with a number of 76mm Otobreda guns, in turreted mounts.

Otobreda 76mm in compact mount.
The turrets extend from under cowling when required.
The 76mm Otobredas open fire on an incoming ship.
A trio of Otobredas are mounted on the bow of the ship.

8.8cm KwK 36 L/56 guns

In episode 11 a number of Tiger I tanks are seen in storage, armed with 8.8cm KwK 36 L/56 guns. Why these are present at a decommissioned Soviet ballistic missile site is never explained.

A row of Tiger tanks can be seen armed with their KwK 36 guns.
A number of Assist-a-roids climb an a Tiger in order to scan it's technology to replicate it.
A miniaturised version of the gun is used by Catisian Assist-a-roids in episode 12, mounted on a miniature wind-up King Tiger tank.

M230 Chain Gun

A number of NATO AH64D Apache Longbows are seen in episode 12 armed with M230 Chain Guns.

Hughes/Alliant Techsystems M230 30mm Chain Gun
A side view of an Apache showing its chain gun.


M84 stun grenade

M84 stun grenades are used in several episodes, where they are depicted as being capable of rendering someone unconscious.

M84 stun grenade
Yuichi throwing an M84 in episode 1.
The M84 flying through the air after spoon has detached.
The M84 detonates, with the explosion correctly emanating from the holes in the grenade body.
An M84 is also seen in episode 3. In this case the grenade is painted a single colour, rather than the more common variation of a lighter central band.

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