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Talk:Escape from L.A.

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 21:41, 27 January 2025 by Wolf1998 (talk | contribs) (→‎Coreburner)
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I started capping this from my DVD but the source really is utterly shit. I can't believe they get away with selling this stuff.

Going to cap from a HD source later instead, consider this a 'reservation' of sorts, I guess. --Joffeloff 15:01, 21 April 2009 (UTC)


Not sure what prompted people to assume that this was a Kongsberg but there's nothing there to say it is one as opposed to a pre-A1 1911 that I can see. --Joffeloff 00:10, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Since Ellis Mercantile supplied the weapons to Escape From LA and I was the gunsmith there at that time. The .45 Pistol was a blued US Army marked 1911 that was in the holster. - Phoenixent
Good, so can we remove that Kongsberg m/1914 already? MoviePropMaster2008 04:39, 22 April 2009 (UTC)
I just put it here for keepings in case there was something I missed. I changed the article to say 1911 already. --Joffeloff 13:04, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Kongsberg m/1914

Seen in the pistol holster of the Surgeon-General of Beverly Hills (Bruce Campbell). Snake later takes this pistol from him after shooting him with a small blowdart.

Kongsberg M1914 .45 ACP

Galil lookalike

Would it be possible that this is an RK-62? --AdAstra2009 02:24, 2 December 2009 (UTC)


Saw the movie again today and during the motorcycle scene Snake uses what appears to be an Ithaca shotgun, I noticed it isn't on the page, seems pretty hard to miss. The henchman escorting Snake to the stadium wield double barrel shotguns as well. - Diego Wolfwood

Yes, I was watching it on TV the other day and saw what looked like an nickel-plated Ithaca 37 with a sawn-off barrel, i dont have the movie but i think it would be good to add.


The Coreburner was originally made for the 1995 movie "Automatic". It was used by the Mercenaries, and didn't have the scope or shoulder-stock. In the movie, the large tube under the barrel was a grenade launcher that could fire different types of grenades. The rifle had an led camcorder monitor on top, and one of the rifles had a camera in it for a scene showing the image on the monitor as it was aimed around a corner. Krel.

That's interesting, because IMFDB's own Steve Karnes built the Coreburner while he was the gunsmith at Ellis Mercantile, and I don't remember him saying it was made for Automatic. I haven't seen Automatic, so I can't comment if it's the same gun (I'll take your word for it), but if the Coreburner was used in that film, it's likely that it was used on both movies during filming in 1995, but Escape from L.A. was in post-production for a longer period, and released later. But as far as we know, the Coreburner was built specifically for Escape from L.A.. -MT2008 09:37, 12 March 2011 (MSK)

Interesting information. I didn't know that both movies were filmed around the same time period. I saw "Automatic" on cable. I remember it being pretty good for a made-for-video movie. The Coreburner gets a lot of use in the film, and there are several of them. I don't remember if they showed more than one firing at the same time. It was pretty elaborate what they did with the rifles. They put an aftermarket camcorder monitor on top of the rile, which functioned as the site, and the controls. As I said there is at least one scene showing the aiming the rifle around corners, with the image displayed on the monitor. In another scene they use the monitor to select the type of grenade the rifle was to fire. I'd say that the Corrburner was one of the stars of "Automatic". Krel, March 25, 2011.

The Coreburner used in Automatic was from Stembridge Gun Rentals and was based upon the Patriot Pistol. It never worked right in full auto so the propmaster brought the gun to Ellis and we used it as a guide. The shop made all new prosthetic parts for the LaFrance M16K while I changed the M16K to work with those new parts and machined new forend and buffer tubes. This was all done in one day due to the Patriot not working as promised. That is why there are two Coreburners and they are different systems and dimensions. --phoenixent 19:18, 6 February 2012 (CST)

Here's some shots from a youtube trailer for comparison (sorry for the quality) --Ben41 14:08, 12 March 2011 (MSK)

I have a question as the Patriot Pistol had an flattop upper receiver but the LaFrance M16K does not I was wonder if the Patriot upper was fitted on the M16K lower or was the upper receiver of the M16K machined off and converted into a flattop? (talk)

It has been some time since I asked a question about the LaFrance M16K Coreburner since I believe that later generation M16Ks had flattop uppers if I am not mistaken or maybe the lower of M16K was used and some aftermarket modified upper receiver with an flattop was put or it could be the prosthetic parts made for the M16K who knows? (User:Wolf1998)

Autom 02.jpg
Autom 03.jpg
I don't really see any indication that the Coreburner has a flattop upper receiver - given how high the optic sits above the receiver, it looks to me as though the optic mount is built around the carry handle. I don't think that they would have used the Patriot Pistol upper receiver, because that would have been contrary to the reason that the propmaster had to have Ellis Props & Graphics re-design the gun around the M16K to begin with: The M16K upper receiver group has an adjustable gas system which makes the cyclic rate lower and thus more reliable with blanks, while the Patriot Pistol upper does not (because it wasn't designed to cycle on full-auto originally). Also, I don't believe that there is any functional difference between an M16K lower and any other mil-spec AR lower, other than maybe the buffer weight, but that's easily swappable - so why would they use only the lower, but not the upper, to get the more reliable cycling? -MT2008 (talk) 18:34, 24 January 2025 (UTC)

You know I had that same thought using only the lower but not the upper as the carry handle M16K upper worked better on full-auto blank rounds while the flattop Patriot Pistol upper does not as it was what you said not made to cycle on full-auto blanks but given by the confusion between the upper receivers making it look as if they chopped off part of the M16K carry handle as part of the prosthetic parts or built it around the carry handle somehow?

I really don't think that the M16K used in the film has a flattop upper - it really looks to me as though the scope mount assembly is built on top of and over the carry handle. Also, remember that this movie was filmed in 1995 (released in 1996), when flattop upper receivers on ARs were still somewhat uncommon. I don't even know when LaFrance started building the M16K with that style of upper receiver. Either way, they definitely did not use the Patriot Pistol upper in this film - that is contrary to what Steve Karnes (who built the Coreburner) told me, and just plain common sense. -MT2008 (talk) 15:50, 26 January 2025 (UTC)

Well you know those AN/PVS-2 night vision scopes in which could not be fitted on top of the M16 carry handle since it was too heavy the scope base needed to share the weight of the top of the receiver during installation so the optic mount must of been built around the carry handle or it could just be the prosthetics I think this is what you were talking about since I could not find any identification of an M16K model having a flattop upper and being given that the Patriot Pistol was not used because of what you and I have mentioned before it is just that flattop uppers were not common in 90s movies then they are today.

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