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Upotte!! (2012)

Upotte!! is a slice-of-life and action series whose characters are the personifications of firearms. Upotte!! goes to great lengths to showcase many technical details and historical trivia on the subject, often through the use of cut-in narrated demonstrations to help explain the plot point (or joke) in a given scene. The story begins with a human teacher being transferred to Seishou Academy, entirely oblivious to its purpose as a school for personified firearms. The students are divided by weapon class, with submachine guns being in elementary school, assault rifles and shotguns in middle school, and battle rifles and sniper rifles in high school; most of the faculty are also guns. The main cast features Funco (FNC), Ichiroku (M16A4), Sig (SG 550), and Elle (L85A1), and their many adventures and misadventures.

Series creator and manga author Kitsune Tennouji, perhaps unsurprisingly, has a significant firearms collection (deactivated, being Japan), many of which he uses as reference for the manga (and thus in turn, the anime). His collection is the source of some of the unusual and/or very specific setups seen in the story, such as the G3A3 being fitted with an HK21 rear sight and its particular scope, or the unusual MP5A2 setup, among others. All of the Upotte!! manga volumes feature a photograph of one of his guns on the inner cover, usually the rifle of the character featured on the cover artwork.

For a collection of behind the scenes photos of Misuzu Togashi (voice of Ichiroku) and Saeko Zougou (voice of Ichiyon) visiting the same deactivated firearm shop frequented by Kitsune Tennouji, see the Talk Page.

The following weapons were used in the anime series Upotte!!:


Glock 26

A Glock 26 is seen during a narrated explanation of red dot sights.

Glock 26 - 9x19mm Parabellum
A Glock 26 with a red dot sight fitted in place of its rear sight. Also visible is the (simplified) Glock logo on the slide; the full trademarks are legible in detail in the manga. (Ep.4)

Walther PPK

A Walther PPK is shown in a narrated explanation of the importance of weight.

Walther PPK - .32 ACP
A "soldier" holding a PPK on the right, comically showcasing why weight is a very important factor, with English subtitles included for emphasis. (Ep.4)

unidentified pistol

A poster for what is presumably an in-universe spy film is seen in Ichiroku and Elle's room, featuring a pistol of some sort.

The movie poster behind Sig, who has no trouble with the cold weather while the other three huddle under the kotatsu (heated table). (Ep.7)

Submachine Guns

Fabrique Nationale P90 TR

An FN P90 TR is seen on a gun rack during a cut-in when Sig bluntly states that she thought the reason Ichiroku was popular was because she's cheap. Interestingly, the P90 is fitted with an adapter to take STANAG magazines, something only compatible with airsoft P90s.

Fabrique Nationale P90 TR - 5.7x28mm
A P90 TR on the right, fitted with (airsoft) STANAG mag adapter in place of the original magazine. The main focus of the shot is, of course, an M16A1. English subtitles have been retained. (Ep.4)

Heckler & Koch MP5A2

A Heckler & Koch MP5A2 is seen in the hands of MP, the personification of said SMG. As with all the characters, the full designation is her "full" name ("MP5A2") but she goes by a shorter, more conversational name in virtually all circumstances. MP is one of G3's many sisters, as the MP5 is essentially a G3 scaled down to a submachine gun. Due to this, Sig nicknames her Chii3 ("Small3"). Although most rifles in the show are identical to their manga version, MP's MP5A2 differs quite considerably; her anime form is a typical (SEF lower) MP5 with the export/"tropical" handguard and curved mags, while her manga counterpart is an older MP5 with the original slim handguard and straight mags, and also features an HK 3-lug flash hider. This rather unique setup is an excellent example of material being based on Kitsune Tennouji's personal collection, and a close-up photo included in a manga volume shows the MP5's serial number to be C205613, built in 1976.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 - 9x19mm Parabellum
MP serves as the SMG representative during an explanation of how the different classes of firearm are divided at Seishou Academy, alongside Fal and Funco. (Ep.2)
MP fires her MP5A2 at the shooting range during an explanation of submachine guns and their history. (Ep.3)
An FNC and MP5A2 are compared as the narrator explains that submachine guns use pistol cartridges. (Ep.3)
A stitched shot showcasing an MP5A2 lying on a table. (Ep.3)
Upotte!! Volume 12 cover art (without text) for reference, giving a fantastic look at the MP5A2's early-pattern handguard and magazines (two clamped together), as well as the 3-lug flash hider. Mimi appears to be borrowing G3's Titan scope. (Art)

Ingram M10

An Ingram M10 is seen in the background when MP explains why M10 suddenly stopped talking, due to her having an extremely high rate of fire (1090 rounds per minute is mentioned). M10, who also goes by Ram (from "Ingram"), had been explaining why Gossan ("five-three") is grouped with the SMGs despite using rifle-calibre ammo, as she's the personification of the HK53 (an MP5-sized HK33).

Ingram M10 - .45 ACP
A stitched shot showcasing much more of the M10 on-screen at once than is normally visible, as MP gives her explanation; Gossan is the tall girl behind her. Note that the gun's charging handle is erroneously drawn in both positions at once. (Ep.3)

M1928 Thompson

An M1928 Thompson with a drum magazine is held by its personification, Thompson, on the cover of the first volume of Rufuira!!, a doujinshi by the manga's artist; this manga makes a cameo lying on the floor of the human teacher's room. The human teacher's name is never given during the show, and most characters simply refer to him as Genkoku, essentially "Modern Literature (teacher)".

M1928 Thompson - .45 ACP
Ms. Thompson showing off a bit more than just her SMG on the cover of the first Rufuira!! volume. The collection of canon manga includes the main series (Upotte!!), Upotte!! Nano, Upotte SISTERS!!, Rufuira!!, and Echiina!!, as well as a few non-canon doujinshi. (Ep.7)
Rufuira!! Volume 1 cover art for reference, giving a much better look at (the) Thompson. (Art)

MP 40

An MP 40 is shown during the overview of the history of submachine guns. The narrator also makes reference to the WWI-era MP 18 during this sequence.

MP 40 - 9x19mm Parabellum
An MP 40 over a map of Western Europe, with its stock folded. (Ep.3)


Remington Model 870

A Remington Model 870 is used to demonstrate the difference between a traditional pump-action shotgun with a non-detachable tube magazine, and a self-loading shotgun with detachable box magazines, in this case the Saiga-12. A chibi-form Ichiroku is seen firing one at a chibi Elle, who is portraying a rabbit.

Remington Model 870 Police Magnum (wood furniture) - 12 gauge
Remington Model 870 Police Magnum (synthetic furniture) - 12 gauge
A hunter shoots fleeing ducks with his Remington 870, somewhere in what appears to be the Pacific Northwest. (Ep.10)
A SWAT-style team breaches a room, three of them armed with Model 870s fitted with black furniture. The fourth officer is carrying a Glock pistol and ballistic shield. (Ep.10)
A good profile view of the Remington Model 870. (Ep.10)
A stitched sequence of a chibi Ichiroku loading and firing an 870 at a chibi Elle. Ichiroku can be seen loading four shells from her eight-shell bandolier, then firing (and missing) all four shells before tossing the gun into the air in frustration. The shotgun is then caught by a chibi Saiga, who transforms it into a Saiga-12K. (Ep.10)

Izhmash Saiga-12K

As mentioned above, Saiga is the personification of the Saiga-12K shotgun. Together with the rest of the Eastern Bloc firearms she attends Akaganekou ("Red Steel High"). Saiga ambushes Ichiroku and Sig during the battle of Atami, and continues to hold a stalemate with copious amounts of buckshot throughout the battle.

Izhmash Saiga-12K - 12 gauge
After Saiga makes her entrance by blasting Ichiroku (destroying one of her magazines), Sig returns the favour with a burst of 5.56mm to Saiga's own mag, the remaining shells falling out the bottom. (Ep.10)
Saiga panics, looking at what's left of her shotgun's magazine. (Ep.10)
A frustrated Saiga falls back to reload. Ichiroku and Sig then comment on her being a shotgun, with Ichiroku naming Saiga and Sig naming Izhmash. (Ep.10)
A close-up of the Saiga-12K as chibi Saiga transforms it from a Remington 870 during the shotgun explanation. Note the curious "S/F" markings on the selector, not something found on Russian firearms. (Ep.10)
Chibi Saiga prepares to open up on chibi Ichiroku with what is evidently anti-clothing-shot, concluding the cut-in explanation. (Ep.10)
Saiga loads a fresh 5-round magazine and gives an enthusiastic smirk. (Ep.10)
Blasting away at the stairwell, Saiga continues to keep her enemies' heads down. (Ep.10)

Assault Rifles & Light Machine Guns


Two different AK-47 patterns are seen as the narrator (who uses the Russian term Avtomat Kalashnikova) explains the rivalry between the M16 and AK during the Vietnam War, and the reputations both guns earned during that conflict. The first one seen is a final production "Type 3" pattern, the other is an early-pattern "Type 1". It should be noted that the "Type 1/2/3" descriptors are terms created by Western historians to help categorize the three patterns of AK-47, rather than being official Russian terminology.

AK-47 (Type 3) - 7.62x39mm
AK-47 (Type 1) - 7.62x39mm
A standard (Type 3) AK-47 appears when gun shop owner Curly mentions that the RK 95 and Galil are Kalashnikov-derived designs. (Ep.4)
An early-pattern (Type 1) AK-47 over the USSR flag. Its distinctive pistol grip and the early-pattern slab-sided magazine are both visible, though the latter is oddly coloured as if it were a Bakelite mag. (Ep.4)


An RPK light machine gun is used by RPK. Tall, well-built, and always eager for a good fight, RPK makes for a stellar personification of her firearm. Although generally rather trigger happy, RPK also makes use of her rifle's long barrel and bipod to provide some very impressive long-range precision support at the beginning of the battle of Atami.

RPK - 7.62x39mm
RPK fires her LMG in semi-auto from its bipod. Despite being on a rocking boat and several hundred metres away, she achieves exceptionally precise fire. (Ep.9)
The RPK lies next to its owner as she and her partner slip out of their wetsuits at Atami Water Park, a park overlooking the city's marina. (Ep.10)
After running into the main quartet, RPK fires at them while making her escape from the northern-most of the three "sections" of the park; its highly distinctive (more so from the other side) railings can be seen to the left. (Ep.10)
RPK fires at the glass ceiling of the mall from which Funco had just been sniping. The rifle's bolt can be seen cycling in this shot, and is to the rear here. (Ep.10)
With three of her unconscious comrades in the background, RPK makes good use of her long 40-round magazine. Perhaps slightly too much use, though she is heard reloading off-screen at one point. (Ep.10)
After being ordered to reposition and assist Saiga, RPK rips off her mask in frustration and gives Funco a long glare before leaving. (Ep.10)
RPK is briefly seen firing her LMG at Ichiroku, forming a pincer attack. (Ep.10)


The leader of the Akaganekou group that instigates the battle of Atami is Nanayon ("seven-four"), personification of the AK-74. Most of the Akaganekou "extras" are also armed with AK-74s, though they should be canonically considered to be using different, similar Eastern Bloc weapons. Of note, Atami is very much a real city and many of its locations are faithfully depicted, something found in many anime.

AK-74 - 5.45x39mm
Nanayon fires her AK-74 from the shadows in semi-auto. The fire selector is correctly set to that position, and the bolt can be seen cycling here. (Ep.9)
A stitched shot as Nanayon warns civilians about the upcoming battle. Similar to the Saiga, her rifle features "S/A/R" markings instead of cyrillic. (Ep.9)
A trio of Akaganekou students wearing masks fire their AK-74s at Ichiroku and Sig. (Ep.10)
Three more take up defensive positions at the mall, however Funco sees this and opts to take them out from the roof instead of engaging head on. (Ep.10)
Nanayon opens fire at Funco in the deserted shopping mall. (Ep.10)
Funco clips Nanayon's mask and sends it flying during their duel. (Ep.10)
Nanayon shoulders her AK-74 as her face off with Funco nears its end. (Ep.10)


After Sig's impractical-but-awesome one-handed shooting demonstration, Funco and Sig attempt to persuade Genkoku of its usefulness by claiming it could be used to write messages on the walls of a hypothetical enemy camp some distance away. The "camp" in question is clearly set somewhere in the Middle East, and two of the three fighters there are armed with rifles. Given the setting/theme these are most likely Kalashnikov-pattern rifles, and the one with a visible muzzle appears to best match the AKS-74U.

AKS-74U - 5.45x39mm
The fighter on the left with his possible AKS-74U while the one at centre also has a rifle, as they gaze upon the crude message drawn with bullets which reads "baka" ("idiot"). (Ep.3)

Bushmaster ACR

A poster showcasing a disassembled Bushmaster ACR is seen in Curly's shop. The rifle is fitted with a non-standard stock (its proper stock is seen elsewhere on the poster) as well as some other parts on the poster not being for the ACR, such as the GL1 grenade launcher for the F2000. This seems to be explained by the Japanese text describing custom parts and fitment work.

Bushmaster ACR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Ichiroku walks past the poster on her way out of Curly's shop. (Ep.4)

CETME Modelo L

A CETME Modelo L is used by Modelo, seen in the jungle tournament. One is also featured on the sign for Curly's gun shop, as well as on a rack in the shop itself.

CETME Modelo L - 5.56x45mm NATO
The CETME L on Curly's gun shop sign, lacking a magazine. (Ep.4)
Leaving her flag unguarded, Modelo moves out to engage Funco and Ichihachi in the jungle war games. (Ep.4)
Modelo moves through the jungle as Funco hides in the tall grass. (Ep.4)
Hearing a single gunshot behind her, Modelo turns to see a hole through her team's flag, giving a look at her CETME L's rear end. (Ep.4)


An SR 88A, manufactured by CIS (now ST Kinetics), appears in the hands of Hachihachi ("eight-eight"), and another is seen in Curly's shop.

CIS SR 88A - 5.56x45mm NATO
Hachihachi leads her partner Sar through the tall grass, giving a decent view of the left side of her SR 88A, including its charging handle, bolt release, and fire selector. (Ep.4)
Startled by sudden "gunfire" in Sar's direction, Hachihachi turns, giving a good look at the rifle's polymer magazine. (Ep.4)
A close-up of the SR 88A. The large square piece on the receiver is the folding charging handle. (Ep.4)

ST Kinetics SAR 21

An ST Kinetics SAR 21 is used by Sar. Like Aug, she wears glasses presumably to represent the SAR 21's built-in optic. One is also seen in Curly's shop.

ST Kinetics SAR 21 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Sar and Hachihachi make their way through the tall grass, rifles at the ready. (Ep.4)
Sar with her SAR 21, as the duo split up. (Ep.4)
A stitched image of Sar about to step on Ichiroku's trap, a plank of wood with nails against two 5.56mm cartridges, the nails setting them off to make noise. (Ep.4)

Daewoo K2

Shortly after arriving at Seishou Academy, Headmaster Springfield takes Genkoku on a tour of the school, including its firing range. In addition to the named characters present, five "extras" are seen in the background as well, four of whom have rifles that are just barely seen well enough to be identified. One of them appears to be a Daewoo K2.

Daewoo K2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
The second-furthest Seishou student fires her rifle, which appears to be a K2, its full stock and distinctive large rear sight assembly visible. (Ep.1)

Enfield EM-2

An Enfield EM-2 is shown during the explanation of the history of the L85. The narrator opens by mentioning that the British started work on intermediate cartridges and bullpup rifles in the 1940s, while certain relevant cartridges from the era appear on screen, including .276 Pedersen, 6.5x52mm Carcano, and 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka. The EM-2 was adopted by the British military, but that decision was almost instantly overturned by a new incoming government, under pressure from the Americans who were insisting on adopting 7.62x51mm as the new NATO standard. As a result, the British ultimately adopted the inch-pattern FAL as the L1.

Enfield EM-2 - .280 British
An EM-2 atop the Union Jack, complete with its integral 1.0x optic. The cartridge is listed as a strange "7.42x53mm" which is close to .280 British, but not quite. This may have been a typo from attempting to rewrite "7.62x51mm" into "7x43mm", the proper metric designation. (Ep.3)

Enfield XL60

The Enfield XL60 is briefly seen near the end of the L85 history cut-in, shown just before the L85 itself is revealed.

XL60 Enfield Weapon System 0 series - 4.85x49mm
A good close-up of the XL60 prototype, complete with SUSAT optic. (Ep.3)

Enfield L85A1

Elle, from the "L" in her name, is the personification of the L85A1; she is specifically the L85A1 and not the much-improved L85A2, and as such suffers from constant breakages and unreliability. Elle has a generally quiet demeanour, though she always tries her best. Elle is also Ichiroku's roommate.

Enfield L85A1 with SUSAT - 5.56x45mm NATO
Ichiroku, Elle, and Funco check their weapons while bored in class, freaking out Genkoku who's still not used to daily life at Seishou. (Ep.2)
Elle crosses her L85A1 with her friends' FNC and M16A4, as the trio prepare for a friendly match against Fal, Ichiyon, and G3. (Ep.2)
Elle's mid-episode artwork showing off her rifle's stats, which are correct. (Ep.3)
A field stripped L85A1 seen in great detail. (Ep.3)
Elle stands in shock after Sako fires on an unexpected target during their tournament match, giving a great look at her L85A1. (Ep.6)
A view through the rifle's SUSAT with its distinctive large post, as Elle aims at Sako. (Ep.6)
Elle holds her rifle after its magazine fell out. This time it's not a flaw of the L85, but rather battle damage to its magazine catch suffered in an ambush. (Ep.10)
After baiting her opponent into a chase, Elle holds the magazine between her legs to keep it in place, in this stitched image. (Ep.10)
Sparks fly as Elle trades fire with one of the Akaganekou students, as Elle attempts to regroup with an ally. (Ep.10)
Trapped in a stalemate, Elle returns fire. The L85's bolt is mid-cycle here. (Ep.10)

Enfield L85A2

The L85A2 appears near the end of the history of the the L85. The narrator specifically mentions that the L85A2's improvements were done by Heckler & Koch.

Enfield L85A2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
An L85A2 with its carry handle rather than a SUSAT. The text notes the L85A2's most notable external differences are the charging handle and magazine catch area. (Ep.3)

Colt Canada L119A1

A Colt Canada L119A1 is seen in the hands of a Special Air Service soldier during an overview of the history of the L85 and its various problems, noting that the SAS opted to adopt an M16-based rifle instead. The Canadian C8 is essentially a development of the Colt Model 653, with the C8A1 introducing a flattop upper, and the later C8SFW featuring a slightly longer heavy barrel. The C8SFW was adopted by the British as the L119A1, and the one seen here is equipped with an EOTech holographic sight and magnifier.

Colt Canada C8SFW with EOTech sight - 5.56x45mm NATO
An SAS soldier with his L119A1, though the receiver is drawn to a slightly odd scale. The distinctive slim handguard and older-pattern stock from the Model 653 are clearly visible here; this pattern continued to be standard for the C8/C7 series, unlike their American cousins. (Ep.3)


The FARA 83 makes its media debut in the hands of Fara, seen during the jungle tournament. The FARA 83 notably doesn't appear in Curly's shop, the position on the gun rack it was likely intended to occupy instead featuring a custom M16.

FARA 83 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A bullet from Ichihachi's AR-18 clips the tree Fara is taking cover behind, startling her. (Ep.4)
Fara readies her FARA 83, giving a fantastic look at the rifle. (Ep.4)
Aug, Ichihachi, Fara, Modelo, and Tei hold their rifles on Sako, who is refusing to concede the match, in this stitched image. (Ep.6)

Fabrique Nationale FNC

Funco is the personification of the FN FNC, and main protagonist of the series. Meeting Genkoku by chance during a festival, through an honest accident he discovers that she wears a thong, a trait shared by all personifications of rifles with (folding) skeleton stocks. Forgetting her actual name, he lets "girl with the thong" slip out a few times, usually (comedically) ending up in the hospital as a result. Although the personified gun characters can cause pain and injuries, in this universe the adage "guns don't kill people, people do" exists rather literally, as they're physically incapable of actually killing a human (or each other) unless wielded by a human. Funco's FNC notably lacks a bayonet lug, a feature usually associated with the semi-auto civilian model, though she is otherwise in line with the standard original-production military pattern. That the FNC was directly responsible for the Belgian SS109 cartridge being adopted as 5.56mm NATO is a fact noted in the show. A replica (presumably airsoft) FNC appears during the climactic battle, serving as a distraction.

The FNC's predecessor and Funco's direct older sister, the CAL, is also mentioned, though neither she nor her rifle are actually seen; Cal is Sig's roommate.

Fabrique Nationale FNC - 5.56x45mm NATO
Funco's mid-episode artwork, her rifle's stats on display. (Ep.1)
Folding the stock on her FNC as Ichihachi does the same on her own AR-18, the duo prep for mobile combat. (Ep.4)
Sneaking through the tall grass, Funco unfolds her rifle's stock and takes aim at her target. Clever girl. (Ep.4)
Funco blind fires her FNC at Sako during the semi-finals of the jungle tournament. The rifle's gas regulator, positioned up top between the receiver and handguard, is in the adverse position (to the right), something depicted consistently throughout the series. (Ep.5)
A stitched shot of Funco, barrel smoking after skipping bullets on the water under a low bridge to hit Galil on the far side of the lake. (Ep.5)
Funco pulls the FNC's charging handle after Genkoku accidentally makes reference to her thong again. (Ep.7)
An excellent shot of Funco firing her FNC in the streets of Atami. The FNC's bolt is fully to the rear here, showcasing how the dust cover pivots on two points, keeping it as closed as possible at all times. (Ep.10)
Another angle of the same engagement, as Funco covers Elle. Here the bolt can be seen halfway to the rear, this time with the front portion of the dust cover being raised by the charging handle. (Ep.10)
A close-up of the FNC's four-position fire selector as Funco switches to full-auto during her fight with RPK. (Ep.10)
Nanayon moves closer to Funco during their standoff in the ruined mall. (Ep.10)


A FA-MAS G1 is seen alongside an AUG during the history of the L85, listing both as examples of bullpup rifle designs adopted before the L85. The show uses the less common but more technically correct spelling of "FA-MAS", with the dash separating "Fusil d’Assaut" from "Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne"; this is how the rifle's markings are actually written. Another FA-MAS is seen in the hands of a Seishou student at the firing range, though she is not the canonical Upotte!! FA-MAS who appears in the manga after the events of the anime. The canon Famas has long reddish-blond "drill"-style hair, does not attend Seishou, and is the F1 variant.

GIAT FA-MAS G1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A Seishou student fires her FA-MAS at the far end of the firing range. The stock, ejection port, and especially the large carry handle assembly are all very recognizable. (Ep.1)
A FA-MAS G1 next to an AUG A1. (Ep.3)

Heckler & Koch HK33E

A Heckler & Koch HK33E is used by HK33E, who unlike basically everyone else goes by her full designation rather than a nickname. Being the oft-forgotten middle child between the G3 and MP5, HK33E has a fairly strong inferiority complex, which likely contributes to her dislike of nicknames. Despite this, or rather because of this, Sig nicknames her Chuu3 ("Mid3") much to her annoyance. Ichihachi later nicknames her Mimi, an alternate reading of the two threes in her designation; she is less averse to this name, and the two eventually become friends. HK33E's manga incarnation features an integral bipod, seen in the MP5 section above, which is not present in the anime.

Heckler & Koch HK33E - 5.56x45mm NATO
Quick to anger, HK33E whips out her rifle upon being called Chuu3, turning to leave as Funco arrives. Funco then asks who that was, prompting to Sig to call her Chuu3 again within earshot... (Ep.9)
...resulting in HK33E putting a bullet through Sig's copy of Wilhelm Tell, in this glorious stitched shot. (Ep.9)
Able to pull her rifle out of thin air (as they all are), she conjures her HK33 again a short time later, annoyed by Sig's ventriloquism done at her expense. (Ep.9)
HK33E draws her rifle in the bath later that evening, first when Sig once again calls her Chuu3, then almost immediately afterwards when Ichiroku jumps into the bath and messes up her hair. (Ep.9)

Heckler & Koch G36V

A Heckler & Koch G36V, identifiable by its lack of dual optics, is seen in Curly's shop.

Heckler & Koch G36V - 5.56x45mm NATO
A G36V in the display case behind Sako. (Ep.4)

Heckler & Koch HK416

One of the Seishou students at the range has what appears to be a Heckler & Koch HK416. The rifle of the student between HK416 and K2, who is entirely hidden behind Genkoku, has its barrel just barely visible above the HK416's buffer tube, and it can be seen recoiling when firing along with a puff of muzzle flash. That rifle cannot possibly be identified beyond "has a reasonably long, fairly featureless barrel", but it is present.

Heckler & Koch HK416 - 5.56x45mm NATO
The student with her head partially obscured by Genkoku fires her HK416; its distinctive rail system and diopter sights match, as do the brass deflector and forward assist. Also (barely) visible is a couple rows of pixels of the barrel of the centre student's rifle, above the HK416's stock. (Ep.1)

Howa AR-18

A Howa AR-18 is the rifle of Ichihachi ("one-eight"), Ichiroku's cousin and Funco's roommate. Originally developed by ArmaLite, the AR-18 was also produced under licence by Howa in Japan and Sterling in England. Interestingly, Ichihachi being "born" in Japan makes her the closest thing to a Japanese character in the show, though she's still considered to be American.

Behind the scenes photos of Ichihachi's actress Chiharu Kitaoka visiting a military surplus store with Galil's Mariko Honda can be found on the Talk Page.

Howa AR-180 – 5.56x45mm NATO
A good look at the AR-18's ejection port and charging handle, furthest from the camera; the AUG's short barrel can also be seen. There is a slight continuity error here, as the T91 should be visible between the AUG and L85. (Ep.1)
Ichihachi folds her AR-18's stock at the start of the first match of the jungle tournament. The AR-18 having a fairly loose stock is represented by Ichihachi's pants being loose. (Ep.4)
Galil and Sako face off with Ichihachi and Funco before their match, giving a good look at the AR-18. (Ep.4)
A stitched shot of Ichihachi preparing to cross the bridge that divides the match's stage in half. (Ep.5)
Ichihachi opens up with her AR-18 after Sako engages Funco. The rifle's charging handle can be seen cycling in this sequence. (Ep.5)
Under cover of Funco's supporting fire, Ichihachi races up the bridge to get a better angle on Sako. (Ep.5)
A single shot rings out from the far side of the lake, as Galil knocks Ichihachi out of the match. (Ep.5)

Howa Type 89-F

A Howa Type 89-F is seen on a rack when Sig claims that Ichiroku is cheap. What appears to be another Type 89-F is seen on a film poster in Funco and Ichihachi's room, which is very fitting as the Type 89 is a direct development of the AR-18, designed by Howa from their experience producing AR-18s.

Howa Type 89-F - 5.56x45mm NATO
A soldier carrying what appears to be a Type 89-F on the film poster to the right, as Ichihachi adjusts her loose pants. (Ep.3)
The rear of a Howa Type 89-F at bottom-left, with the muzzles of some other rifles visible along the bottom. (Ep.4)

IMI Galil AR

Personification of the IMI Galil AR, Galil serves as Sako's right hand until after the tournament, where it's revealed that they could not possibly be more different in personality. Laid back and energetic, Galil becomes fast friends with Ichihachi, and later Mimi. Despite lacking the bipod (and therefore bottle opener) of the otherwise nearly identical Galil ARM variant she is seen attempting to open a bottle with her teeth, prompting a worried Ichihachi to give her a proper bottle opener instead, saying that doing that will damage her feed lips. This is a reference to a bottle opener specifically being designed into the Galil ARM, as Israeli soldiers had a notorious habit of damaging the feed lips on their Uzi magazines.

Behind the scenes photos of Galil's actress Mariko Honda dressed up with an airsoft Galil ARM are over on the Talk Page.

IMI Galil AR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Galil fires her rifle at a magazine with Ichiroku on the cover for target practice. As is standard in the show, the bolt is animated here. (Ep.4)
A stellar profile shot of the Galil AR, with the RK 95 TP in the foreground. (Ep.4)
Mid-episode artwork of Galil and Sako with their rifles, and little else. The weapon stats are mostly correct, besides the Galil AR's length values being those of the shorter Galil SAR, and the "5.56x39mm" typo for the RK 95 TP. (Ep.4)
Galil makes a run for the enemy flag after taking out Ichihachi. (Ep.5)
A good look at Galil's rifle and plate carrier, as she and Sako prep for their match against Ichiroku and Elle. (Ep.5)
The Galil AR kicks out an empty case as Galil pins down Ichiroku. (Ep.6)
Galil continues to give herself covering fire as she slowly retreats backwards. (Ep.6)


The original-pattern M16 is seen during the history of the L85. The narrator mentions that the Americans pressured NATO into adopting 7.62x51mm as the new standard, putting an end to many domestic projects like the British EM-2; he then immediately follows up by noting that not too long after this the Americans turned around and adopted an intermediate cartridge anyway, with the M16. An M16 is also seen during the summary of its involvement in the Vietnam War, featuring a detailed blueprint-style drawing in the background.

M16 - 5.56x45mm NATO
An M16 over the Stars and Stripes, ushering in a new era of service rifle. (Ep.3)
A painstakingly stitched image of the M16 blueprint backdrop, assembled from over forty different screenshots. (Ep.4)


The M16A1 makes several appearances during technical and historical cut-ins, including during an explanation of three-round burst mode, the overview of its role in the Vietnam War, and when Ichiroku has a brief flashback to that time in her life.

M16A1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A Vietnam-era soldier with an M16A1 and an Iraq/Afghanistan-era soldier with an M16A4 during a demonstration of how burst mode was intended to reduce ammo consumption. The M16A4 is fitted with an M5 rail system, ACOG, foregrip, and rail covers. (Ep.2)
An M16A1 once again over the American flag during the coverage of its role in the Vietnam War. (Ep.4)
US soldiers armed with M16A1s search the South Vietnamese jungle for enemy combatants. (Ep.4)
An M16A1 tossed to the jungle floor as Ichiroku has a 'Nam flashback. (Ep.5)


An M16A2 is seen in during a summary of the M16's history, this time narrated by Ichihachi rather than the usual narrator.

M16A2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Evolution of the M16 rifle, with an M16A2 at centre. The original-pattern M16 appears to have an M16A1 lower, with fencing. (Ep.4)


An M16A3, the rare full-auto version of the A2, is also seen in the lineup of M16 variants. This marks one of exceptionally few times a "true" M16A3 appears in media, as opposed to the auto-converted A2s seen in most live action productions.

The M16 family, this time with English subtitles left on for the descriptions of each variant. The M16A4 here is fitted with a Knight's Armament M5 rail system, standard for US military M16A4s. (Ep.4)


At the end of this list of M16 variants is the M16A4, personified by Ichiroku ("one-six"). With high enthusiasm tempered by low stamina (being restricted to burst mode), Ichiroku is tomboyish and a natural leader. Due to the M16's fame and popularity, she also does modelling work. During the jungle tournament Ichiroku mistakenly eats an especially spicy chicken nugget that Funco accidentally made with chili pepper instead of paprika, causing her stomach to act up. This serves as a representation of the bad gunpowder infamously used in the M16 in Vietnam, which was largely responsible (along with other factors) for its notoriously bad reliability. As a result, Ichiroku's rifle quickly fouls up during the match, forcing her to operate the forward assist after every shot. A narrated cut-in explaining the rifle's direct impingement system refers to it as the "Ljungman system", referencing the Swedish Ag m/42, an early example of a rifle using this system.

Behind the scenes photos of Ichiroku's actress Misuzu Togashi wielding a variety of (deactivated) firearms are listed on the Talk Page.

M16A4 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A close-up of the M16A4's receiver as the gun ejects a spent case. Ichiroku is firing in semi-auto, and the selector is correctly in that position. (Ep.1)
An M16A4 fitted with an M5 rail system, suppressor, laser designator, foregrip/flashlight combo, rail covers, Aimpoint red dot sight, magnifier, backup rear sight, and spare magazine holder, showcasing the rifle's modularity. (Ep.4)
A stitched shot of Ichiroku aiming her rifle, about to win her first match outnumbered two-to-one. (Ep.4)
Ichiroku field strips her rifle to clean it, shown in elaborate detail. She first separates the upper and lower receivers, slides out the bolt carrier, then removes the charging handle. After this she removes the bolt from the bolt carrier, then drops out the firing pin. That last step is seen in this screenshot, firing pin falling into her hand. (Ep.5)
Ichiroku's rifle suffers a failure to feed due to severe fouling. Also seen here is a Trijicon ACOG fitted with a Docter red dot and killflash, which Ichiroku uses during the tournament. A notable goof is the first-person view through the scope depicts it as a simple red dot sight. This was most likely a miscommunication between animators/writers, as Ichiroku was indeed looking at red dot sights before the tournament. (Ep.5)
Ichiroku works the M16A4's forward assist, complaining that she's not supposed to be a bolt action. She later uses the rifle one-handed while rapidly working the forward assist with the other, a technique Professor Garand compares to fanning a revolver. (Ep.5)
Ichiroku posing with her rifle in mid-episode artwork. (Ep.6)
The main characters fire their rifles together at RPK's getaway car. The M16A4 is correctly depicted as firing three-round bursts while the others fire full-auto. (Ep.10)
Ichiroku looks at the mangled remains of one of her magazines, shredded by buckshot. She replaces it with a fresh mag pulled from under her shirt. (Ep.10)
Embodying the phrase "that escalated quickly", Ichiroku goes directly from trying to catch fish with her bare hands... to trying to blast them out of the water with her M16, spamming multiple bursts into the water. Ichiroku's rifle is the only firearm seen this episode, an epilogue mostly featuring the main quartet going on a camping trip and relaxing in an outdoor hotspring. (Ep.11)

Colt Delta HBAR

The customized M16 from the Golgo 13 manga, used by its titular character makes a cameo appearance in Curly's shop. The rifle is based on the Colt Delta HBAR setup (most notably the cheek riser), though features a select-fire A2 lower. At some point in the Golgo 13 story its A2 upper was replaced with a flattop A4 upper, and it was fitted with what appears to be an HK claw mount fitted to a picatinny rail adapter, essentially making it an overly-complex riser for the large scope mounted atop; it also features a cut-down A4 carry handle as a rear ironsight. Airsoft manufacturer Tokyo Marui made a limited production run replica of this custom M16, which is likely what was used as reference material.

Tokyo Marui "M16 Golgo 13 Custom" - 6mm BB
A SAR 21, custom M16, Modelo L, T91, SR 88A, and AUG A1 seen in great detail, in this stitched image. Given the other five rifles present, a FARA 83 was likely intended to fill the spot that was ultimately given to the custom M16. (Ep.4)

Colt Model 653

A Colt Model 653 with a 16-inch barrel is seen during the history of the M16, shown as an example of one of the M16's many derivatives.

Colt Model 653 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A Vietnam War-era American soldier armed with a Model 653, featuring two magazines taped together "jungle style". (Ep.4)


A customized M4A1 is seen during a summary of why weight is an important factor.

Colt M4A1 with Knight's Armament M4 rail system, Aimpoint CompM2 optic, foregrip, and rail covers - 5.56x45mm NATO
A soldier holding an M4A1 on the left, fitted with an aftermarket rail system and stock, an Aimpoint red dot, suppressor, foregrip, and flashlight. (Ep.4)

Type 86S

A full-auto-capable Type 86S appears in the hands of its personification, a member of the Akaganekou faction. She is credited as 86式自动步枪 (86 shì zìdòng bùqiāng / Type 86 automatic rifle) in both the anime and manga, the rifle's full Chinese designation but with the "S" omitted. The "S" suffix on Norinco (and related Chinese manufacturers') designations denotes semi-auto-only rifles (for example the semi-auto Type 84S and its full-auto sibling, the Type 84), and as such the rifle's full-auto capability paired with the consistent, deliberate omission of the "S" implies that within the Upotte!! universe a full-auto variant of the Type 86S was developed, naturally named Type 86. She isn't known to have a more "conversational" name, but in the interest of simplicity and clarity this page will refer to her as 86; whether this is pronounced in Chinese, Japanese, or English is left up to the reader.

Type 86S with sling and bayonet - 7.62x39mm
The Type 86 illuminated by its own muzzle flash, as 86 ambushes Elle. (Ep.10)
A smug 86 approaches a helpless Elle, giving a good look at the right side of her rifle. (Ep.10)
After Funco bails Elle out of the previous situation, 86 continues searching. The intersection at the northwestern end of Atami Ginza Shopping District can be seen in the background; 86 is pointing her rifle northwest, for context. (Ep.10)
A good close-up, showing that the Type 86 has a straight charging handle (as opposed to the curved variant). 86 is holding her rifle left-handed as she turns right-hand corners. (Ep.10)
Elle baits 86 back into the shopping district, under the false pretense that Elle is lacking a magazine. (Ep.10)
86 lies unconscious next to her rifle, outplayed by Elle. This is a good example of how the characters aren't truly human (a fact brought up in dialogue several times), with 86 taking four bullets to the chest and merely being knocked out. Another example from the same episode is an overheating Funco pouring water onto herself to cool off... with the water instantly boiling and vaporizing on contact with her skin. (Ep.10)
Recovered, 86 stands with the rest of Nanayon's group, including Saiga and RPK. (Ep.10)


A QBZ-97, the 5.56mm export variant of the QBZ-95, is used by a Seishou student at the firing range. This is consistent with other Eastern rifles' NATO export variants attending the Western-themed Seishou, such as Sako.

QBZ-97 - 5.56x45mm NATO
An overhead view of the range, as Professor Garand supervises. Left to right, the rifles are the QBZ-97, AR-18, L85, T91, AUG, and SG 550. (Ep.1)
The second-closest Seishou student fires her QBZ-97, with the closest being Ichihachi and her AR-18. (Ep.1)

Sako RK 95 TP

The exceptionally rare 5.56mm export variant of the Sako RK 95 TP is personified by Sako. Domineering and sadistic, newly-transferred Sako attempts to bully her way through the jungle war games tournament with the apparent goal of taking over Seishou Academy.

Sako RK 95 TP - 5.56x45mm NATO
Sako holding her RK 95, taking cover behind a tree as Funco provides fire support for Ichihachi. (Ep.5)
After temporarily blinding Funco by deliberately using poor-quality bullets whose jackets splinter into fragments on impact, Sako fires repeated shots into Funco's gut, even after the match-ending horn sounds. (Ep.5)
Her RK 95 now fitted with a scope, Sako searches for Ichiroku and Elle in the finals. (Ep.5)
Sako aims at the spectator platform, occupied by Ichihachi, Funco, Sig, IMBEL MD-2 (brown hair and freckles), and C7 (short dark brown hair and glasses). The latter two faced Sako and Galil in the quarter-finals, though their rifles are never seen on-screen. (Ep.5)
A stitched image of Sako aiming her RK 95 TP, giving a good look at the nearly-straight 5.56mm magazine, as opposed to the much more prominent curve of a 7.62mm AK mag. (Ep.6)
An excellent close-up of the RK 95 ejecting a spent case as Sako opens fire on Ichiroku, whom she had thought already defeated. (Ep.6)
Outraged, Sako refuses to accept having been bested by clever tactics and good teamwork, essentially challenging Ichiroku to "1v1 me bro" during her rant. (Ep.6)

SIG SG 550

Sig is the personification of the SIG SG 550. Smart yet somewhat of an airhead, Sig is a superb marksman, able to hold her own against the battle rifle characters at longer ranges. She is noted to use the Swiss GP 90 cartridge, a domestic version of 5.56mm NATO. While safely interchangeable with standard 5.56mm (Belgian SS109), the GP 90 cartridge features a notably heavier bullet for better performance at longer ranges, and as such is intended to be used with a different rifling twist rate. The SG 550 comes in two externally identical variants, the (domestic) SG 550-1 with a 1:10 twist rate for the GP 90 cartridge, and the (export) SG 550-2 with a 1:7 twist rate for standard 5.56mm. As such, Sig is specifically the SG 550-1 variant. Her rifle is often seen equipped with its proprietary Hensoldt ZF 6×42 BL scope.

SIG SG 550 - 5.56x45mm NATO
SIG SG 550 with Hensoldt ZF 6×42 BL - 5.56x45mm NATO
Sig at the range while Ichiroku performs a mag change in the next lane. (Ep.1)
Rifle now equipped with its ZF 6×42 BL scope, Sig has no trouble consistently hitting a 500m target, in this stitched image. (Ep.2)
A stitched shot of Sig resting with her rifle after a long and thoroughly enjoyable sniping duel with G3. (Ep.2)
An exceptionally dramatic shot of Sig firing her SG 550 one-handed and sideways, using its recoil to decapitate a whole row of targets. (Ep.3)
A tediously stitched image of Sig posing with her rifle in the Alps, fitted with its Hensoldt scope and a pair of 20-round magazines clipped together. (Ep.4)
A close-up of the SG 550's four-position fire selector, currently set to semi-auto, as Sig faces off with Sako outside Curly's shop. Sako notes to herself that the transparent magazine appears to be empty, but also that she could still have at least a couple rounds loaded at the top of the mag and in the chamber. It's never revealed whether or not Sig was bluffing. (Ep.4)
Sig's mid-episode artwork, her SG 550 sporting its ZF 6×42 BL and currently set to safe. (Ep.5)
Skeleton stock pressed firmly into her shoulder and integral bipod deployed, Sig makes use of G3's secret recoil reduction technique after receiving an unwelcome high-velocity haircut from Sako, in a stitched image. Sig keeps her hair short for the remainder of the season. (Ep.6)
Sig returns fire in Saiga's direction after being ambushed, her rifle now set to full-auto. (Ep.10)
Sig and Ichiroku attempt to hold their position, under fire from two directions at once. (Ep.10)

SIG SG 552

A SIG SG 552 is briefly seen when Ichihachi notes that Sig is frequently featured in movies, prompting Sig to complain that she's referencing the wrong model.

SIG SG 552 with scope rail - 5.56x45mm NATO
SG 552 fitted with a red dot sight and foregrip, set on a film-style backdrop. (Ep.4)

Steyr AUG A1

The Steyr AUG A1 is personified by Aug. She often switches between two different barrel lengths, represented by her natural long hair (508mm standard barrel) or a short-haired wig (350mm compact barrel), with the former bringing out her more aggressive and enthusiastic "true" personality, while the wig suppress this and makes her notably quiet and shy. She is also able to equip the extended 621mm AUG HBAR barrel, at which point her personality is said to become incredibly overbearing. Tei and the narrator use the English loanword "heavy barrel" (not used for her standard/long barrel) and the narrator further makes reference to this allowing the AUG to become a light machine gun, however the visual mistakenly depicts the AUG with its standard/long barrel instead of the HBAR's longer barrel and integrated bipod. Aug also wears glasses, which (as with Sar) likely represent the rifle's built-in optic. An AUG A1 is also seen in Curly's shop.

Steyr AUG A1 with 508mm standard barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO
Steyr AUG A1 with 407mm carbine barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO
(Aug uses the even shorter 350mm compact barrel)
Steyr AUG HBAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Aug aims her rifle, fitted with its compact barrel, while Sig fires her SG 550 at the range. (Ep.1)
A downscaled stitched image showcasing the AUG's compact and standard barrels, with Aug's matching hairstyles, as Ichihachi explains the versatility of the AUG and T91. (Ep.5)
An excellent shot of Aug with her rifle, as she and Tei prepare to engage Ichiroku. (Ep.5)
Aug fires her rifle, giving Tei cover as they perform a textbook example of bounding overwatch. (Ep.5)
Aug pulls the charging handle after inserting a fresh mag. The AUG A1's bolt does lock open when empty, however as the rifle lacks a bolt release catch and the charging handle is non-reciprocating, it must be fully pulled to the rear to release the bolt. (Ep.5)
A cut-in shown while Tei recommends Aug try equipping her heavy barrel, which should be the AUG HBAR, but isn't. (Ep.6)
The AUG's barrel gleams after Genkoku pulls off Aug's wig, unleashing her natural persona. (Ep.8)


The T91 appears in the hands of Tei, nicknamed "fountain head" by Ichiroku due to her six ponytails; her hairstyle may be a reference to the logo of the 205th Arsenal, the rifle's manufacturer. The T91's collapsible stock is drawn attention to in parallel with the AUG's interchangeable barrels, highlighting the two characters' adaptability. Having an adjustable-length stock also comes with the side effect of Tei having adjustable-length panties (tied on the sides like a bikini bottom). Just before her rifle starts jamming Ichiroku manages to hit the T91's stock, damaging it and knocking it off the rifle, which also causes Tei to lose her panties in the process. A T91 is present in Curly's shop as well.

T91 - 5.56x45mm NATO
A stitched shot of Tei posing with her T91, demonstrating its telescopic stock. (Ep.5)
The T91's bolt cycles, shown in such great detail that the firing pin hole in the bolt face is visible. (Ep.5)
Tei collapses the rifle's stock as she prepares to advance, which she does by actually using the carry handle for its intended purpose. (Ep.5)
Tei fires her T91 at the large tree behind which Ichiroku is taking cover, in this stitched shot. Tei and Aug were slated to face Sig and Cal in the quarter-finals, however with Cal not feeling up to participating Sig opted to sit out the tournament as well, giving Tei and Aug the win by default. (Ep.5)
A bullet from Ichiroku's M16A4 clips the T91's stock catch, breaking it off and allowing the stock to slide off the buffer tube. (Ep.5)
The now-commando Tei gives Aug a thumbs up as the duo prepare to rush Ichiroku's position. (Ep.5)
In a stitched shot, Tei lies next to her stockless T91 after she and Aug were taken out nearly simultaneously by Ichiroku preempting their assault, leaping from cover while fanning her malfunctioning M16's forward assist like a revolver. (Ep.5)

Wz. 88 Tantal

A Wz. 88 Tantal, the Polish equivalent to (but not copy of) the AK-74, is wielded by an Akaganekou student during the shootout in Atami. This rifle serves as a stellar example of the sort of "similar but different" rifles that the rest of the Akaganekou "extras" should canonically be wielding, instead of standard AK-74s. The character's name is never given, but she presumably goes by Tantal.

Wz. 88 Tantal - 5.45x39mm
The Akaganekou student fires her Tantal alongside Saiga. (Ep.10)
The Wz. 88 on the left, as Ichiroku gets ambushed for a second time. (Ep.10)
Saiga's shotgun emits some impressive muzzle flash, as her partner aims the Tantal while taking cover behind a box van. The Wz. 88's distinctive folding stock can be seen in all three shots, but is most visible here. (Ep.10)

Battle Rifles & Rifles

Heckler & Koch G3A3

G3 is the physical embodiment of the Heckler & Koch G3A3, and unsurprisingly has numerous sisters (G3-based roller-delayed rifles) and cousins (other HK rifles). The rest of the HK family within Upotte!! (as of when the anime was made) consists of HK33E, G41, and G36 in middle school, HK53, MP5A2, MP5SD, MP5K, UMP, and MP7A1 in elementary school, and the elusive HK32 (an HK33 in 7.62x39mm) who attends Akaganekou due to her cartridge. All except G36 and HK32 live together in the same apartment, with (alongside G3 and MP) UMP, MP5K, and MP7A1 being seen and the remaining four being heard off-screen in the epilogue episode. G3 has modified her rifle by replacing the standard diopter rear sight with the aperture rear sight from the HK21, claiming she wants to be able to hit targets out to 1000m away, though when pressed she admits her eyesight isn't actually good enough to make use of this. As such, when in longer range engagements she equips a Tasco Titan 3-12×52 scope fitted to an HK claw mount; its markings are legible in the manga.

Heckler & Koch G3A3 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Mid-episode artwork of the battle rifle trio. Most of the stats are correct, with the notable exception of the G3A3 and FAL being listed as having collapsible/folding stocks, which would be the G3A4 and one of numerous folding stock FAL variants. (Ep.2)
G3 aiming at Funco from an upper floor during their friendly match. (Ep.2)
Taking precision fire from an exceptionally long distance, G3 hastily moves to take cover as Sig joins the fight. (Ep.2)
An excellent view of the G3A3 in this stitched shot, including its HK21 rear sight and Titan scope, as G3 gets excited for what's now become a sniping duel. (Ep.2)
G3 uses her scope to search for Sig all the way over in another building, noting that Sig is following standard shoot-and-move sniping doctrine. The large adjustment knobs of the HK21 sight can be seen here. (Ep.2)
A 7.62mm NATO case twirls through the air as G3 fires on what she thinks is Sig. In actuality Sig had been holding up a dummy silhouette. Sig is impressed (and unsurprised) by G3's ability to land three shots with an eight centimetre grouping within two seconds at such a long range. (Ep.2)
Getting carried away with her duel, G3 deploys the G3A3's bipod and goes all in, leaving Fal mildly exasperated that she's no longer helping against their original opponents, in this stitched shot. (Ep.2)
Muzzle flash from the G3A3 as the duel carries on a while longer, shortly before G3 opts to make use of her secret recoil reduction technique. (Ep.2)
A fantastic stitched shot of G3 with her rifle after the battle, now without her leggings and shoes. (Ep.2)
G3 next to her rifle in the end credits, in this stitched shot. This is the only time within the anime that the G3A3 is seen without a scope. (ED)


Funco's elder sister Fal is the British L1A1, often listed as "FAL L1A1" in the anime/manga, likely for clarity. Beautiful, smart, and an excellent tactician, Fal embodies all the traits of an admirable older sister. In the show as it aired Fal is at one point seen firing a burst of full-auto, something the semi-auto-only L1A1 is not capable of. This was corrected to three rapid shots in semi-auto for the BD release.

L1A1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Rifles in hand, Ichiyon and Fal challenge their sisters to a mock battle. (Ep.2)
A stitched profile shot of Fal's L1A1 as she waits for Funco to make the first move. (Ep.2)
Fal and Funco face off on opposite sides of a fountain, in this magnificent stitched shot. The balloons attached to their heads are their targets. Although they are, again, not human and can take significant punishment, being shot is still not pleasant, thus the balloons. (Ep.2)
Fal fires three shots as Funco attempts to break cover, corrected from a full-auto burst in the original TV version. (Ep.2)
Confident in her victory, Fal asks what Funco will do now, giving a detailed look at her L1's receiver. (Ep.2)
Funco opts for the clever and unexpected option of going through the fountain, poking her FNC's muzzle out and firing on Fal. It almost works. Fal manages to evade, and while keeping her composure simply grabs the FNC by its muzzle and pulls Funco rifle-first out of the fountain. (Ep.2)
Fal "executes" Funco with her L1A1. (Ep.2)
After G3 mentions that the "G" in her designation stands for Gewehr, Fal explains that "FAL" is an acronym for Fusil Automatique Léger, as this shot of the L1A1 over the Belgian flag is shown. (Ep.3)
A good close-up of the L1A1's receiver as Ichiyon asks what the "L" stands for (Land Service). (Ep.3)
Fal the cool, reliable onee-san with her rifle and an ammo box in a stitched image from the end credits, giving a good look at the rifle's front end. (ED)


A C1A1 is shown during the history of the L85. The Japanese text simply reads "early version FAL" and gives a cartridge listing of 7.92x33mm Kurz, which seems to be mixing up two FAL variants that independently are both very relevant to the topic. Canada was the first country to adopt the FAL, with the Canadians being responsible for converting its specifications from metric to imperial, thus creating the "inch-pattern" FAL. The British L1A1 (Upotte!!'s Fal) and Australian L1A1 were both derived from the Canadian C1A1. The C1 has several features quite distinct from other FAL variants (including its Commonwealth siblings), most notably an open-topped receiver with a stripper clip guide as well as a different rear sight.

The mention of 7.92x33mm Kurz is a reference to the FN Universal Carbine, the very first prototype of what would become the FAL. Developed almost immediately after WWII, the Universal Carbine would quickly evolve into the FN Automatic Carbine in .280 British, before the American insistence on adopting 7.62x51mm as the new NATO standard forced FN to adapt their rifle for that cartridge.

C1A1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Fabrique Nationale Universal Carbine - 7.92x33mm Kurz
A C1A1, with its distinctive open-topped receiver and stripper clip guide. Curiously, it's depicted with a standard FAL rear sight and the three vent holes of a Belgian FAL. The 7.92x33mm Kurz cartridge of the Universal Carbine is also listed. (Ep.3)

M1 Garand

A pair of crossed M1 Garand rifles make up part of Seishou Academy's emblem, and a large wooden sign depicting an M1 Garand sits on the entrance gate for the school's annual festival. The rifle is personified by Professor Garand, one of the few male gun characters in Upotte!!. Professor Garand has the appearance and persona of a WWII-era USMC drill instructor and serves as the teacher for many firearm and outdoor-related activities, such as supervising the firing range and the jungle tournament. Garand's (Japanese) actor also provides the voice for the show's narrator.

The Seishou Academy faculty members seen within the anime are Headmaster Springfield, Professor Garand, Ms Fujiko, Ms Thompson, Ms SK (SIG SK 46), and Ms Mire (Japanese phonetic pronounciation of "Mle", the standard French short form of Modèle).

M1 Garand - .30-06 Springfield
The Seishou Academy logo on one of many booklets given to Genkoku to help him learn about the school. The muzzle, front sight, and receiver of the M1s are visible, and the same shot in the manga shows them in much more detail. (Ep.1)
Some of the male students assemble a gate for the festival, pulling up a large M1 Garand sign. Seishou is a mixed school, though all of the male students are simply human. (Ep.8)


Ichiyon ("one-four"), the personification of the M14, is Ichiroku's adoptive elder sister. Described as seeming elegant and refined so long as she doesn't open her mouth, Ichiyon is notorious for terrible puns; this has earned her the nickname G Bijin ("G Beauty/Cutie"). Ichiyon is convinced the "G" stands for something like "Great" or "Gorgeous", but it's actually short for "Gakkari" ("Disappointed/Dejected"), with Gakkari Bijin usually translated as "God, Not Again Cutie". With the M14's full-power 7.62mm NATO rounds and fairly high rate of fire making the rifle notoriously difficult to control, Ichiyon's marksmanship is truly abysmal in full-auto; Ichiroku claims it to be as bad as a ten metre spread. When in need of a long range optic Ichiyon equips her rifle with a Leatherwood ART 3-9×40 scope, the same optic used on the M14's sniper rifle counterpart, the M21. As the M21 is merely a handpicked-for-accuracy M14 fitted with an ART scope and locked to semi-auto, her M14 is virtually indistinguishable from an M21 when equipped with the scope, though is not one due to retaining full-auto functionality.

Behind the scenes photos of Ichiyon's actress Saeko Zougou handling a number of (deactivated) firearms are featured on the Talk Page.

M14 - 7.62x51mm NATO
M21 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Ichiyon firing her M14 alongside Fal at the range. (Ep.2)
Excellent detail on the ART and rear receiver as Ichiyon fires at her sister. (Ep.2)
Annoyed by Ichiroku's burst spam, Ichiyon flips her M14's selector to full-auto, the large "A" visible. (Ep.2)
Ichiyon struggles to control the M14's recoil, to the degree that she's now firing upwards despite being on the building's second floor. (Ep.2)
The M14's bolt cycles as Ichiyon dumps rounds vaguely in her target's direction. Ichiroku doesn't even bother taking cover. (Ep.2)
Finally managing some reasonable accuracy, Ichiyon forces her sister back under the tree. The M14's flip-up buttplate, intended to help control recoil in full-auto, is deployed here. (Ep.2)
M14 now also sporting a Harris bipod, G3 teaches Ichiyon her secret full-auto recoil reduction technique. Although G3 tends to get rather intense during fights (which is most of her screentime), this is much more representative of her usual personality. (Ep.2)
American soldiers armed with M14s during an overview of the Vietnam War. (Ep.4)
An M14 lies on the jungle floor as the narrator mentions that its length and wood stock were unsuited for the cramped, humid jungle environment. (Ep.4)
A scopeless M14 in the end credits. (ED)

Remington Model 700

A (deliberately) crude drawing of what appears to be a Remington Model 700 with a McMillan Hunter stock appears on a poster in Seishou Academy. Many posters like this are seen around the school, some with reminders for students to do things like keep their chamber clear and such. Most others feature drawings of firearms or magazines otherwise seen in the show, but this rifle is unique to the poster.

Remington Model 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag
A Remington 700 with MacMillan Hunter stock on the poster to the left. Despite being a simple drawing, the stock's distinctive cheekrest is clearly visible. (Ep.3)


An SKS appears during the explanation of the origin of assault rifles. The narrator mentions that the Soviets had successfully adopted an intermediate cartridge (7.62x39mm) very shortly after WWII, then contrasts this with the Americans pressuring NATO into adopting the full-power 7.62x51mm cartridge.

SKS - 7.62x39mm
An SKS over the hammer and sickle, paving the way for the Kalashnikov. (Ep.3)

Vehicle-Mounted Weapons


Several UH-1 Iroquois helicopters, as well as a single CH-47 Chinook are seen throughout the summary of the Vietnam War, each armed with a pair of M60D machine guns, the variant of the M60 fitted with spade grips for use in helicopters. The Iroquois is probably best known by its unofficial nickname, "Huey", a bastardized form of its original "HU-1" designation.

M60D - 7.62x51mm NATO
A Huey arrives to pick up some American troops in Vietnam, one of the door gunner M60Ds visible, in this stitched image. (Ep.4)

M134 Minigun

A pair of AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters are seen escorting a large formation of transport helis over Vietnam. AH-1s of this era were equipped with a twin-gun nose turret that could fit a pair of M134 Miniguns, a pair of M129 grenade launchers, or one of each.

M134 Minigun - 7.62x51mm NATO
M129 - 40x53mm or 40x46mm
Two Cobras, identifiable by their narrow fuselage and stubby wings, escort six Iroquois and one Chinook as the US pulls out of Vietnam, symbolically leaving Ichiroku behind, in another stitched image. (Ep.4)

M61 Vulcan

The M61 Vulcan is the gun armament of F-22 Raptors seen at the Seishou festival, while a poster for the in-universe film Political Decision in Funco and Ichihachi's room features an F-14 Tomcat, also armed with an M61. More specifically, the F-22 is armed with the M61A2, a lightened variant developed specifically for the Raptor, also used by the F/A-18 Super Hornet; the lightening process included thinner barrels, which due to their lower mass resulted in a slightly higher rate of fire. The F-14 uses the regular M61A1 variant. The poster is a reference to the film Executive Decision, which notably features the FNC (specifically the shorter barrel FNC Para), likely a contributing factor to Funco having it in her room.

M61 Vulcan - 20x102mm
An F-14 Tomcat silhouetted on a Political Decision poster, with Ichihachi in the foreground. The poster is a rather faithful parody, with the F-117 swapped for an F-14, orange sky, part of the hangar, title with the lead actor's name above, description of the film above those, and credits at the bottom. (Ep.3)
Thompson and Genkoku take a look at a pair of F-22s parked on the Seishou Academy track and field. The Raptors and their support crew received a significant quality improvement for the BD release. (Ep.8)

MG 15

A grainy, black-and-white film-style shot of Ju 88 bombers over London is shown during the history of British assault rifles when the narrator mentions Britain's lack of resources after World War II. Early-war Ju 88s were armed with three MG 15 machine guns, one forward-firing next to the pilot, one in the rear of the cockpit, and the other in a ventral position.

MG 15 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Ju 88s over a detailed aerial view of London, in a downscaled stitched image. The large peninsula known as "The Island" and its ship docks can be seen at upper-right, while the Tower Bridge is visible at top-left, just forward of the Ju 88's port wing. (Ep.3)

Sumitomo Type 74

A Sumitomo Type 74 serves as the coaxial machine gun in the Type 74 tank present at the school festival. The Type 74 MBT is equipped with a domestically-produced version of the British 105mm L7A1 as its main cannon.

Sumitomo Type 74 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Ichiyon pokes her head out of the commander's hatch, as her driver attempts to break down the festival gate. The small hole between the L7 cannon and the large square IR lamp is the port for the Type 74 machine gun, while the opposite port is for the gunner's optic. (Ep.8)

Sumitomo M2

Atop the Type 74 tank is a Sumitomo M2, the Japanese license-produced M2HB. An American-production M2HB is seen as the primary armament of an M1127, the reconnaissance vehicle variant of the Stryker family of APCs, used to demonstrate optical camouflage technology during the festival.

M2HB - .50 BMG
Ichiyon in the Type 74, next to the Sumitomo M2 and its ammo box, with a visibly distressed Genkoku in front of the tank. After Ms Thompson scolds her for attempting to break through the gate, Ichiyon has her driver instead take the tank straight through the school's solid concrete fence. (Ep.8)
A Seishou student prepares to demonstrate the Stryker's (fictitious) optical camo. This student and her friend who puts a VR headset on Genkoku afterwards aren't credited with specific names, so it's unclear which rifles they represent. (Ep.8)

Launchers & Grenades

Fabrique Nationale GL1

An FN GL1 grenade launcher is seen on the ACR poster in Curly's shop, although it's actually for the F2000.

Fabrique Nationale GL1 - 40x46mm
A GL1 on the poster. This shot gives a better angle than the one in the ACR section, though with some of the ACR parts obscured by Funco. (Ep.4)


An RPG-7 is seen alongside a couple other launchers in Curly's mobile shop set up for the school festival. Among the many military-related things present at Curly's tent is an AN/PSQ-20 night vision goggle, which Ichiroku becomes enthralled with and attempts to spend the class's festival budget to buy for herself. Ichiroku repeatedly refers to it by name, and notes it's something that only SOCOM and the 10th Mountain Division have access to, which was true at the time the show is set (it explicitly takes place in 2012/2013).

RPG-7 - 40mm
An RPG-7 and two more traditional tube-shaped launchers sit in a box at Curly's tent. This shot is another to receive improvements for the BD release. (Ep.8)

Mk 2 hand grenade

A pineapple pie made to look like a Mk 2 hand grenade is given to Genkoku during the festival, naturally due to the Mk 2's nickname of "pineapple grenade".

Mk 2 hand grenade
A very intimidating pineapple pie. (Ep.8)
The pineapple pie after "exploding". This shot was completely redrawn for the BD release. (Ep.8)

Curly's Shop

In addition to the many other rifles identified elsewhere on the page, there is a rack of poorly-seen rifles in Curly's shop, near the counter.

A rack of six rifles to the right, some with a reasonable amount of detail. (Ep.4)


cork air gun

A cork-firing air gun, a staple of Japanese festivals, is seen at a stall in the town festival early in the first episode. Funco, naturally good with guns as she is one herself, uses one to win a prize for a couple of kids, after which the stall owner disqualifies her on grounds of being a Seishou Academy student. Genkoku, passing by, then attempts to use the gun as well. The air gun (technically not a rifle as it lacks rifling) is single-shot, muzzle-loaded, and fires from an open bolt. The show skips the muzzle loading part in the interest of time and comedy, but the cocking handle is correctly depicted throughout.

Japanese-made air gun - cork projectile
(This appears to be the exact model featured in Upotte!!)
A young boy waves around one of the air guns as the stall owner puts a "Mintendo 3BS" back on the shelf. To its left is a "Wee" console, and to its right a water gun that appears to have the carry handle and triangular handguard of an early-pattern M16. (Ep.1)
Funco aims the air gun, showing its rear sight assembly. The bolt is correctly locked to the rear. (Ep.1)
Genkoku fires the air gun, leaving Funco feeling rather self-conscious seeing him handle a gun. The bolt is animated in this sequence, having now dropped forward. (Ep.1)

Fabrique Nationale SCAR-H magazines

Magazines for the SCAR-H are seen during the lengthy summary of the differences between assault rifles and battle rifles, specifically when noting that smaller, lighter intermediate rounds allow for more total ammo to be carried. The SCAR-H magazines sit next to a stack of FN-pattern 5.56mm STANAG mags, which were originally developed for the FNC and later continued to be used for the F2000 and SCAR-L. Compared to typical American GI-pattern STANAG mags, FN STANAG mags are built from steel (rather than aluminum), have a darker finish, and their most obvious visual difference is that two of the three reinforcing grooves do not extend all the way through the bottom of the mag, ending just above the floorplate.

Three FNC/F2000/SCAR-L magazines on the left, with two SCAR-H magazines on the right. (Ep.2)

Seishou Academy student name list

A very long list of gun/character names is seen when the students get the results of their midterms. A few of the names are repeated, but there's still an incredibly high number of unique names listed, many being relatively obscure and/or rarely seen in media. Some of the names are those of Akaganekou students.

Almost the entire list, with the highest-to-lowest scoring students listed right-to-left; the highest possible score appears to be "500". Sig states that she got third place, which is reflected here. (Ep.2)
The left end of the list, with the left-most thirteen names being the ones not visible in the previous shot. Including duplicates, there are a total of one hundred twenty-six names listed. (Ep.2)

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